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Leights OPFOR Pack

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Im not supporting ISIS and any terroristic organisation !


  • RHS Escalation

For ALIVE users, factions classnames

  • LOP_AA - Afghan Army&Police
  • LOP_ISTS - Islamic State of Takistan and Sahrani
  • LOP_ChDKZ - Chechen rebels
  • LOP_CDF - Chernarussian Defence Forces
  • LOP_AFR - African Militia
  • LOP_AFR_Civ - African civilians
  • LOP_TAK_Civ - Takistani civilians
  • LOP_IA - Iraqi Army
  • LOP_AM - Afghan militia
  • LOP_US - Novorussian Army
  • LOP_SLA - SLA (Please don't complain for camo, i made similar as possible i could.)
  • LOP_PMC - Private Military Company

Changelog v1.2

  • fixed config errors by Reyhard

Im little busy so im sorry for unfixed errors. I think i made this addon more playable.

Classnames - http://pastebin.com/ieT4v58e]#HERE

Download Links removed due to use of another addon without permission

Edited by R0adki11
removed download like due to permissions
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Would you consider creating a new independant faction call Ultranationalists? they would be great against both russians and americans as a terrorist faction

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Would you consider creating a new independant faction call Ultranationalists? they would be great against both russians and americans as a terrorist faction

Agreed. Russians have never op factions except AAF....

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I was also wondering, if you would consider adding a new BLUFOR Polish Special Force (GROM) aswell?

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Perhaps a communist faction under Independent as well? It could just be Chechen guerrillas with a red armband around their arms :) An IRA faction would also be great! There already is an IRA mod out there but it has a very limited amount of soldiers and weaponry available and lacks vehicles. The mod is great so far and very high quality! I haven't had any trouble with it whatsoever. The only suggestion I'd like to make is that you put the Chechens in Independent so they can combat the Russian.

Edited by Bullsh

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A militia faction on Independent side and some kind of regular army faction on BLUFOR (think ArmA2 CDF) would be awesome.

Why do the ChDkz use Farsi/Persian faces? With RHS Escalation as dependency, you could use the Russian language and European faces.

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Nice Mod... But I was getting an error on start up

'0:38:51 Error updating 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LOP_57mmLauncher/Burst/' by 'lop_c_veh_mi8\config.cpp/CfgWeapons/LOP_57mmLauncher/Burst/', base 'Burst'

ErrorMessage: bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LOP_57mmLauncher/Burst/: Cannot find base class 'Burst''

I deleted all files for the MI8 and the game loads fine.

Also do you have a list of Names for ALiVE?


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I second the request for classnames for Alive please

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I second the request for classnames for Alive please

From my POB digging the ALIVE factions appear to be:




I have yet to confirm this....

---------- Post added at 00:26 ---------- Previous post was at 00:23 ----------

Nice Mod... But I was getting an error on start up

'0:38:51 Error updating 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LOP_57mmLauncher/Burst/' by 'lop_c_veh_mi8\config.cpp/CfgWeapons/LOP_57mmLauncher/Burst/', base 'Burst'

ErrorMessage: bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LOP_57mmLauncher/Burst/: Cannot find base class 'Burst''

I deleted all files for the MI8 and the game loads fine.

Also do you have a list of Names for ALiVE?


I get this same error upon loading the mod.

---------- Post added at 01:00 ---------- Previous post was at 00:26 ----------

In lop_main they are listed as:




in lop_c_men_groups they are




So I are confused as none of these appear to work. Are they supposed to be the same?

Otherwise this mod looks sweet, nice work!

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Hello Leight. I like your release. :) I probably should not put a request here. But is there any chance you would consider doing a North Korean Pack similar to what you have already done? Their military uniforms are very simple, olive uniforms, bandolier and camo helmet.

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Nice mod and good quality

But still some problems i wanna point out.

First,the armor projection of the soldiers seemed too high,I hit one of them with 7.62 and it takes me 7-8 rounds to kill him,but to kill a based CAST soldiers with same rifle,same ammo and same ranger,I only need 1 round to kill him.I think the armor rate or something else should be lower to make them more easily to be killed.

Second,I think maybe the Afghan army and police should be in west side?As they would cooperate with the other west force to fight the ISIS...just a advice.

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Awesome mod! Please post class-names though. I would like to use this with ALiVE.

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Nice idea and looks great - but I've got to question the reasoning behind putting the Afghan National Army and Police on the OPFOR side? Surely these would be more suited to the BLUFOR side or maybe the Independent side.

Also I've found a bug: the IS Machinegunner is wearing both a balaclava and a shemagh at the same time - just in case you hadn't noticed.

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Looks neat bro, congrats on the release.

Szkoda, że wydałeś 2 dni po tym jak uaktualniliśmy pakę :P

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Jon, jaka pake? Ogole mnie jakoś naszlo zrobić cos takiego bo z cafami mielismy ciagle problemy i wgl z tymi portówkami, a waszej paczki nie widzialem jeszcze :)

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I can't get the faction classnames to work with ALiVE.

Edited by ch27

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LOP_Faction_AA, LOP_Faction_UA, LOP_Faction_ChDKZ, LOP_Faction_ISIS ???

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Yes, I have tried using LOP_Faction_ChDKZ and LOP_Faction_ISIS in the ALiVE CQB module and they do not work.

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