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Falklands mod progress

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@ Jan. 20 2006,09:55)]
Now , can we please have jag back for a bit to finish the cr2 ? whistle.gif

He was with flk before ukf so sod off! nener.gifwink_o.gif

I would like to propose some kind of time share deal

You can have him on Mon , Wed , Fri and Sun .... let him have saturday to himself poor lad ... and we take him the rest of the time


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A Vulcan Mission could be good if the player had to sit down for 10 or so hours urinating into a sponge....the glamourous life of a Pilot eh.

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Quote[/b] ]A Vulcan Mission could be good if the player had to sit down for 10 or so hours urinating into a sponge....the glamourous life of a Pilot eh.

...10 hours eh Imshi? I bet he drinks Carling Black Label. wink_o.gif



Ps. that Herc is looking wonderful - brilliant work.

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@ Jan. 20 2006,09:55)]
Now , can we please have jag back for a bit to finish the cr2 ? whistle.gif

He was with flk before ukf so sod off! nener.gifwink_o.gif

I would like to propose some kind of time share deal

You can have him on Mon , Wed , Fri and Sun .... let him have saturday to himself poor lad ... and we take him the rest of the time


Sounds like a divorce!

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please can there be an sas mission that you have to hide for weeks on end in a hole watching argie troop movements

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sure,want one? biggrin_o.gif

just put about 1000 waypoints on map for infantry with 10 km distances between them wink_o.gif

edit* better make it 10 000

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baywatch! rofl.gif

damn,got to make some French missions now.it's so easy to get me going. tounge2.gif

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1982: Flashpoint in the Falklands

New Ch-47 modell

On the following two screenshots you can see the Argentine Ch-47 modell 309 (simliar to the Ch-47C) with the tail-number AE-520. It's one of the two Argentine Chinooks that operated on the Falkland islands during the war. AE-520 got later captured by British Forces, AE-521, the second chinook, was hit by canon fire on the ground.



The heli on the next pictures is a British Ch-47 HC.1, callsign Bravo November. It was the only Chinook that survived the attack on the Atlantic Conveyor (which carried all the Task Forces Chinooks). So during the first weeks of the war it was the only heavy-lift helicopter avaiable to the British task force.



(Click images for high res)

Chinook modell and textures by AfrographX

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Nice work thumbs-up.gif

BTW: Those yellow stripes are too bright imho.

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Nice work.

I've had this strange renewed obsession with this mod the past couple of days, and can't wait for it to see the light of day.

edit: I found this link. Not sure if it's of any use, but a couple of interesting pics nonetheless (is that even a word?).

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Looks sweet! Are you gonna be doing any modern versions? Or would there be too much of a model change needed?

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As far as I am aware the Chinook didnt carry any weapons, problably as there wasnt any space..

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as I remember, AfrographX was interested about making Netherlands Chinook...

now, this C version chinooks are stuning! model, textures are just amazing, who knows what he will add more, but his and FLK work is birliant!  notworthy.gif  thumbs-up.gif

P.S. it's been a while when you posted vehicle pictures, i already started countdown when we will see more... wow_o.gif

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nice chinooks there smile_o.gif on a side note are all chinnoks usually the same looking on the inside? I wonder if some have crates visible inside the cargo area and some small details like that would be nice for a little variety tounge2.gif

Keep up the nice work falklands thumbs-up.gif

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Wery nice one, Is that new model or just retextured version?

And btw how far is the mod can we be expecting someting soon at our nerest ofp site? whistle.gif

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