wynarator 15 Posted October 27, 2017 Thank you for your update! Would you mind giving me your thoughts about an idea I've posted earlier? I'm really looking forward to see if community and mod creator are interested in such a feature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted October 30, 2017 Would it be possible to be in a crouch position, climb over a low obstruction, then return to the crouch position? Currently I stand after the crouch/climb. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BB_Frost 37 Posted October 30, 2017 I'd actually go one further and ask that after a wall climb or a drop that the character goes into crouch stance - it makes more sense to me, just absorbing the energy of the fall/drop. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wynarator 15 Posted October 30, 2017 How to prevent players from jumping through closed windows? :( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasily.B 529 Posted October 31, 2017 23 hours ago, wynarator said: How to prevent players from jumping through closed windows? :( You cant do this in real life, dont expect this in game :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anfo 118 Posted November 19, 2017 Hi @bad benson Questions if I may concerning prohibiting EM on a dedicated server. I read through your admin notes and thought I understood the concept as follows: 1. Have Enhanced Movement running on dedicated 2. In init.sqf waituntil {!IsNil "EM_enable"}; EM_allowed = false; However EM is still available to clients. Can you spot my error? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak_exe_uLow 1 Posted November 19, 2017 Hello guys, i try too running movement on my server but this bugging on walls (slide me back) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVkJWsz-7N0 i post this in exilemod (no one can help me): http://www.exilemod.com/topic/24857-enhanced-movement-problem-with-admin-and-not-admin/ So i post this too on the Steam (Workshop), but no one write anything too fix that...im ready with my Server, this is the last Problem...i hope someone can help me here out :/ have a nice day Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted November 19, 2017 Hello freak_exe Have you tried also without having it on the server and just client side, join the mission on the server? The mod should still work if its not on the server, also consider it could be map related issues, suggest trying without the mod being on the server and on another map and see if you get the same result. Welcome to Bis forums btw! :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak_exe_uLow 1 Posted November 19, 2017 2 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: Hello freak_exe Have you tried also without having it on the server and just client side, join the mission on the server? The mod should still work if its not on the server, also consider it could be map related issues, suggest trying without the mod being on the server and on another map and see if you get the same result. Welcome to Bis forums btw! :) Thanks and Hello Gunter Severloh :) yeah, server side and client side (same problem) the Map is Chernarus Redux. (other server have this running too and this works fine) i use the A3Launcher, and yes i tried this with Arma 3 Launcher too^^ i have only this server, i delete the movement folder from the server and reupload this...same problem. what is wrong? :/ i try this with antihack and disable antihack (infiSTAR Tool) but again same problem...why is he sliding? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted November 19, 2017 Hmm ok, are you using the steam version or the Armaholic version of EH? Steam version can have issues, depends, i can vouch for the steam aspect for another mod i just recently fixed so its why i ask. Your using this along with Exile mod i presume? i think this might be your issue along with Chernarus Redux which btw uses DS houses idk if the fences are a part of the houses or are part of the standard Chernus map assets. Might be a conflict between exile if thats what your using along with EH, as if you run EH by itself you wont have an issue other then running into walls, or places you intend to climb that have lod issues already. I use the mod myself and have since its initial release and never seen such an issue, so my guess is there is a conflict in code with Exile, just a guess, but i would look into it. Also post your Rpt from your server and your client, i would recommend using a site like this---> https://justpaste.it/ to post the code of your rpt in there and share it here, then we can take a look at it. Rpt if your not sure or dont know for client should be here---> C:\Users\Gunter Severloh\AppData\Local\Arma 3 with your name of course :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeroesandvillainsOS 1504 Posted November 19, 2017 I’ve played very recently several times on an Exile server with Chernarus Redux and Enhanced Movement and all the anti-cheat stuff that comes with it and it works fine. I realize it doesn’t help you but just pointing out unless something changed very recently (within the last week or so) I don’t think the map or gamemode is the problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
veles-zv 176 Posted November 19, 2017 On 10/30/2017 at 3:11 PM, wynarator said: How to prevent players from jumping through closed windows? :( EASY YOU STAND BEHIND THEM WITH A HANDGUN AND IF THEY DO IT YOU SHOOT THEM! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak_exe_uLow 1 Posted November 19, 2017 7 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said: Hmm ok, are you using the steam version or the Armaholic version of EH? Steam version can have issues, depends, i can vouch for the steam aspect for another mod i just recently fixed so its why i ask. Your using this along with Exile mod i presume? i think this might be your issue along with Chernarus Redux which btw uses DS houses idk if the fences are a part of the houses or are part of the standard Chernus map assets. Might be a conflict between exile if thats what your using along with EH, as if you run EH by itself you wont have an issue other then running into walls, or places you intend to climb that have lod issues already. I use the mod myself and have since its initial release and never seen such an issue, so my guess is there is a conflict in code with Exile, just a guess, but i would look into it. Also post your Rpt from your server and your client, i would recommend using a site like this---> https://justpaste.it/ to post the code of your rpt in there and share it here, then we can take a look at it. Rpt if your not sure or dont know for client should be here---> C:\Users\Gunter Severloh\AppData\Local\Arma 3 with your name of course :) 1. Yes, i using the Steam Version (and have before on my old Server [Esseker] never this Problem). 2. Yes, i use that with Exile :) 3. Nope, i think other Server have not this problem, i can try connect a Server with this Mods and test it out. 4. Yeah, for 1 year have a Esseker server too, i have never this Problem so i dont know.^^ 5. Rpt Server: https://pastebin.com/srxG4y3k and the client rpt: https://pastebin.com/nqevHC7c Info: The Mod is running via client Side :) and other Server can i jump, not by my server NEW VIDEO: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted November 19, 2017 @pvt. partz: hm. i could swear i made that but it seems it's one of those that always slips through each update. i'll try to remember it next time. @BB_Frost: that was a feature but caused some issues and wasn't really liked by most people so i removed it. 3 hours ago, freak_exe_uLow said: 2. Yes, i use that with Exile :) yerp. there's your problem. only happens with Exile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak_exe_uLow 1 Posted November 19, 2017 20 minutes ago, bad benson said: yerp. there's your problem. only happens with Exile. but what is the trigger thats make this Problem....and this is not exile^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted November 20, 2017 20 hours ago, freak_exe_uLow said: but what is the trigger thats make this Problem....and this is not exile^^ then i guess it's infistar or whatever is used alongside Exile, since the only reports i got about this are ALL Exile related. i don't follow every single dayZ clone that exists these days so it might be just the antihack, which i assume infistar is. i don't know man. don't expect me to know what some other people's code breaks with mine. that's a bit unrealistic, don't you think? especially if it's isolated cases and the mod works with everything else. if others don't have that problem maybe ask them what they do different? my guess is that something blocks the helper object being created. class name: "babe_helper" variable name: babe_em_help 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freak_exe_uLow 1 Posted November 21, 2017 5 hours ago, bad benson said: then i guess it's infistar or whatever is used alongside Exile, since the only reports i got about this are ALL Exile related. i don't follow every single dayZ clone that exists these days so it might be just the antihack, which i assume infistar is. i don't know man. don't expect me to know what some other people's code breaks with mine. that's a bit unrealistic, don't you think? especially if it's isolated cases and the mod works with everything else. if others don't have that problem maybe ask them what they do different? my guess is that something blocks the helper object being created. class name: "babe_helper" variable name: babe_em_help i know, and thanks for your answer bad benson :) so i clear my server, and upload the mpmission file (with no scripts) and no antihack....but is the same Problem my Mods what i using is: mod="@exile;@chernarusredux;@ryanzombies;@cba_a3;@cup_terrains_core;@cup_vehicles;@cup_weapons;@cup_units;@ds_houses;@advancedurbanrappelling;@jsrs_soundmod;@cloud;@tryk;@em" -servermod="@exileserver;@extdb3" on linux and thanks for you tip, i try and search but i found nothing :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anfo 118 Posted November 21, 2017 Hi @bad benson, sorry for bump Questions if I may concerning prohibiting EM on a dedicated server. I read through your admin notes and thought I understood the concept as follows: 1. Have Enhanced Movement running on dedicated 2. In init.sqf waituntil {!IsNil "EM_enable"}; EM_allowed = false; However EM is still available to clients. Can you spot my error? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted November 21, 2017 @anfo: that is now handled in the unit namespace i think. i'll look it up tonight and edit this post. if i forget, poke me via PM. this should do it: waituntil {!IsNull player && {!isNil {player getVariable "babe_em_vars"}}}; _babe_em_vars = player getvariable "babe_em_vars"; _babe_em_vars set [2, false]; player setVariable ["babe_em_vars", _babe_em_vars]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anfo 118 Posted November 22, 2017 15 hours ago, bad benson said: @anfo: that is now handled in the unit namespace i think. i'll look it up tonight and edit this post. if i forget, poke me via PM. Super, thanks mate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bloodwyn1756 130 Posted November 22, 2017 21 hours ago, bad benson said: i'll look it up tonight Remember, that you probably have 12 hours time difference Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sentinel329 12 Posted November 22, 2017 On 11/19/2017 at 5:28 PM, bad benson said: @BB_Frost: that was a feature but caused some issues and wasn't really liked by most people so i removed it. @BB_Frost: TPW Mods has a 'Fall' module which might address this feature. In addition to making actors fall down from being shot, it can also cause the player to fall over when dropping from a certain height, and I think this might include forcing you into a crouch upon landing in some cases. The nice part is you can adjust the sensitivity parameters of this in the configuration file. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ineptaphid 6413 Posted November 22, 2017 18 minutes ago, sentinel329 said: @BB_Frost: TPW Mods has a 'Fall' module which might address this feature. In addition to making actors fall down from being shot, it can also cause the player to fall over when dropping from a certain height, and I think this might include forcing you into a crouch upon landing in some cases. The nice part is you can adjust the sensitivity parameters of this in the configuration file. I works quite well with EM also. i remember I had to change some setting so that you don;t fall every time you jump over something..But other than that it works great. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anfo 118 Posted November 23, 2017 On 11/21/2017 at 7:14 PM, bad benson said: this should do it: waituntil {!IsNull player && {!isNil {player getVariable "babe_em_vars"}}}; _babe_em_vars = player getvariable "babe_em_vars"; _babe_em_vars set [2, false]; player setVariable ["babe_em_vars", _babe_em_vars]; Thankyou for the update. I think I see the following statement disables EM? What does variable 2 denote please? _babe_em_vars set [2, false]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted November 23, 2017 @anfo it does what the old code did but on the unit instead of the machine. not sure what the first 2 do tbh. they are bools too though. need to look it up. most likely you can disable jumping, low vaulting and high vaulting seperately. been a while since i implemented that though. when in doubt just experiment with it. should be straight forward. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites