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  1. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    iam frustrated, I pay 34k for MXM and 42k for skill tree reset, and play this for 1 hour and its shit and now I have to grind just to get back to my previous loadout, and the price for skill tree reset ist getting up by 300-600 credits per game. So I pay 34k+42k+44k=120k just to try out another weapon for 1 hour!!!! Skill tree reset cost are INSANE on higher level, get your things straight this is just no good man
  2. sightseeer.tv


    Iam level 19 on argo and never saw a cheater.... only respawn bug and other bugs but never a cheater.
  3. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    the reset costs are way to high. I switch from level 3 to level 2 to level 4 scopes, reseting tree alone costs more than 100k while the weapon I use costs only 80k... I mean hey I "try" the ak12 UGL costs 128k + 30kish reset costs, use it like for 1 hour just to see that its not accurate enough in comparison to magazine size, so many credits gone only because of skill tree resets. Skill tree reset costs are like 50% of my global credit uses.... Why are the costs so high on higher level? I mean you dont get more credits on higher level.... From 1 game to another the reset costs increase by a few hundred credits more. Iam level 18 and actually a bit frustrated about theses costs since about level 13ish. I already had 300k credits, then I got T2 vest and all was gone, and now I dont even use it. There is no room for testing with such crazy amount of wasted credits I actually reset my skill tree as soon as possible just because I want to try stuff that I already own, but in a different way. edit: now I want to try out dmr 1 but hey, the reset costs are over 40k while the dmr costs only 34k this is just insane.
  4. sightseeer.tv


    oh yes I experienced it once that I got frozen... now I understand, thought it was a lag
  5. sightseeer.tv


    yes its a bug, witnessed it twice now, happens on clash mostly.
  6. can you make a .rar or .zip folder with all essentially needed files to host a server such that everyone can use his custom loadouts? Is there a way to make an own server that gives xp? It would be nice to be able to balance the teams as "admin".
  7. sightseeer.tv

    Tactics in scenarios

    there should be an competitive mode for each gamemode: where you play best of 3 games in a row. On higher elo it should be the same with best of 5 games. Leaving these games should be penalized with a temporary ban until the game is over so that people have the incentive to continue and the XP reward should be increased accordingly so losing teams keep trying to win. If for example a teamate leaves the game, there should either bonus XP awarded for the players remaining in that team or for example higher Tier kevlar distributed in that team to make the games "more even" and winnable.. As the sides of the maps are ususally not balanced, the losing team should get the advantageous side on the next map following, so I mean they start on the advantageous side of the map. Overall there are a lot of tweaks that can be used to make the games really balanced and people get better in a faster way and this would increase the overall fun of all players enjoying this game. As this game tries to be a competitive tactical shooter, the elo system should be started as soon as possible as these kind of systems takes a bunch of time to "get good". Now what is actually the maximum number of players that can play on one server without so many ping/resource issues? Because I would add something like sniper spawns at the side of the towns/villages and maybe even think about deactivating killcam. Servers without killcam are "another scenario", you can for example split the circle in 4 pieces and just tell the players within the death screen, from which 90° degree part of his circle he was getting killed from and maybe even the distance, 0 to 50, 50 to 100, 100+ etc. So camping with silencers and scopes gets more viable.
  8. sightseeer.tv

    Level design feedback

    sometimes when playing Link and Iam capturing Main in the middle, I glitch through the middle thing (the thing you stand right beside of it for cap) and cant move while glitching through. Iam sure this can also be abused for example when using crouch/prone at the same time.
  9. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    I dont think that, because I lost a few games because I got teamkilled (especially when you are slow as F*** because you use an LMG and you disrupt enemy link number 2 and you get teamkilled there, it is a huge blow for you team....) Maybe they should lower the penalty for lower levels, but maybe at level 4-5 it should be -500xp again. The learning effect is just a bunch higher when the penalty is so strong. And as I mentioned earlyer, the teamkill penalty should be 0 when teamkilling a teamate that shots you first (teamkilling out of reaction ...)
  10. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    same for me, Iam level 17 now. Sometimes I dont even shoot an enemy because I am not sure if its a teamate.
  11. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    I unlocked bipods in skilltree and cant buy/equip bipod for MX 6.5. It says I have to unlock it. This is really bad as I have invested a point while not getting something from it, there is no bipod that I can buy with the unlocked bipod in skilltree...
  12. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    I know feedback should always be positive too, but I start with the negatives and will do another post for the positives later (I actually came here to express my struggles with the game): When restarting the game, the loadouts are most often reset and you need to remake them. Also you play on a server an a "new" loadout that I never build is showing up first in the list and I spawn with a weapon I didnt intend to spawn with. So I need to suicide only to change away from the loadout that shouldnt even be there. Even when resetting skill-tree, the loadouts get reset, why? Its really annoying to have to remake them after each reset! Overall loadouts: its really annoying that loadouts are not permanent, just let us make them and if they have stuff not unlocked by the skill tree, highlight them that we cant spawn with them etc. shooting range: 2 mags not enough, should be unlimited. shooting range: it should be possible to use weapons with different attachments, also when not owning the weapon/attachments first (atm its possible but not enough, you need weapon to test scope, you need scope to test additonal silencer etc). I want to be able to test a weapon with a scope and with a silencer. shooting range: I want real dummies with and without kevlars on different ranges to test the damage. Or some sort of other feedback so that I know how many shots are needed where for a kill. Weapons are expensive so we need to know beforehand. TEAMKILLS I have no problem when getting -500xp for a teamkill, but hey, you should be punished when teamkilling a teamate that was actually shooting at you and even damaging you. The thing is that you have no time within the reacion to check if its a teamate. The teamkill punishment needs to be inactive when you got damaged by a teamate first! Its really frustrating that every player below level 3 or 4 doesnt even know how to actually cap an objective. there is no way to queue with friends, we need to join a server, this is a really big issue as several of my friends dont even bother playing the game because they have to use the server browser and then its not even sure that you are in the same team. I can tell that is a really big issue for a game that seems to try to be competitive. Make queue with groups possible! Make the queue work, only server browsing is possible atm. Suggested servers are always full or non-existant. This is the most important!! LINK: You get no xp for the first caps, so why bother? I just go enemy 2 for enemies and blocking. Reload: Its not possible to change to pistol while reloading. If you reload, and there comes an enemy around the corner, it really should be possible and realistic, that you stop the reload and can change to secondary weapon. But momentaraly you can only wait for the reload to stop so that you can switch to pistol, but wait, then you dont need to switch xD
  13. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    When restarting the game, the loadouts are most often reset and you need to remake them. Also you play on a server an a "new" loadout that I never build is showing up first in the list and I spawn with a weapon I didnt intend to spawn with. So I need to suicide only to change away from the loadout that shouldnt even be there. Even when resetting skill-tree, the loadouts get reset, why? Its really annoying to have to remake them after each reset! Overall: its really annoying that loadouts are not permanent, just let us make them and if they have stuff not unlocked by the skill tree, highlight them that we cant spawn with them etc.
  14. sightseeer.tv

    Feedback Thread

    well what about the noobs that teamattack you, and then, out of reaction you kill them because you acttually know how to shoot? What about not punishing when uninentionally teamkilling a player that shots you first? I mean you cant really ask us to wait before shooting WHEN someone is already loading half a clip on you.... These are the only situations I get the -500xp punishment. And btw, the xp disadvantage when playing easy servers is not really helping the noobs starting there... I didnt neither and am still teamkilling, I explained the why above.