jollyreaper 0 Posted September 28, 2002 Not everyone goes for utter realism. Even fans of realism may feel the need for a Doom-esque shoot-em-up as opposed to a serious game. Why not give the servers a "non-realistic" mode where players are simply running and gunning with respawn points, weapon pickups, etc? No wait, instant action, instant gratification. Those who want the hardcore version of OFP can leave their servers in default mode. The hardcore sim freaks are the audience BIS is designing the game for but they're a smaller part of the overall market. Keep everyone happy, make more sales. Make more sales, increase the chance of an OFP3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ran 0 Posted September 28, 2002 there are already death match and ctf like what you describe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kegetys 2 Posted September 28, 2002 Well, if OFP 2 is ever to come, I would say it would be better to stick with making a realistic combat simulation. Theres plenty of arcade shooters out there to play, trying to make something that has both simulation and arcade stuff would propably be doomed to fail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joltan 0 Posted September 28, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Sep. 28 2002,14:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Theres plenty of arcade shooters out there to play, trying to make something that has both simulation and arcade stuff would propably be doomed to fail.<span id='postcolor'> Yes, better concentrate on what OFP is best at, and leave the arcade to other games who are more specialized in that. Also its easy to create maps like that with the mission editor. No special server setting would be needed to have a little frag fest inbetween. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted September 28, 2002 Yes, realism all the way. I am kinda disappointed by the majority of the current multiplayer maps featured in leagues. It's either CTF or sector control with tons of unnecessary features like respawn medi-tanks etc.. I for one would like to see level designers concentrate on a more realistic and more believable setting. In every single map you will find tons of G36E and Steyr weapons. It just doesn't make any sense. I would like to see people return to create the atmosphere, the game originally had in the campaign. Right now, it all feels like Counter-Strike with larger maps. For me, this is already enough "Doom-esque" shoot-em-up. I want to fight squads and not single guys with G36E and LAW running through the woods. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iNeo 0 Posted September 28, 2002 Well said, Nyles. Leagues should use realistic maps, not too big, no vehicles at all, just AK74's, M16's, handgrenades, binoculars. And on a scene, where one side has no more advantages than the other. Maybe I should make one... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SFG 1 Posted September 28, 2002 Realism all the way.. other games you can play "arcade". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellToupee 0 Posted September 29, 2002 I hate it how it becomes a styer g36 frag fest, i dont like all scoped weps in mp really it turns the game into a 300m sniper fest where ppl jus hide in a bush all game, i want map makers to have it iron sights only really and with snipers have it so only sniper class gets em with them in crates u soon have a hole team of snipers and rpg guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jollyreaper 0 Posted September 29, 2002 My suggestion was only so BIS could ensure that the majority of players would be happy. I haven't tried out mutliplayer yet. The gamespy crapware tried to hose my system and I think I need to get Resistance before I can do decent multiplayer. If there's such a demand for realistic servers and keeping the gameplay "in character", why don't you setup servers for just this sort of play? It'd take a bit more coordination if you make the server invite only but then again, you'd likely want to know your teammates at least in passing so that you can form up and coordinate your strategies. I mean hell, there are people out there who live for pissing people off. I can't think of anything that would make them happier than entering into a realistic OFP multiplayer, sneaking into an enemy base with their team, and chucking a frag grenate right into the center of the soldiers. Invites would exclude jerks like that. If the twinks have their OFP: Counterstrike servers and you have your realistic servers then what seems to be the problem? Everyone is happy, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted September 29, 2002 The problem is still that all major leagues feature these "doom'esque" missions only. It doesn't really matter if I manage to setup a server with realistic missions only, because I have to return to the other kind of gameplay sooner or later when the clan I'm in, has to fight another clan in the ESL for example. As long as a bunch of known level designers doesn't change their attitude towards more realistic maps, and these maps slowly are accepted even in the major leagues, the whole realism project is very likely to be damned. People are simply too used to the G36E...sad but true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ran 0 Posted September 29, 2002 ofp developper's main goal was to provide a realistic infantry sim including combined arms warfare elements i don't see why you want to change that , developpers don't make a game for all the entire gamer communauty , ofp is for serious teamplayers and not for anybody else (i'm caricaturing and simplificating , but that's a fact) , it shouldn't change this game was not meant to provide 1 more fast paced 1 person view sucky shoot'em all , and i'm sure bis doesn't want to change that , ofp already got its communauty and it's a pretty good communauty there's no need to make an "ofp lite" for the l337 type players , they got counter strike and battlefield 1942 already ofp is OUR game , the dedicated and serious player's game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jollyreaper 0 Posted September 29, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ Sep. 29 2002,11:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The problem is still that all major leagues feature these "doom'esque" missions only. It doesn't really matter if I manage to setup a server with realistic missions only, because I have to return to the other kind of gameplay sooner or later when the clan I'm in, has to fight another clan in the ESL for example. As long as a bunch of known level designers doesn't change their attitude towards more realistic maps, and these maps slowly are accepted even in the major leagues, the whole realism project is very likely to be damned. People are simply too used to the G36E...sad but true.<span id='postcolor'> Hmm. Why can't you form realistic clans and inform the others that the home field is realistic? "If you want to play us you have to give up the twinkfest." Will they just not play you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ran 0 Posted September 29, 2002 ofp is realistic and won't change end of discussion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jollyreaper 0 Posted September 29, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Sep. 29 2002,12:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ofp developper's main goal was to provide a realistic infantry sim including combined arms warfare elements i don't see why you want to change that , developpers don't make a game for all the entire gamer communauty , ofp is for serious teamplayers and not for anybody else (i'm caricaturing and simplificating , but that's a fact) , it shouldn't change this game was not meant to provide 1 more fast paced 1 person view sucky shoot'em all , and i'm sure bis doesn't want to change that , ofp already got its communauty and it's a pretty good communauty there's no need to make an "ofp lite" for the l337 type players , they got counter strike and battlefield 1942 already ofp is OUR game , the dedicated and serious player's game<span id='postcolor'> Only reason I brought it up, at the end of the day BIS needs to make money. If they created a game just for 100 or so "true hardcore players" then BIS would shortly be out of business. If the audience they made the game for is 100-strong, so be it. The audience that they sell it to has to be bigger or else they go out of business or start making games other than Flashpoint. I don't know how big the OFP budget was for BIS. Just remember that the only see a fraction of the purchase price off of every game. It's like the music industry, buy a CD, the artist only gets $0.25 of the $17.99 you spent. In other words, BIS has to move a ton of OFP in order to get the opportunity to make an OFP2. All I was saying is that it might be a good idea to give both sides what they want, I didn't say "eviscerate OFP2 so that it will be nothing more than Doom in the woods." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ran 0 Posted September 29, 2002 you know how many copy ofp did sold even without "unrealistic mode" ??? it gone gold a long time ago you know and more or less copies sold won't change that mcuh the bis's condition and will just make more money for codemasters Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted September 29, 2002 Opf has sold well over a million copies, in these days and especially for a first ever game by Bis that's bloody good IMO, however more could and should be sold, mainly to blame for that are Codemasters, who in America had heard of this game other than by word of mouth or stumbling across a preview/review for it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyles 11 Posted September 29, 2002 Trust me, the major part of this community is here because of the realism and not because of the arcade gameplay, which is a good thing. If the ~100 player hardcore fanbase you mentioned would indeed be that small, OFP would have never sold itself in these high numbers. My guess is that roughly 70% of the players were attracted because of the realism-oriented gameplay in the first place, and I would even guess that half of these would like to see even more realism added to the game. Realism isn't something bad. Many players claim that realism would destroy gameplay and negates fun, but I say that this isn't true. If you compare the numbers of sold copies of OFP with the small multiplayer community, you must see that many people seemed to have liked the atmosphere of the singleplayer game but had their problems with the multiplayer aspects. The thing I try to convince people of is that there are more possibilites than what current missions offer. Regarding that idea about me starting my own clans (:D ?) the problem is that at this time, the clan I'm in would not get to fight a single enemy and furthermore, because of the limit of available maps in major leagues, realism would still be far far away. Hehehe, and don't even think about telling me to build my own maps. I could play around with the editor, but when it comes to complex scripting procedures, it exceeds my capabilities. I could and would help with conceptual work but that's it. In fact I have already made several small texts with requirements. The problem now is to find some willing mission designers, addon makers and scripter. Well, let's see what the future brings, but one thing is for sure. No more G36E and pointless unrealistic scripts for me. I had Counter-Strike once in my life....that's already more than a man can bear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellToupee 0 Posted September 29, 2002 I like ofp i play for fun not realsim yet i dont like g36 frag fests or stuff like that, ofp sells because it has vechciles and has done them so well, bf sells cause of the same yet its buggy its infantry is POS but its got mp i dont like it, OFP is far better but if you gave it JIP and advertised 200person mp it would be the hottest game around, before it came out everybody knew about it that i know cause there was a rumer of mp like that now none of them bought it because of its mp, and it shows with only 40 res servers and about 100ppl on em at peak times. MP needs JIP and map makers not to put in scoped weps its far too easy to be a sniper in this game due to the distance u can see and places to hide, i want less sniper like game play and closer engaged ments the ol m16 vs ak fight not the g36 vs g36i hate that weapon. We were doing a coop escape from prision we escape get sum pistols from a crate kill guards and get the resistance feel of scavanging going, but then we find a russian ammo crate loaded with g36s and soon we all got em. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jollyreaper 0 Posted September 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Sep. 29 2002,14:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Opf has sold well over a million copies, in these days and especially for a first ever game by Bis that's bloody good IMO, however more could and should be sold, mainly to blame for that are Codemasters, who in America had heard of this game other than by word of mouth or stumbling across a preview/review for it?<span id='postcolor'> Over a million copies? Excellent. I know 200,000 is considered to be a good showing. My only concern was that OFP would be one of the great many games that are great but did not do well thus the company dies and we are left with EA crap. Consider my concern much abated. As for OFP, it doesn't even get much shelf-space over here so perhaps Codemasters did drop the ball. I know I had to hunt to actually find a copy and it wasn't the Game of the Year edition with Red Hammer. I guess I'll just get dinged again whenever the threepack comes out with OFP, Red Hammer, and Resistance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jollyreaper 0 Posted September 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ Sep. 29 2002,18:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Trust me, the major part of this community is here because of the realism and not because of the arcade gameplay, which is a good thing. If the ~100 player hardcore fanbase you mentioned would indeed be that small, OFP would have never sold itself in these high numbers. My guess is that roughly 70% of the players were attracted because of the realism-oriented gameplay in the first place, and I would even guess that half of these would like to see even more realism added to the game. Realism isn't something bad. Many players claim<span id='postcolor'> I'd be quite interested to see some hard research on the actual numbers. I'm finishing up a business degree and I'd have to say that marketing is one of the most important and also most poorly implimented aspects of any company. I've been laid off from a couple of companies now and all of them were in trouble because they didn't know who there market was or what they even wanted. From the sounds of it BIS has discovered an excellent niche that desires exactly the kind of game they want to make. A million sales is pretty good in the video game industry. At this point the only thing that can hurt BIS is stupidity in their own management. Valve is a good warning for that sort of thing, all this dicking around with third parties making expansion packs, Team Fortress conversions and no word on when Half-Life 2 is coming out? BIS, please don't pull a Valve. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tex -USMC- 0 Posted September 30, 2002 [Rant] NO! Fuck the majority! The day BIS debases their masterpiece by turning it into a twitch-fest is the day I stop buying their products. I don't care if it's just an 'option'- people who want a twitch-fest have the 'option' to uninstall OFP and go play Delta Force or CS or something. If you even think the idea of OFP as a twitch-fest is attractive, please just break your game CD now. OFP was made to be ultra-realistic. Period. If you take away that, all you have is Delta Force with vehicles, and that would be a crying shame, IMO. Now, like Placebo said, OFP is a million-seller, and those million people didn't buy it because they thought they were getting CS on an island, they bought it because it was a realistic simulation of small unit combat. If more people heard of this game, I have no doubt that BIS would sell another million copies. Yes, OFP is not for everybody. So what? BIS has a sterling product, one of the best games ever. Why fuck it up by catering to the lowest common denominator? So what if OFP isn't for everybody? That's no good reason to turn it into a game for everybody. I have a good idea- you want a twitch version of OFP? Buy BF1942. Seems like that would be right up your alley. [/Rant] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toadeater 0 Posted September 30, 2002 Also, please don't put in anymore of that Korn-ripoff "rock" music, which makes the game feel like it's a bad straight-to-video movie with Dolph Lundgren in it. Nothing against Korn, it just doesn't belong in OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JAP 2 Posted September 30, 2002 I too feel like this game only will work with realism and the more the better ! About all these remarks about MP maps ! I know a few people who re making MP maps and post beta versions to test and stuff. (including me) But instead of ranting about G36 and steyr fragfests here you could also try the betamaps before they go final and give FEEDBACK when the maker asks for it !!!!!!!!!!! Instead of giving comments afterwards ! Betamaps are for detecting bugs and giving suggestions about it how to improve the map. Cause lately it seems like the most ungratefull job there is making MP maps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iNeo 0 Posted September 30, 2002 A lot of people are leaving OFP and moving on to other games. Too bad Left are the true OFP fans and the new-comers, which is still kind of nice. It's nice to see new mission makers, mod makers, etc coming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JAP 2 Posted September 30, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (iNeo @ Sep. 30 2002,09:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A lot of people are leaving OFP and moving on to other games. Too bad Left are the true OFP fans and the new-comers, which is still kind of nice. It's nice to see new mission makers, mod makers, etc coming.<span id='postcolor'> They wont keep making them if it s just a waste of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites