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HVK Industries

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About HVK Industries

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  1. @VandeansonWEIRD QUESTION Does this script use _eastGrp all the time so no other groups are created ? or does it create a new group [_eastGrp_01, _eastGrp_02, _eastGrp_02] each time the script "resets". if so running this 6 times an hour for a 24 hour mission will create 144 groups ?
  2. @tpw BEAUTIFUL Mod !!!! Im making a Ravage Mission inspired by STALKER, with ambient MI24 "Hinds" flying every 45minutes everything works PERFECT until I Load Saved Game and then Airscript stops spawning aircraft, ambient CIVS and CARS still work after Load Save, Missions are lasting 24 to 48 hours until I run into unforeseen & foreseen issues that have nothing to do with TPW mods I use multiple mods but the main ones are RAVAGE Vandeanson's Apocalypse 3.0 m3mory Do you think this is a "ME PROBLEM" and what work around could I use ? such as after load game EXEC airscript again ?
  3. HVK Industries

    GF Set Custom Loadout Script - Mod

    !! SOLVED !! Hello GF I hope that you can help me. Im having trouble adding two types of backpack Rarity _Add_Rarity = floor (random 10) < 4; _Add_Rarity_BackpacksRadio = floor (random 10) < 1; this works perfect, my problem lies this this : //________________ _addBackpack ________________ if (_addBackpack) then { if (_Exclude_List_Gear) then { if (!((typeOf _this) in Czarpol_Exclude_List_Gear)) then { //_this addBackpack _Backpacks; // add rarity if (_Add_Rarity) then { _this addBackpack _Backpacks; }; }; } else { if (_Add_Rarity) then { _this addBackpack _Backpacks; }; }; }; if (_addBackpacksRadio) then { if (_Exclude_List_Gear) then { if (!((typeOf _this) in Czarpol_Exclude_List_Gear)) then { //_this addBackpack _BackpacksRadio; // add rarity if (_Add_Rarity_BackpacksRadio) then { _this addBackpack _BackpacksRadio; }; }; } else { if (_Add_Rarity_BackpacksRadio) then { _this addBackpack _BackpacksRadio; }; }; }; this also works, but sometimes replaces the already existing back and drops that backpack to the floor I tried to using unitBackpack to find if the unit has a backpack but gives me an error and script crashes. how can I correctly do this ? ! script needs to check: if unit already has a backpack if not then add the Radio Backpack, if it does then don't add the radio Backpack. Im a novice and this it was syntax error involving lack of () if ((_addBackpacksRadio) && (isNull (unitBackpack _this))) then { if (_Exclude_List_Gear) then { if (!((typeOf _this) in Czarpol_Exclude_List_Gear)) then { if (_Add_Rarity_BackpacksRadio) then { _this addBackpack _BackpacksRadio; }; }; } else { if (_Add_Rarity_BackpacksRadio) then { _this addBackpack _BackpacksRadio; }; }; }; !! SOLVED !!
  4. HVK Industries


    @Nemanjic thanks for your reply. I understand the concept and tried doing that by copying HALEKS in the mission_init: I cant see or understand what I assume is rvg_FactionsToSpawn or rvg_spawn_GROUPS arrays are kept, but I think the fn_spawnLocal.sqf is the key part since HALEKS has already done all the hard work to define what nameLocal is maybe Im way to novice to understand how the script/code is working.
  5. HVK Industries


    Awesome Mod HALEKS I'v been a fan for many years. I am creating a missing where Indep & Opfor have their most likely points of spawn using locations Is there a way to make Indep & Opfor Bandits spawn for their respected Locations ? example: NameLocal are mainly Indep spawns with a small chance of Opfor NameVillage are mainly Indep spawns with a higher chance of Opfor NameCity are for mainly OPFOR spawns with a small chance of Indep I have been looking for a solution to this problem for months, anyone help would be greatly Appreciated, Im still a novice at coding.