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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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Wow, nice release! Super stoked for the long-awaited IR chemlights (and all sorts of awesome chem-light goodies)!
I was reading through the framework, and saw something about holding smoke grenades while they're going off... bad idea IRL. Smokes get super hot, like melt-your-glove-to-your-hand-hot.
I hate to be that guy, but think of the REEEEALISM!!1! 
 edit #2 just tried it, nevermind. you guys are one step ahead of me :>

I do have a question though, regarding fatigue: does the weight of worn items affect stamina? I mentioned something about this on github a while back but I'm not sure if this made the cut into the advanced fatigue. Would be nice to add some reason for wearing soft covers, but I digress.

Regardless, great work guys!

EDIT: just saw you can play grenade-catch. you guys are awesome.

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Congrats on the latest release! Thanks for fixing the Titan issue as it had affected our Javelin launcher. I look forward to seeing the tanks cooking off! :)

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Question regarding the cookoff. Is there additional variations of the cookoff? All I am seeing so far is the flame out the top then an explosion. Is there also ammo-racking per say where cracks and bangs are heard, etc?

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Hey, new update is awesome, i feel like you fixed Arma and added new features for mods, its priceless. I found 2 "bugs". I writed the bugs in "", beacuse i want to someone check this, if its on my end.
First, cookoff effect (brilliant and most wanted BTW :) ) - in RHS abrams its from only one hatch.
Second - there is some script error about nametags, if you turn out on russian T-90A (maybe on other tanks too)
the error message look like this

16:54:47 Error in expression private _camPosASL = AGLtoASL _camPosAGL;
private _vecy = (AG>
16:54:47 Error position: private _vecy = (AG>
16:54:47 Error Typ To nie liczba, potrzebny Liczbowe
16:54:47 File z\ace\addons\nametags\functions\fnc_onDraw3d.sqf, line 57
16:54:47 Error in expression private _camPosASL = AGLtoASL _camPosAGL;
private _vecy = (AG>
16:54:47 Error position: private _vecy = (AG>
16:54:47 Error Typ To nie liczba, potrzebny Liczbowe
16:54:47 File z\ace\addons\nametags\functions\fnc_onDraw3d.sqf, line 57
16:54:47 Error in expression private _camPosASL = AGLtoASL _camPosAGL;
private _vecy = (AG>
16:54:47 Error position: private _vecy = (AG>
16:54:47 Error Typ To nie liczba, potrzebny Liczbowe
16:54:47 File z\ace\addons\nametags\functions\fnc_onDraw3d.sqf, line 57
16:54:47 Error in expression private _camPosASL = AGLtoASL _camPosAGL;

+ There is something with the clouds, but i dont know what is the fault of this (ace_particles? What does it change, i got better FPS btw).

EDIT : Clouds problem related to CUP terrains (RC branch).

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What do I do, if I want to set button to cancel Advanced Throwing (not RMB)? Where can I do it?

I want to set enable/disable button

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Check control configure addons controls (or something like that) drop down menu to ace weapons ..... Tada

Edit: I may be wrong

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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ace_particles- change smoke >make it  better

And its good, very good. Also FPS is better now. Dont know how they did it, but now when i look at vehicle wreck smoke, it doesnt eat my FPS like it was in vanilla.

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I remember suppressor for CheyTac M200 «Intervention» is somewhere in ACE3 team todo list. Hope see SUP*  in next update and big THANK YOU for your work ACE3 TEAM


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Do we have to add any modules/optional pbo's or anything to activate the Medical AI? I tried popping some AI down. Put a couple of rounds in some legs and waited for a few minutes but no one did anything.

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Question regarding the cookoff. Is there additional variations of the cookoff? All I am seeing so far is the flame out the top then an explosion. Is there also ammo-racking per say where cracks and bangs are heard, etc?

AFAIK there is currently no real randomness to it based on how it looks, but take that with a grain of salt.

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Hey, new update is awesome, i feel like you fixed Arma and added new features for mods, its priceless. I found 2 "bugs". I writed the bugs in "", beacuse i want to someone check this, if its on my end.

First, cookoff effect (brilliant and most wanted BTW :) ) - in RHS abrams its from only one hatch.

Second - there is some script error about nametags, if you turn out on russian T-90A (maybe on other tanks too)

Please do report those issues on out GitHub issue tracker.

And no, ace_particles change the smoke to be bigger and more performant, basically making it useful compared to vanilla smoke. It is currently in optionals due to a bug introduced in 1.62 that broke particles a bit.


I cannot seem to find the tripflair in the arsenal

This will be fixed by BI in 1.64 - reference issue.

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What do I do, if I want to set button to cancel Advanced Throwing (not RMB)? Where can I do it?

I want to set enable/disable button

You can't rebind "Cancel", limitation I don't want to work around because it would introduce a whole other level of unnecessary complexity.


Do we have to add any modules/optional pbo's or anything to activate the Medical AI? I tried popping some AI down. Put a couple of rounds in some legs and waited for a few minutes but no one did anything.

Should be automatic, documentation is coming soon.

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Is basic medical system is changed? I was giving blood to down player but the diagnose says it lost too much blood ??

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Blood bags is not working in basic medical system if person running low on blood.

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So, what are the numerical value ranges for Advanced Fatigue?  All default values are 1. 
How high can they go?

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when you're runing with lower weapon your stamina is not changing, but if your weapon is  raised: your stamina is decreasing,,, but in bouth cases: character speed is the same....

how it can be?

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It takes more energy to hold the weapon up at a ready to fire level? 

The new stamina level is TOTAL stamina, not just how far you can run.

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