Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 2, 2019 Terrains of Bohemian Interactive for Take on Helicopters ported to Arma 3. This Mods is an adaptation of the old ToH map for Arma 3, but trying to preserve the old spirit of the map. Without major modifications, with new functional additions and without pretensions to create a new map and if a reliable adaptation. I know this is nothing new, but in this case the difference is that added roads in South Asia: After 6 months of work, research and testing tools, a first functional version of more than 7000 sections of real roads has been achieved. Now the AI circulates through them, looks for roads and they are visible from the GPS. Thank the QGIS Game terrain tools plugin by @adanteh for their wonderful work. and skyscrapers and other buildings in Seattle: Thanks to the teacher @.kju for his patience and advice. You can download from now in Workshop, enjoy: @ToH Core (Available via WorkShop). @South Asia (Available via WorkShop). @Seattle (Available via WorkShop). Optional: @ToH noRoads South Asia (Available via WorkShop). @ToH noRoads Seattle (Available via WorkShop). @ToH Dummy CUP (Available via WorkShop). Todo.txt @ToH Core Spoiler Version 1.220-Fixed bug to override sun glare on maps with CUP dependency. Version 1.211-Fixed shader bug. Version 1.210-Fixed issue with the advanced flight system. -Fixed compatibility with CUP with inverted texture on takistan roads. -Updated A3 options. Version 1.201-Fixed bug of new PiP option in A3 options. Version 1.200-Added Seattle buildings now accessible in the Zeus editor. -Added new Shader to colour the ground according to satellite texture, applicable to all Arma3 maps (Thanks to @Defunkt for allowing me to add his amazing work). Version 1.112-Removed dummy_h.pbo (added in an external mod "@ToH Dummy CUP"). -Modifications in runway .p3d for better track logic (Thanks to [EC] HAWK). Version 1.111-Added Dummy_H.pbo, now you can use CUP Terrain - Core (place it above ToH Core). Version 1.110-Optimized South Asian roads, eliminated unnecessary areas and corrected some others. (WIP) -Complete version of Seattle's roads, still in work, is a first version. (WIP) Version 1.105 -Fixed walls and fences, now they are destructible by vehicle collision. -Added more intensity to the night lights of signaling of airports and buildings. Version 1.104.1 -Fixed error in the signature of Bikeys (thanks Tova). Version 1.104 -Added vision of skyscrapers and airport runways are now seen according to ground distance. -Rebinarized all the buildings of Seattle structures, now they have normalmaps, environment reflections & emissive textures (spectacular at night). -Added more lost buildings (have appeared when binarizing), now the industrial area is more built. @Seattle Spoiler Version 1.106-Fixed minor model errors in the map. Version 1.105 -Added 3 new airstrips, all airports. Version 1.103 -Improved the color of the grass, stained by the satellite image. Version 1.102 -Fixed error saturating blank screen, adding value "skyColorInfluencesFogColor = 0" -Added new sky mode, more cloudy and dark. Based on the sky of Livonia. -Added first version of roads (only the downtown area) Version 1.101 -Added in the "Optional" folder, a PBO that adds roads (temporary test) in downtown Seattle. @South Asia Spoiler Version 1.105-Fixed minor model errors in the map. Version 1.104-Added 3 new airports. Version 1.103 -Added rock clutters to give a feeling of not so smooth terrain. Version 1.102 -Fixed error saturating blank screen, adding value "skyColorInfluencesFogColor = 0" Version 1.101 -Withdrawn from Workshop due to an alleged DMCA case. Awaiting trial. Olds Spoiler Version 1.100 -Added the mod @ToH Core and @Seattle. -Now South Asia and Seattle have dependence on ToH Core. -Seattle incorporates all the improvements mentioned above in South Asia. -Includes a first version of skyscrapers (v0.1) that does not include reflections or normal maps. I have to improve my knowledge of binarization. -Eden Editor: Object Categorization is being sorted. To facilitate the use of the Core. -New Location icons to minimize the amount of text (for example, Mines and Oilfields). Version 1.002 -Fixed error "sky_clear_horizont_sky.paa" that caused lighting problems on the map (Thanks to @bax ). Version 1.001 -Added roads_e.pbo to create airstrips for airports. Version 1.000 -Original TKoH terrero of 122x122km. -Changed the lighting and climate system Arma3 1.60. -New more defined terrain textures. -Preserved original horizon and clouds in the sky. -Added 5 new airports with their Taxiway (ILS) -Now map names appear in 10 languages (English, Czech, German, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, French & Japanese). -Changed the original fauna for a similar one of Arma3. -Changed the texture of the water and its behavior. -Added roads (alpha v0.2), functional for AI and visible on GPS. -New Cutscenes compatible with the initial menu of Arma3. -High quality satellite map image. -New TKoH logos in the Arma3 style. -8-digit map coordinates fully functional and visible. -Signed files v2. Minimum recommended visibility setting: setViewDistance 12000; setObjectViewDistance [6000,400]; setTerrainGrid 7.5; setPiPViewDistance 4000; setDetailMapBlendPars [5,50]; More images: Known Bugs: -It is compatible with @CUP Terrain - Core, but it must be loaded before @ToH Core in the mod list. -There is a problem related to the size of the roads. If you overload a lot of Mods and you have a PC with little Ram memory*, it is possible to get a fatal error of "many virtual blocks requested" due to the saturation of information loaded into memory.*I have 16GB of DDR3 and I have not had problems with a number of normal mods (CBA + ACE + CUP's + CFP + US MILITARY + TFR + others). I hope to further optimize the road file for a better load in the future. Another questions: Spoiler In the face of accusations of plagiarism from other modders in South Asia, I mean that adding values to the Config.cpp is not that difficult. All work is done by TKoH and BI. And there are good examples of config config compatible with Arma 3 v1.60 that make it very easy to adapt this map. This is my Config.cpp created based on those published by @J0K3R 5. Peace... ☮️ Any advice on the old map of ToH to give a greater resemblance to the original, will be welcome. Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) Take On Public License Share Alike (TOPL-SA) Take On Helicopters is made by Bohemia Interactive. based on Take On Helicopters Data Pack 11 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted September 2, 2019 Wonderful !! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leopard20 813 Posted September 17, 2019 Nice! I don't suppose I can use these for infantry battles, can I? (objects must be low quality) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 17, 2019 6 hours ago, Leopard20 said: Nice! I don't suppose I can use these for infantry battles, can I? (objects must be low quality) @Leopard20 it can be used, especially in South Asia. But of course the quality is low. For missions of incursion from helicopter or mechanized units it could be interesting for long trips. Evenso, for infantry it is a lot of game to use the Enhanced Movement mod, and to be able to climb small obstacles. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerryhopper 286 Posted September 17, 2019 WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!??? The picture below comes from the West Precinct - Seattle Police Department... 5 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 17, 2019 2 hours ago, jerryhopper said: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!??? The picture below comes from the West Precinct - Seattle Police Department... "Yes my friend @jerryhopper, also watching the AAN news, this will begin." It's going to be time to do something, like get to edit missions!!! 😱 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wogz187 1086 Posted September 17, 2019 Hmmm, I wonder what I'm going to do with this... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 18, 2019 Hey @wogz187 cool mod, i would love some dynamic civil aviation missions for South Asia and Seattle. In South Asia I added the Airport locates like Tanoa, in addition to 5 more airports with their ILS. The Seattle ones are about to be modified, but I found two hidden airfields without marking. If you need anything for your dynamic mission, ask me. @stburr91 the size of South Asia is 14884 km², Seattle1/4 part, only 3721 km². So you can compare: 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kerozen 187 Posted September 18, 2019 The maps have really weird lighting, it seems to have some kind of blue tint. If the lighting was more natural it would make the maps a lot better. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 18, 2019 Hi @kerozen, if you look for photographs of Seattle in Google images, you will see that it has a light seemed. The color of the clouds in the morning and the orange horizon. It also depends a lot on the month or the moon at that time, and of course the fog and lag clouds. For now it is as close as possible to the original ToH map with the addition of the ArmA 3 lighting system, which if true, saturates the colors a little more. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 18, 2019 Little experiment in Seattle: Spoiler 5 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wogz187 1086 Posted September 20, 2019 (edited) The skyline, Spoiler View from the sky, Spoiler FPS? Solid 60 the whole time. Edited September 20, 2019 by wogz187 thanks for all your hard work! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted September 20, 2019 Had a blast flying around Seattle last night, thank you for your work... Spoiler 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 20, 2019 WOW! Impressive photos @EO , I love the first with the skyscrapers in the background and that fog. Very good weather settings, congratulations 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 20, 2019 Greetings to all followers of this MOD. I want to write to explain the situation from my point of view before the harassment or malicious rumors begin. Currently my map of South Asia is under an accusation of DMCA in Valve Workshop. I still don't know why, because valve must be studying the case. But I can give you my point of view: From the first day I published this Mod (only the map of South Asia) messages started raining both from the Steam Chat and in the comments of the Mod. The subject of these messages was the accusation that my version of South Asia was a copy of someone else's content. I tried to explain to this person that my version of the map is totally different, I have even published the sources of my configuration and I also left the CONFIG.CPP files open inside the map PBO so that it was not even necessary to debinarize to read them. But the harassment continued and with the publication of Seattle I can affirm that the situation struck the madness. So I decided to ignore that person and not talk to her anymore. Finally yesterday in a private message i ended up threatening a DMCA. And it is what we have today, they have 15 days to prove that they are the owners of the map of South Asia. I wonder and ask them:-Do you know any version of South Asia with roads? -Do you know the license of Bohemia Interactive on distribution of Public Data? -How crazy is the world? I add some literature written by Bohemia interactive: Good evening and we continue seeing each other in the skies of Seattle and South Asia. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ANZACSAS Steven 396 Posted September 21, 2019 You uploaded the south asia one day after you decided to not work with my mod.It takes a hell of alot longer to port the terrain from tkoh than one day.Ive been encoding for many years.It takes longer than your less than one day.Also any blind man can see that the terrain coding is mine as the config is almost completely custom values. You were supposed to assist with the roads files and the skyscrapers.These are the only realdifferences between the uploads other than the small edits you wanted to make. I gave you access to my work.You were known to have been working on this project and then overnight you have your own version.If you had your own version why would you contact me to assist with mine? Anyway.DMCA's have been lodged for both the south asia and seattle terrain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 21, 2019 Basic porting TKOH terrains is super simple. You only need to adjust the terrain configs to work with A3. Thats it. Everything beyond that is extra nice to have. 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 21, 2019 I explain again, since it is closed minded. I have screenshots on Steam of me playing South Asia many months before you published your mod. How can that be? He has an explanation if he didn't even know about you. <- 2018-05-27 The explanation that I wanted to collaborate with was not to duplicate mods, but I already had roads and much more content created (which by the way, still has in its distribution. Should I report it?). On the other hand, you never gave me any files, neither from Seattle nor from South Asia. I never mention that I worked in Seattle or show a single image. It is clear that you are using the DMCA as a weapon of envy to remove rivals from the front. I am ashamed of you Steven, for the lies you are telling and for attributing the work of others to saying that my improvements are yours. But in the end, here the only one affected is the community, since they will be unable to play in Seattle with buildings for the first time Arma3 after 6 years. And they will run out of roads in South Asia. Go ahead Steven, enjoy your dress of envy, but the glory of creation will be mine. Because you will never know how to create something from scratch. P.D: comment that this man by private continues to threaten me as a child to take me to court. Really pathetic attitude ... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted September 21, 2019 2 hours ago, Jove Chiere said: But in the end, here the only one affected is the community, since they will be unable to play in Seattle with buildings for the first time Arma3 after 6 years. And they will run out of roads in South Asia. Here's hoping the DMCA will be removed, even with sub-standard ground textures these are still really great maps to have in A3. I'm still trying to get my head around a DMCA claim for work that is sourced from the ToH Data License package. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 21, 2019 9 minutes ago, EO said: Here's hoping the DMCA will be removed, even with sub-standard ground textures these are still really great maps to have in A3. I'm still trying to get my head around a DMCA claim for work that is sourced from the ToH Data License package. For my part @EO, you have permission to look at my Config.cpp within the PBO of South Asia. Compare it with the claimant and judge yourself. 🤷♂️ As i explained up, they are based on the config that released @J0K3R 5 earlier in 2017. but i doubt that Valve knows how to analyze the files that way. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted September 21, 2019 9 hours ago, Jove Chiere said: P.D: comment that this man by private continues to threaten me as a child to take me to court. Really pathetic attitude ... Please report any message via 'report post' and the moderation team will investigate. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 22, 2019 @R0adki11 cannot be considered an insult to sue a person in court. Just a pathetic situation for an ArmA 3 map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kerozen 187 Posted September 22, 2019 Why is the modding community in Arma so bad... Modding was supposed to be for creating and sharing content to make the game better but all it is now is a fight to be the only person to create a uniform or car or else all hell breaks lose and DMCAs start flying. Its no longer about the game its all about fame... its sad. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jove Chiere 459 Posted September 22, 2019 @kerozen i've been collaborating for free with models and textures in mods for many years, and it's the first time something like this has happened to me. BUT! Happy face in bad weather... 🤯 8 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted September 22, 2019 Probably the most creative riposte I've seen. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites