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Falklands mod progress

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Im sorry if the question was asked, but how do you plan to release the mod: as the one file, or by parts for those who cannot download 700mb things?

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i would guess as a single download, their have been bigger files i have downloaded.

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Boring fact....

There is over 35km of fencing put down in the Stanley portion of one of our maps (and I the sucker that laid it! )

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Falkland rocks in my opinion.Keep it up guys. smile_o.gif Just add normal hands and llauma head everywhere and it'll be fine.

But just one thing you need to realise,guys.As advertisment campaign of ArmA grows I believe it's near it's release.Things are going to be lucky for us and addons might be converted into ArmA,but I think it's just a necessary thing to release before everyone resit from OFP on ArmA in case of its new features that were discovered almost a week or two ago. and you must keep that in mind.

But,stilll await with great hope.Show must go on! wink_o.gif

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Some of the ships are done.. a few more yet to build

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Im sorry if the question was asked, but how do you plan to release the mod: as the one file, or by parts for those who cannot download 700mb things?

I do wish it's gonna be a full download. there's nothing I hate more than those "addon packs" the creators dare to call a MOD

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www.flashpoint1982.co.uk is their website. Go look at it and see for yourself m8. It is based on a real event. Personally... I don't care how big it is. I will delete every other game or program I have on this pc, to install the FITF mod. biggrin_o.gif

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Our original intention was always to release in one big download but the amount of people getting worried about the size of it was offputting.

We had a new sense of direction a few months ago stating that we would be releasing in chapters instead.. A lot of chapters wink_o.gif

I've just reknewed the flashpoint1982.co.uk domain name, I think thats proof alone that we aint dead.. biggrin_o.gif

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@ April 20 2006,16:58)]I've just reknewed the flashpoint1982.co.uk domain name, I think thats proof alone that we aint dead.. biggrin_o.gif

You should have chosen assault1982.co.uk biggrin_o.giftounge2.gif

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Just go to their website to see images, or even type in "Falklands Mod" or something of that sort in Google, and hit images. You'll find many images. Instead of asking as an individual, for images. tounge2.gif

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Ben, think CBFASI's been made to focus on ship builing rather than photography, which is worth it in the long run.  tounge2.gif

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Y'know, i wonder if all the attention the MOD has, will bring more attention to the actual islands, themselves?

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Probably not as recent as you hope, to be honest we dont work it as often as many want us too, mainly as we have other things that are of greater importance..... like working on the mod itself.

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help.gif  help.gif  help.gif  help.gif  help.gif  help.gif  help.gif  help.gif

This has been asked before but here goes.

Falklands team are starting to have problem with the workload and have got to a point where some significant loads are needing to be spread out amongst more team members otherwise we get slowed down even more

But we need more team members...

In particular..

WRP Worker

We need at least 1 more wrp specialist, this is to deal with the remains of the object placements which are affecting the time its taking to complete other parts of the mod (namely a un-named twit started on islands, then added ships, and cant cope with both for much longer, and likes the ships too much to give them up), this would be object placment as 99% of the ground textures are now done (ideally 100% but cannot  say that till we release)

We have two settlements to do yet, although niether more than 20 buildings (I think), but this also includes all theh respective fencing etc.. , however will requrie a reasonable following of the referance material we have, even though soem maybe as little as a grainy picture, some artisitic licence will help but within the realms of the location etc..

Biggest issue is we are working to 'real' standards in so much as the terrains are 1:1 scale and mean that consideratinos are being given to what was really there, although also trying to keep objects counts low.

99% of what is in use on the islands is unique to the mod, and as such an awareness of how objects interact with the OFP world is essential, as well as the ability to comunicate cleary with those supplying the objects to be used.

Addon Makers

We are also in need of someone capable of making vehicles, not many at this time but enough that existing members are unwilling to add to their existing workload.

The catch

I will be dealing with this recruitment and will be quite strict

We have had a large number of time wasters which has slowed the Falklands team down significantly (nothing worse than having somebody saying yes I will do x. and 2 months later finding out that squat has been done! )

Any body who is interested is requested to contact me via my MSN or a PM in this forum. I willthen contact you via MSN, this later is extremely important as its the medium that we use to manage members and work, allows for much quicker q&a.

If you don't have msn then stay clear, the time it takes for pm's and/or email converstations is currently detrimental to the time it takes to do a task.

We also ask for a honest approach, we won't ask anything of you if you say you can't do it, and vice versa, if you say you can do it then we will expect either it done or you saying 'I need help'.

We also don't want anyone who will just 'steal' anothers addon and then alter it for our needs, we would much rather ask the source ourselves and get permission or build ourselves.

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Seems I gettign very few people interested (in fact I think its just the 1 so far!! )


Little update from me..

My first ever big truck (ok a re-texture of the Bis 5t with a couple of model adjustments) taken outside the new Moody Brook Building



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That looks really good mate  notworthy.gif

Suprised nobody else has commented, but yeah, looks like a completely new vehicle with those textures  smile_o.gif  Great work.

I'd be interested in the jobs, but unfortunately, i'm tied down with a combo of making new infantry for UKF and uni work. And i know the road of trying to juggle the workload from 2 mods is a bad one to go down - while i'd love to help i'd just end up being the guy who did nothing after 2 months huh.gif  Good luck with getting someone else on board though!

Really looking forward to the FLK stuff, keep it up guys!

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in the same boat as pathy, whilst all of ukf would love to help our very close affiliates more than we are doing so, our own projects and personal time constraints are weighing heavily on us as it is...

good luck though (and isnt today the aniversary of the sinking of the belgrano, by strange coincidence?)

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the truck it is very good do you need some material about vehicles or you got it cover??

meaby i can suply you with photos and otter thecnical stuff of the argentina's vehicles...

i think you are right today is the aniverse of the sinking of belgrano. the human loss in that ship were half of the total of argentinians cassualtys

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