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About Jaki

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    North Carolina

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  1. Hot Middle East Mods: RHS, DHI Uniforms, NIArms, CUP Maps
  2. Skynet and terminators in 40's Mods: IFA3 AIO, Max Terminator, nikoatin static anim, Polpox artwork supporter
  3. Delta Operators and Colombian Police Cooperation Mods: RHS, NIArms, DHI uniforms, Colombian Armed Forces, nikaotin static animations
  4. FFI is updated to have some British weapons, but it will be updated again at some point. For this release there is only going to be a faction showcase (with easteregg mission if you can find it 😛). I have another mission and a campaign in works, but I have very limited free time lately so it will not be released with this update, nor Amphibious Assault will be updated.
  5. All new weapons have custom animations, including sten. The guy in the video is not operating sten properly as there is more chance for magazine to jam if you hold it that way . El T tweaked it a little bit so we have standardised color for british.
  6. This comment only shows how much you really don't understand the process of making a mod, and the fact that you haven't actually used it in a long time, yet you still have an audacity to say its broken. There are issues, yes, but a lot less than you are stating. We are working on a daily basis to improve gameplay and fix bugs, but if we don't have a proper report or an issue, ex. "I have been waiting for improvements for several years, but I see only beautiful screenshots", how can you expect anything to change? I find it ridiculous that you made a new account just now to bash on the mod on its official thread. Please, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it, and if you want to report an actual issue, please check out this link, or join our official discord for live support.
  7. Thank you for showing interest in the mod! Static animations are used only to promote new content, and full HQ textures will be available as soon as legal details are figured out. For more information, please carefully read this post.
  8. @Havish all tasks that have red "1st release" sticker are coming out in this update. Welcome to the forums btw!
  9. It's all going to be the same update - Brits stick together 😉
  10. 30 seconds Yanks! God be with you! Mods: IFA3 (WIP)
  11. Not planned for this update
  12. River Patrol Mods: UNSUNG, Polpox Artwork supporter, direone static animations
  13. @Madshepherd right click on the asset; Find in Config Viewer > LIB_HORSA_RAF* > UserActions * = example Not all vehicles have that ability though Hope it helps!