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1.90 bug list

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I also have *never* had errors with the Strela launcher.

What version of OFP are you running, US, Czech, Polish, Iraq?

I have never had this error in any version of OFP.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1.90 - Fixed: MP: Cheating opportunity fixed: setPos can be no longer used to change position of objects that are part of landscape.<span id='postcolor'>

What exactly is this "opportunity"? I have been using SetPos to move some objects from the island around in my missions, and now in 1.90 those missions are bugged as the objects do not move anymore. So could this be changed back? I dont even see how anyone could "cheat" by setpos'ing objects from the terrain, as it would need to be done from the mission.

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It's not "cheating". But the thing is, untill you reboot your computer, then al the buildings stay there. And not all people are smart enough to put a return trigger on them so it doesn't fug up the island.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 26 2002,00:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's not "cheating".  But the thing is, untill you reboot your computer, then al the buildings stay there.  And not all people are smart enough to put a return trigger on them so it doesn't fug up the island.<span id='postcolor'>

so you could (with older versions) just 'play' a mission with all buildings moved away from the island and then go to a multiplayer match and play a mission on this island - with no buildings to stop your sight or shots??? That IS cheating!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ Nov. 25 2002,22:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I also have *never* had errors with the Strela launcher.

What version of OFP are you running, US, Czech, Polish, Iraq?

I have never had this error in any version of OFP.<span id='postcolor'>

Uk version I assume...and everyone I know has the same problem.

I'd love to see a screenshot of the mythical Strella Rocket. tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Nov. 26 2002,08:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd love to see a screenshot of the mythical Strella Rocket.  tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>



However, I do get a picture not found error message when I start the mission.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Nov. 26 2002,09:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yes, that's the launcher, but the rocket pic is missing.<span id='postcolor'>

Oh. wow.gifsad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (joltan @ Nov. 26 2002,01:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Nov. 26 2002,00:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's not "cheating".  But the thing is, untill you reboot your computer, then al the buildings stay there.  And not all people are smart enough to put a return trigger on them so it doesn't fug up the island.<span id='postcolor'>

so you could (with older versions) just 'play' a mission with all buildings moved away from the island and then go to a multiplayer match and play a mission on this island - with no buildings to stop your sight or shots??? That IS cheating!<span id='postcolor'>

So... should the fix be "All terrain objects are moved back to their original positions after a new mission is loaded" instead of what it is now?

About the strela, it works fine for me:


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Nov. 26 2002,10:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So... should the fix be "All terrain objects are moved back to their original positions after a new mission is loaded" instead of what it is now?<span id='postcolor'>

This would be much harder to implement (and much slower), because original position of static (aka 'primary'wink.gif objects is not stored anywhere in the memory, only in the .wrp file. Restoring object positions would mean reading position of all primary objects from the .wrp file (or implementing some kind of auto-restore mechanism with memory that would be attached to the primary object when it is moved).

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As i said many postings before this one, strela works for me and always has (as far as i can tell, i'm sure i never got "pop ups"). It displays the strela itself and the ammo for it. We played a mission where one aa soldier has a strela and ammo, and the other only has one shot of ammo. Always showed up in the gear screen of the briefing for all players to see and caused no errors.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HK (HunterKiller) @ Nov. 25 2002,19:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Benu i think that this would be a correct xml link XML would it not?, if not feel free to correct me. This "readme" that you are talking about, what is it for?, is it one that comes with xml file setup or with the Linux setup?<span id='postcolor'>

This should work. The main problem is ppl forgetting to put http:// before their link to .xml file.

As there is less logs in 1.90, I didn't see if this bugs occurs now, but we have already seen one crash on server. Impossible to know the exact cause.

The is a server hang (Linux box) when pple with XML configured do connect, but the game can continue after 10 sec approx. Strange.

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Admins: This has been posted in "Troubleshooting" already. Maybe it fits better in here...

Ok, I am getting desperate...

My Linux server 1.90 crashes randomly and I have no clue why. It can run fine for a few hours then crash with a segementation fault out of nowhere, just because someone tries to connect. First I thought this was related to certain players only but then it started to happen with players that have been playing fine for hours before.

Longest uptime was 5 hours but sometimes it crashes after 5 minutes, sometimes after half an hour. I can't see a pattern here...

The solution Kegetys posted a few pages above doesn't work for me. What bugs me most is that I don't know whether this problem is caused by the OS/installation or the game itself.

I will include my config file and a serverlog (which doesn't show much)


</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> passwordAdmin="xxxxxx";


hostname="ZEUS Linux Server Dual Xeon"



       "Welcome to ZEUS Testserver",

       "Under Construction!",

       "IT MAY CRASH!!",   //<--- it's sad to have to write such things in your MOTD...

       "Have Fun, play fair"












MaxSizeNonguaranteed=512;<span id='postcolor'>

Server Log (sorry it's a bit long):

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> ZEUS:/ofp # ./server -config=server.cfg

20:44:56 Dedicated server created

Operation Flashpoint Console version 1.90: port 2302 - Sockets

20:44:56 Server identity created

20:45:10 Player Praetorian connecting

20:45:49 Player Praetorian connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:45:55 Player Tasman connecting

20:46:20 Player FireFox connecting

20:46:20 Player Tasman connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:46:41 Player Pimmelorus connecting

20:47:07 Player Raphaël connecting

20:47:07 Player Pimmelorus connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:47:11 Player RedDeviln connecting

20:47:14 Player Raphaël connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:47:14 Raphaël uses modified config file - 1.85

20:48:03 Player Raphaël disconnected

20:48:03 Player RedDeviln connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:48:03 RedDeviln uses modified config file - 1.85

20:48:03 Player FireFox disconnected

20:48:14 Player FireFox connecting

20:48:44 Player Crunch connecting

20:48:44 Player FireFox connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:48:44 FireFox uses modified config file - 1.85

20:49:11 Player Crunch connected (id=390145)

20:50:08 Player Praetorian disconnected

20:50:10 Player Praetorian connecting

20:50:31 Player Praetorian connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:50:48 Player Terox connecting

20:51:27 Player Terox connected (id=xxxxxx)

20:51:53 Admin Terox logged in.

20:52:34 Mission dm08zz_realpaintball.intro read from bank

20:54:39 Mission 1-12_d_flagfight3.noe read from bank

20:55:47 Roles assigned

20:55:47 Reading mission ...

20:55:59 Mission read

20:56:03 Player FireFox disconnected

20:59:18 Player Praetorian disconnected

20:59:21 Player Praetorian connecting

20:59:43 Player Tasman is loosing connection

20:59:43 Player Pimmelorus is loosing connection

20:59:43 Player RedDeviln is loosing connection

20:59:43 Player Crunch is loosing connection

20:59:43 Player Praetorian connected (id=xxxxxx)

21:00:21 Player yamammammaaa! connecting

21:00:26 Player yamammammaaa! connected (id=xxxxxx)

21:00:46 Player Zed connecting

21:01:42 Player Zed connected (id=xxxxxx)

21:01:42 Zed uses modified config file - 1.85

21:02:09 Player Zed disconnected

21:02:12 Roles assigned

21:02:12 Reading mission ...

21:02:12 Mission read

21:03:39 Game started

21:06:58 Player yamammammaaa! is loosing connection

21:17:25 Player RedDeviln disconnected

21:18:47 Game finished

21:18:50 Waiting for next game

21:19:04 Player Pimmelorus disconnected

21:19:33 Mission liga-cup_anhoehe_c_1.2.cain read from bank

21:19:58 Player Praetorian disconnected

21:20:00 Player Praetorian connecting

21:20:21 Player Piza connecting

21:20:21 Player Praetorian connected (id=xxxxxx)

Segmentation fault  /// and then it crashed...

<span id='postcolor'>

Another thing I noticed is that the server is extemely delicate with other people connecting...no matter which bandwidth they use (DSL, Cable, ISDN) the server sometimes almost comes to a halt, showing "Player xxx is loosing connection" for about 15 seconds and for multiple players. I know this issue but it never seemed so drastic until version 1.90. It also takes a very long time to connect, even for me. And I have a ping of 20 and 768 kbit DSL (no, noone was using custom soundfiles).

Machine specs are as follows:

dedicated 100 Mbit connection

IBM X345 server Dual Xeon 2,2

2 Gigs of RAM

OS is Suse Enterprise Server 8.0/United Linux 1.0

nothing else on it except OFP and Teamspeak 2.0

The server runs fine and very fast (when it works) and performance should be high enough not to make it hang for 15 secs as soon as someone connects.

I am using the config.bin, resource.bin and stringtable.csv from a fresh Win32 1.90 installation. There are no unofficial addons installed, it's fresh from the oven (I only added a few MP maps which work fine on other servers)

Anyone able to help me?!?...I hope it's not an issue with the Linux installation/tweaking since I am a Linux newbie...



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@ Major Fubar, mate i get that too, and as i remember ALWAYS have, i must have uncontiously stopped picking up Strela's as i forgot about it, but i picked one up last night in a game i was playing and yep error still there with the pop up appearing...it must be a random thing with some peeps getting it and some not, wherever the .paa for it is stored maybe we could drag it in off the disk and add it to the dta file or whatever? Anyone care to help out with a suggestion please?

I know depbo'ing may not be for certian peeps ie they feel a bit nervous about doin it etc, but a short and to the point readme (I'd do it but i'm not that great at explanations sorry).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (whisperFFW06 @ Nov. 26 2002,16:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have the same kind of "halts" as you when a player connects. But I don't have seg fault crashes.<span id='postcolor'>

Testing led me to the conclusion that server "hang" and long connection times are related to XML parsing (sigh...)

I deleted my squad XML link and connected in about 2 secs whereas it took around 45 secs before...

Could the segementation faults be related to this , too?

I am craving for an answer...

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Parachutes do still smoke, at least in direct play they do.

And when you are on the receiving mission screen it stays at (1kb, 300kb) untill the mission is loaded.

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Shrike: We too have occasional pauses when someone joins or crashes, but not that much. But my server isn't frequented that much after updating i think, or at least i didn't have too much time to test 1.90 in the last days.

Coming to think of it, connecting took awfully long for all of us directly after upgrading the server to 1.90, but today i could join really fast. And i did switch my squad.xml in the meantime (a friend has made another squad.xml for all of us and we are testing it). I will switch back and test again (i hope tomorrow) and see if it really makes a difference, what's different between those two xml files and whether anything is in the logfiles regarding xml parsing.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hit_Sqd_Maximus @ Nov. 27 2002,12:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Parachutes do still smoke, at least in direct play they do.

And when you are on the receiving mission screen it stays at (1kb, 300kb) untill the mission is loaded.<span id='postcolor'>

could be a 1.88 server dunno if it would affect it tho.

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I don't know what everyone is complaining about. My strela shows up perfectly.

One thing I've noticed in 1.90 (didn't notice it before so I assume it was an added feature) is that you can now drop items directly from the notepad on map instead of in-game actions. Notice the drop icon.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Nov. 27 2002,16:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I don't know what everyone is complaining about. My strela shows up perfectly.

One thing I've noticed in 1.90 (didn't notice it before so I assume it was an added feature) is that you can now drop items directly from the notepad on map instead of in-game actions. Notice the drop icon.

strela.jpg<span id='postcolor'>

thats been their from 1.75, what i want is to be able to order men to pick up weapons from that menu jus like in breif and also to be able to use it at ammo crates.

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hmm. I've tested it on my installation (Res with 1.90 Patch), and the picture of the launcher is there, but the projectile picture isn't!!

There's also a "Strela picture" not found error after initializing when lineup an east airdefense-soldier!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GeneralMortars @ Nov. 27 2002,13:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hmm. I've tested it on my installation (Res with 1.90 Patch), and the picture of the launcher is there, but the projectile picture isn't!!

There's also a "Strela picture" not found error after initializing when lineup an east airdefense-soldier!<span id='postcolor'>

That's the problem. Welcome to the club.

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