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Falklands mod progress

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Very very nice although it looks like it has some lightning problems.


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Quote[/b] ]and what kind of seawater texture have you used? Are all the ships going to look like this, the faded colour because it looks nice!

Its the default water with dxdll running..

And all the ships will have a weathered look to them.

Quote[/b] ]Very very nice although it looks like it has some lightning problems.

We are aware of this.

What you are seeing above is pictures of something that was only done less than 12 hours ago, even the Falklands team have not had much chance to look at it.

Consider the above WIP.

And thanks for all the great comments, I shall pass them on.

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Guest major gandhi

lightning is already fixed, and thanks for the comments smile_o.gif


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btw how's the overall progress going? I remember you guys promised a release earlier this year not sure tho. I've been waiting for this MOD like from the beginning tounge2.gif

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The promised release date was a an over enthusastic hope.

The truth of the matter is we under estimated just how long it was going to take.

This is why we will not indicate a release date and say as always, it will be done when we are finished..

I will also see what I can do about some new pics of the carriers, although they still have work to be done on them so I might wait a little while so you see something new.

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heh no rush guys smile_o.gif quality stuff needs a lot of polishing and stuff like that. I'm sure it's more than worth waiting for wink_o.gif

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I do hope that you continue to develop this MOD, it would be a shame if you got so far and then delayed the release for ArmA, its something a lot of people are looking forward to, don't disappoint us now!


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You wont be dissapointed..

And we are not delaying the release to fit with Armed Assault, even we dont know which will come first..

As we keep saying we are working away at whats left

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You wont be dissapointed..

And we are not delaying the release to fit with Armed Assault, even we dont know which will come first..

As we keep saying we are working away at whats left

As you don`t delay your work till Armed Assault arrives, is there a possibility that youre team will make this fantastic mod Armed Assault compatible, later ? huh.gif

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great screens of the ship, nice to hear the lightning is fixed smile_o.gif i don't know , but have you got any armored stuff? Maybe you have showed it before but i have bad memory tounge2.gif

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We will be having models of all the armoured vehicles used during the Falklands Conflict..

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There's a new interview with the Falkland Mod online at ofpc.de.

Go check it out:

Falkland Mod Interview

There you can find many intressting information about the mod and some new pictures. smile_o.gif

Thanks to Ash (leader of the project) and CBFASI (teamleader) and all the rest of the team.

Also we want to thank the community for the interest.

enjoy, Raptor smile_o.gif

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A small update for all our fans...

Government house is getting its final textures done.

These are WIP shots and you may notice that some poarts are still a long way from finished (as far as the textures being made and applied are concerned)

These shots maybe familiar to anyone who has seen 'An Ungentlemanly Act'





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finaly, after so much time there is info about this  inlove.gif  mod...

i thought you all are on vacation, thought mod is forgotten thing...

seems i was wrong...

and this is good, because I'm waiting for this one from it's early steps... smile_o.gif 3 years?(when this mod started?)

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nice to know you guys are still alive 'n kicking smile_o.gif

nice building there. Keep up the good work guys!

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sorry if this has been asked before... confused_o.gif

Are you guys also planning something with the bombing mission they did with the Vulcan?

Is a Vulcan bomber being made?

The maps look great!!! Lots of areas for awesome low level flying or am I mistaken. Most of those maps are kinda flat???

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The maps are rather good for low flying as the terrain is rolling but from 0ft to 1000ft!

It dont look so bad from high up but when low that small ridge ahead dont half look high when you close at 700kts.

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