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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

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realistic weapon reload animations like in other games (counter strike, battlefield, call of duty, half-life, crysis, farcry etc....)

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Realistic weapons and vehicles is the main thing really, like why is the commanche in when is was discontinued years ago its really bizarre to me yes i realise this has probably been said but thats my main thing realism like sounds for example, i dont think its realistic to change your weapons mounted scopes and tools in the middle of battle in 3 seconds flat either im hoping they have re thought stuff like that.

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Flexible/penetratable trees reacting to explosibes near, somelikes in FarCry 2

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I thought it would be fun if you throw stones to your enemy. And if you get hit by the stone there should be a effect like stun or damage.

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More more more and more, alot interactable objects in world, pools, parts of rocks (you can tow and drag this, after on ambush you can thorw it on vehicle if place it on top of hill :) ), cut trees by machete or some another, can attach satchels or other explosives to ANY object, oriented by player cursor point!!

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  J-Guid said:
More more more and more, alot interactable objects in world, pools, parts of rocks (you can tow and drag this, after on ambush you can thorw it on vehicle if place it on top of hill :) ), cut trees by machete or some another, can attach satchels or other explosives to ANY object, oriented by player cursor point!!

+1 that would be amazing

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  J-Guid said:
Flexible/penetratable trees reacting to explosibes near, somelikes in FarCry 2

+1 Also breakable trees as it does in crysis...

In short, environmental damage system :p

Probably suggested:

"CQB COOP" MP mode.

It would focus on urban areas with many buildings or building high enough where you could go to practice CQB tactics. In short, especially indoors.

Edited by rolo87

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I'd wish that the AI would behave a little more realistic in some engagements. Especially airsupport. In Arma 2 Airplanes and attack chopper come way to close at times. The new A-10C closest engagements are 2 or 3 miles away when using the gau-8. And when a Jdam or Laser Jdam is called in you often don't even see them. They drop bombs from easily 8 miles up and 20 miles from the target. Ofcourse this varies with the speed.

Which brings me to my next irritation. In Arma 2 bombs drom way to slow. They float to the target like leaves, a 2000 lbs bomb reaches a terminal velocity of about 400 miles an hour.

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- also a "suppress (blue/red/green/white/yellow/general) smoke" command so if you have place your machine gunner in overwatch whilst you and another teammate clear a settlement you can instruct him to suppress certain areas to facilitate your movements and maneuvers by throwing certain smoke on them or if you're within his line of sight by pointing at them. he could say "cannot see you" if you try command without smoke from outside his line of sight and then you could move to where he can see you or he may even name distinctive objects/buildings that he can see close to where he last saw you it would be like this

leader; "suppressive fire on that building."

mg; "i dont see you. i see a building with a ladder to the roof and 2 dark green railings."

leader; "suppress the 2 story building directly to the east of that location."

mg; "affirmative. now suppressing."

or if there are no distinctive buildings/objects it will be like this

leader; "suppressive fire on that area."

mg; "i dont see you. pop smoke at the location."

[leader pops blue smoke on the location]

as soon as he sees smoke in that area mg says "i see blue smoke"

leader; "suppressive fire on the blue smoke."

mg; "affirmative. suppressive fire on blue smoke. now firing."

- a system where you can set up logs/rocks to roll down a hill/fall off a cliff to damage or distract your enemy would be quite fun.

lol throwing stones one guy said

proper suppressive fire is very important because it allows the team leader to create cover where there is none.

Edited by mistermdg

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Maybe I missed it in the front page list. But how about silent takedowns? Why is the KNIFE not on the weapon ideas list? :)

Other ideas: (sorry if some are repeats, I couldn't find my post in the 500 or so pages here lol)

First, I see the 1911 A1 listed as a pistol request.....it's already in the game isn't it??? My loadout always has the 1911 put in there! It's what I use IRL so I do better with it :)

- more realistic movement when sighting down a pistol. I.e. if I'm sighted and step left, my pistol should NOT lean to the right. In fact it shouldn't freak'n lean at all.

- iron sighting movements in general. Too exadurated in some cases, mostly when walking with a pistol of any kind.

- please fix it so that when I spawn I don't have to double tap ; to swap to my pistol then back to my rifle in order to get my sights working again!

- the ability to form squads in MP maps with humans vs every human having AI squads. We could still have AI filling out the squad too but it'd be NICE to have my buddies all in my squad so we can coordinate better!

- the ability to switch between top-down or direct fire with the Javelin!!!

- realistic javelin trajectories

- realistic deformation of surroundings.....i.e. if a tank's sabot round hits a building it should leave a clean hole through the building. Same for most bullets....if I shoot a wooden house with a rifle round it should leave holes. Most houses would be fully pennetrated(sp) by most rifle rounds unless they're made of brick. Glass needs to also get an update here.

- whereTF is my knife?! Why can't I use it to cut open a fence or stab someone if I'm being sneaky?

- a mantle system. If I come up to say, a fence or wall, I should be able to scale over it in most cases. Perhaps it could be dependant on the weight of my loadout. But especially if I'm playing a sniper with a rather light loadout, or if I've expended most of my gear/ammo/etc then I should be able to run up to a wall and vault onto it and scramble up and over.....aren't there big training obsticals like this in basic that all our soldiers are supposed to have gone through??? Also, on a smaller scale....load up OA....go to mountain warfare CTI and get on top of an oil derrick(sp), then go prone....now try to crawl up over that raised portion on top there. It's an angled surface we should be able to crawl up onto while prone let alone standing. Basically, as humans, with thumbs, our bodies can be used to mantle over/onto most surfaces. Perhaps it might take more time to do but we can do it. Heck we should be able to climb up a tree if we wanted to!

- distraction of AI.....if I'm infiltrating an area in SP or MP and encounter AI guards, I should be able to toss a rock or otherwise make a noise that they'll go investigate, thus leaving an opening for me to go through.

- melee strike with rifles!

- the ability to cook off a grenade. Get out a grenade, maybe hit left click to pull the pin and then hit it again to let the spoon fly, then right click to throw.

- preset force/distance for grenade throws. Back in the days of UT99, there was a mod called Infiltration that did a wonderful job of this and grenade cooking. You could preselect roll (as in, along the ground, say under a car), low, medium or full force for grenade throws. This made it so much nicer vs standing there, building up arm strength (which was also an option in INF).

- cleaner thermal optics. Get rid of the corona I see around trees when trying to hit infantry in/around a forest. There's a halo or corona that you get around a group of trees/buildings....I'd hate to think that real thermals do this. :butbut:

- bullet and shrapnel should go through anything not designed to stop it. I.e. if I'm on one side of a civilian house made of wood, and someone's on the other side of said house, we should be able to fire through said house and have a CHANCE to hit each other. If there's solids in the house, say a fireplace or even enough medium items like the stove or washer/dryer then ok maybe it doesn't make it. Same with explosions....if a tank's HE round impacts a light pole next to the house I'm inside of, I should get showered with shrapnel unless I'm behind the fireplace, even then it's a maybe.

- whereTF are the houses with basements??

- the ability to not DIE from a fall of say, five feet? Ok my leg might get a sprang or I twist my ankle, heck even break my legg if I'm packing a ton of gear, but still I'm not out of the action! I might need medical attention but hey I can still crawl around and be useful!!

- I want to be able to drive my tank THROUGH a house! :yay:

- if I'm driving my tank downhill at full speed and I make a sharp right turn and the tank slides.....why do my treads not pop off? :)

- I know tanks are heavy but do they really go THIS slowly up hills IRL?? Also, can they really traverse the angles presented in the game? Should I be able to tackle a 50° grade in an Abrams even if it's only at 9kph?

- the ability to prioritise targets for my AI gunners. I.e. "Two, watch for armor!" or "Two, watch for infantry!" this will tell my gunner to make said target a priority vs other units. So, for example, if I'm surrounded by infantry and I know some have rockets I should be able to tell my gunner to take them out first vs the guy in the technical that just rolled up. Also, maybe have something in the squad leader's list that lets you set priority for the team as a whole. Giving them target weights basically. I want my guys to target medics and squad leaders first or, maybe I want them to target machinegunners and AT soldiers first. OR, make technicals first priority....etc etc

- better AI engagements....I can't tell you how frustrating it is to roll into a town with armor and have infantry close up on me right next to my tank even though I have the machinegunner scanning the horizon and he looks right past them. Having to manually call out targets is silly IMO once I've told them to fire at will. I get a lot of AT rockets hitting me due to this!

- if I'm in a tank, and I hit a truck, shouldn't my tank at some point try to crawl up and over said truck? Thereby destroying it? Or at the very least shouldn't I be able to shove it and crash it against a structure and destroy it?

- please fix bouncy tanks! More realistic physics for mass

- choppers can't really hover in one spot for too long or else they get cavitation and stall to the ground IIRC. Please add something to reflect this

- better equipment destruction simulation. If I hit a truck with my tank's main round, or a missile from my chopper or jet shouldn't it break up into chunks?

- a better/easier way to call in arty and adjust the fire. So, now as it is I have to call in my strick, then call it in again (select where from, etc), and THEN adjust it (set line, radius, etc), if I'm slow on this the shells are already starting down range. I need to be able to click "from here, this target, set line, adjust area" right on the first mission call.

- arty should be able to deliver flares and smoke rounds right?

- PLEASE, >REMOVE< the ability to SEE a laser designation marker! If I'm in my A-10 and someone paints a squad of troops next to a tank, the troops should NOT be able to see a RED DOT and fire at the designator! And take away using batteries like ammo for the painter.

- if using a laser marker on a rifle, the dot should have a bright halo around it where it strikes. This makes targeting from a distance easier....I roll in with my chopper or jet and know I have friendlies. I ask them to laser paint a target using their rifles, it will be much easier to tell which end of the beam is which this way :) I'm sure the friendly infantry will find this helpful lol

- cooling.....when sighting down thermal scopes, a body that's been there fifteen minutes should be cooler than the guy laying next to him. Same for burnt out vehicles.

- better weather simulation. When in a jet, flying through rain, I shouldn't see big sheets of rain, it should look to me as though I'm flying THROUGH the rain, i.e. it should look almost like a "starfield" to me. Streaks of rain flying past my canopy IF I can even see that!

- water simulations need to be better. If it's raining water should pond and flow down gutters or around the corners of buildings and sidewalks. It should also drip off surfaces and I should be able to hear it patter on my own gear as well as everything around me. This makes it more difficult to hear infantry moving around.

- rain and fog should impact your hearing. If you're in a big rain storm and a sniper takes a shot at you, it should be difficult to tell where from. Same for fog as a fog bank really messes with sound physics. Heck even a FOREST does this!

- if enough tanks run over a fallen tree, shouldn't it become flat at some point? :)

- the ability to clear a forested area. Say you want to build a structure in a spot, you hop in a tank, bulldoze over the trees and build your stuff. Now infantry can creep in there and use that for concealment because of all the trees laying there. Shouldn't I be able to set fire to them or at least roll over everything with my tank enough to flatten it?

- more realistic weapon animations for some weapons. Load up OA, now grab a Glock.....first person, zoom in so it's right in your face....shoot and watch the animation, it's silly the way the case just kinda falls out the side. Also the empty brass looks as big as the pistol IMO.

- FFS please change the target call-outs! When my squad is in a town and a sniper round sails past us and my bot calls out "CONTACT! Enemy sniper at 065112" <-- wtf I have no clue where that is, I'm looking down my rifle sights!! How about "Enemy sniper NORTH EAST 700 meters!" <-- hey now I know which way to look!!

- the call-out system seems a bit unpolished to me. When someone calls out my two o'clock I don't often see something there

- chaff......where's my chaff??

- AA missiles that use something other than heat would be nice?

- countermeasures.....never could figure out why ArmA II has no countermeasures!!! When playing in the armory and flying a jet, I get a survival mission. It loads up and there's ALREADY a missile racing towards me! Here's what I see.....mission loads, screen fades from black and I instantly check the radar and see a contact...missile then hits me and screen fades back to black....c'mon!

- VTOL fixed wing aircraft need to be able to transition into and out of VTOL modes smoother. Also, if I'm in a Harrier I should be able to VTOL from the ground up. And trying to land a Harrier in VTOL mode takes something like three solid minutes JUST to ride down the -z axis! I know they're not easy to fly ok? But jeez they just aren't useful the way they are now.

- do real aircraft really tip over and scrape their wings when they make a turn at anything over 35kph?? Do they really bounce so much when they go over rough terrain at slow speeds?

- IIRC most modern aircraft deploy countermeasures automatically now don't they?

- grass....I know it'd kill performance to have it out to full view distance. But if someone is laying prone in grass for concealement, and I look at them way over on that hillside, shouldn't they be harder to see? So, to reflect this how about making that person's body blend a bit into the hillside as we can't draw all the grass around him? I think Operation Flashpoint did this rather well IIRC, especially if wearing a ghillie suit.

- weapon SFX....why do the Mk16/17 series of rifles sound so bad?? Sounds like either a big pellet rifle or a small grenade launcher to me. In general, IRL I've noticed that pistols tend to pop more whereas rifles crack more in their muzzle reports (spare me the sound barrier debate here please). And at a distance, a pistol tends to be more of a throaty pop and a rifle more of a snap/crack and a shotty just booms.

- big explosions at a distance don't have the right sound to me. Shouldn't they sound more like a "crump" noise to them?

- if I call in say, a bomb strike from 1KM out or an arty strike etc...and I'm watching it...isn't there a chance of seeing the compression wake expand from the detonation?

Ack....didn't mean for it to be quite such a list hehe, sorry! I'll hit submit!!

Edited by Streaks

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+ radio signal finder/tracker so one can reveal or detect signals and their general directions

Mission examples:

a) one side has to keep radio silence as much as possible to avoid detetection eg for infiltration/small scale deployment

b) one team is assigned to surveillance/recon task incl. scanning/monitoring enemies radio chatter.

Something that is highly effective but less noticeable than jamming certain or all radio frequencies. :)

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  wipman said:


and... Chengdu J-XX, PAK FA T-50 :p

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More robust MP content out-of-the-box

Larger MP missions like CTI that work from day-one without being lag or warping hell like ARMA and ARMA 2 until recently with the 1.60 patch (GREAT job on patch 1.60!!)

Complex MP missions that are scalable and editable in mission wizard. For instance, we need to be able to easily scale CTI anywhere from fighting over only 1 town to the entire map. Good for player numbers anywhere from one-on-one, a small group of friends, a whole populated server, or anywhere in between. Also, should be able to change income rate, pricing level, remove money altogether, etc via mission wizard.

Better handling of the learning curve for new players via tutorials and in-game info, tips, tooltips, etc, able to be switched off by experienced players. Also, "hint" is not good for bringing new information on how to play or control something to a player. It is too easily missed, and is removed from the screen or changed too quickly to read. Would be better to have a box or window pop up, pausing the game, until the player clicks a button to move past it. As stated above, able to be switch off by experienced players.

Any other similar items that will help new players get into ARMA!

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MOAR OPFOR missions, i don't want to run around as a damn american specops guy all the time ;)

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I wish Life RP missions, to be official in Arma 3! Chernarus life/takistan life etc. This missions are as much popular as warfare, being played a lot always almost full servers in chernarus/takistan life missions, and it's really fun to play.

AS few may know, CTI aka Warfare, was fan made mission for OFP (Arma:Cold War Assault) by mapfact, cleanrock crCTI, DVD CTI and others (i don't know who made it first). Now this had made as official mission to ArmA 1 as Warfare.

BIS games always had quite advanced civilian gameplay elements. Civilian prople, vehicles, planes. i don't think it will be a big deal for BIS to make their own life mission.


Neuro. :)

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Animations for ineraction player with player, clap by head(...), push, kick, stroke by gun, !can grab a player from behind(if target staying) and use as shield (look to Splinter Cell)!.

Animations for Disarm!

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Ability to tell AI squad to do miscellaneous things like take off NVGs and Randomly choose your uniform/loadout.

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Full Pixel Shader 3.0 support, with all features

Edited by J-Guid
obnoxious font

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1.Is it possible? like this picture


2.changeable helmets types and the ability to customize helmets like put a sign or word

3.BALAKLAVA mask and ability to put on BALAKLAVA without helemt

4. little bit of effects on faces(because in arma 2, players kinda look the same)

5. In arma 2, everyone walks the same way which it kinda look unrealistic. You guys should add different walking types.

6. ability to kick in doors+throw flash bang, grenade or smoke grenade thru windows

7. For example if I'm carrying rocket launcher and back bag they both should be visible

Edited by hellsoldier

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I thought BF3 had a pretty good flight model of the F-35. They got all the flaps and the rotating exhaust and everything. The only thing missing was the internal weapons bay. BF3 had pretty good vehicle models in general. F35.png


Also very good war fx


Mayb BIS could take a look at that :)

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I wish the following with regards to a user friendly MP menu interface. These should be lessons learned from OFP through Arma 2.

Use of Confirmations Prompts

for example: "Are you sure you want to disconnect from this server?", "Are you sure you want to get back to the lobby?", all that to prevent accidantial disconnections.

Single "Stop Shop" For Player and Unit Data

"All in one" player data window, that shall contain all the following in a single place, eliminating the need to browse through the menu in order to display a certain information (actually a combination of the the current "Player" and "Unit"). This window should include the following items:

  • Player nickname, connection info (ping, BW), squad XML data.
  • Unit rank
  • Unit role (medic, engineer etc.)
  • Unit face
  • Unit score
  • Weapons and equipment
  • Admin controls buttons- kick, mute

Convenient Mission Naming

Arma 1 and Arma 2 introduced a new mission naming system that divides between the file name and the mission name ("briefingName"). This creates a lot of trouble for admining servers with many missions (our server contain 800 missions!) because every mission maker use a different naming format for his missions. This creates a messy servers, which makes it very hard to browse and find a mission in the mission selection screen. I don't see the benefit of having a "Mission name" in addition to the file name itself. It will be much easier for us all if the mission name will be actually the file name itself. This will allow admins to conveniently rename the mission files to the format they wish to be present in their server without editing every mission before they upload it to their server.

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deleted, miss...

Edited by J-Guid

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