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LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

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You are correct. Good observation. It is a limitation of how information is shared and gathered by the AI as compared to humans. It is worth mentioning that information was shared to the BTR from the patrol standing next to it.  In other tests I've run, without infantry present-- enemy armour is far more inert. 

One of the big difficulties of a fully universal-- in a terrain  and equipment sense--  AI like Arma3 is that we humans come equipped with much more contextual information than is translated to the AI.  A human might expect an attack to come from a certain direction. Might pretend not to know. Might have other units hidden or ready to respond.  Indeed, in nearly every platoon on platoon engagement style mission the human side is generally briefed with information about expected location of enemy and reinforcements. Comparatively, the AI is dropped in place and expected to respond to best ability. 

I won't say it can't be done better. But sometimes a level of abstraction is necessary for the AI to appear more human. 


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Here is a follow-up video that further explores the final mature implementation of fleeing and flight in LAMBS danger.fsm version 2.0



Key things to notice: 

The distinction between fleeing and hiding.  Fleeing is a vanilla feature which is triggered when the AI is grossly outmatched and unable to damage its enemy with a weapon. Hiding is a danger.fsm operation which happens both on the individual level (when the AI finds itself without weapons to damage the immediate threat) and the group level (when an infantry  leader assesses that there are armoured or air threats present).  This video showcases all these matters focusing mainly on responses to Armoured vehicles-- but ending with a small demonstration of helicopter responses. 


obs: At the time of writing the video is still being processed so resolution may be limited. 



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@nkenny have you done any performance testing to see what kind of impact of this additional scripting will have on the server?

As well - is your FSM running in addition to the vanilla FSM, or do you somehow disable the original vanilla FSM to run yours?  If so - how?



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My tests have found no great performance costs.  I've run countless local tests and two larger scale op tests,  20-30 players-- with a third scheduled for tomorrow. My local tests have found FPS to be _exactly_ the same as vanilla. In fact, I have sometimes seen better FPS with mine. There have been reports of greater memory usage with the mod active. I have not had any consistent evidence to corroborate this; especially not with version 2.0


The lambs danger.fsm overrides (extends and enhances) the vanilla one The vanilla FSM is not run at all. 


Performance impact, if any, is minimal. Especially compared to the weight of mods like ACE3, RHS and CUP. 



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just a small feedback. AI becomes very deadly on maps with lots of grass. They lay down and it becomes very very hard to notice them due to grass but they can see players without much issue although players are also laying down. Is there a way to let them crouch instead on grass if AI really wants to shot instead of hide?

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1 hour ago, Devastator_cm said:

just a small feedback. AI becomes very deadly on maps with lots of grass. They lay down and it becomes very very hard to notice them due to grass but they can see players without much issue although players are also laying down. Is there a way to let them crouch instead on grass if AI really wants to shot instead of hide?

Actually, when building a terrain you can decide if AI can or can't lay down on a specific surface. i.e in tall grass surface (or any other), you can force AI not to use prone position.  But that is for map makers to decide, not sure if you can change that with .FSM 

it's in CfgSurfaces and called AIAvoidStance. Can go for config override, something like

class CfgSurfaces { class Default { AIAvoidStance = 2; }; };


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12 hours ago, chernaruski said:

Actually, when building a terrain you can decide if AI can or can't lay down on a specific surface. i.e in tall grass surface (or any other), you can force AI not to use prone position.  But that is for map makers to decide, not sure if you can change that with .FSM 

it's in CfgSurfaces and called AIAvoidStance. Can go for config override, something like

class CfgSurfaces { class Default { AIAvoidStance = 2; }; };



There was a small .pbo that did this but I cannot find it anymore, does anyone still has that and could share a download link?

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A small video demonstrating two new waypoints added to v2.0 and some of the new optional keyboard shortcuts. 




While the AI is more likely to blindfire, nothing has been done to how the AI perceives the world or engages point targets. 


Perhaps this is a case of false attribution 🙂 also, the modding suggested above may help. 



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Hey nkenny.  I finally tried LAMBS Danger FSM in a mission last night.  There were about 70 active AI, 20 groups, and 12 vehicles fighting CQB in Pyrgos on Altis.  I have to say it really improved the experience.  I had many moments where I felt seriously hunted and cornered, which upped the intensity of the experience (including many point blank sphincter tightening moments).  I played SP with team switch, and was pleasantly surprised to spawn into an AI that was hiding in a windmill with 2 other AI because of enemy tanks near by.


This is great work you are doing.  Thank you.


Edit:  I experienced a problem with Enhancement Movement mod while running LAMBS Danger FSM.  In the same mission described above, I was also running Enhanced Movement mod.  When player climbed walls, more than 50% of the time, the animation would play at ground level (partially undergound), and player still landed on other side of wall.  This happened frequently over a few hours.  I just tried exact same mission without LAMBS Danger, and the Enhanced Movement player animations all worked perfectly.  I'm guessing its a resource competition issue of some kind.  Its a shame because I really like both these mods.

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We ran this over the weekend too for our Zeus mission and my guys really enjoyed it.

However as the Zeus I was a little frustrated that they wouldn't obey my garrison command and would instead leave the building with the hostage and head out to hunt the playerbase.
I can work around that for next week's by placing the garrisoned units in the editor like I did the hostages and then turn off the danger_fsm but that's only viable if I know I want units to be garrisoned ahead of time.

If I was to be really picky (and this is being picky) I'd say the AI were a bit too aggressive. Eg if the players took cover in a house the AI would rush into that house to take them out. 

Great work though, can't wait to see what the update brings

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7 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

Edit:  I experienced a problem with Enhancement Movement mod while running LAMBS Danger FSM.  In the same mission described above, I was also running Enhanced Movement mod.  When player climbed walls, more than 50% of the time, the animation would play at ground level (partially undergound), and player still landed on other side of wall.  This happened frequently over a few hours.  I just tried exact same mission without LAMBS Danger, and the Enhanced Movement player animations all worked perfectly.  I'm guessing its a resource competition issue of some kind.  Its a shame because I really like both these mods.


 Thats weird -i never play without EM (cause its how i like to roll IRL) -and havent noticed this at all with Lambs. Ill keep my eye out for it

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Is there a key somewhere for LAMBS Suppression? The main and RPG mods have it, but I didn't see one for Suppression, which I would need to use it on our server, I believe.

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4 hours ago, Aetherblade said:

Is there a key somewhere for LAMBS Suppression? The main and RPG mods have it, but I didn't see one for Suppression, which I would need to use it on our server, I believe.

We have a signed server and run danger fsm and supperssion fine.  I get what you're saying though, as there doesn't appear to be a key, but I think this:
lambs_mods.bikey  covers both. 


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Must have skipped it in making somehow. Yes. As Duke_SFG says, it is the same for all my steam releases. 



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That is weird. My community plays with enhanced movement, and I've seen none of those reports. I will continue to investigate



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2 minutes ago, nkenny said:

That is weird. My community plays with enhanced movement, and I've seen none of those reports. I will continue to investigate

It happened again when I retried same mission.  It seems to happen only when climbing fences/walls where you land on the same elevation at other side.  If you are climbing up onto a building or object, the animation works as expected (no problem).  The other mod I have running is CBA, but I wouldn't think that would be a problem.

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I did my op today with all lambs stuff, and I didn't see any issues with enhanced movement. The key did also not seem needed, no.

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2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

It happened again when I retried same mission.  It seems to happen only when climbing fences/walls where you land on the same elevation at other side.  If you are climbing up onto a building or object, the animation works as expected (no problem).  The other mod I have running is CBA, but I wouldn't think that would be a problem.


 Can you give exact coordinates of where this is happening so we can give definitive answer? Sounds like a ghost bug -sh*t that happens to you and only you tho you are running no other mods.

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@nkenny I'm looking forward to the release of the next version of this mod; are you nearing that fateful day?

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On 12/3/2019 at 8:41 PM, Ryko said:

@nkenny I'm looking forward to the release of the next version of this mod; are you nearing that fateful day?


Also patiently awaiting the next release!

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Heh, anything that enhances emergent AI behaviour is like Christmas magic sprinkled all over Arma3. Between this and Leopards havent been this amped for an update since solus'es SLX mod for OFP

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Just asking, and your response lets me know that people are still working on it, which is all I wanted to know.

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So, is this a mod that runs server side or is there anything that needs to be added when making a mission?  Script file or anything?

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