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Falklands mod progress

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Those models are really great work.

however I cannot resist mentioning I really cant wait for the RKSL harpoon addon! wink_o.gif No offense but these look awesome, and the cooler they look the cooler it will be to blow them out of the water! rofl.gif

Excellent work man! thumbs-up.gif

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Looking forward to an astonishing release & an astonishingly realistic representation of the falklands war. Keep up the very good stuff, & I REALLY look forward to the mod's release. smile_o.gif

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nice stuff! Keep up the good works! Yeah armed assault will really bring new meat into naval conflicts game engine wise i guess. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

hello i have been following your mod its sucks!!!!!!

las malvinas son argentinas not british you are nothing but a bunch of pirates you put the argentina soldiers on east like you were the good guys in the conflict, please be real!

you bush pupets!!!!!!!!! nener.gifpistols.gifpistols.giftounge2.gif


I still remember when i saw a british C-130 with Chilean Camo

But it says "Fuerza Area De Chile" instead of "Fuerza Aerea de Chile"

it suposed to be an undercover plane !


Sorry 4 my english sad_o.gif

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I will definately agree with the last part of your statement..

You mean with:


Ad rem: I'm watching the updates of Falklands mod from the start and i must say it's one of three or four mods i wait for the most. I especially like the looks of new islands (Port Stanley inlove.gif ). I hope you'll include a campaign worth the addons.

Keep up the good work.

www.flashpoint1982.co.uk try looking at their site a little bit. Perhaps they have information about their mod, some in depth things... perhaps, a campaign? Oi goodnight.gif

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Its been a while can i ask how things are going, i hope no one got tired hehe notworthy.gif i hope alls going well..


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I44 mod have released what they have so far any chance of a Falklands release theres no point holing on to stuff now is there biggrin_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
I44 mod have released what they have so far any chance of a Falklands release theres no point holing on to stuff now is there biggrin_o.gif

Depends if we take it into ArmA doesnt it.

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hey hey FLK, just do what it takes, we can wait for this awesome mod.

and don't listen to others, we realy support you guys.

maybe it's time for some screenshots?  whistle.gif


oh and i hope no one will allow universal to post in this topic. i don't know words to describe him and what he does to us all, just speechless...

evil = general guba = universal = ...

there's my new math's formula


he wrote here, switching to ignore mode...

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I mentioned this in another post, but I thought it would be more appropriate here. Kind of Off topic, but just so you all know:

Next June is the 25th Anniversary of the Falklands Conflict, and I was wondering if you could possibly make something for the Islands you are creating. A monument to the Fallen or something surrounded by red poppy's or something like that.

Don't want to be seen as telling you guy's what to do, but I think that would be a great way of Honouring the Men and women who died and who are suffering as veterans of that conflict.

Keep up the good work guy's I'm sure we'll all be amazed when this is finished, even if take a little longer to get it ready for ArmA.

Have a good one thumbs-up.gif

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Rock.. does this mean that most likely this mod is going to be completed and released for ArmA and NOT OFP?

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Don't want to be seen as telling you guy's what to do, but I think that would be a great way of Honouring the Men and women who died and who are suffering as veterans of that conflict.

I pray that you never have to go to war. Idiot. "Honouring" with a computer game. FFS.

Corky, just shut up and wait for it like everyone else.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Rock.. does this mean that most likely this mod is going to be completed and released for ArmA and NOT OFP?

I honestly don’t know the answer to that. We're trying, but just like a lot of mod teams are finding out, with ArmA very close enthusiasm for OFP is waning.  Having said that, we have a lot of work going on and the guys are working hard to lock down addons for release so I imagine you might see some form of release before too long but I can’t say for sure what will happen.

As for a port to ArmA – I’m not too sure.  Information form various sources (BIS info and the Biki) suggest that:

1 - Islands now use a totally new textures system making converting OFP Islands impractical or impossible (BIS ArmA Forums)

2 - Animation and selections are all now changed as are their functions in some cases (Biki reference)

3 - Units/men/avatars call them what you will no longer use the OFP animation/selections - they use an IK Skeleton so will require rebuilding. (BIS ArmA Forums/Biki)

4 - Configs no longer use the exactly the same structure and will need extensive rework to make them compatible.

5 - The use of the Geo Lod and flight models all appear to have changed, meaning that all aircraft will need "re-tuning" (BIS ArmA Forums/Biki)

6 - Texture mapping - rumour has it that the ArmA engine isnt very tolerant of improperly (ie stretched maps) mapped models or a high number of smaller maps prefering 2-3 tiles max per model.

At the moment and with the info that is available on various fourms etc it looks like 'converting' a mod will be more like "remaking" a mod.  it seems things like vehicles should be easy to convert but Island and men will require significant work.  Now on an individual basis converting an addon may only take a short time...its unlikely that entire mods of ~300 models and maps etc will ever be converted.  I’m not saying there won’t be an FLK mod in ArmA but I don’t think there will be a definite "yes" or "no" until we know exactly what is required to convert to ArmA!

Given all of the above is really only rumour and supposition, and with the lack of any real solid info from BIS about converting OFP mods etc we dont know what will happen.

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As Rockape has said we are doign quite a lot at the moment to try and get many features ready for release.

The biggest hurdle is still t he islands as many buildings although where ok for testing are substandard and are requiring enhancments such as decent textures or even just the windows and door insets (ie buildings no longer a pure box!wink_o.gif.

A number of ships will NOT see the intial release, however this does not mean they wont get into ArmA, it just means they are not critical to the main campaign.

We are not idle, just finding it hard going...

(one big issue is while I am working on buildings and terrain I am not working on ships....)

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Considering the amount and quality of work involved I have infinite patience for this project.

(Speaking as someone who has failed to realise a much smaller project over the last three years)

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The amount is definatel high, however the quality is subjective.

Many items withing the mod are relatively old now and much thought has been given to do we bring them upto what has become OFP standard, which has changed since these where first done.

In most cases we have improved on what has already been seen, but in some we have left them at the old level.

This latter point is mainly due to time and available manpower which is now getting critcal with shortages on both counts.

Overall this mod will be something different as its a bit like a picture mosaic. Lots of small bits and peices to make a much bigger picture.

That big picture we hope is a visualisation of the Falklands War of 1982 and some of the significant events surrounding the land campaign.

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Don't want to be seen as telling you guy's what to do, but I think that would be a great way of Honouring the Men and women who died and who are suffering as veterans of that conflict.

I pray that you never have to go to war. Idiot. "Honouring" with a computer game. FFS.

Corky, just shut up and wait for it like everyone else.

tankieboy, thanks, you just made my intelligence level sky rocket from that comment. As for CBFASI, and Rock, thanks for the info guys, I wasn't trying to intrude on anything or even ask for a release date as tankie probably assumed, I was just curious because it seemed as though it was going to be released for ArmA and not ofp, I just wanna know so i can buy the proper pc for arma if Falklands is released for it that's all. Other then that, I am still excited for the release of all your quality work you guys have gone through for what seems like so many years, this mod is worth all the wait needed. Cheers!

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I pray that you never have to go to war. Idiot. "Honouring" with a computer game. FFS.

I'm sorry, I don't seem to understand the 'Idiocy' implied by you in the statment I made. Of course what I said is left to your own interpretation. But I was simply implying that it would be fitting to place something on the island that would show a mark of respect for the actual conflict and seeing that it is the 25th anniversary next year and this mod is trying to recreat the conflict virtually, we should be reminded that even though it is a game, REAL people lost their lives.

BAS achieved this in their Addons, namely the PAVEHAWK and the inscription inside one of their bird's dedicating it to the memory of fallen Parajumpers. Since the mod is based on a real confict, surely it's only right that the mod pays a mark of respect to those who did die in the conflict and those that are suffering as a result of it.

I was trying to be respectful, I guess that concept is simply lost in these forums sometimes.

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