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Falklands mod progress

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today april 2 is the 24 aniverse of the invasion to the malvinas islands and we hope that this dont hapen againg.

les remember our heroes who fught there and died.

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Amen even though I'm a day late.

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think i saw somewhere that the bbc had some flk themed stuff coming soon, something to do with the anniversary, so it might be towards the end of the war

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on tv or internet??

bbc is the channels we get on tv in the UK

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To bad that i only can see BBC News via Astra Digital. sad_o.gif

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i say that because in argentina we dont get the bbc. only via direct tv or something like that

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is the mod still alive as there hasnt been many pictures lately and no one has been posting on here

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tried going to their forums? if you had you would of seen their still busying about.

lack of updates doesnt make a mod dead smile_o.gif

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I was told that falklands mod has the oil rig! Is that true?! Guys, please tell what is the release date?

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Guys, please tell what is the release date?

Gah never mention the release date word! crazy_o.gif


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yeah, its been asked many times before, it will be done when its done wink_o.gif

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no, i just wanna know when to expect the mod...this year, next or maybe right after the elections '08...i don't even need the exact date...

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no, i just wanna know when to expect the mod...this year, next or maybe right after the elections '08...i don't even need the exact date...

Around the next ice age the mod should be nearing completion. wink_o.gif

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You cant rush a pure master piece, this mod is one of the only ones which is done on such a massive scale (There are a few others mind you), Id rather wait for it and get something which is finished in the eyes of the creators rather than something which is bug ridden


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The next Ice Age might be that far off. You might want to reschedule the release.

Seriously though no rush, screens look great.

Its all about the quality. There is already to many crappy add ons out there.

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Thanks for all the support guys

As has been said we dont a such have a release date, mainly thanks to real-life.

We are working as fast as we can on anythign that needs doing.

We have had the misfortune that standards have changed significantly since the mode was started and some of the very early work is being revisted to bring it back upto to standard.

One thing that many may notbe aware of is teh lack of suitable referance material, unlike WW2 there is not the big collections of photographic material, nor for that matter the line drawings of the equipment, and some of it it is so 'normal' that we might have 1 or two images to build a large detailed 3d model from, there is much artistic license being used to fill in the gaps.

In the past many have offered help in this research but I think we have pretty much got all there is by now, and much also that is not relevent.

Good example are the ships, many of which have been replaced with a ship of the same name, including HMS Endurance.

In the past we have also asked for help from others and although this has worked a small number of times we have frequently ended up with time wasters and that has slowed everything down.

We have a big mod but when you look at the size of the team we arnt as big as we ought to be, we jsut doing our best and to be honest we have no idea on a date yet, but we have plans to get damn close to something reasonable.

There have a been a number of times this mod has come close to folding, but everytime the biggest motivator has been you guys. A mod as old as this is going to have problems, but those of use left have a big incentive to finsh what we started, we dont want to waste all that time and effort, and in a number of cases significant money.

We will keep all informed on any significant news (I for one am currently banned from releasing images of terrain or ships as you havn't had much else for a while, gives me more time to do the work tbh)

As said, thanks for the support.

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As said its been close a few times but its now looking like we are far more likely to complete than drop it.

I for one dont wish to waste all these years spent working on it

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