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=BTC= Quick revive

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It's fine for me now, but a restart button or abort button would be nice for a future update

Add after the respawn definition in dlg.h

class restart : respawn
	idc = 174;
	y = 0.3 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
	onMouseButtonClick = "['end1',false,2] call BIS_fnc_endMission;";
	text = "Restart";

Not tested

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Add after the respawn definition in dlg.h

class restart : respawn
	idc = 174;
	y = 0.3 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
	onMouseButtonClick = "['end1',false,2] call BIS_fnc_endMission;";
	text = "Restart";

Not tested

Going to test that later, thank you very much for you effort

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I'd also like to disable respawn completely, just have the player die when the time runs out but keep everything else as it is.

It would be nice to be able to press escape and reach the standard escape-menu while in uncounscious so one could reach the team switch menu.

As R3vo said, thanks for your effort!

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Hello gillaustio!

I used this script on my Antistasi mission, check below. You are on creds!!!

Players notice it is not impossible to die even with all the headshot / big explosion disabled. Is this a limitation of handledamage or am I doing something wrong?

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Hello gillaustio!

I used this script on my Antistasi mission, check below. You are on creds!!!

Players notice it is not impossible to die even with all the headshot / big explosion disabled. Is this a limitation of handledamage or am I doing something wrong?

They should be enabled! Ty for the credits, much appreciated!

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Not sure: this is what I've got:

btc_qr_ik_headshot = false; //No revive if headshot

btc_qr_ik_heavy_damage = false; //No revive if heave damage (eg big explosion)

So to 100% revive without respawn should be set to true?

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they are dying and resapwning anyways :) not 100% of times, but sometimes...

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call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_q_revive\config.sqf";//To load the script

unit_name call btc_qr_fnc_unit_init;

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:57 ----------

What would be the best way to initiate this in the init.sqf for only players, no AI.

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Is this a question? If yes, the init.sqf.

Replace unit_name with player and you're good to go

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Sorry. My mobile kind of messed up the formatting.

Yes. That answer was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

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Is there any way to enable keyboard input when you are unconscious? I'd like to be able to teamswitch when I go unconscious.

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Download link on OP doesn't work. I assume the Armaholic link is the latest version.

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I thought I would share this. copy and paste this into your init.sqf and it will make every unit on blufor side including addon units and dynamically spawned units a part of the revive system. you can change the amount of time in between the script adding new units into the revive system by changing the "sleep 10" to a higher number to help performance. Also at the top you can change the faction from "West" if you are playing a different faction.

Without this, the script only adds the units available at the beginning of the mission to the revive system. Mods like MCC or ALiVE can be less useful with this script without this change.

Credit to R3vo for helping me with this

edit: fixed the pastebin

Edited by CitazenMan

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I thought I would share this. copy and paste this into your init.sqf and it will make every unit on blufor side including addon units and dynamically spawned units a part of the revive system. you can change the amount of time in between the script adding new units into the revive system by changing the "sleep 10" to a higher number to help performance. Also at the top you can change the faction from "West" if you are playing a different faction.

Without this, the script only adds the units available at the beginning of the mission to the revive system. Mods like MCC or ALiVE can be less useful with this script without this change.

Credit to R3vo for helping me with this

So we meet again. I was actually looking for similar solution for this. However,I gave up because of some other incompatibitly issues with btc_quitrevive and my sp mission.

Btw: You posted your old pastbin link. The script there is incomplete ;) Also I can only suggest you to use this little tool, writte by KillZoneKid http://killzonekid.com/sqf-to-bbcode-converter/ It makes posting sqf code way easier and more clearly

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Just using the chernarus map in allinarmaterrain pack and the script works, except for the "cry for help" which says we don't have players nearby when there is a player standing over me..

Also. my kit changes back to the default instead of retaining the my custom kit when I respawn at base. Your original revive script used to retain your custom kit when you respawned back at base.

Any ideas ?

Edited by Terminus

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Just using the chernarus map in allinarmaterrain pack and the script works, except for the "cry for help" which says we don't have players nearby when there is a player standing over me..

It's an AI feature, players are not count, but they can hear you

Also. my kit changes back to the default instead of retaining the my custom kit when I respawn at base. Your original revive script used to retain your custom kit when you respawned back at base.

Any ideas ?

Not supported, grab it from there and add it

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Hey dude I would like to say thank you for this great script.

My question is does this script not support AI that is spawned in game ? It seems to only work on AI added in the editor.

Another thing is if you have the AI hold and walk away, even if you are in range of them they will not help you.

Thanx in advance and cheers!

Edited by 3lockad3

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Hey dude I would like to say thank you for this great script.

My question is does this script not support AI that is spawned in game ? It seems to only work on AI added in the editor.

Another thing is if you have the AI hold and walk away, even if you are in range of them they will not help you.

Thanx in advance and cheers!

Try this:

[color="#191970"][b]while[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]{[/b][/color][color="#000000"]true[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]}[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]do[/b][/color]
	[color="#000000"]_x[/color] [color="#191970"][b]call[/b][/color] btc_qr_fnc_unit_init[color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
[color="#8B3E2F"][b]}[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]forEach[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]allUnits[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
[color="#191970"][b]sleep[/b][/color] [color="#FF0000"]60[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]

Made with KK's SQF to BBCode Converter

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Hi Giallustio!

As you know, Antistasi uses this your revive script.

I noticed, at least on dedi, people couldnt be able to revive other people. If they click on "call for help" it says there is nobody, even whith friendlies near.

Just one question, is this script limited to units within the same group? If yes, is that problematic to do this on different groups, or at least to players, no matter if they are on the same group or not?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Wrong info, it didnt woked EVEN when players were in the same group.

EDIT2: Making some "forensics" I dont see at all the need of executing config.sqf in a dedicated server. AFAIK all the script runs on local, isnt it?

EDIT3: I have an statistics script which is maybe interferring with the dialogs when unconscious. As I'm a dialog-retarded, could you be so kind to take a look and tell me if there may be some issue mixing those? Heres the script:

private ["_texto"];

1 cutRsc ["H8erHUD","PLAIN",0,false];

waitUntil {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "H8erHUD")};

_display = uiNameSpace getVariable "H8erHUD";
_setText = _display displayCtrl 1001;
_setText ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0];

while {true} do
if (captive player) then {_texto = format ["<t size='0.5'>" + "Rank: %5 HR: %1 Money: %2 € NATO Support: %3 CSAT Support: %4. Undercover Mode: ON", server getVariable "hr", server getVariable "resourcesFIA", server getVariable "PrestigeNATO", server getVariable "prestigeCSAT",rank player]}
else {_texto = format ["<t size='0.5'>" + "Rank: %5 HR: %1 Money: %2 € NATO Support: %3 CSAT Support: %4. Undercover Mode: OFF", server getVariable "hr", server getVariable "resourcesFIA", server getVariable "PrestigeNATO", server getVariable "prestigeCSAT",rank player]};

_setText ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["%1", _texto]);

Edited by barbolani

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I'm assuming I add those lines to my init ?

Correct I would also spawn the code to be safe:

0 =  [] spawn
   while{true} do
		_x call btc_qr_fnc_unit_init;
	} forEach allUnits;
sleep 60;

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This is not seeming to work on JIP on a non-dedicated server. Is this the intention?

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Sorry for the delay as life got busy for a while, but thank you very much JShock.

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:22 ----------

Okay, so it kinda works but mainly doesn't, the spawned unit will go down and lay on his back like all the others do, but then he instantly dies and no revive is able to be preformed...

However, those in the editor still do just fine..

Anyone have any suggestions ?


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Used this (with a lot of hope) in my latest mission with 4-5 AI team mates and DAC for enemy spawning. But a lot of erratic behaviour by my mates. They do respond to calls for help and I am also able to revive them easily, but sometimes:

1. The revived AI mate will just lie on ground in the prone position and wont do a thing

2. Once an AI is revived he becomes retarded in t he sense he will keep moving in small circles on his position.

3. Revived AIs lose the most important ability - To detect enemies and shoot. They just stand there. Wont even comply my orders to attack an enemy.

What gives man ?

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