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About Gourka

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  1. Gourka

    Game goes too fast...

    Welcome to the matrix
  2. Gourka

    I'm a little bit irritated ...

    I would like to know a good web site for military acronym because sometime I have problem in the forum with term like MOUT, CQB etc... So maybe a good idea to add usefull links with military term and acronym in the sticky lexicon.
  3. Gourka

    [SP] Missing in Action

    Ok then nothing more to say...
  4. Gourka

    [SP] Missing in Action

    The link work but it's not the radio tower it's IDF Weapons by The Lost Brothers (970kb) the correct link Radio tower
  5. Gourka

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    € € Copy and paste, at list me, I don't have the "€" character in my keyboard, so if you are like me and don't have it then you are toasted. I have a microsoft keyboard and I have Å,$, but no €. A bit off topic but: Ctrl + Alt + e = € working with: 1. Arial TrueType font 2. Courier New TrueType font 3. Times New Roman TrueType font 4. Tahoma TrueType font (regular and bold)
  6. Gourka

    Ecp released!

    Hi ECP team, I found a bug. Here the message: When I use the ECP Settings in game (Esc. + ECP Settings) I have a message like this one. Strange it append only with the new marine pack from Suchey. tested with bis soldier, with the beta version of the marine by Suchey, with LSR Russian SF Pack and no problemo. I wish you a merry christmas to the ecp team and the whole forum Gourka
  7. Gourka

    Ecp released!

    broken link
  8. Gourka

    Ofp patches errors! damnit!!

    So if you have OFP retail, OFP Gold Edition, and Resistance you need to download the patch for resitance and not the GOTY patch. Resitance patch size ~15MB GOTY patch size ~9MB What is the size of your patch currently ??
  9. Gourka

    Ecp released!

    From the readme.txt Not enough to place the DynamicRange.pbo in addons folder. You need to use the right config.bin. Try to move the config.bin from "ECP_Beta_1.02\@ECP\updated DR bin" to the "bin" folder.
  10. Gourka

    Nogova... virus

    Result page for the download link: Let me know when the page is back from NASA
  11. Gourka

    Ecp released!

    Nice to see an MD5 sum downloading now... Thank's RED
  12. Gourka

    New bike for ofp!

    Of course I can see the nice quality of this texture. Great job
  13. Gourka

    New bike for ofp!

    Other question. Why the file is so large To compare: Your byke 8.8mb - 1 byke dkm rh66 8.8mb - 6 helo with internal and external texture
  14. Gourka

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    No. The first path include missions fix and the BAS_isle_anim fix. You need the two patch BTW thank you Nagual for this patch.
  15. Gourka

    Ecp released!

    The md5 for the "DynamicRange.zip" from ofpec. b8ac16aa8bf173b6d5763b30f0949c45 And a small question for web admin ppl. I would like to know if it's a big deal to put a md5 or crc file with all download like: DynamicRange.zip MD5# b8ac16aa8bf173b6d5763b30f0949c45 ECP_Beta_1.0.zip MD5# 544ceb5f9862c5621e0349aa3700c453 BTW this is the md5 result for the file allready dowloaded so dont use this result as reference. Here a link if you need a small and free md5 tool. Link