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Well, it goes like this. You type your name in a search engine and give us the results. I have a feeling someone has done this before, but since i can't remember it i think it is okay for me to do this.

My forum name came up with results of it being in the old old forum. and my real name came up with some being signed on from a college basketball team in the US. The basketball player got quite a few results and there was also an article a biker. My fellow <insert second_draw's real name> have quite a sporting background. smile.gif

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type Ralph Wiggum and see how many sites are devoted for me wink.gif

when i used my real name, I get one on top that is actually my old website. other than that, not much luck.

onetime, i was able to find my name on a ABCNEWS post that i used. wow.gif

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All I got was sexual assault stuff.

I typed in my last name, and it turns out that some far off relatives are quite succesful.

A Hollywood Stunt Double

A Professor too

A Military Police officer.

A pro Bowler

And unfortunately:

A casualty of the Vietnam War

I also found some other people who were restaurant owners, and art dealers. Looks like I have a name to live up to.

There are no people with my last name in S.Ontario, other than my family members, but it seems that there are a few more in the States, especially around the Great Lakes region.



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boy that was funny..... wink.gif

maybe your ancestors were living around the great lake and moved to S.Ontario later on?

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Othin resolves to Mythology links till next year of course...  As far as my real name, someone with my last name (Daley) has chosen a life of writing.  Unfortunetly, for me, he's seemingly dedicated most of his literary career to writing about Han Solo.  Han f'ing Solo!  *shakes head*  Other then that you get about a million links to Chicago (we're thick like flies there).


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">maybe your ancestors were living around the great lake and moved to S.Ontario later on?<span id='postcolor'>

S. Ontario is by the Great Lakes.

A breif family history (from my Dad's side)

My Grandparents came over from Croatia just before the start of WWII. My dad was born while they were in Alberta. Afterwards they went back to Croatia and lived there under bad post-war conditions. When my Dad was about 10, they came back to Canada and settled in Ontario. My grandad had some troubles coming over because the Government thought he was a Communist sympathiser. wow.gif


Edit: BTW, what was so funny?

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When I put my nick (psyKKe) into any search engine it mostly shows flashpoint.ru and west.flashpoint.ru

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i don't even wanna put my nick in google ............. smile.gif

the preterit form of the verb "to run" ... don't even wanna guess how many results there will be ..

and nothing interesting about my last name ........

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if i search for my real name i get a lot of chech sites. and the fifth result is my old clanpage biggrin.gif

and i get a lot of bible and hentai stuff if i put in seeker tounge.gif

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Hmmm if I put my OFP nick I get cars and mars. But I'm kinda screwed on my real name. I have a first name and last that could be used either way smile.gif

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when i put nolips71 into a search engine its comes up with a load of my old clan sites and about my f4 phantom model

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When I type in Duke_of_Ray I get some of my posts on other forums, and a forum profile. When I type i my old name from gamespy, Fsc_General5, I get a battle pack I made for the Strategy game Waterloo, and a post from the other forum I visit. Fsc_General5 what a dumb name.lol tounge.gif My real name did not bring much.

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Oh boy, I get:


Urban Philosopher

Professor of art history


Actually some of them might be the same guy.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ Sep. 29 2002,08:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My real name did not bring much.<span id='postcolor'>

Lets hear it boy, what person did it bring?

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DarkLight gives a lot of photography stuff confused.gif

Pretty boring....

I'll try my real name some other time, don't have a lot of time now....

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890 hits with Google on "Kegetys", mostly OFP stuff, a few IRC logs, etc... Someday it had around 2000 hits sad.gifbiggrin.gif

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Apparently I have the same name as one of Elliot Ness's "Untouchables."

<Sean Connery voice> What are you prepared to DO? <Sean Connery voice off>

Semper Fi

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I did just my last name, got a lot of business sites. Then I did Harnu. The first site that poped up wasnt in english. But O well. Could osmeone translate this part it linked to?

Dcéra ministra výstavby a verejných prác SR Istvána Harnu Jarmila Répássyová vÄera odstúpila z dozornej rady Nafty, a.s., Gbely. Podľa riaditeľky sekcie výkonu práv akcionára Fondu národného majetku SR (FNM) Anny Bubeníkovej v písomnom odôvodnení ministrova dcéra okrem iného ako dôvod svojho rozhodnutia uviedla mediálny tlak.

A. Bubeníková k formovaniu dozornej rady Nafty na poslednom valnom zhromaždení 28. októbra povedala, že neúÄasÅ¥ Slovenského plynárenského priemyslu (SPP) v kontrolnom orgáne Nafty vyplývala z predchádzajúcich dohôd medzi SPP a fondom. Dohody obsahovali aj zmeny v predstavenstve spoloÄnosti, kam dozorná rada nominovala Älena SPP. A. Bubeníková súÄasne odmietla formuláciu, že nových Älenov dozornej rady fond vymenoval na základe politických dohôd.

J. Répássyová sa Älenkou dozornej rady Nafty stala 28. októbra. Po zistení, že ide o ministrovu dcéru, bolo jej Älenstvo v rade kritizované zo strany médií, ako aj z kruhov vládnej koalície.

TASR, Bratislava

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When i type in Jester983 i get a link to my squad's site with my profile. biggrin.gif

When I type in just jester i get a whole bunch of sites about jokes pranks. etc etc.

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Hehe !

Never thought to do this, but here are the results:

With my Clanname i mostly get results from forum posts at TCZ, AEF, our clanpage and not to forget The Rumble although the OFP rumble ladder has died ages ago...sniff.

But here comes the real one :

Mostly I am a scientist, with knight history and i did :

"Problems with the Linear Cryptanalysis of DES Using More Than One Active S-box per Round." wow.gif

I always thought I am a hidden genius wink.gif

Anyway if you feel bored take a break at my relatives :

http://www.dichtl.at/ I have to check their prices for a trip to Austria ! Relatives should get a bonus, shouldnt they ?

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The first link leads to a news report of a US border patrol arresting an illegal immigrant attempting to cross the border... I'm the head agent. biggrin.gif

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I'm a Doctor and I'm Director of the Centre for European Political Communications (EurPolCom) at the Institute of Communications Studies. smile.gif

I'm a fantasy and Scifi writer, unfortunately I died in 1994, fortunately there's now a fantasy and science fiction writing competition named after me smile.gif

I am a musician and have been in groups such as B-Movie, Peach, Neronic and I've worked with such people as Kylie Minogue, Natalie Imbruglia and Dido smile.gif

I contributed to a book called "How Social Movements Matter" smile.gif

A predicted football matches in the ANZOWLS - Predictions league smile.gif

I'm an OFPN Staff member smile.gif

I competed in the Champion Mens Under 19 Coxed Four for Launceston Church Grammar School smile.gif

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I didn't search for myself, but the gentlemen pictured in this photo:


All your base are belong to us!

The picture was found on TacSim.com -- take a look at the image properties if you don't know who is on top of the tank.

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