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Malden DLC 2035 - Official Feedback Post

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On 20.6.2017 at 2:33 AM, Francois_L said:

That said, if I take cover here, or AI does-- don't want to get killed, or be able to shoot baddies if some rocks/boulders are... 'decorative' the right word?


Known issue?

Poor boy... Being stuck in rocks or stairs is an integral part of the joys of ArmA. A core gameplay element. ;-)

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On 19/6/2017 at 11:08 PM, esfumato said:

Malden objects don't adapt to terrain in eden editor.


On 19/6/2017 at 11:23 PM, R0adki11 said:

Care to explain further, which objects specifically? 



Some objects adapt to the terrain other just stay flat.



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5 hours ago, tortuosit said:

Poor boy... Being stuck in rocks or stairs is an integral part of the joys of ArmA. A core gameplay element. ;-)

Its a gameplay leveling thing. The AI can see through trees - we can walk through rocks. ☺

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18 hours ago, esfumato said:




Some objects adapt to the terrain other just stay flat.


- snip -

I'm pretty sure those bunkers are designed to stay perfectly level unless you rotate them around manually, same for the buildings, no one wants to live in a house with a crooked foundation.  Unless there are other assets that aren't conforming to the terrain, I'd chalk that up as 'functioning as intended.'

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Very impressed with the map so far, the infantryman in me is overjoyed with the amounts of cover that can be found pretty much everywhere.

The new military structure assets are amazing! The barricades and bunkers will allow for many cool scenario opportunities.


However, it would be super awesome if the bunkers actually had memory points for AI soldiers to take position inside, so they can properly utilise those defensive structures. Also the lid of the bunkers is a tad too high for static weapons to fire from inside. That's about the only thing I'd love to see added in the future!

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On 6/20/2017 at 10:29 PM, tortuosit said:

Poor boy... Being stuck in rocks or stairs is an integral part of the joys of ArmA. A core gameplay element. ;-)


On 6/21/2017 at 4:13 AM, Tankbuster said:

Its a gameplay leveling thing. The AI can see through trees - we can walk through rocks. ☺


Heh.  He can levitate too...  (After having walked through rocks, injured his legs, and then taken too much morphine.)


Anyway, thanks for replies. I take it "known issue" is known all too well.  ; )



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6 hours ago, issen said:

Very impressed with the map so far, the infantryman in me is overjoyed with the amounts of cover that can be found pretty much everywhere.

The new military structure assets are amazing! The barricades and bunkers will allow for many cool scenario opportunities.


Yeah, I spend most of my time in the editor-- just make up a scenario wherever randomly placed.  Height advantage almost too easy if placed from the start.  Taking positions up there...  That will be fun!

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Only happened once, restarting the game fixed it but it only happened on Malden.

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9 hours ago, Night515 said:




Only happened once, restarting the game fixed it but it only happened on Malden.


Wow!......last time i saw anything like that was early DayZ mod for A2. 

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I tested Malden 2035 in the editor when it was on RC, some days before stable release. I noticed les fps than i have in other maps.

It's a heavy terrain in terms of performance?

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16 hours ago, Evil Organ said:


Wow!......last time i saw anything like that was early DayZ mod for A2. 


Yeah I remember that  - It was those dodgy barbed wire models iirc (which they took their sweet time in fixing as well)!

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Hello, I have the game with all its extensions, but I do not have the classic music in the game, would anyone have it a solution? thanks

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I noticed when playing the new Malden 2035 map, that when I went inside a building, my team members were some times invisible to me. They could see me, but I only saw their hex-icon. I have newer had this issue before, until playing the new Malden map. Has anyone had similar experience?

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On ‎29‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 11:49 PM, zedderzulu said:


Oh, agreed! I don't know why exactly, but something about the design screams to me that it originally was a mount for a rail gun. There's graffiti on the side that implies it's taken down infantry as much as it has aircraft (reminds me of a pic I saw of a Flak88 barrel just the other day), and, well, yeah that could mean that it's just a bigger brother of the Praetorian, I just wonder whether BIS may be trying to revive the early rail gun concept they had for the Tanks DLC?


And maybe confirm HL3 at the same time.

I dunno, it's fun to speculate! :P

Its a walking goalkeeper system!

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For whatever reason I cannot create a new topic, so I will post here since it is related. I am having trouble getting any mission with the Malden map to run on my server. The server is up to date with the latest version and it will run missions for other islands like Altis with no problems. So I know that the server works. In the multiplayer browser I see the map listed as Malden 2035 for other servers that are running Malden missions. I have tried mission.Malden, mission.Malden2035, mission.Malden_2035, etc. in the mission cycle to no avail. The Malden missions will simply not start. The server RPT log indicates, "mission by that name was not found." Yet the actual mission name and the mission called in the mission cycle are identical (server.cfg). Except the mission cycle name drops the .PBO extension and uses the map name, ie, mission.Altis. It has to be something simple. I'm anxious to run Malden on my server because I really like the map so far. Any ideas? 

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Never mind, I got it working this morning. It was simply the mission naming convention. mission.map.pbo fixed the problem that I was having. The RPT nailed it.

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First thanks to BI for recreating this nice island and also "Combat Patrol" multiplayer mission, it's fun and simple and runs well!

But it would be more challenging if AI enemies have some armed vehicles too specially when they send reinforcements, I know it's an infantry focused mission but AI with armed vehicles is not against it.


Also there is an issue with Malden map, as I'm following since 16 years ago! I remember the town "Loilisse" (I may typed it bad sorry) was on east of the map near beach and the crossroad that right of it is a peninsula like land. but you put this name on a town at northwest edge of map.


keep up the good work:eyeheart:

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Just a thank you towards BI for this nice present in the form of Malden (since I let them know when I don't like something, might as well let my appreciation know).

Although it will never be Malden to me (different memory of the island, different feel), it's still a beautiful island, maybe I like this one the most of all four Arma 3 islands.

Keep up this good work.

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Small bug that really bothers me:


Driving a vehicle on grass kicks up dust and dirt which is good



But driving on sand doesn't?


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