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Iron Front in Arm3 LITE - preview versions

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3 hours ago, autigergrad said:

It means you've never seen A Bridge Too Far...which also means that your entire life up to this point has been hollow and meaningless.😎



Alas, bit pointed but you might be right. I may have been focused to heavily on getting females to really admire my gamesmanship and abilities of PC gaming to much disappointment so perhaps ive been focused on the wrong areas to better fuffill my life. Old Sean Connery war movies is revelation! Now if only I can dig out and re-circuitboard up my old Betamax player maybe Grumpy Old Man still has a copy of that movie round some where he can lend a brother..

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Crusader AA, armed with 40 mm Bofors gun, provides cover while troops unload a supply train.

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Love the Crusader AA in the olive drab, talking of which would it be possible to tweak the green of the (very nice!) new Cromwell to be a bit closer to the green of the Crusader? I couldn't help noticing the difference between the two, although it's entirely understandable if two different artists have been working on them.


Great work by you guys on all the new stuff, I hope we get a chance to see it in all it's glory sometime in high res. I'd be glad to pay for it.


Recently been reading "Monty's Marauders: The 4th and 8th Armoured Brigades" which includes quite a bit of Crusader action, including the eccentric Major Alec Gatehouse, who used to strap an armchair to the top of his Crusader for a better view of the battlefield! Lol...

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1 hour ago, progetto900 said:

What about firing anim of soldiers with STEN GUN?



All new weapons have custom animations, including sten. The guy in the video is not operating sten properly as there is more chance for magazine to jam if you hold it that way



34 minutes ago, archsceptic said:

Love the Crusader AA in the olive drab, talking of which would it be possible to tweak the green of the (very nice!) new Cromwell to be a bit closer to the green of the Crusader? I couldn't help noticing the difference between the two, although it's entirely understandable if two different artists have been working on them.

El T tweaked it a little bit so we have standardised color for british.


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Soldier on a lookout for possible invasion on British island.

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Gotta keep an eye out for Jerry, can't let him catch us off guard.

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Question: will we see a No.73 grenade with the British in the future? It's not slated as far as I know but it'd be a nice thing to have for a Anthropoid esque mission.

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No time to lose, it's tea time.

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On 3/11/2019 at 11:57 PM, Jaki said:

All new weapons have custom animations, including sten. The guy in the video is not operating sten properly as there is more chance for magazine to jam if you hold it that way

The Sten Gun, as also for the German MP40 or the Italian MAB38, has 2 different shooting positions. Burst firing and "precision" firing (as a submachine gun could be). The instinctive burst fire is helding by the inner part of magazine (MP40, MAB38, STEN, ..) and you can see this in several original WW2 footages. This to make more accurate the burst shot because it controls and manages better the vibration of the repeated recoil of the gun. Instead, for "precise" firing (but only for short bursts / single fire) by placing hand under the receiver.


Churchill in your photo is in a shooting range, not between the houses of Carentan full of enemies................


You will notice in fact that almost all the photos and videos with the hand under the receiver have as location the shooting range and not a dynamic / instinctive firing in battle action.




For example in this image above you see that the hands are on the magazines, just to facilitate the instinctive action fire. It would be stupid to change the position of the hand in the event of sudden danger. Instead, they maintain the action shooting position.


PLEASE NOTE: the hand on the magazine could cause problems on the cartridge loading (yes, but a expert soldier knows how to avoid the problem positioning his hand between the magazine and the receiver - AS IN MY PICTURE), while the hand under the receiver and the "shooting range" position made UNUSABLE the firing in action/dinamic scenarios.


Other detail: The Sten Gun mk.5 in fact had a vertical grip under the barrel for its own purpose to solve the problem of recoil management in burst fire in action.


A "shooting range" anim assigned to soldiers ingame is not appropriate for war actions. Imho, but ww2 footages and pictures are witness.


* * *


A third solution, a good compromise, is to grab the whole guard barrel and not the hand under the receiver.





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It's funny how we can use random google pictures to show that our perception of history is true.


Our historical researches found out that two WW2 instructor manuals, one being britsh and the second one being american, both stated that the gun cannot be held by the magazine. So we went with the regular way.

Of course some did hold it the way you say, or in a hurry after mag change left their hand here for a short while. But unless you have better proofs than one picture (hey, I have 6 above and even french resistance is not holding it by the magazine..), for example a military service note reminding soldiers that they must not hold their sten by the magazine (which would prove they did it a lot) this is historically not proven that this was the major behaviour. What is historically proved is that instructors instructed not to do it, so we listened to the experts.

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Hans! Reload that damn gun quick now - Tommies are preparing a propaganda video!

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23 hours ago, El Tyranos said:

It's funny how we can use random google pictures to show that our perception of history is true.



I see only portrait/souvenir photos.

Just curious, have you tried to fire an auto/burst gun in action? 😉


Anyway, ok for manual shooting positions in your mod.

So you will also remove the hand animation on the magazine of MP40?






It would make no sense to set a "shooting range" position (as manual) on a submachine gun (Sten Gun) and on another submachine gun there is a dynamic firing position (Mp40 held by its magazine+receiver). The 'jamming risk' was on all submachine guns magazines...


Furthermore, I would like to point out and pay more attention to what I wrote... I never said that the correct position is grabbing only the magazine! Instead, I said that a valid solution to manage a dynamic action is to keep the magazine+receiver (the hand grabs where the whole magazine insertion group is). You avoid jamming risk and you manage better the burst recoil.


Manuals are manuals, the war and front is other stuff.

An example extra guns: no German Army manuals indicate to put handgrenades inside boots, but, at the front, it was common to have them available for a fast use.


And there are many other cases of common uses in battle "non-regulatory / non-manual".


Conclusion: using manual shooting positions is absolutely not wrong! I never said the opposite! But, personally, it's nice to see ingame those -details- useful in battle and in dynamic action (Arma is a war game).

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Iron Front in Arma 3: Red Devils & Desert Rats Update Teaser

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On a wholly separate and vaguely related note, are we going to see British-equipped units or maybe airdropped weapon canisters? Home Army and FFI units were heavily equipped with Stens and to a lesser extent Lee Enfields and Welrods. It'll be a neat supplement to the resistance and the Welrod allows interesting assassin type missions to occur with more stealth.

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Will there be any new SP showcase along with this new release and / or bug fix on the previous ones?


Or even a SP campaign (one can dream 😇)

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6 hours ago, warflak said:

On a wholly separate and vaguely related note, are we going to see British-equipped units or maybe airdropped weapon canisters? Home Army and FFI units were heavily equipped with Stens and to a lesser extent Lee Enfields and Welrods.

FFI is updated to have some British weapons, but it will be updated again at some point.


1 hour ago, Wiki said:

Will there be any new SP showcase along with this new release and / or bug fix on the previous ones?


Or even a SP campaign (one can dream 😇)

For this release there is only going to be a faction showcase (with easteregg mission if you can find it 😛). I have another mission and a campaign in works, but I have very limited free time lately so it will not be released with this update, nor Amphibious Assault will be updated.

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1 hour ago, Jaki said:

FFI is updated to have some British weapons, but it will be updated again at some point.


For this release there is only going to be a faction showcase (with easteregg mission if you can find it 😛). I have another mission and a campaign in works, but I have very limited free time lately so it will not be released with this update, nor Amphibious Assault will be updated.


Oh great to hear!

Look forward to play this showcase!


Also, for the paratrooper showcase, can you make a small fix?

One of the guy with us has his position set as "crouch" - I think it's because he's crouch when we find him.

Could you make him stand up with this setunitpos "AUTO" when he joins player's group?


Also, concerning Amphibious assault, I used the single player cheat menu to check - so maybe this cause bugs, but the Sherman we had to repair is no longer there.


Last thing:

The overview pictures don't appear.

They used to, but not anymore.



also (yeah, I'm a pain in the ass, I know), do you plan to buff the 88mm of the PzKpfw VI (the Tiger)?

For now, I find it too weak - but maybe it's because of balance?

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Iron Front DESERT RATS UPDATE Overview | ArmA 3 Mod Preview by Shermanator

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@Wiki did you try this yet: 



As for the mission preview pictures - we cant find a way to make both image and text work. Only either one does for us..

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All these previews of Desert Rats remind me of Hidden and Dangerous 2!  Makes me want to grab one of your beautiful sten guns and start sneaking through the bushes!  And it might sound weird, but my favorite vehicle in the update is definitely the K5 truck.


Congratulations on all your hard work!

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On 3/20/2019 at 5:15 PM, .kju said:

@Wiki did you try this yet: 




What does it change?


On 3/20/2019 at 5:15 PM, .kju said:


As for the mission preview pictures - we cant find a way to make both image and text work. Only either one does for us..


Ok. That's weird.

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On 3/20/2019 at 5:15 PM, .kju said:

@Wiki did you try this yet: 


As for the mission preview pictures - we cant find a way to make both image and text work. Only either one does for us..


Where do I find this mission / download link to it?

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