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16 hours ago, honger said:

Ravage seems to be removing environmental sounds from the Chernarus 2035 map, any ideas why would this mod do that and how to fix this? On it's own the terrain works perfectly fine, once Ravage is added - with or without needed modules - every ambient sound except footsteps is gone.


The problem stems from both mods using DefaultWorld as a map inheritance for certain Environmental soundsets, so loading Ravage, with or without modules present, is overriding the CfgEnvSounds class from Chernarus 2035.

Maybe a small patch for either mod is your solution.

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   Does the mod have an actual way to Pause? I only play single player and it would make it so convenient. I know it gives you the option to save, but when I try to load that game back up in that weird 3d menu, it doesn't really say exactly how you load that save.


Any help is appreciated. Really loving this game mode so far!

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1 hour ago, fossil said:

 but when I try to load that game back up in that weird 3d menu, it doesn't really say exactly how you load that save.


It would help if you defined the "weird 3D menu" a little better.....are you using mods other than Ravage itself?   

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Sorry, I meant it was that VR interface....the gray floor with the white lines. I dunno...my character was standing in it and it mentioned the save...but trying to access it...wasnt sure how to do that


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Ahh, so that's the MP Save Menu, every time you join any MP Ravage mission it creates and saves your character for that particular mission/server.

Kodabar made a short, informative video about that....

Hope that helps. :rthumb:  

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Hey all - I’m trying to find a line of code to spawn a bandit.  Trying to keep a consistent number of AI alive at all times and if the live count falls beneath my number to check, spawn until we are back to the count.


Counting, etc is all set and works fine but my current spawn code throws errors.


Below is an example of how I’m checking, executes once a second.  In this example if less than 10 alive, spawn a bandit.


Would love a push in the right direction.


threat = 0;

{ if (alive _x) then {threat = threat + 1;}} count allUnits;

if (threat < 10) then {
[_unit] execVM “\ravage\code\scripts\mission\spawn_bandits.sqf”;



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Awesome Mod HALEKS


I'v been a fan for many years.


I am creating a missing where Indep & Opfor have their most likely points of spawn using locations


Is there a way to make Indep & Opfor Bandits spawn for their respected Locations ?


example:  NameLocal are mainly Indep spawns with a small chance of Opfor

                  NameVillage are mainly Indep spawns with a higher chance of Opfor

                  NameCity are for mainly OPFOR spawns with a small chance of Indep



I have been looking for a solution to this problem for months, anyone help would be greatly Appreciated, Im still a novice at coding.



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Multiple names of the same position in an array will give you control over the spawning chance. Something like this:


_nameLocal = selectRandom [position1, position1, position1, position2];  -75% chance for position 1 vs position2


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@Nemanjic thanks for your reply.


I understand the concept and tried doing that by copying HALEKS in the mission_init:


I cant see or understand  what I assume is rvg_FactionsToSpawn or rvg_spawn_GROUPS arrays are kept, but I think the fn_spawnLocal.sqf is the key part since HALEKS has already done all the hard work to define what nameLocal is


maybe Im way to novice to understand how the script/code is working.

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Hello everyone. Long time no chat. I have not updated any of my Ravage missions in quite some time and recently came back. All of the escape missions that I made years ago for Arma 3 now have broken escape elements. For some reason the tasks are completing by default upon entering the mission. Has anyone else had this issue? I double checked the missions and can't seem to find any errors. I'm sure I can redo everything in a different way to get them to work. It appears the triggers are setting off by default now. Has to be some sort of change Arma made at some point. I do not use sectors, I use triggers.

Rambo is still working. Troubleshooting the remaining issues now.

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On 3/11/2024 at 3:16 AM, honger said:

Ravage seems to be removing environmental sounds from the Chernarus 2035 map, any ideas why would this mod do that and how to fix this? On it's own the terrain works perfectly fine, once Ravage is added - with or without needed modules - every ambient sound except footsteps is gone.


I created a fix. Not really tested on other terrains, so use only with chernarus 2035 😁


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I'm working on a new Ravage related project. I'm encountering a strange bug that I can't seem to figure out. All of the vehicles on the map are retexturing using Ravage's retexture feature, but I specifically have vehicle damage/retexture turned off in the vehicles module.

This issue seems to be specific only to the AI that spawn and drive vehicles. It does not appear to happen with any manually placed vehicles on the map. I am not spawning vehicles on the map. I'm only spawning wrecks and using the AI to spawn the vehicles they drive.

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1 hour ago, Donnie_Plays said:

This issue seems to be specific only to the AI that spawn and drive vehicles.


I think that's intended, I believe bandit vehicles are scripted to spawn with damaged textures applied using the setObjectMaterialGlobal. 

(I'm certain this applies to all vanilla A3 vehicles, not sure it extends to custom vehicles from other mods....) 

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17 minutes ago, EO said:

I think that's intended, I believe bandit vehicles are scripted to spawn with damaged textures applied using the setObjectMaterialGlobal. 

(I'm certain this applies to all vanilla A3 vehicles, not sure it extends to custom vehicles from other mods....) 

So the vehicle module itself has no effect on this? The module specifically references damage and retexture if you leave the option on. I suppose I could remove the module completely and see what happens. For some reason it seems like in the past I remember having AI drive clean vehicles back in the day but it's possible I'm confusing this project with a different one.

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19 minutes ago, Donnie_Plays said:

So the vehicle module itself has no effect on this? The module specifically references damage and retexture if you leave the option on. I suppose I could remove the module completely and see what happens. For some reason it seems like in the past I remember having AI drive clean vehicles back in the day but it's possible I'm confusing this project with a different one.


Correct, I believe the vehicle module just deals with ambient wrecks/vehicles, the bandit vehicles are handled by a separate script/function.

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Is Haleks still around? I haven't talked to him in a long time. Last I heard he was considering Ravage for either Reforger or Arma 4. Anyone know what's going on with that?

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10 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Is Haleks still around? I haven't talked to him in a long time. Last I heard he was considering Ravage for either Reforger or Arma 4. Anyone know what's going on with that?


He was 1 year and 3 months last time online. Probably something happened

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15 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Is Haleks still around? 


I'm not keen on sharing personal info on forum boards but happy to share that haleks is still around and doing fine, maybe just a little fatigued from modding in general.

And regarding modding Reforger....https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/238966-ravage/?do=findComment&amp;comment=3522580



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Hi gang, 


Long time no see. I tried out reforger yesterday and it scratched an itch I forgot I had lol


Hope you guys are all doing well!

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Has anyone heard any news on Arma 4? I'm unlikely to buy or play Reforger, but I was under the impression that Reforger was only getting supported for a year or so. I might be down to do some stuff in A4 for fun when it drops, if it drops.

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5 minutes ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Has anyone heard any news on Arma 4? I'm unlikely to buy or play Reforger, but I was under the impression that Reforger was only getting supported for a year or so. I might be down to do some stuff in A4 for fun when it drops, if it drops.


There was some written speculation on mid to late this year, last year but I havent heard much.

Reforger got a 1.1 update recently I think so they are still developing it to some degree for 4.


If they can get the SP portion worked out it should be great. I tried out Workbench and felt like a total noob again which I am after all these years of not scripting or anything lol.


Looking at the AI tree Haleks was working on in the Reforger version of Ravage there was lots of good things that could be done.

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1 hour ago, cosmic10r said:

Hi gang, 


Long time no see. I tried out reforger yesterday and it scratched an itch I forgot I had lol


Hope you guys are all doing well!

Cosmic!  Great to hear from you.  I hope life has been treating you excellently!

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On 4/19/2024 at 10:11 AM, johnnyboy said:

Cosmic!  Great to hear from you.  I hope life has been treating you excellently!

Good to see you to man! It's had it's ups and downs for sure lol... but no different then anyone else. It's pretty wild out there these days.


I finally got into the reforger tools to poke around a bit. got a few units placed. The scripting will take awhile but Im playing reforger with some milsim guys.


Its been really fun. Having 10 guys drop in in helos and move through the woods is too much fun.

Im hopeful A4 basically takes reforger as a base, the engine and makes A3 out of it with the QOL improvements. I know the whole lack of SP has really put some of the gang off.

You really need to play MP to enjoy Reforger right now and have the motivation to do stuff.

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Hello. Will there be updates to Ravage? I ask because there is still more than one year until the release of the next ARMA, but I would like to play. A new map, Yulakia, has been released, but it does not work with Ravage because... loot does not appear in buildings, and it is minimal outside. Yes, even on old maps like Chernarus there are completely empty buildings. Also, the function of night camps has been broken a long time ago. Extend the life of long-suffering Arma3.

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5 hours ago, Vald77r said:

Hello. Will there be updates to Ravage? I ask because there is still more than one year until the release of the next ARMA, but I would like to play. A new map, Yulakia, has been released, but it does not work with Ravage because... loot does not appear in buildings, and it is minimal outside. Yes, even on old maps like Chernarus there are completely empty buildings. Also, the function of night camps has been broken a long time ago. Extend the life of long-suffering Arma3.


Regarding Yulakia, there's a particular pbo inside the Yulakia mod folder that is causing the conflict with the Ravage Loot module which in turn is stopping it from populating structures on Yulakia with loot, that same pbo is also throwing up an error on start up whether Ravage is loaded or not, I've pointed this out to icebreakr so hopefully he may address it in an update, in the meantime I might upload a temporary fix for Ravage users.


Regarding night camps, they still work as intended, even on Yulakia. (tried and tested)    

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