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Real Light - ReShade Preset by Solano

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Can someone please explain me why I can´t insert a simple image in the first thread?

It always gets converted into a link!

I did it like explained here: http://forums.bistudio.com/misc.php?do=bbcode#imgcode

I want to use this file: http://imgur.com/JB90U3i

ANY help is really appreciated.

File size too big Im afraid mate. Hence why it just puts a hyper link.

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File size too big Im afraid mate. Hence why it just puts a hyper link.
I guess it's too big, over 100KB.

Thanks guys!

Wasn´t aware of the filesize restriction!


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Little video with V6

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Awesome! Thanks for making this!

I like the beginning - has some real life footage quality to it

Just one thing - The title is a bit confusing. ReShade itself is in Version 0.19.2 and my Preset Real Light is in Version 6. I am just using ReShade, the Preset for it is of course from me. Please don´t take me as an smartass here - its definitely confusing with the topic of ReShade and SweetFX and all...

So in detail it is like that:

SweetFX is still available and can be used. ReShade itself is an injector which adapts to the datastream it goes into (nearly any game) which is pretty cool. The ReShade Framework which I built my Preset with is so to speak the injector + many many effects by many different authors all tied together. So ReShade alone does nothing visually - it opens the gates for all the effects that can be applied.

There is also the option to use ReShade + SweetFX which means there is also the injector but the collection of effects of SweetFX.

What I did was creating a Preset with the Framework (many effects by different Authors). And these configuration files + this little image file (the LUT) is my Real Light V6 Preset. No one is allowed anymore to provide a Download with everything setup to be ready to go by just unpacking ALL needed files into the main game dir because there are so many authors of the different effects that can be used although it comes within the Framework package of ReShade and everyone has different rules of distribution and the ReShade guys also want to make sure that the users always download the latest version of their Injector (current Version 0.19.2) to keep the functionality high.

Just a little try of enlightenment about this really blurry concept behind ReShade and everything that comes with it.

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Roger that, ill correct it, can get a little confusing :)

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Roger that, ill correct it, can get a little confusing :)

Totally confusing!

Thank you! I hope for more Videos ;)

Edited by Solano

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On empty starscreen I had with:

older reshade versions 150fps

new advanced version 120fps

and new normal v. 170fps!

So I will stay on the normal version, less performance demanding and far more beautiful then the older versions!

With 0.8 brightness and 1 gamma I get best results :)

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less performance demanding and far more beautiful then the older versions!

With 0.8 brightness and 1 gamma I get best results :)

I am happy to hear that the new version suits you even more!

Have you tried the neutral LUT already?

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I used the instructions provided on the official site. Installation went 100% smoothly, until I tried to start Arma3. I validated cache files before starting the game.

The game won't go beyond the starting splash "ARMA 3", with all the ReShade info and SweetFX info stuck in the left upper corner and in front of the ARMA3 label.
Eventually I just have to terminate the lagging process with taskmanaged, and I get this error message:



I am currently looking into deleting all files and trying again. If that doesn't work, I need to check the .dll files in case they're corrupt.
Anybody else run into this problem with version 6? My clan-mate apparently did, he just deleted all the files and didn't try again. I'd like to get this to work, so help would be appreciated.

I am using Windows 7 Professional 64bit. Could the ReShade32.dll be causing problems? Should I use the ReShade64.dll, contrary to the instructions on the website?

I am launching Arma 3 as administrator, using the launcher, without any modifications.

Here is my system info, as provided by DXDIAG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ak2t8f3xfhauod/SystemInfo.txt?dl=0


e1: Deleted all files related to ReShade (including Real Light) from Arma 3 root. Game now smoothly launches.

e2: Going to retry the installation process.

e3: Reinstalled ReShade and Real Light 6 as instructed here http://sh8.videopilot.link/arma3/real-light-v6/, same problem.

e4: Ran Arma 3 in Dependency Walker http://www.dependencywalker.com/, and got these errors: http://i.imgur.com/oqtY26i.jpg


Any idea what could be causing this?


e5: IT'S WORKING! I don't know how. I had it installed as instructed. Then I deleted the dxgi.dll (originally ReShade32.dll), and used the ReShade64.dll, rename it to dxgi.dll. The thing didn't work, but Arma3 launched. I switched back to ReShade32.dll, and it suddenly worked fine!



Working fine now, but after a system reboot, launching arma through PlaywithSix was not possible. I was trying to join a BattleEye enabled server, so battleeye launched before arma. The launch sequence stopped because battleeye blocked the use of dxgi.dll. Launching through the steam-launcher first, then using PWS works still, I just have to do that every time I reboot my system if I want to join a BattleEye enabled server.

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I could not launch either until I simply clicked on the arma3.exe itself and ran as administrator. Shortcuts need also to run as admin and i have had mixed results with having mods in the command line. It sometimes launches and sometimes it does not.


Other than that it is really nice looking. The houses especially stand out.


One thing, I tried changing the toggle on/off key to be on F11, but it did not work. What would be the way to do that ?

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Hey - sorry that I just got back here but I had trouble logging in.

And wow - the trouble you went through with this. This is just absolutely not what I wanted. My first Intention with V6 was to make the installation easy again -.-

Really sorry that this was such a pain to make it work!


Sometimes for people - enabled BattlEye seems a source for this error you described. I got a FAQ for V6 as well and on my page where I tried to help with some basics for exactly this start issue - too bad you missed it - maybe I should promote it somehow better.


This workaround you found seems worthy because this issue is the biggest at the moment if there is one for users...


I don´t understand it really but I think your little journy with solution could help others.

I got Win7 as well and have no issues at all with BattlEye enabled and I used the ReShade32.dll (renamed to dxgi.dll of course) from the beginning...

It is just weird. But I am really happy you can enjoy it now

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One thing, I tried changing the toggle on/off key to be on F11, but it did not work. What would be the way to do that ?


Hi Old_Painless - I wrote a short description here how to achieve that.


F11 would be 


Hope that helps

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Maybe I can test this soon when I update to win 10.

Yeah that would be cool! I am very curious and more than that - afraid ;)

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What I could not announce til now because of the forum maintenance...


I added a User Gallery for content you´ve created where Real Light is involved!

Please get in touch if I missed your screenshots or videos! Would love to add them!

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It wasn't a lot of trouble to get it working, just took some thinking and luck I guess. Thanks for the awesome tweak, I can't imagine playing without it! Just played a session with our group today, the game looks SO good.

Excellent, simply excellent.

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Solano, can't seemt to get this working. I get a message on the left corner saying 

"Loading effect...no effect found!"


I'm running on Windows 10 x64 AMD latest drivers. Yes, I have followed the steps and everything.

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Solano, can't seemt to get this working. I get a message on the left corner saying 

"Loading effect...no effect found!"


I'm running on Windows 10 x64 AMD latest drivers. Yes, I have followed the steps and everything.


Hm... I have no experience with win10 yet.

But you didn´t use the mediator thingy right?


If you didn´t then please check if your structure is correct.


In your arma folder where the exe of arma is there should be the ReShade folder, the dxgi.dll and the reshade.fx file.


I hope it is just a litte fault in the structure of yours. If not than I found a thread in the official ReShade forum for win10 here: http://reshade.me/forum/general-discussion/948-windows-10-support?start=6


Maybe they can help you more than me at this point

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It wasn't a lot of trouble to get it working, just took some thinking and luck I guess. Thanks for the awesome tweak, I can't imagine playing without it! Just played a session with our group today, the game looks SO good.

Excellent, simply excellent.

I am happy you like it so much!

If you get tired of the look somehow you can change the LUT anytime. I am working on more at the moment to offer a variety of looks for those who are interested

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Hm... I have no experience with win10 yet.

But you didn´t use the mediator thingy right?


If you didn´t then please check if your structure is correct.


In your arma folder where the exe of arma is there should be the ReShade folder, the dxgi.dll and the reshade.fx file.


I hope it is just a litte fault in the structure of yours. If not than I found a thread in the official ReShade forum for win10 here: http://reshade.me/forum/general-discussion/948-windows-10-support?start=6


Maybe they can help you more than me at this point

HA! User is alawys wrong XD

I have missed the reshade.fx file Seems to be working now. Going to try it!

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HA! User is alawys wrong XD

I have missed the reshade.fx file Seems to be working now. Going to try it!


I feel relieved that it was just a tiny mistake and no win10 bug or something ;)


I hope you like Real Light.




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Hi Old_Painless - I wrote a short description here how to achieve that.


F11 would be 


Hope that helps

It did, thanks so much. I came across two common_settings.cfg files - one is in the ReShade folder, and the other is in "\...\Arma 3\ReShade\PersonalFiles\Presets\DefaultPreset". I changed it in both, but for clarity perhaps state which one is in effect ?

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