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 (Central Framework for Zero Dark Zero)
by  Richard Von Quest

VERSION:  v0.7.0 beta
UPDATED:  17 APR 2021

DONATE:   Support Project



This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Custom Starting Options and Ops-Center from my SpookWarCom Project. It was the "core" or heart of my projects. This will add numerous player options that you can set easily for those of you who are new or the non-computery types. It also adds off-site Tactical Operations Centers which you can operate from that's isolated from the actual map allowing for better behind-the-lines feel before you are boots-on-the-ground. The Tactical Operations Center is a command post that you can role-play as starting in another nearby country, or location (recommend placing in corner or over water).


Use as many, or as few options as you wish. The Ops Center is not required. Feel free to remove the .pbo files (sonic cracks, icons, etc) you do not want loaded.


There are so many people that love this hobby but are too intimidated to wade into the technical and modding-side, or just don't have the time. Let me know what Player & Starting Options you would like to see, and I'll attempt to design or script it for the this Addon. Feel free to post requests in this Forum.


More Donations equals faster updates and custom requests honored.


To use the Ops Center in its fullest, you will need my other Addons as well (SOCOM, FROGS, LEAP, etc). PLEASE READ the DOCs included for more info, keybinding, menu, details, etc! To place the Ops Center, you MUST set the Vertical Mode to "Sea Level" (straight line) in the Editor BEFORE placing the composition. Place inside the map area, or some things will not spawn in.



"The Only Easy Day, Was Yesterday"



  • Tactical Operations Centers (compositions)
  • Heli Support, Transport, Rearm, Infil/Exfil, etc
  • Starting Time Options - Random w/ Full Moon
  • Randomized Starting Weapon Option
  • Starting Camp Site - Random Locations
  • Covert & Unarmed System (Black-Ops)
  • Holster Weapon - Start & Menu Option
  • Weapon Sway Aim CoEfficient
  • Player Fatigue On/Off Option
  • Starting Info Text - 3 Lines to Customize
  • Custom Weapons, Gear, and Equipment
  • Movie-Style Archetype Weapons (extra power, etc)
  • Movie-Style Silencers, Ballistics (ultra quiet, sound efx, etc)
  • CIA - SAD/SOG Operatives, Agents, SEALs, etc
  • Remove Reload Icon .pbo file option
  • Remove Ammo Count .pbo file option
  • Replaces "Sonic Cracks", with "Zip, Wiz" efx
  • Long-Range Support Radio System
  • Damage EFX & Blood Splatter on screen
  • Carry & Drag both Alive and Dead units
  • Tactical Reload (no reload from Backpack)
  • Tactical Throw (no throwing from Backpack)
  • Tactical Explosives (set/pickup manually)

...And More!





More Info coming soon. This was just an upgrade into a Stand-alone Project. Many more cool options are right around the corner. Let me know in the Forums what you want to see added for Custom Player Options.



Shift + D


1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3

2. Eden Objects - TOC2 - Advanced Ops Center (optional)




Von Quest Industries



  Reveal hidden contents




*BangaBob (Drag Dead Bodies)

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Nice! The screenshot is remarkable. :) Wow!

Hey so sorry for the dumb question but I genuinely can't remember...

How do you return to the off-shore site after you complete your objective?

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LOL. I don't remember either. I don't think you can. You might be able to from the Submarine I thinks.......


But we usually played where we always used the Civilian Chopper to Exfil, where that's the Mission End.

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  On 6/18/2016 at 8:52 PM, Von Quest said:

LOL. I don't remember either. I don't think you can. You might be able to from the Submarine I thinks.......


But we usually played where we always used the Civilian Chopper to Exfil, where that's the Mission End.

Oh yeah! That's what I used to do when I used the off-shore site. I called in the civilian chopper. And I can't remember how I did that either! LOL!

It's an action menu option, correct?

No worries. I'll get reacquainted with it all. Like riding a bike. Probably.

Anyway, it looks like the gang of Spookwarcom modules are back again. Time for me to start making a mission!

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Oh yes :) ...will download tomorrow mornig immediately when I'm back home from work...the new op center seems to be extremely sexy !


thx  again for making this awesome modules

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This is just wonderful ... man, you are really cranking out great quality stuff!  Much thanks!

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Thanks guys! I'd be further along if I didn't have to go back and fix all these.


Keep in mind the NEW OpsCenter is NOT included with this release, and when I get that far, you'll need Kydoimos Eden Objects for the cool TacScreens. I plan on making my own, but his are damn snazy and it will save me a few weekends of work.


To get the Civ Chopper for the Exfil:   [shift] + [c]   by default.

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Thanks for the release Von really good. I look forward to seeing the new tactical ops center. A couple of issues that i have come across are, Im able to access the para/halo but it does not work with ai they get left behind tried with and without leap module, im not able to get to the sub the laptop brings up the options of deep shallow and board but neither of the work i have tried doing this with and without the frogs module, When i transport to the small camp i am losing my primary weapon but this does not happen when going to the off site location. Also i am getting quite a few error codes i will get some screens of them later on when i get a chance. But all in all as its wip its really impressive stuff that just gets better and better :D    

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Is it possible to use your own kit e.g. arsenal when doing the mission or will it affect the gameplay?

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  On 6/19/2016 at 1:33 AM, stburr91 said:

Looking forward to getting back into using your mods Von.



In preparation of some spook ops.



Cool stuff man. Nothing suspicious going on here. Which dictator are we over-throwing today?

Be careful though, it will leave a power-vacccum. You can expect some blowback. B)



  On 6/19/2016 at 2:27 AM, Private Evans said:

Just saying...Tanoa is simply  the perfect map for this modules...




  On 6/19/2016 at 11:29 AM, trickshady said:

Thanks for the release Von really good. I look forward to seeing the new tactical ops center. A couple of issues that i have come across are, Im able to access the para/halo but it does not work with ai they get left behind tried with and without leap module, im not able to get to the sub the laptop brings up the options of deep shallow and board but neither of the work i have tried doing this with and without the frogs module, When i transport to the small camp i am losing my primary weapon but this does not happen when going to the off site location. Also i am getting quite a few error codes i will get some screens of them later on when i get a chance. But all in all as its wip its really impressive stuff that just gets better and better :D    

Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into it. There are still numerous things that are not setup yet, or were taken out to speed up all these upgrades.



  On 6/19/2016 at 4:54 PM, ruff said:

Is it possible to use your own kit e.g. arsenal when doing the mission or will it affect the gameplay?

Yes! Of course.



  On 6/20/2016 at 9:55 AM, foxhound said:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.

Thanks bud.









Let me know what Player and Starting Options you would like to see in ArmA. I'll start to put together a list. Example: WeaponSway.

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There is a server where we can play it?

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  On 6/20/2016 at 1:36 PM, Von Quest said:



Can you create a stringtable.xml for different languages

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  On 6/20/2016 at 3:51 PM, stburr91 said:


I completed an op, and called for the Civilian Chopper Exfill.

There was something about a sightseeing tour of the island being canceled, and then this showed up.

I'm not sure if I was actually hearing the Magnum P.I. theme music, or if it was just in my head....weird.

LMAO! Are you serious?

You had to script that in didn't you? If you did not, then that's great. If you did, that's damn hilarious! I'll be putting in a option to select the chopper color too. So you can be full civ-style, or a black or green one.

Anyways... made my fucking day! Thanks.

  On 6/20/2016 at 5:55 PM, jus61 said:

There is a server where we can play it?

It's not on a sever. Just download it and play. You have to setup your own map and options.
  On 6/20/2016 at 5:59 PM, jus61 said:

Can you create a stringtable.xml for different languages

Sure. But likely not until my projects are further along in the dev stage. Which languages do you guys want? I'll add yours to the top since you asked first.
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  On 6/21/2016 at 5:57 AM, Von Quest said:

Sure. But likely not until my projects are further along in the dev stage. Which languages do you guys want? I'll add yours to the top since you asked first.


German  ;)

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  On 6/21/2016 at 10:31 PM, jus61 said:

German  ;)

You got it. German #1 on list.



  On 6/22/2016 at 6:58 PM, teddymosart1 said:

Will this be compatible with the new stuff from Tanoa/Apex?  Does it need it? 

Not sure what you mean. CORE is basically compatible with all Maps.

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Oops. Sorry. I cant believe no one else has complained. LOL. I guess they never knew it was supposed to be there. Good catch. Thanks.


All my focus has been on the new OpsCenter coming so I never re-checked the new timing. I sped it up so you can get the mission faster, except now its too fast and the Laptop is not spawned in yet to get the addAction Menu.


If you have debug enabled:

[[VQI_SOCOM_LAPTOP, ["SOCOM - Activate Mission", "execVM 'vqi_socom\VQI-SinisterSOCOM\vqi_socom_missions.sqf'; [VQI_SOCOM_LAPTOP, 1]"]], "addAction", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

Execute that only once. After the Laptop is spawned in of course. That will add the Menu Option to it.

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Really nice Von .. One of the best mods around for sure. Im having one issue though ... The LEAP crew that set ur flight path and the FLight master start to move around in the Op Center after a while and sometimes they go through walls and become completely inaccessible. Maybe u could add a doStop this command to them after they spawn or some animation to keep them in place?




Adding the following after the hotfix code located between lines 71-74 seems to solve the issue:


doStop JumpMaster;
doStop LoadMaster;
sleep 1;



Are these addons savegame compatible? I cant load any saved games with them ...
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Von, you mentioned doing a small update for CORE, FROGS and SOCOM.  I see FROGS and SOCOM have updates, but did the CORE not get pushed yet?

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The CORE didn't have nor need any updates at this time. I thought I had to update it to fix the Laptop Menu, but that is controlled by the SOCOM Module.

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The problem with loading a savegame was not your addons fault but the Nimitz. Apparently it somehow prevents saved games from being loaded.

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