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The T-90 series is equipped with the AINET smart fuse system for HE-FRAG rounds.

not working for me...he-frag always explode on hit


The main armament of the M1A2 is the M256A1 120 mm smoothbore gun

The ammunition types for the main gun are:

  • APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) M829, M829A1, M829A2, M829A3 and newest M829A4.

can`t find M829A4 in M1A2 EDEN amunition checkbox


if mod  have smart fuse sytem script  why no Ð¥Ðœ1147 ÐMP on M1A2 SEP V2 ?

cause M829A4 and Ð¥Ðœ1147 unified 


Didn't they just explained a few pages ago that 829A4 doesn't have any public info thus not added yet?

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You guys should post more to the blog on your website. The few posts you have are fascinating to read!


Are there any particular topics people here would be interested in seeing blogs about? Like more gameplay feature explanations, or making-ofs, or...

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The T-90 series is equipped with the AINET smart fuse system for HE-FRAG rounds.

not working for me...he-frag always explode on hit


The main armament of the M1A2 is the M256A1 120 mm smoothbore gun

The ammunition types for the main gun are:

  • APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) M829, M829A1, M829A2, M829A3 and newest M829A4.

can`t find M829A4 in M1A2 EDEN amunition checkbox


if mod  have smart fuse sytem script  why no Ð¥Ðœ1147 ÐMP on M1A2 SEP V2 ?

cause M829A4 and Ð¥Ðœ1147 unified 


AINET is not in the mod yet.


Same with M829A4, we gonna will add it when some more data will be released so we can make a proper penetration estimations for it. As for AMP the designation codes vary, majority of official sources call it M1069, while I seen only one source calling it M1147. Probably these designations reffers to two different rounds competing with each other. Next year AMP should be fielded so we will adjust designation code accordingly. ;)


And don't worry, I know about all this stuff and keep an eye on real world developments. ;)

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Good Morning,


 I have been looking all through this thread and have yet to find where the Steamworks release is i heard people uploaded it without permission. But have yet to see where the official RHS upload is. I saw that you guys had plans to upload it. I love your mod and everything our unit is looking to use it.




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Good Morning,


 I have been looking all through this thread and have yet to find where the Steamworks release is i heard people uploaded it without permission. But have yet to see where the official RHS upload is. I saw that you guys had plans to upload it. I love your mod and everything our unit is looking to use it.





Next release will also be avaiable on Steamworkshop, be patient and wait for next release. ;)

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Good Morning,


 I have been looking all through this thread and have yet to find where the Steamworks release is i heard people uploaded it without permission. But have yet to see where the official RHS upload is. I saw that you guys had plans to upload it. I love your mod and everything our unit is looking to use it.





Yep. Waiting for the SW release too! Very excited about it! :)

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Next release will also be avaiable on Steamworkshop, be patient and wait for next release. ;)

Thanks Damian90 wasn't look to be a pain was just trying to read the thread and its been hard to find the correct answer with all the uploads without your guys permission. Thanks for the quick response. Keep up the great work.

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Thanks Damian90 wasn't look to be a pain was just trying to read the thread and its been hard to find the correct answer with all the uploads without your guys permission. Thanks for the quick response. Keep up the great work.


Ah sorry if you thought I answered to you like you were a pain. :P


I say be patient because seriously, it can take time to release next version, stuff needs to be polished as much as it's possible. ;)

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Ah sorry if you thought I answered to you like you were a pain. :P


I say be patient because seriously, it can take time to release next version, stuff needs to be polished as much as it's possible. ;)

No worries boss, Always appreciate the hard work the mod makers put in to make great mods. 

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AINET is not in the mod yet.


Just to clarify. The AINET system is in the mod, but was temporarily disabled pending the creation of a user interface.

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I was actually wondering (if it was ever modeled) if it would be possible for the goose to have its similar systems implemented in game in regards to fuses (airburst and PD) or rocket assisted HEAT rounds - it sounds like it is.

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Hey, just a little question. How is development going with this beast, if you can tell me?




Because True VDVs don't walk to battle B)



Edit: I'm not requesting, or even expecting this thing to appear in the next update, just wondering how's it going. Hope you understand.

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A couple of months back I asked if you guys were going to port the SU-34 and you said that the model wasn't up to scratch (or something along those lines) and you weren't going to port it. Theres too many pages to sieve through to find the post  :P


Anyway, Is this the case for the Single Seat KA-50 Black Shark? The model isn't the best either   

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There is not many Ka-50's left in service at the moment, something like 6 + 2 used for spare parts, so it's rather unlikely it will be featured in RHS mod, especially that over the years, this type of attack helicopter will most likely be completely phased out of service, in favor of more upgraded Mi-24's, new Mi-28's and Ka-52's.

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Hi guys, 


Just a little bug that I think might already be known (as it has been in RHS for a while, or at least it was fixed and has then reared it's ugly head again). I did a search for anything UAZ related on the thread but came up with a bust (searching for UAZ's) so I thought I would report it.


Many of the Russian soft skinned vehicles, In this case, UAZ's and Ural trucks have a problem where external fire makes it very difficult to kill the vehicle occupants. For instance, on the Ural's, I couldn't shoot the drivers or front passengers out of the vehicle (whilst it was stationary) even when the doors were open and I was stood right beside them.


On the UAZ's it was a little different; Gunners could be shot out of the vehicle but they had to be shot repeatedly in the legs (on all variants, including the SPG9). Passengers could be killed with chest/head shots but drivers were more or less invincible. I tried messing with the difficulty and disabling all my other mods but the problem still persisted. 


I will continue to test but these are my findings so far.


Edit: Running vanilla on a new modset (PW6) seems to have removed the problem, will continue research.


Edit: Turns out that I had the mod running (because I am an idiot). Not in any way an RHS bug, it's a conflict with BadBensons Raptor pack!

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Bug reports are far more effective at http://feedback.rhsmods.org/

I think this thread is only for pointless wishlist items and futile requests for release dates ;)

indeed bug reports directly on the tracker are easier managed on our side - also make sure after you have encountered a bug to run only RHS on stable branch without any 3rd party mod...


regarding the point of this thread, besides the requests (my personal preference is shit that starts with "we need XXX" - with an emphasis on "we" - person thinks using "we" instead of "I" gives it more weight - and "need" - instead of "want" for the same reason stated) is discussion on the subject of RHS addons, the subject being anything BUT release dates and personal wishlists as stated numerous times before.



and because da12monkey didn't put it here, and i promise to mirror stuff we post on our social media channels, here it is:


We haven't posted anything in a while, mostly because we have been working very hard at polishing things that we have shown.

But when da12thMonkey brings you this you just have to show it off 1f642.png




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indeed bug reports directly on the tracker are easier managed on our side - also make sure after you have encountered a bug to run only RHS on stable branch without any 3rd party mod...


regarding the point of this thread, besides the requests (my personal preference is shit that starts with "we need XXX" - with an emphasis on "we" - person thinks using "we" instead of "I" gives it more weight - and "need" - instead of "want" for the same reason stated) is discussion on the subject of RHS addons, the subject being anything BUT release dates and personal wishlists as stated numerous times before.



and because da12monkey didn't put it here, and i promise to mirror stuff we post on our social media channels, here it is:




That's beautiful! Will we see a docter sight on top of it?

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That's beautiful! Will we see a docter sight on top of it?


No Docter



It'll have a Trijicon RM05 RMR modified from the old RMR I have on my UK scopes (re-textured with a fibre-optic illumination strip, a new Larue mount model, and an amber dot instead of a red one). I'm nearly finished.

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No Docter



It'll have a Trijicon RM05 RMR modified from the old RMR I have on my UK scopes (re-textured with a fibre-optic illumination strip, a new Larue mount model, and an amber dot instead of a red one). I'm nearly finished.


Any chance that'll be released as a stand alone in the mod? Would be nice to mount it on other weapons.

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No Docter



It'll have a Trijicon RM05 RMR modified from the old RMR I have on my UK scopes (re-textured with a fibre-optic illumination strip, a new Larue mount model, and an amber dot instead of a red one). I'm nearly finished.

Excuse my ignorance, I confused docter with rmr. Again, beautiful work!

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Reminds me of the sight mounted on Australian HK417 and BAF L129A1.


I had the chance to shoot the L129A1 once, i really liked that scope.

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Will the RMR have a teal tint to the lens, or is this not possible with engine limitations?

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