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7 hours ago, WastedMike1 said:

....I was just wondering.

so do we...

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How do you rearm the USMC M252 mortar? I tried driving a US Army Ammo vehicle next to it, and also tried looking through the ammo crates for the proper HE rounds (maybe I'm missing it?) and I can't figure this out.


I'm trying to setup some mortar stations and I want to put whatever object is necessary to rearm the mortars next to them. I'd appreciate any help I can get on this. 

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Just now, wendyvonbraun said:

Do we have permissions to edit paa's inside PBO files for personal usage? 



you can add your own textures wihtout editing the content we provide since 99% of the content has hiddenSelections

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1 minute ago, PuFu said:



you can add your own textures wihtout editing the content we provide since 99% of the content has hiddenSelections


newbie question, if I want to add custom paintings to the AH-1H how can I do it? Is there a texture template or something?

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5 minutes ago, PuFu said:



you can add your own textures wihtout editing the content we provide since 99% of the content has hiddenSelections

One more stupid question from me, will you add hiddenselections to the zenitco aks?

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1 minute ago, PuFu said:



you can add your own textures wihtout editing the content we provide since 99% of the content has hiddenSelections

Rrrrrrrrroger that cap'n. I'm sort of new to this type of addon making, so I am allowed to create my own paa's and include them in a new PBO file? 

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8 minutes ago, Devastator_cm said:

newbie question, if I want to add custom paintings to the AH-1H how can I do it? Is there a texture template or something?

you can use the existing ones as template


3 minutes ago, Ltf said:

One more stupid question from me, will you add hiddenselections to the zenitco aks?



1 minute ago, wendyvonbraun said:

...so I am allowed to create my own paa's and include them in a new PBO file? 


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4 minutes ago, PuFu said:

you can use the existing ones as template



but to do that I need to de-pbo right? Am I allowed to de-pbo?
If I understand corretly I will get the paa there and make my own version based on it and then use it via script like settexture (so will not pbo it back to RHS as it is not allowed)?

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1 hour ago, Devastator_cm said:

but to do that I need to de-pbo right? Am I allowed to de-pbo?

in general terms, as per eula, you are not allowed to reverse engineer our content. That said, if be BI turns a blind eye, so can we, especially since the alternative is releasing samples for everything, which means a LOT of time we don't have.


If I understand corretly I will get the paa there and make my own version based on it and then use it via script like settexture (so will not pbo it back to RHS as it is not allowed)?

yes, you are NOT allowed to repack and re-distribute RHS content (in parts or in full) - for whatever reason, be it personal, squad/clan related or whatever else you might thing of.

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Tried your mod today and i gotta say its fantastic! But something bugs me as a plane enthusiast. I cant lock on to a enemy vehicle with the KH29L from the SU25. Also with the Laser on key T doesnt work. Is it possible to get the normal Arma 3 locking system in the SU25?



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It works, you just need to aim with the middle of your screen, not the middle of reticle.

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For some reason, probably down to something I did, but can't seem to see it in my controls options, but when I press "T" to lase and lock a target in the M1A2SEPV (TUSK II) the crew all bail out, and I have to order them back in.

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1 hour ago, shlomogruenbaum said:

Can RHS add Germany to the factions?

Please don't ask for subliminal requests.

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9 hours ago, shlomogruenbaum said:

Can RHS add Germany to the factions?

add it from where?

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1 hour ago, PuFu said:

add it from where?

You know, just like , add it? A bit of coding here, bit of scribbling there, done. Can't be so hard now, can it? Do something for your money!

Seriously, i'm amazed how every other day some guy shows up over here, who demands additions in the size of another Full Modification.


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To be fair, I was under the impression you guys just had a big, ENIAC-looking computer with a switch labeled "Add Content"  on it. Because that's how it works, right? Just flip the switch? :P

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Dunno if this fits into the "don't make requests", because I'm not asking for this to happen...

Has the RHS team looked into the current DEV build with the Jets DLC content being tested?
If so, are there plans to incorporate the new Sensor/Targeting/Weapon content into RHS vehicles in anything other than a default manner?

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45 minutes ago, ski2060 said:

Dunno if this fits into the "don't make requests", because I'm not asking for this to happen...

Has the RHS team looked into the current DEV build with the Jets DLC content being tested?
If so, are there plans to incorporate the new Sensor/Targeting/Weapon content into RHS vehicles in anything other than a default manner?

Take a guess.

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1 hour ago, ski2060 said:

Dunno if this fits into the "don't make requests", because I'm not asking for this to happen...

Has the RHS team looked into the current DEV build with the Jets DLC content being tested?
If so, are there plans to incorporate the new Sensor/Targeting/Weapon content into RHS vehicles in anything other than a default manner?

And you need to know this because...

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