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Great work smile.gif

From what I can see the Harrier handles VTOL through the action-menu. Look at the action-menu fading on pick N°2, I can read one that says "Toggle active thrust" and another that says "Hold Altitude"(or something like that). Can we get a better screenshot of the menu ? Or even better a video of it in action.

Very nice work indeed.

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a mini movie is under production biggrin.gif and yes the vtol is activated through the menu easy enough to take off but landing is a true art form biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KEVBAZ @ Jan. 06 2003,13:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">a mini movie is under production biggrin.gif and yes the vtol is activated through the menu easy enough to take off but landing is a true art form biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I just wanted to add, that it would be nice if you could rescale it to be a little smaller. The pilot looks tiny in the cockpit. Maybe it's just the camera angle but the plane looks a tiny bit too big eh?

Other then that I congratulate you for solving the VTOL problem.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">is it the same as in RTS3?<span id='postcolor'>

See!! im not the only one kev tounge.gif

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wouldnt know rts is shite!

The scripts inside this addon are the work of Prospero and Spitfire all Klink has done is put them in a wrapper and tweaked them slightly

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the scale looks about right to me, its just the pilot is too low  hehe, he forgot his pillow to sit on. Try raisin pilots body up.


look at his head..it almost touches the canopy top. Not sure which model you guys are making, but cockpit didn;t change much from what i know about harrier.

edit: actulay, looking at both pics now, the pilot is a little small. so yes it is a too big. I had to look at pilots shoulders.


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looks very pleasing to me eyes. cant wait to get my hands on it biggrin.gif

and i thought they said they already rescaled it

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Evis.. Just for once try and show a bit of appreciation for something which we have worked very hard on instead of trying to prove people wrong all the time..

We all know how good BAS are, and people respect the team for that.. But just for once please show a little respect for another mod team which is trying very hard to achieve its aim.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([Ash] @ Jan. 06 2003,22:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Evis.. Just for once try and show a bit of appreciation for something which we have worked very hard on instead of trying to prove people wrong all the time..

We all know how good BAS are, and people respect the team for that.. But just for once please show a little respect for another mod team which is trying very hard to achieve its aim.<span id='postcolor'>

how did it possibly look like i was trying to show off bas in what i said? and you say about having appreciation for peoples work, a member of your team just called RTS 'shite', im sure karrillion spent a great deal of hours working on that, and wont be too happy, but yes, its very pretty and being english im very glad you are making this addon

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it was a personal comment by me, as i personally dont like that certain "mode" m8y who made its obvioulsy did a good job with his scripting but it aint my cuppa tea

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Anyway.. Back to the good stuff... We've fixed the slight scaling problem with the small pilot  wink.gif   Seems we forgot to give him his big cushion to sit on!



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cool only the payloads and pylons need texturing.

edit: i dont want to be flamed or anything but where are the air intakes. just a sudjestion you might want to add them. not to be rude

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The model was the first aircraft i had made when starting with O2. I had put it aside until such time a VTOL solution came available. The Harrier is far from finished, and was given to the mod members to try it out and give suggestions for its improvement.

All textures are being redone (including the intakes) and hopefully a US version will be released when all bugs are detected and ironed out.

At the moment operation is via the action menu, but I am working on some other implementation ideas that will make control a little more automatic. AI cannot take off or land by VTOL, and may not be able to until some other means of auto control is devised.

Special thanks to Spitfire and Prospero for the work they have done on the scripts.

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I talked to kevbaz about helping you guys island maker with some problems he was havin.

Does that mean u gon send it here and lemme test it!

biggrin.gif pretty please

Goin out my way to help u guys out biggrin.gif


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the intakes are there..there just not textured black from the inside to resemble the "darkness" inside intake. its still a beta, i screens like these..if you see something obviosly wrong, it means that they will fix it, but havn;t reached that stage yet. These shots are for us addon hungry people who cant wait to get our hands on the next addon biggrin.gif


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