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1.90 bug list

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well well.. if you don't like a company that cares about the players and provides patches.. take like Delta force and pay for each new game each year (or something like that)... i will stick to ofp until i get my hands on VBS1 wink.gif

the "unload troops real fast when close to ground" can be made.. and have been made by me... just do a script that "eject" people.. or if you play as a group leader. order eject close to the ground instead of disembark..

Me and my friend have had some problems with the aiming with turnets. Not sure if it is a bug but think so. Played with same people since like last x-mas, same connection, computers (well kinda) and since 1.85 and sometimes the gunner can't control the turrnet..

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Is this a bug?

I can't see nowhere to add an empty car on an empy plane?

Have BIS removed it?

Or am I just blind? biggrin.gif

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Nekkekami: We played a mission yesterday, 1.88 linux server and 1.90 clients and we HAD pics of the strela in the gear section of the briefing... or which "bug" are you referring to?!?

Update: Seems it was a mission on nogova. How did you test for the strela pic? 1.85 server? 1.88 server? 1.90 client hosted?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Paaris @ Nov. 22 2002,15:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is this a bug?

I can't see nowhere to add an empty car on an empy plane?

Have BIS removed it?

Or am I just blind?  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

You are just blind, I can still see them (make sure you add a player first)


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Paaris @ Nov. 22 2002,15:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is this a bug?

I can't see nowhere to add an empty car on an empy plane?

Have BIS removed it?

Or am I just blind?  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

guess u forgot to place first a player.... the editor wont permit you to place empty thing before u place first a player.

Just a security to not do a ALL AI mission like i did before *trust me it was surprising the preview lol... start=>end lol*

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No red hammer in campaign selection and red hammer (1.90) patch seems corrupted.


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when i tested, I still had that missing .paa from the Strela, but what a joy, the green smoke .paa was eventually no longer missing at least.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([GNC]Nekkekami @ Nov. 22 2002,07:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There's still no pic of the 9K32-streyla missile?

Bravo! Done very well! Superb!

I will never buy any buggy Bohemia-Interactive / Codemasters products again, I'm tired of finding bug after bug....

...and I'm tired of seeing the same sh*** bugs again and again...

...and I'm tired of installing patch after patch....

And if you're searching for more bugs, BIS, then go on and search for yourself!<span id='postcolor'>

Personally I think you are making a mistake lashing out at BIS like that. Especially over a missing picture, do you think it doesn't bother someone else that some other "bug" is not fixed for a year or two? It does, but people laugh it off because they can enjoy the hundreds of great things in the engine. The SBLive crackling issue is an example of something I bashed Redstorm Entertainment with because it was so important to the game, but I will not do the same for BIS because I am more than satisfied with so much else.

The point is that BIS does listen to what customers would like fixed and added, it's alot like a democracy, they take what is most requested and possible/logical and implement it. Your picture request was probably such a minority, overshadowed by bigger bugs and new exciting/needed features.

To me it looks like BIS (Suma in particular) is doing their best for us and of course for them... wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tales_From_Topographic_Oceans @ Nov. 22 2002,14:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wil post this again in case it was missed in another thread.

In RES V 1.85 or 1.87, whatever is the most current version, soldiers can run through walls and buildings--needs fix<span id='postcolor'>

If you read this thread you will see that iis not an easy thing to fix and it will probably not be fixed until OFP2(or what ever it will be called)

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Did anyone else have a problem with the take off speed? I can get off ground at 160 with a stick, but with my mouse its closer to 200. I also hit a M1 with the nose of a A10 and it felw into the air. I am going to look a bit more into the hard point on the nose. It seems like the messed the mouse control a bit for planes.

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bug found:

When switching to binocular, the nvgoggles-model is shown in the player's hand

I also noticed a car or even a T-72 can easily flip over on a bump on the road/terrain and that the T-72 have gotten itself a mighty powerful engine. Me and my buddy had a little race; he in a UAZ and me in a T-72 biggrin.gif

It all went really fast uphill untill I fliped the tank biggrin.gif

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the sound in 1.9 is completly gone it worked with 1.85 and i tested it with cwc 1.30 am i doing somethig wrong  confused.gif  confused.gif  confused.gif

The sound is working again  (resstarted the comp) i wasnt just imagining it though

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ Nov. 22 2002,22:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">bug found:

When switching to binocular, the nvgoggles-model is shown in the player's hand

I also noticed a car or even a T-72 can easily flip over on a bump on the road/terrain and that the T-72 have gotten itself a mighty powerful engine. Me and my buddy had a little race; he in a UAZ and me in a T-72 biggrin.gif

It all went really fast uphill untill I fliped the tank biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Strange, just checked those bugs out but I dont seem to have any of them.  confused.gif

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I double-checked.

I see nvgoggles in my hand when switching to binoculars only when I have nvgoggles in my inventory. When I don't have nvgoggles in my inventory I see the binoculars again.

UPDATE: this only happends when the nvgoggles are in the left inventory-slot

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ Nov. 22 2002,22:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">bug found:

When switching to binocular, the nvgoggles-model is shown in the player's hand<span id='postcolor'>

I had this in 1.85 too, but didn't report it because I thought it was the binocular with another detail level because I've turned the details down a lot smile.gif

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Nothing in the README so I'm assuming its still not compatible with some of the Red Hammer and original missions?

Mayby not a true bug but until an update comes along to fix those missions I'll stick with 1.75. After all fixing the engine but breaking the campaigns surely has to be an issue worth addressing?

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This has to be the funniest bug I've ever seen tounge.giftounge.gif Vehicles go faster uphill than downhill. Downhill even slows you down. I guess 1.90 will not last long which is nice smile.gif

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AK-74 Inventory pic still looks like a 47...

the Descriptions for the "Mortar" and 40mm M203 Grenade look like they were switched, their descriptions would more accurately pertain to the other

these are really minor so i guess they're low on the list; but they've been around for ages

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