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Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

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Ok, feedback :) : What I have seen from Tanoa up to now in screnshots and videos does look very good. Those mangrove forests at the coast are very nice, it's easy to imagine a stealthy seaborne infiltration through those bushes.

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Thank you for the pictures. What are your settings? The quality looks a lot better compared to the ones taken on your other pc.

on an i7 2600k @4ghz, 16gb ram, SSD C: drive (game NOT on SSD), 780TI @3440x1440

quality difference is because AMD(older) vs nvdia(newer)





is is not worth comparing the 2, one is an expansion island, and the micro detail is brilliantly put into work. i got lost with the splendid camera in that jungle, imagine on foot

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what a small ......... that is  .... :( but performance will be bad as normal ;D


100 square kilometers, exactly as advertised a year ago.

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what a small ......... that is  .... :( but performance will be bad as normal ;D

 1) I dont have a probleme with non enterable buldings, for instance Cehranrus was great. 

2) Small ? 100km2 is really good. Actually im glad its not as big as Altis. I got almost 1000 hours on Arma (yea, mostly playing on other Islands, modding, mission editing but whatever) played the entire campaign and haven't discovered all posibilities, and interesting places on Altis yet, soo.. ;) 

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nonenterable buildings ? are you serious BI ? what ..... is that ? and then even the biggest ones ..... big dislike for that

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Yeah, the non-enterable buildings take a lot of wind out of the sail. At least I feel like it as a terrain creator.


EDIT: Currently wondering how I could miss the statement that they are not all the time

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nonenterable buildings ? are you serious BI ? what ..... is that ? and then even the biggest ones ..... big dislike for that

Are you serious? All this was advertised months ago....


As for building most of them are hybrid between nonenterable and enterable(means some part of building is enterable and some part is not).


Edit. there are also completely enterable buildings

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Ok, feedback :) : What I have seen from Tanoa up to now in screnshots and videos does look very good. Those mangrove forests at the coast are very nice, it's easy to imagine a stealthy seaborne infiltration through those bushes.

The Mangrove looks cool, but i miss this feeling/look: http://www.pitara.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2001/07/mangrove-forest.jpg

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Doesnt mean all buldings wont be enterable, it just means not all of them will be. Haven't you played Arma 2 ? .. 

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It´s not about not knowing Arma 2, it´s about knowing the gameplay difference in urban combat in A3 vs. A2. You can´t seriously say that it feels the same. A3 is much more demanding in urban combat which makes it great and much more immersive.

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on an i7 2600k @4ghz, 16gb ram, SSD C: drive (game NOT on SSD), 780TI @3440x1440

quality difference is because AMD(older) vs nvdia(newer)





is is not worth comparing the 2, one is an expansion island, and the micro detail is brilliantly put into work. i got lost with the splendid camera in that jungle, imagine on foot


Cool, thanks! It looks great on those settings.

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Would you mind taking several photos of each airport and/or airfield; daytime and nighttime?


Wanting to see how the approach lighting system is at night on the airfields, how they are configured, and what kind of take off and landings we will be getting.


Thank you,


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Pufu, my  nondescript Caucasian uhm... friend. Would you be so kind as to post a pic or two of the jungle during nighttime?


Much appreciated :)

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So how do you guys think the game is going to change when playing on Tanoa vs altis?

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Pufu should open a photo studio, selling tanoa wallpapers :P while you are at it, insides of houses?  :lol:

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So how do you guys think the game is going to change when playing on Tanoa vs altis?


Possibly less intense urban combat because of the largely unenterable buildings but more intense combat in forest areas. Also less suited for armor because of obvious reasons.

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Water Transports are going to be of much more importance. Float carriers like the Strider and AMV-7 will have a much better place.


Plus vehicle in vehicle =) AMV-7s out of the back of VTOL into the ocean for an invasion

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So how do you guys think the game is going to change when playing on Tanoa vs altis?

everyone will be screaming : BANZAAAI and the rest will be getting flashbacks from Vietcong

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 Understand the issue is on Steam's end but gathering that probably only BI has any communication with them and its again nearing the end of their work day -an update might get the rest of the Western world off their a$$es and return to work (at least the 400 sitting in this room)

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The incompetence is SCEAMING in our faces lol. two days to sort THIS little problem out? I mean do they have one halfassed retarded monkey on the job? *We are working* <--- Greatest BS ive seen :D :D :D

It was already stated problem is on steam side.

Btw. How do you know its little problem? You dont even know what the problem is...

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Good morning folks. Unfortunately the issue still isn't fixed, even after trying to get it sorted with our Steam partners during the night. Please know that there's nothing you can do now to correct this, no matter how often you verify your data. For unknown reasons, the Steam API is incorrectly telling the game client that you don't own Apex when you do. And Steam client isn't serving up the DLC-specific data. Those two factors may be connected. We're obviously pursuing a solution with Valve as soon as possible, because even though Dev-Branch has always been an experimental daily build, we'd love for you to be able to explore Tanoa! :)

If this would be a little problem it would be fixed by now. 1.0


We all know how well does steam handle things on their end and infamous support. 1.0

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Knowing Valve and how long they take to do anything, the DLC will probably be ready for release before they fix the issue lol

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If this would be a little problem it would be fixed by now. 1.0


We all know how well does steam handle things on their end and infamous support. 1.0

en3x how are you using Lirik sub emotes here? 


And I agree, none of use truly understand the extent of the issue unless we are Steam/Bohemia Interactive devs. I'm sure they're not purposefully TRYING to postpone us playing on Tanoa as that means less testing time for its development. They are no doubt working very hard to deliver it to us, so stop the whining! :)  

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en3x how are you using Lirik sub emotes here? 


And I agree, none of use truly understand the extent of the issue unless we are Steam/Bohemia Interactive devs. I'm sure they're not purposefully TRYING to postpone us playing on Tanoa as that means less testing time for its development. They are no doubt working very hard to deliver it to us, so stop the whining! :)  


https://twitchemotes.com/channel/lirik obviously pick on the one you would like, that will take you to next page, choose the smallest right, click and copy image address and voila you have beautiful gears art emote.

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