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GTA V Map in ArmA3

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Something i ve been working on for a lot time.

Well I own both games. And I managed to port the GTA map into ArmA 3.The terrain is walkable with a lot of bugs but still it can be fun to walk around. Is this legal just wondering...?

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I imagine all sorts of legal issues if you were going to release as mod or something but sounds interesting, what's she look like?

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i'd imagine its completely against the law as most games have a usage agreement stating that you can not reverse engineer the games content to use it in other games. of course this is based off of other game usage agreements i've read and im not sure about GTA's. would be nice to see some pics, but i would refrain from releasing anything and probably best to stop wasting time on it, idk, thats just me. cool that you managed to get it in game though, maybe you can use those skills and work on your own map :)

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I wouldn't really say he should stop working on it. It's not for us to decide what someone does in their spare time and if he want's to run around the GTAV map with his friends on their own private server there's really nobody to stop them. It's the re-releasing of the content in a publicly downloadable format that's bad juju.

Screenshots man! Screenshots! Haha.

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depends on what you did/do - if you just use the height map data (aka terrain layout), it might be still OK

using their assets (textures, models, etc) you will get into trouble

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This has gotton the modding community in trouble before. Somebody released the A2 UH-1Y and this is why the community never got ahold of A2 MLODs back then...don't screw us over again!

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This has gotton the modding community in trouble before. Somebody released the A2 UH-1Y and this is why the community never got ahold of A2 MLODs back then...don't screw us over again!

The bottom line here is that without Rockstar's permission you can't release the map to the A3 community.

What you do on your own computer in your own time is nobody's business. You should PM me some screenshots though. :P

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welp, i didnt directly mean for him to stop all work on it, sorry if i worded that incorrectly. what i meant was really, if he seeks to do community work he might be wasting his time IF he is in fact using direct content from the game with the intention of releasing it. if he is in fact only wanting to use it for himself or like you say on a private server, hell more power to him. i just figured if he has the knowledge to get maps in game he might be wiser spending his time on a self created map which he can then dish out to the community for use. i would alos like to see pics however :P keep modding my friends

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Yes you will have problems if you do this here. You have broken Rockstars EULA by doing this. This community strongly condones any such behavior. You do not have permission to release this publicly or with friends on a private server.

If you wish to recreate GTA V in Arma 3, you'll have to do just that. Recreate it. Not take the actual data from the game.

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Yeah you really shouldn't post this here.... :eek:

Last thing BIstudio forums needs is some legal shit on their hands...

as slatts said you either need permission (which your not going to get, lets be realistic) or remake it... no porting without permission.

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Why don't you contact rockstar and see how they feel about this

I might do that bro. managed to fix some AI fixes thought, cause bots couldnt understand the walls. It's a waste of work...

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I would do that now tho. Don't continue working on a terrain that you ripped out of a game, it's not the correct way to do things. And you will find yourself quickly alone If you choose to walk that path. Good luck with whatever you choose.

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It's a waste of work...

It's a waste of work to do something that is obviously not allowed.

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Edited by tortuosit

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It's a waste of work to do something that is obviously not allowed.

He understands that he cannot distribute it to the ARMA 3 Community.

Everything else falls under if Rockstar is truly going to track him down for ripping the terrain out of GTA V and pushing it into another game, which, unless he starts publicly passing the files out to anyone who wants them, I highly doubt they will do. They're not going to waste time tracking 1 person down because he played around with the files in the game so that he could use them in another one unless he tries to make a profit off of it or begins distributing it publicly.

BIS also has nothing to do with the activity at all aside from it being referenced on their forums, which is not illegal in the slightest, as they're not actively involved in the hosting or sharing of said files. Calm your tits there, friend.

I also think that the phrase you were looking for is "this community does not condone" activity like this.

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This community and BIS have spent years having their work ripped and ported into GTA IV. It does not shine a great light on them when they take work that countless man hours and in some cases money have gone into making and violate your content. It's basic courtesy. And we shouldn't let it happen here either.

You can argue all you want over the legal side of it. But in the end. You simply cannot and should not rip, port or modify content from games without prior permission. Regardless if you release it or not.

And yes, Not condone is right. It was late :p

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There would be nothing wrong with showing images of what you have done.

---------- Post added at 07:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 AM ----------

Now what about the map from Red Dead? ;)

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developing a map "inspired by" GTA would be great! and probably loads of gta kids will love to play in it.

taking actual IP from rockstar would not be great as you would play it alone or with 1 or 2 friends...

which, given a typical map takes about 3 months minimum to make, would seem unwise... but we have all done unwise things so... up to you.

why not make something cool, and legal?

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I wouldn't really say he should stop working on it. It's not for us to decide what someone does in their spare time and if he want's to run around the GTAV map with his friends on their own private server there's really nobody to stop them. It's the re-releasing of the content in a publicly downloadable format that's bad juju.
There would be nothing wrong with showing images of what you have done.

Wrong on all counts. From the forum rules:

§19) Posting addon/mod other content without permission

For many years this community has been known as the premium addon/mod creating community, people work tirelessly and in great detail to create fantastic addons/mods/missions/campaigns to release for free so that everyone benefits, including Bohemia Interactive. There are a few simple rules in place to provide the respect to these creative people/groups that they deserve:

The first and most fundamental rule is that you must seek permission to alter someone's work, to mirror it or use it in any way other than for personal use. No permission, no editing, no mirroring, no adding to your mod pack, no editing and sharing around your private squad, none of that is acceptable.

Obviously we cannot unfortunately control what people do outside of these forums, however on these forums you must follow this rule, if a person/team post a thread to share an addon/mod using content from someone else without permission and we receive a complaint then the mod thread will be closed until the issue is resolved and the forum member(s) risks being permanently banned from these forums for taking someone's work without permission.

This isn't just limited to re-using content in addons/mods/missions however, it's not acceptable to edit someone's work without permission and then to post screenshots of it on the forums (even if the edited addon/mod is purely for personal use), it's also not acceptable to edit someone's work, or use someone's work in any way that you don't have permission for and then to create videos which you post on these forums, doing any of the above without the permission of the original creators risks a permanent ban, for individuals, for whole mod teams or squads.

As eggbeast said spending loads of time on a map that you can only share with a few people is a waste of time.

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Yeah, I think it's best if you create one from scratch, the devs might explode if they see a ported one in-game. :cool:

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