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[A3 Island] Alpha: Pianosa!

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Hey there people!

I'm happy to release a first Alpha of my island Pianosa, which i was working on the last few months.

Pianosa is an real italian island, which i used as guide for this terrain, but the terrain is still heavily modified for gaming purposes.


In the year 2035 the situation in southern europe is getting more precarious then ever before. To help the struggeling south-european countries the EU subventioned them, Italy used that money to improve living conditions on smaller peripheral island and started some new projects on island like Pianosa, e.g. the construction of a new city, the installation of some solar power plants (more to come). Because of the strong wave of refugees from north africa, there are several slum-areas scattered over the island, even in old and historic places like the abandoned prison complex in the center of the island.

In this version nearly 2/3 is "finished"

The island ist ~10km² big and is relativly flat, not a big surprise, because pianosa is italian for flat.

Well, long story short: This is the Alpha Version 0.1, i hope you like it and if not, PLEASE tell me so! So i can improve it for everyone!

-> Like it? Gimme a comment! Dislike it? Gimme a comment!

Screens, everyone love screens:


Here are some pictures of the latest version which is not yet downloadable 







- Schultz: Without him and his help, this project could never been started
- Neo: I don't think i need to say, for what i am thankful, but i still will: MAP BUILDER!
- Giallustio: Thanks for the encourangement and the objects!
- The whole MapMaker-Skype channel, which helps with every problem: Especially Jake & Paul!



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for use with Arma 3 version 1.24

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Very Cool... will test. Thanks for all the hard work!

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Thanks! I added some better pictures on the front post.

@Foxhound: Would it be possible to change the pictures from the armaholic page to the new ones? :D

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Very snazzy looking screens, nice job ItsDonJon

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New mod v0.1-alpha available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:



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Congrats on the release dude! :D

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Beautiful! Can't wait to play the finished version!

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Hey there friends! A friend of mine and myself did some further work on the island in the last day, which i want to present you, so here are some screenshots!


All Pictures (& some more of course) can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/8mwa7

Hope you guys like it :)

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thats amazing detail, cant wait to get shot there :)

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Hi, i have a little Problem with this Island.

When i start my game i become an ERROR

Config: 'names' array does not have 5 entries.

after seaching for this error i find this topic ....

"Config: "names" array does not have 3 entries

after that i disabled every other Mods, so that only Pianosa runs = error

switched, all modfs but not Pianosa = no error.

I can accept the Error and the game runs fine and Map works.

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Hey Faithnall! Thank you for that report, that error is known and will be fixed next version, tbh i was too lazy to search for the error, because the error has no known disadvantages for the island.

Expect an Update for the island soon! What will be new? A whole new city! ;)

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Hey there!

I just wanted to give you a small update about the work i'm doing right now on Pianosa:

- I started to implement a whole new Satellite-Image of the island, showing it in a more deserted/dry way:


- Along with that a new mask will be made and used, fitting to the new climate of the island.

- A new city was created in the middle of the island (screenshots will follow) and is in search of a name! When you have some cool italian-sounding city names, gimme them!

- I plan to change the developement area in the heart of the island, maybe i'll let the new city grow some more, or i'll just change the structures. or i'll remove it completly

- The civilian/military-airstrip in the north of the island is on 90%.

With these changes i made a new roadmap (in work; finished):

- New Satellite Image

- Edit Satellite Image

- New mask

- Edit mask

- Implement new structures (villages, houses, military complexes)

- Usable airstrip

The status of the island's population with trees, bushes and small stuff is on 2/3, i made some good progress thanks to Niky & Postpaket of the Legion-Clan

Stay tuned for some screenshots, i will give them to you asap!

greetings, Jona!

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Hey there!

I just wanted to give you a small update about the work i'm doing right now on Pianosa:

- I started to implement a whole new Satellite-Image of the island, showing it in a more deserted/dry way:

- Along with that a new mask will be made and used, fitting to the new climate of the island.

- A new city was created in the middle of the island (screenshots will follow) and is in search of a name! When you have some cool italian-sounding city names, gimme them!

- I plan to change the developement area in the heart of the island, maybe i'll let the new city grow some more, or i'll just change the structures. or i'll remove it completly

- The civilian/military-airstrip in the north of the island is on 90%.

With these changes i made a new roadmap (in work; finished):

- New Satellite Image

- Edit Satellite Image

- New mask

- Edit mask

- Implement new structures (villages, houses, military complexes)

- Usable airstrip

The status of the island's population with trees, bushes and small stuff is on 2/3, i made some good progress thanks to Niky & Postpaket of the Legion-Clan

Stay tuned for some screenshots, i will give them to you asap!

greetings, Jona!

Very good work ;)

For the city name:









Castel dell'isola (if you want to add some ruins just for the name)

Some names that I have created in 2 minutes ahah

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Pianosa and Belpiano :rofl:

I think it's perfect ahah

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As promised: Here are some screens of the new city Belpiano (i'm going to take that name!)


I hope you guys like it! Give me some feedback!

Greetings, ItsDonJon!

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