commandouksf 14 Posted August 3, 2015 I'm back at home and have been testing all morning the new cargo crate drop system on the Australia V2.0 map. :) Found the ammo crate drop worked as expected, nice animation seeing it roll off the back of the C130J ;) The blue smoke deployed on landing was very helpful to find the crate as trying to follow it down by sight was not always easy. It was great to be able to use the ammo crate to stock up on heavier supplies that couldn't be carried on the person. Tried both day and night drops, at night hard to see crates landing locations. However I had zero luck with my attempted drops of SDV, CRRC or MATV as nothing appeared on board the C130J. :o I'm guessing I was doing something wrong? :rolleyes: Ahah ignore that I see they haven't been added yet :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
commandouksf 14 Posted August 5, 2015 Hi again Goblin, Would you please add support for the new Australia v2.0 map. Whilst the VQI HALO/Sub modules of SpookWarCom seem to work great, the SOCOM mission generator just generated a find crashed MI-48 mission in the Sea :D so I'm guessing the map isn't synced if that is meant to be on land, on the other hand it might be an underwater wreck? Other missions seem to be taking a very long time to generate on this particular map and sometimes give up. Many thanks once again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 5, 2015 All Maps work. In theory anyway. I designed it so if it can't find something specific, (like a lighthouse for example) it will just re-start and grab a new mission. So it should work just fine for ALL Maps. Just works better for Altis/Stratis since it has the most detail/objects I'm looking for. If you get a Destroy: Lighthouse Mission, (for example) and there are none on Australia Map, it just gets a 'error, can not find'; re-loop the scripts over and over randomly until it returns 'true'. So at some point, it'll eventually grab a generic mission that works. Rarely it can get into a long loop, like a Recon: Land Mission. It's looking over and over, looking for a land spot and can take a while if its a water-heavy Map. If it gets stuck in a long loop, and you don't want to wait, just click Request Mission again to get a new one. And the MI-48 crashed Heli Mission, can be BOTH water and land possible. If its in the water, grab yer flippers and a SDAR. It's a wet Op! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
commandouksf 14 Posted August 5, 2015 And the MI-48 crashed Heli Mission, can be BOTH water and land possible. If its in the water, grab yer flippers and a SDAR. It's a wet Op! That sounds exciting, diving bell needed me thinks. :D Thanks again Goblin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
commandouksf 14 Posted August 10, 2015 I have nearly finished a new map for my unit FSF Dariyah mixing ALiVE with SpookWarCom mission generator and modules. One problem I'm maybe having is from the SOCOM desk and the SATCOM option. Probably my user error again, but when I select the SATCOM option I get a satellite image above the mission target that zooms in 5 times then stops. Nothing seems to happen after that and currently i have to escape out of game to move on from this screen and exit, am I missing some key instructions on what I should be doing with the satellite? Thanks again everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 11, 2015 Are you waiting long enough? I added more time into it so you could study the area better. I would recommend NOT using it right now. I tried a fix for working with ALiVE. Since ALiVE has virtual units that spawn when you are near, it didn't work to simulate a SAT feed of the area. So what I tried, is you actually teleport into the area (setCaptive), so the ALiVE units spwan in around you so you can see them via the SAT VIEW. But in testing, my game would lockup or crash since ALiVE was spawing in too much too fast. That's the theory anyway. Not sure. So.... For now, I'd just not use it for a while. I asked in the ALiVE thread on a workaround for this, and never got a good answer. So right now, I'm not sure how to move forward with that SATCOM System. So sorry brother. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelegendarykhan 15 Posted August 12, 2015 Use HETMAN and DAC combo instead. The best IMHO. Allows SP save also flawlessly :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAGGER ARMANET 172 Posted August 12, 2015 Hey Goblin, I am sorry if this has been asked before... i am on my cellphone and its so difficult to navigate these forums on my phone. Anyways. Me and a friend are testing the HALO stuff and so far its awesome, but everytime we initiate HALO we are in different planes. He can get briefed on my jump marker from the npc etc but when we actually take to the sky we are in different aircraft, and when we jump we are magically right on top of one another in freefall. Am i doing something wrong, how do i get it to where me and my team are all in the same aircraft walking around the cargo bay together? Thanks keep up the great work ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted August 12, 2015 Are you waiting long enough? I added more time into it so you could study the area better. I would recommend NOT using it right now. I tried a fix for working with ALiVE. Since ALiVE has virtual units that spawn when you are near, it didn't work to simulate a SAT feed of the area. So what I tried, is you actually teleport into the area (setCaptive), so the ALiVE units spwan in around you so you can see them via the SAT VIEW. But in testing, my game would lockup or crash since ALiVE was spawing in too much too fast. That's the theory anyway. Not sure. So.... For now, I'd just not use it for a while. I asked in the ALiVE thread on a workaround for this, and never got a good answer. So right now, I'm not sure how to move forward with that SATCOM System. So sorry brother. ALiVE stuttering on unit spawn should be vastly improved in the next update, might be worth retrying once it is released. One drawback is that profiled units are un-virtualized a bit slower but putting a slight delay on making the sat view popup could be a simple workaround. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAGGER ARMANET 172 Posted August 12, 2015 Hey Goblin, I am sorry if this has been asked before... i am on my cellphone and its so difficult to navigate these forums on my phone. Anyways. Me and a friend are testing the HALO stuff and so far its awesome, but everytime we initiate HALO we are in different planes. He can get briefed on my jump marker from the npc etc but when we actually take to the sky we are in different aircraft, and when we jump we are magically right on top of one another in freefall. Am i doing something wrong, how do i get it to where me and my team are all in the same aircraft walking around the cargo bay together? Thanks keep up the great work ! Ah hey Goblin, ok after some reading of past pages i see that you stated the host pc should be the one doing the clicking. I haven't tested yet but will tonight with a friend, but I surmise that if the host pc sets the HALO jump location on the map. Then everyone can request a SITREP from the npc outside the plane and then everyone boards the plane. Then the host PC talks to the guy in the plane and says "ready for jump" or whatever and then using that method everyone in the group will be in the plane in the same cargo bay ? ps... i typed that and realized it is all strung together, i hope that makes sense... sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 13, 2015 No problem mate. Yeah, this still isn't entirely stable and fully MP ready. I'm banging my head against the wall for a long time trying to get this working better for MP. It seems to work most the time. Then all of a sudden, it will put other units in a second ghost plane. Not sure why. I'm going to have to do a slight re-write I think of part of this. MP testing is frustrating and time consuming. It works best when you do not re-route the plane. Which sucks I know. I originally had it so the plane was automatically spawned near the main objective to start if using the SOCOM Mission Generator. I need to put that back in, so re-routing is not necessary most of the time when using the full SpookWarCom system. For now, I recommend the host pc do the clicking/routing. Then the host pc player go first into the jump plane. Then when you spawn inside the jump plane, move to the back or front so you are out of the way. Give it several seconds before the rest of the client units then spawn. We had better luck this way. Who knows... Also, if by chance you get that second ghost plane where others are in that plane, it can still work just fine. That second plane is close by! Just role play there are multiple aircraft. Everyone can still track via the built-in GPS on the Altimeter to the planned DZ. Note, only one person needs to check the SITREP. The Marker will show on all PCs. This project is still very alpha, and will be under development for the next few years, pending a better mil-sim doesn't come out before that. I'll add that back in for the next update. Right now I'm working on the D.A.R.K. Module. It's a random enemy spawner around the player, with emphasis on amping up the action by increasing the probably of enemy patrols closer to the players. It will also add flies buzzing around dead bodies and also adding a random misc items to bodies so when you search them, they can have all kinds of junk, misc, role-playing, and Intel items on them. Comic Books, Dogtags, Radio Freqs, Intel, Transceivers, Food, Medical, Tools, Bugspray, Money, Cigarettes, etc. Will be awesome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DAGGER ARMANET 172 Posted August 13, 2015 It works best when you do not re-route the plane. Which sucks I know. I originally had it so the plane was automatically spawned near the main objective to start if using the SOCOM Mission Generator. Hey thanks for the response Goblin, yeah we tested with a full load of 8 people last night and your exactly right. As long as you don't try to reroute and as long as the HOST pc does the clicking it pretty much works every time. Out of 8 jumps we had one instance where it put 2 of our jumpers in a second plane but honestly it ended up being more exciting because we had to link up while free falling. It was bad ass. All my coop members love it ! Keep up the great work !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rmp21400 10 Posted August 13, 2015 Hey Goblin, Big fan of the project you have going here, I think it brings a whole new dimension into the game. I had one suggestion regarding your ops-center idea. That would be to roll that idea into the HMS Proteus,by allowing access to other parts of the sub like the bunks, mess hall, briefing room etc. from here you could enhance the pre-op aspect of the module. I understand this is likely to be very far off from being realized, but I think it would be awesome if you could pull it off. Thanks, and keep up the outstanding work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 14, 2015 Thanks! Not as far off as you think. I have a Submarine Project already in the works. I have 4 submarines mostly modeled. 1 is old school style, and the other 3 are near-futureish looking. 1 BLUFOR, 3 OPFOR. The BLUFOR one is huge. Nearly 250m long. And it has a highly detailed Lock-Out Chamber. 4-8 Divers per cycle. It's way smaller and cramped (realistic) compared to the test LOC I have released in this project. It also has a good sized SOF compartment as part of it. Command and Control Ops Room, LOC Ops Area, SCUBA Gear Area, Weapons and Gear Room, small Galley Kitchen, Dining Area, Rec Room, Sleeping and Bunks, Officers Quarters, Pumps and Machinery for the Lock-Out Chamber, etc. The LOC will work exactly the way its supposed to. Wet/Dry while the rest of the rooms will stay Dry, so you can even Role-Play with units staying behind and running support from INSIDE the Submarine! Some other really cool surprises as well that I'm not going to reveal until this is all released to the public. I'm guessing late fall or early winter. I've been modeling for two months now, and need a break. The D.A.R.K. System should be in be next release in a week or two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rmp21400 10 Posted August 14, 2015 Alright man! sounds awesome, cant wait to see it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 19, 2015 Lol. Yikes. TMI. ;) Couple of quick notes to anyone following: Official Name Change to Von Quest. Goblin was my in-game role-playing codename, etc. My Tag has been VQI since the beginning. I didn't know when I bought ArmA that my account name was automatically the Forum Name. Just heard back from BIS, and will be Von Quest from now on. Also, have made some good progress on the D.A.R.K Module this week. I may release a test update this weekend. If you have any requests for this one, let me know... Dynamic Arma Role-Playing Kombat. Its the Enemy Spawn system for the environment around the player. It can be used alone, or to supplement another system like ALiVE, EOS, DAC, etc. It's all random. You can turn on/off options per usual with the module. Select your enemy. Infantry Squads, Rogue Units, Armor, Vehicles, Helos, etc. They all spawn and despawn. Random loot when searching bodies. Intel on bodies that will unlock various things like enemy Radio frequencies. Flies buzzing on dead bodies sitting too long. Ambient Air Traffic. Combat Air Traffic that will patrol and land randomly. Transports will have high probably of random squads in the back. Random Skill Sub-Sets or Custom set by the user. Rogue (guerilla/black-ops) units can search and hide out in near buildings. Enemy Reinforcements can be called in!!! The more you are detected and the longer you stay in contact with the Enemy, the probably grows until the Enemy will call a Heli Transport to drop off a QRF Team to Track and engage you. They can call Paratroops to drop in above you. They can and will call Artillery and Mortars onto your position. Always marked with 2 random Smokes first then the barrage of Shells. Random. 82mm, 155mm, Cluster, APERS Mine Field, etc. If dark out, they will also call in Flares before the strike or alone to light up the area around you. The QRF Teams can and will Track you over a period of time if you flee. The longer you can run (who would run? hehe) the lower the probably they can track you successfully. And so on.... This was planned from the beginning to round out this project and eventually make it a fully stand-alone system if wanted. I also wanted a full system (of my own) to use on New Maps since it takes awhile for the ALiVE Team to get those fully indexed. The next Module after this is the CORE Module. It's going to be player options, start location and setup, FOBs, Ops Center, etc. At some point, when you have ALL Modules placed, it'll run the entire Map and be very noob friendly. Just place, set options, and click PLAY! Hooyah! Over & Out -S- 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted August 23, 2015 Is there any way you can turn down the volume of when you're transported to your HALO/ Parajumps? It's much louder than the regular game feature my poor ear drums are getting a pasting lol I also discovered that my player was dying during free fall moves due to the Enhanced Movement mod, so now jumping away nicely. As a recreational skydiver myself, it keeps making me want to go and get current again, and start jumping!! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
commandouksf 14 Posted August 23, 2015 Is there any way you can turn down the volume of when you're transported to your HALO/ Parajumps? It's much louder than the regular game feature my poor ear drums are getting a pasting :DThat's actually a really good suggestion, the sound in the aircraft is so loud it makes it very difficult to hear the speech from the jump master or other players. Can't wait to try out D.A.R.K too............ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 24, 2015 Sure. I'm assuming you are referring to the Vampyre Jet Engine sound level? I never use that thing, so I can't remember how loud it is. If using USAF Aircraft, I don't have control over those sounds. I can add a player option to include a quieter engine sound. Should be an easy addition. If I forget in the next release, remind me again. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted August 24, 2015 Not the vampyre jet engine mate, the sound of the splash screen showing the map prior to fading out to the back of the aircraft, it's a music sound. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 24, 2015 Ah, copy that. That option has been in the Module for a long time. You can just turn it off. If you really really want to keep it in, just softer, I can do that. I have plans for more audio options and transitions coming but the HALO mod is low priority right now. The audio thing I can do quick if its something ya'll want. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted August 24, 2015 This is a fabby addon, and it's your baby, I can live with the music, now I know it can be turned off within the module LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zagor64bz 1225 Posted August 28, 2015 Hi Von Quest! I'm making a mini campaign, and I would like to use your Excellent Spook MOD. One question regarding the EOD module: Its possible to mark a specific area where the random placement of the bomb take place?For instance, a defined urban area? Thank you, and keep up the good work. PS:Can't wait for D.A.R.K. as well........ Ciao from Italy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 28, 2015 Italy? I'd love to see Italy some day. Good question. YES. Just 'Group' the Module to Markers. The game will randomly pick one (plus its starting spot). You can also set the 'Placement Radius' inside the Module Options as well for a random area spawn. I'm assuming you are referrring to the Bomb Module by itself, and NOT the SOCOM Mission Generator? If using the SOCOM random setup, then right now, No. Also, not sure if that Module even works right now. I know it does not work if the object is above ground any. FYI. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites