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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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Hi ACE 3. Just a question, is the ACE 3 on the Steam Workshop official? Last night one of the fng's used Steam Workshop to download ACE and couldnt join the server. Now we are trying to find the issue but just wanted to know if the SW version is your official version?

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Hi ACE 3. Just a question, is the ACE 3 on the Steam Workshop official? Last night one of the fng's used Steam Workshop to download ACE and couldnt join the server. Now we are trying to find the issue but just wanted to know if the SW version is your official version?

This one is official: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057(everything from "acemod" account is official).

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Hi guys. I love the new feature of tanks catching fire and then the ammo cooking off and pooping after the initial explosion. It seems though, that the cooking ammo never stops-is that intentional or a bug on my end? Even something small like a mortar tube I destroyed will continue popping for a long time.

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Question regarding IV's when using the advanced medical system.

I've found some rather old guides saying that blood bags (not saline or plasma) spoil and/or decays when not kept in ammo boxes or vehicles. I did a quick (emphasis on quick tho :D) search through the functions in ace_medical and could not find anything regarding this.



1). Can someone confirm or deny that blood bags spoil?

2). Has this ever been in?


The reason for me asking is that we've quite recently switched to advanced medical so I have no prior knowledge regarding this. This has never happened for us when using basic since the launch of ACE3 at least :)

Thanks in advance!

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They only did in CSE.

Wysłane z mojego Moto G 2014 przy użyciu Tapatalka

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Copy, thanks for the quick answer. Much appreciated.

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Hi guys. I love the new feature of tanks catching fire and then the ammo cooking off and pooping after the initial explosion. It seems though, that the cooking ammo never stops-is that intentional or a bug on my end? Even something small like a mortar tube I destroyed will continue popping for a long time.

What do you mean by forever? Can you be more specific? What mortar?

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He means after a tank or anything that triggers a cook off

It will explode periodically to simulat leftover ammo cooking off but it doesn't seem to stop.

It happened with me a BMP rushed us in a town and we delt with it quick and I cooked off and then after around 5-10 mins it started the secondary explosions, this carried on for the whole op (about 2 hours) and didn't stop.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

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They do stop, but it depends on the amount and kind of ammo loaded. Idk what kind of ammo RHS vehicles have loaded, but I guess they are just incompatible.

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Has anyone else had the problem f the interaction menu breaking after using it once. Either not coming back up after the first time or the cursor not disappearing depending on ACE settings.

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Hi, i want know if a uncouncious men can be reanimated/wake up without medi packs, in theory if you apply bandage and after apply epinefrine should work.

This in advanced medical.

My squad is using medi packs because we think that not is possible reanimated a uncouncious men via ace menu options, but is little arcade to us do this.



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How to use PAK by the way. 
Yesterday we had issue with it. There was a soldier from squad who had no hearth rate but had blood pressure.
All wounds are fixed with surgery kit. PAK didn't show up in menu to bring him back and he died after 8 minutes (which I set for revival).
PAK could be used only next to med. vehicles and I had it next to patient. I set the med. vehichle via object attributes for ace 3. 
Any idea what can be the issue? PAK and surgery kits are usable by medics so I was a medic and used the surgery kit without issue.
Patient was also stable otherwise surgery kit would not work..

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IIRC you need to load the patient into the vehicle to be able to PAK when you use the setting vehicles only on PAK.

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They do stop, but it depends on the amount and kind of ammo loaded. Idk what kind of ammo RHS vehicles have loaded, but I guess they are just incompatible.

They do stop? Oh okay-I didnt notice. I blew up a vanilla CSAT mortar tube and it was still popping at least 30 minutes later. Anyway-it doesnt really matter :) Great feature by the way. I used to use blastcore for the same thing-but I really like the ACE version.

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How to use PAK by the way. 

Yesterday we had issue with it. There was a soldier from squad who had no hearth rate but had blood pressure.

All wounds are fixed with surgery kit. PAK didn't show up in menu to bring him back and he died after 8 minutes (which I set for revival).

PAK could be used only next to med. vehicles and I had it next to patient. I set the med. vehichle via object attributes for ace 3. 

Any idea what can be the issue? PAK and surgery kits are usable by medics so I was a medic and used the surgery kit without issue.

Patient was also stable otherwise surgery kit would not work..


Then is necessary apply PAK? you can't start hearth rate with rcp and epinefrine?

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As far as I understand CPR only extends the time a person can stay in revive mode. In order to bring hearth rate back you need PAK
This is what I understood

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As far as I understand CPR only extends the time a person can stay in revive mode. In order to bring hearth rate back you need PAK

This is what I understood


We run with revive turned off and I've seen CPR bring back someone with 0 pulse. Doesn't always work though and obviously isn't going to overcome other injuries (or the fact that this person may be out of blood).

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2.2.5 Revive (Advanced Medical)

For the following procedure to work revive needs to be enabled.

  • A unit in the revive state will be unconscious and will stay unconscious until it is either woken up or the revive timer runs out.

A unit in the revive state can’t die from any source of damage, only the timer reaching 0 can kill it.

Each successful CPR will increase the time the unit can stay in the revive state.

To wake up a patient the use of a PAK is required.

Each successful revive removes a life from the unit, once the lives run out the next time the unit will take fatal damage it will not enter the revive state and will die.

Each successful round of CPR (filled up completion bar) increases the time left in the revive state.

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So I noticed if you throw a grenade in a confined space (Like a hanger), there is a delay between the explosion and then you see bullet style impacts hitting the ground. 


Is this a feature or a bug? It just looks weird because the impacts are like 1 second after the explosion. 


You guys should try it to see exactly what I mean. Throw a grenade in a hanger

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So I noticed if you throw a grenade in a confined space (Like a hanger), there is a delay between the explosion and then you see bullet style impacts hitting the ground. 


Is this a feature or a bug? It just looks weird because the impacts are like 1 second after the explosion. 


You guys should try it to see exactly what I mean. Throw a grenade in a hanger


Sounds like ACE's fragmentation.

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Sounds like ACE's fragmentation.

Yeah i thought it was a bug with RHS because it looked odd, but i noticed it happening with CUP now too.


It looks like a large caliber bullet impact which is why it looks odd. 

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I think it is necessary (realistically) to make basic AI auto medic can`t heal player or other AI if they  are seriously injured. More than 0.80(1 - full health )

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Anyone got the fast roping out of RHS helicopters to work? As far as I've understood it this should be possible from the UH-60 and quite a few others but we never got it to work, the option to attach the FRIES isn't showing up (it does on vanilla helicopters and works well). The compatibility pbos are where they're supposed to.

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