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Falklands mod progress

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i was wondering that also the only thing they have in coman is that tanks without AAA support don tlike them very much

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@ Nov. 09 2004,14:38)]
Quote[/b] ]And what about the Lynx AH Mk 7 ?

isn't it quite similar to AH-64 ?

In what way?

Its a helicopter wink_o.gif

Lynxs are looking great, really hope a release is imminent.

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@ Nov. 09 2004,14:38)]
Quote[/b] ]And what about the Lynx AH Mk 7 ?

isn't it quite similar to AH-64 ?

In what way?

Oops, well, maybe not Mk 7... I think I saw a picture of a tank-desrtoyer Lynx in some old military magazine, and it looked quite similar to AH-64D - a radar above the rotor etc.

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youre not actully thinking of the ah64's which britain bought last year but cant actully use?

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I can get you a great sound file for it m8

Pfffffffffffft! biggrin_o.gif

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@ Nov. 10 2004,00:53)]You might like this then ;)

Anybody got 3 view blueprints and a picture of the cockpit for me. Oh, and a list of possible stores would be helpful biggrin_o.gif

hmm, no prob

that's the best I found so far


about the cockpit, it's very hard to find pictures of it, and with the stores I'm not too sure

but please make one!! I need it soo much! sad_o.gif

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Anybody got 3 view blueprints and a picture of the cockpit for me. Oh, and a list of possible stores would be helpful  biggrin_o.gif

hmm, no prob

that's the best I found so far


about the cockpit, it's very hard to find pictures of it, and with the stores I'm not too sure

but please make one!! I need it soo much! sad_o.gif

That's the ticket.

Now do you want it in any particular color scheme, camo, desert?

Transport/medevac/tankbuster/or tactical support? biggrin_o.gif

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just so you know were currently having to transfer our site and forum to a new host, hopefully there wont be much downtime, smile_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Klink heres some cockpit links for you:

Lynx Cockpit 1

<a href="http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=574380&WxsIERv=V2VzdGxhbmQgTHlueCBITUEgOA%3D%3D&WdsYXMg=VUsgLSBOYXZ5&QtODMg=WWVvdmlsdG9uIChZRU8gLyBFR0RZKQ%3D%3D&ERDLTkt=VUsgLSBFbmdsYW5k&ktODMp=TWF5IDIsIDIwMDQ%3D&BP=0&WNEb25u=U3RldmVuIE1heQ%3D%3D&xsIERvdWdsY=WFo3MjI%3D&MgTUQtODMgKE=UmFyZSBhY2Nlc3MgLSBBaXJib3JuZSBpbiBhIFJveWFsIE5hdnkgTHlueCBITUEgOCAtIHBpbG90IG9uIHRoZSByaW


c2lkZSAtIGFib3V0IDQwIGtub3RzIGFzIHdlIGNsaW1iIG91dCBvZiBZZW92aWx0b24%3D&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=MTM3OQ%3D%3D&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwNC0wNS0wNw%3D%3D&ODJ9dvCE=Uk0tNDc0&O89Dcjdg=&static=yes&size=L" target="_blank">Lynx Cockpit 2</a>

Airliners.net Image Search for "Lynx"



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@ Nov. 12 2004,22:25)]Vixer?  Where did you disappear to?  crazy_o.gif

Lost my internet connection wink_o.gif

Got it back a few weeks ago.. tounge_o.gif

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While our admin gurus set up the new forum hosting I thought I might do a news update on the Sea Harrier.

First and probably the most important news is the Harrier has a completely new VTOL system smile_o.gif that was kindly donated to the mod. This system doesnt rely on the menu at all. That's right! No clumsy menu entries to access.

Normal take off is via the  W or E keys (or by joystick throttle) VTOL by Q and Z keys.. Sweet!

Next I'm spending a lot of time making the cockpit as realistic as possible. With not many decent photos to go by and only a simplistic gauge layout this has been a long task, considering the Harrier was released almost 18 months ago.

External stores now reflect the dual role the Sea Harrier undertook during the Falklands campaign. 2 main variants now, the standard as already relaesed for CAP duties, and the strateghic bomber version as used initially as a ground attack platform with both AIM9L missiles for air defence and Mk83s (or equivalent) for airfield bombing. (Correct me if my info is wrong smile_o.gif )

Sequential numbering will be added soon.

The original release has practise AIM9Ls, so that when the mod is released all you guys'n'gals will be well experienced to try the full combat versions smile_o.gif

Some additional tweaks have also been/or being added to the Harrier:

Ejection seat routines updated.

Beefier engine sound.. especially on VTOL - WIP

Dust cloud take off

Twin gun smoke and shelll ejection routines.

Damage model - WIP

Please note the pics below are WIP and may not refelect the final version..



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