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  On 6/14/2017 at 10:30 PM, -PU- Tyius - said:


We are aware of the reports and we will take action to protect our game from hackers.

Thanks for the report!

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this guy was on the server the other day with me when something happened

I recorded it on shadow play he was AFK for about 3 matches prior to this happening



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  On 6/16/2017 at 2:58 PM, -DL- Shane-uk said:

this guy was on the server the other day with me when something happened

I recorded it on shadow play he was AFK for about 3 matches prior to this happening




  On 6/14/2017 at 10:21 PM, -PU- Tyius - said:

he locks ur mouse/camera then comes to kill you have video evidence 

We are keeping a very close eye on them.. :elfbash:

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Hello everyone,


i´ve encountered a hacker/glitch user whatever you like to call him.


Gamemode was Clash (so usually no respawn, and definitively not on his mate i just killed.

Time was around 22:00 CET (Berlin Time).

His name is glum24

You can see what i mean in the video i´ve linked.




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Please, im personally average player myself but having +2000 hours with Arma series and dayz the thing what really made me almost quit playing elsewhere than wellknown servers with fair and legit admining was blatant cheating, specially in dayz...


And now, in argo, after official publish.


What i see is just not good, players are  advertizing cheats, both public and closed, players are using exploits in order to remove grass etc...seeing lvl 1 "guest" players joining in game against +6 tier team killing them like 40-2 popping headshots, teleporting and instakilling ...


Please devs, this game will suffer so much if you give free hands to these i**ts, its sad to see how often i see hacking and hackers laughing why this game is too easy to exploit...


Youtube is allready fested with videos on cheats on argo.Dont let this gametitle suffer same way like dayz did.Getting rid of cheaters and active measures + moderators in online is essential.


Clearly Battleye alone is not enough yo keep game clean, that we all know for sure even looking back all of those games which rely only to battleye.



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Battleye is enough

Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk

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  On 6/30/2017 at 8:12 PM, esschallert said:

I highly doubt it

No, Hand_Solo is right, that definitely is a bug more than anything. If he was hacking, he would probably be doing a lot more tbh other than just respawning himself...

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I must be lucky then. Because in my 22 hours of playing, I haven't played against a single hacker :O Neither have I see any advertisements for 'hacks' 

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Hello everyone,


I want to report this guy : "jardaswanc" for friendly killing in the game mod Combat Patrol.




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I have around 70 hours in Argo now and apart from small exploits to get up ladders and things I haven't come across anyone cheating also some people are that good.

I levelled my alt account and cot abused for hacking but it is easy to go 30-4 with basic weapons I play with people who do it for fun every day

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Just a heads-up we are working on a system to let players report the hackers, right now if you encounter any, please film it and send it to me or share it here on forums. 

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ive heard its related to using the auto-respawn , didnt give it "a try" though

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What can i do if I was to infected by RageQ, last day?


I have to check may computer? to reinstall the game?


Currently my game works oki.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 4:59 AM, Tzup said:

What can i do if I was to infected by RageQ, last day?


I have to check may computer? to reinstall the game?


Currently my game works oki.


You don't have to do anything, you and your PC are fine.

The term hacker is wrong, they're script kids or skiddies, they run some cheats because they suck at life and spoil your game, they can't cause you any harm, simply change server and they're gone.

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As in title - here's another cheater running way too fast with some sort of speed hack (teleporting him ~1m in front instead of just running). He's used it to run straight to enemy base and kill them before they even left it.

Being said to stop use it he said he uses it because he wants easy points :eh:




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