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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

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Map symbol interface menu with save slots for custom and commonly used symbols.

This is my suggestion for the map symbols, I'll be adding a sweet picture I drew using MS Paint to show you what I'm talking about in my next post because I'm not allowed to add the link.

Basically you would have 12 save slots for your most commonly used symbols. Along with the symbols you can also save what color and what text are accompanied with them by simply typing in the text, picking the color and dragging the symbol to an an empty slot WITHOUT hitting OK. (I'm shooting for something similar to the drag and drop inventory menu style.)


Open the map and double click on the spot you would like to mark just like normal.

Simply use the up and down arrows like normal to change the symbol.

Choose the color by clicking on it with your mouse cursor.

If you'd like to save text with the symbol, then type what you want in the text bar.

(If you don't want text then just leave the text bar empty.)

Once you have everything set up, simply move your cursor over to the big symbol and drag it to an empty slot. DO NOT HIT OK unless you also want to place that symbol on the part of the map you double clicked. on.

If you only want to save symbols BUT not place a marker on the map at that time you would simply hit cancel to close the window after you've dragged your symbols to the save slots.

To clear a save slot you must move your cursor over the slot and press the delete key on your keyboard. Simply dragging a different symbol over a filled slot WILL NOT replace it. This is to prevent accidental replacement during "Oh crap I'm getting shot!" combat.

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

Map symbol interface menu (Not sure if this will work.) http://i42.tinypic.com/20sxdsn.jpg

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A small animation like the one in Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 for putting down your nvg's.. Really adds something to the immersion!:)

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*Intercept/A to B


*block/jam (even the voice over in the game lol )

-enemy communication

use of RUSE - misleading the enemy

Edited by Colonel-ONeill

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here's a fighter jet I'd love to see:

Also, I'd love to see another static amphibious carrier in Arma 3.

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Can I wish for a better "Wishlist" Thread? :p

Just ONE Thread of over 200 pages? Whoa!

Each 'wish' should be a Thread (if possible)

so everyone can comment on that one

idea/request/wish. Be a better way to find

something, fix an issue, or start a possible

mod/script project by someone.

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- It would be heaven if AI would take cover when exposed to suppressing fire (like the suppress mod for arma2).

- wind affecting bullets

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All I wish for is the map of Chernobyl/Pripyat, and the M-24 sniper rifle. As Arma 3 is my first Arma game ever, I never got to experience my favorite weapon in the world, on Arma 2.

Weapons I hope to see added,



M-24 Sniper rifle



M-95 sniper rifle

M-107 Barret .50cal

M1 Garand(just as a cool weapon to fool around with)








M1 Thompson(just to fool around with and have fun)


Berreta M9

Berreta M93K





Semtex(Cell phone)

M24 Grenade



Black Hawk




Dirt bike











A-10 Warthog






F-5 Freedom Fighter


YF-23(Black Widow II)






T-100(made it up)







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At the moment there is only a terrible 2D overlay for both the driver and gunner of the armored vehicles. Interiors for all positions I expect should have the same quality and detail as every other vehicle in the game. Also the driver should have a 3D viewport that he can look out of, which will give him greater visibility.

Its been twelve years since we last saw consistent quality interiors for ALL vehicles. I still prefer the armored gameplay from OFP to ArmA 3. I feel that there are very few compelling reasons why this feature was removed, but I hope that the voice of the community will change Bohemia's minds.

Please vote yes on the ticket above if you want full interiors for ALL vehicles in ArmA 3, not just a select few.

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Adjustment of the treatment system

Now the system of treatment as an arcade.

The main problem: the character can be cured first aid kit as you like. For milsim it is not serious. + Do not use positive developments of ARMA2.

An example of what you can do:

- Self first aid kit for mild injuries can not be use more than 2-3 times.

- Mid and heavy wounds requieres Medic's help and cannot be recovered more than 1- 2 times

- Severe injury can lead to loss of consciousness

- Leg injures immobilezes

- Arm injures affects the aiming, but the change of hands can shoot almost normal (You can make an animation shifting weapon (now the hand does not change when you shoot from the left shoulder))

- Carried injures (cured or not) affect the speed, breath holding, carried weight

- Adding the effect of concussion

- All bots can react the same way

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I wish you would change the way we set up our mouse sensitivity. Instead of slider, we should be able to type the number, for example 0.1-10 (and i mean ten, not 1.0). Sliders are a bit fiddly.

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So something bugs me about the new apcs and thats the diffrence between them is big

One is more like an APC the other is like an IFV then an APC

So Maybe add these in a standalone expansion like AO was? :)

First the BMPT to the OPFOR so they'll have a real heavy duty apc!

Yes yes I know its not an APC its an AFV but the 2T Stalker isnt an APC either yet its in the game as one so yeah


Its based on the T-72 hull and its pretty darn cool. Although the T-72s armor isnt anywhere near the armor of the Merkava IV which the Namer (Panther) is based on

I believe they added armor to it + things can be changed around. Now as you might be aware BIS is planning on introducing something called the Cheetah.

Heres a Picture of the Cheetah.

http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/arma3_e3_20124.jpg (408 kB)

The Cheetah will basically be the AA system of NATO (In the picture it has OPFOR camo but you know the story behind that.) based on the Namer APC.

And as you can see on top of the BMPT there is a small turret this can be changed a little and made into an AA system aswell.

Now the second vehicle I would like to add is the CV90 for NATO so they'll have a more mobile apc/ifv!


The CV90 is a swedish vehicle fast and light with not alot of armor just like the 2T Stalker (BTR-T) in use by the OPFOR

This can have an unmanned turret and a 30mm and 2 missiles because why not?

Also both can have diffrent variants like the styrker in Arma 2 which had diffrent variants these can have aswell

So thoughts opinions? I'll be glad to hear them!

Edited by PurePassion
Moved. Please search before posting. Thanks!

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I think that would be very realistic, if we would be able to track the enemy radio signals and:


*Intercept/A to B


*block/jam (even with the built in voice over in the game lol )

use of RUSE = misleading the enemy

imitate or fake invasion trough RUSE so the enemy forces moving to the wrong direction

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So for me as someone who enjoys large transport aircraft and jets, a big thing for me is that the C-130 is quite dated. I am worried that they will carry over the C-130 to Arma 3 when the Militery IRL would be using the C-17 Globemaster or other modern transport aircraft. The C-17 Globemaster would be my choice as it is designed to land were normal aircraft like it can't land be ause the C-17 can acually back up and turn while backing up.

Have the devs ever commented on this issue? This is something that has been bugging since I first played Arma 3.

---------- Post added at 00:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:17 ----------

The c-17 can also "project" thrust toward the ground allowing it to come in toward the runway incredibly steep and then land without crashing and land shorter than the c-130.

---------- Post added at 00:35 ---------- Previous post was at 00:32 ----------

Even a slight hint from the devs would be nice.

---------- Post added at 00:38 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------

Imagine the distinct "angel wings" flare smoke shape the C-17 makes!

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Some small/hopefully easy to implement ideas I thought I'd throw out there:

- Different 'bullet whizz' sounds for 20/30mm shells. They should have more impact than the waspish small arms.

- Reflectors. There are loads of reflectors on vehicles/street signs that do not reflect light! It would be much cooler if they did.

- Maybe have a blue/colder tone to some lights to simulate LEDs rather than incandescent/halogen globes. Eg. Panther headlights.

And one more ambitious one:

- Smoke/particles might be improved? Faster building/banking and dispersed more by wind. Also, 'screen' style smoke shells/launchers. ie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TODr5NKNuCg

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I think that for multiplayer purposes it'd be good to be able to draw like with a pencil on map at least in multiplayer. This way players could agree on tactics easier.

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- It would be nice if smoke would rise higher from destroyed vehicles, like the 3 smoke plumes that's in BI's Defend Kamino mission.

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Adjustment of the treatment system

Now the system of treatment as an arcade.

The main problem: the character can be cured first aid kit as you like. For milsim it is not serious. + Do not use positive developments of ARMA2.

An example of what you can do:

- Self first aid kit for mild injuries can not be use more than 2-3 times.

- Mid and heavy wounds requieres Medic's help and cannot be recovered more than 1- 2 times

- Severe injury can lead to loss of consciousness

- Leg injures immobilezes

- Arm injures affects the aiming, but the change of hands can shoot almost normal (You can make an animation shifting weapon (now the hand does not change when you shoot from the left shoulder))

- Carried injures (cured or not) affect the speed, breath holding, carried weight

- Adding the effect of concussion

- All bots can react the same way


And sometimes happen that the medic die or is injured so it's not possible to heal him and the other soldiers.

It would be really great if could be possible to carry the injured soldiers on vehicles for extractions, I think this would add a lot more of immersion and there would be more kind of mission and way to play.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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C-27J and C-295 can be cool too for parachute training, and both have naval warfare variant and radar variant.

I just to find an other info, C-27J can be armed with 30mm gun and C2 capacity and it's called MC-27J, like Hunter or Ifirt it's will be awesome to have a type of plane with lot off variant








Edited by F27Sharps

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Hi,i'm Arma player since 4 years ago and this game needs to place real gloves in game.Gloves used/using by the armys around the world like:




I realy like to see this gloves in game with new marpats to,acu digital marpat with a oakley sand tactical glove.Woodland digital with a black Blackhawk glove.

Just my opnion,thanks guys and much thanks to bohemia to do this badass game...

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since detailed interiors unfortunately are not planned for armored vehicles, i wish for some decent substitutes:

  • More gameplay mechanics for "turned out" apc/tank crews: Ability to use binoculars, the ability to duck for cover - still being able to barely see over the hatch/shield while giving a smaller target to enemies. Ability to use external mounted MG if availabe, ability to reload remote weapon stations etc. These are just examples. The basic idea would be, to make turning out more useful and give the ability to control/command the vehicle from outside in low to medium risk situations.

  • When inside the vehicle: Better designed optics and HUD/GUI. Pip-screens incorporated into the GUI. Map/GPS properly incorporated into the HUD/GUI and so on...

Edited by twistking

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Some more additions:

- eyes of humans and animals shine when viewed through NVGs

- night vision scopes (maybe all light-emitting scopes?) should cast a faint light onto the eye of the shooter when turned on ie.http://i.imgur.com/30fs3Fh.jpg (267 kB)

- A small map consisting of only open water and an extensively modelled deep-sea oil mining platform. Should showcase the water combat and CQB enhancements of Arma 3. Maybe something for the PMCs to defend to give them some context in the story?

- Seems to me the propellant gasses on many missiles are too prominent. From what I've seen from youtube the most distinct visual effect is the heat refraction from the propellant more than smoke. You should be more or less able to guide the missile to the target visually (at least for wire-guided AT missiles). Maybe a case of less-is-more as far as visual effects and particles is concerned. Though the addition of heat-haze effects to rockets would be nice :)

Edited by Flaky

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C-27J and C-295 can be cool too for parachute training, and both have naval warfare variant and radar variant.

I just to find an other info, C-27J can be armed with 30mm gun and C2 capacity and it's called MC-27J, like Hunter or Ifirt it's will be awesome to have a type of plane with lot off variant








You`re Lucky! In the German Army Mod you can allready fly this plane ,however not quite ready yet,it`s a bit back heavy.

It`s not armed yet either.Good Luck!

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- Enough items with multiple purposes/uses, like fortification stuff, roadblocks, bar gates (bar gate is a must-have!), money piles etc.

- Diverse civilian character units, eg. man with suit, policeman, paramedic, farmer, fisherman, doctor, mechanic, worker, mayor

- Road structure on Altis made so that there are enough towns that are connected to multiple towns (or to same towns but with multiple roads), eg. so that if the road that connects town A and town B is blocked, you can still get to town B by going to town C on road and then going to town B from there – this was one of the features that made Chernarus awesome map in my opinion

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An option too allow destroyed vehicles to burn and billow smoke much longer, currently good for MP but immersion killer in SP when it dies out within a few minutes.

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It would be nice if you add external ballistics projectile: to wit

wind, vertical angles, temperature, pressure, and humidity.

Thanks in advance

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