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Nice update ! Thanks for the CLA Afghan port that map is pretty awesome.

:D  :D  :D


But the grid markers doesn't seems to be syncing properly on that map...at least on editor they are not getting red. 


EDIT: Working fine on dedicated server.

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This is a wonderful mission thank you for making it. 


2 things. First, Task force radio doesnt initialize with the mission, people can still others no matter how far away.


second, i use enhanced movement, http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27224. It seems to not work with this mission either, player gets teleported a little underground instead of climbing.


oh and the gunshot sound of the default gun MX is kinda muffled. Does the mission mess with the sound in any way?


(dedicated server)

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Hi ,

first of all My clan want to thank you because we are really enjoing mog insurgency...

Apart from that my question is that i cant change ace options like viewdistance and other things like having the medical menu like a list...

when i press "esc" and press ace option I see only two options...It s not a big problem but just to know...

Thanks for your work

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Hi ,

first of all My clan want to thank you because we are really enjoing mog insurgency...

Apart from that my question is that i cant change ace options like viewdistance and other things like having the medical menu like a list...

when i press "esc" and press ace option I see only two options...It s not a big problem but just to know...

Thanks for your work

Edit the description.ext and remove "#include "Hpp\AceModuleSettings.hpp"


I dont know if that breaks the mission though.

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Thank you guys. I'm very glad you enjoy it and hope you have as much fun playing it as I have.


luks7n, Since the addition of headless client, Especially when not using headless client. The apperance of markers syncing durring breifing does not really indicate that markers are infact synced. I beleive this is an arma problem not mission. At any rate, The best way to tell if every thing is done sycronizing is to use #monitor command while logged in as admin. When you see the server frames reach 50 or settle and network outbound traffic near 0 then it is safe to assume sycronization is complete. If you continue without waiting for this then yes there may be some red or yellow chains at mission start and will go away when sync is complete. Every thing should be fine after that. I have not seen any detrimental affect to mission if you do not wait.


zafjr, I have not built any support for radio mods since my group and I do not use them. You will have to add it yourself. The mod maker should provide instructions with their mod on how to configure and what needs to be done for the functionality you seek. The enhanced movement mod I beleive has broke since last update so you may need to contact the mod author and inform and wait for him to fix it. About the MX, There is nothing in the mission altering any ingame sounds.


ab_luca, Hpp\AceModuleSettings.hpp was added to make ACE 3 customization possible without making ACE a requirement by placing ACE modules in the editor. At the top of this script is a link explaining how you can alter these settings or export a new config. You may need to place the viewdistance module down in editor, adjust as you see fit and export to new config. To keep the ACE and non ACE compatibility you will need to delete the ACE module from editor and or any refference to ACE from mission.sqm's addons[] / autoaddons []. Removing  "#include "Hpp\AceModuleSettings.hpp" or leaving it will not break mission but only dissable custom ace settings set in this config.


I appologize but my gaming rig took a left turn the next morning after submitting this release so I may not be able to troubleshoot problems for a while, but I am very confident due to much testing and playing since last update that this build is solid.


Thanks for the feedbacks.

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Hi jigsaw. im very much enjoying this but I cant get Task force radio to work with it for our dedicated server. Does it mess with tfar in any way? 

EDIT: iget this "7:35:10 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.

task_force_radio_items" in the server log but thats impossible. TFAR works in our server for any other mission.


 And using Enhanced Movement mod, i cant climb objects, the player goes underground and climbs to the surface :-o

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zafjr, The official release does not have any requirement for tfar radio. Some what of a guess here, but you may have to remove arma 3 radio from playable units inventory through object init field or init_player.sqf before tfar is initialized? I don't really know much about tfar. Maybe some one who uses it could post how they have set it up.


About the Hpp\AceModuleSettings.hpp config. If any do choose to utilize it and make custom changes to it such as add module functionality or what not, It would be great if any could share their config in this thread describing notable settings or functionallity.

Thank you,


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Thanks for replying jigsor. Tfar doesnt need anything from any mission actually and will just autoinitialize by itself. Ill find out why its not working with this mission eventually :) . 


Can you tell me how to skip the intro completely? like start directly.


Also does BMR insurgency have some sort of inbuilt anticheat thing going on? The mod enhanced movement doesnt work properly with the mission (it works great with any other mission i try). I was thinking the mission probably considers it teleportation or something and adjusts the players target destination back. 


Heres a video: https://youtu.be/vC2VxB9Qc6s

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Thanks for replying jigsor. Tfar doesnt need anything from any mission actually and will just autoinitialize by itself. Ill find out why its not working with this mission eventually :) . 


Can you tell me how to skip the intro completely? like start directly.


Also does BMR insurgency have some sort of inbuilt anticheat thing going on? The mod enhanced movement doesnt work properly with the mission (it works great with any other mission i try). I was thinking the mission probably considers it teleportation or something and adjusts the players target destination back. 


Heres a video: https://youtu.be/vC2VxB9Qc6s

Post #282 describes how to edit out the intros. Also Debug Mode in lobby parameters dissables intro. Not reccomened to use this mode when public local hosting or hosting from dedicated.

This mission does not have any code in it specififically to do with enhanced movement.

It could be the terrain. Have you tried it in BMR_Insurgency Altis or Stratis?

Also the hesco barriers you are trying to climb in video are not part of map/terrain, but were placed in editor so maybe try to climb some native static objects.

There is somewhat of an anti cheat in init_player.sqf Its this section here:


    // Player event handlers //

    //Remove any stacked event handler left behind by any mission/rejoin if exists on player. It should happen once player disconnects or leaves any mission automatically. Shitty work around. Upvote Issue here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24841
        //To allow a particular pre-existing stacked event handler from a mod for example, add the name of the key to array StackedEHkeysWhiteList in INS_definitions.sqf
        //Detect a stacked EH in debug by type in example line below. indexVarX returns event key string.
        //_data = missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_stackedEventhandlers_oneachframe"; indexVarX = _data select count _data - 1;
        _event = _x;
        _namespaceId = "BIS_stackedEventHandlers_";
        _namespaceEvent = _namespaceId + _event;
        _data = missionNameSpace getVariable [_namespaceEvent, []];
            private ["_itemId","_allowed"];
            _allowed = _data select count _data -1 select 0;
            if (_allowed in StackedEHkeysWhiteList) then {
                _data deleteAt count _data -1;
                _itemId = [_x, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
                [_itemId,_event] call bis_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
        } foreach _data;
    } forEach ["oneachframe", "onpreloadstarted", "onpreloadfinished", "onmapsingleclick", "onplayerconnected", "onplayerdisconnected"];

    It removes any pre-exisitng stacked eventhandlers that could be used for cheating or carry over and run code from another scenario.

    The commented section gives example of how to detect the key name of a BIS_stackedEventHandler that may be running in a mod. You will have to add that key to

    Variable StackedEHkeysWhiteList in INS_definitions.sqf. You can see there is already one key in that arrary "CBA_PFH". This is the key name of the BIS_stackedEventHandler

    which CBA adds. In code above If detected key is in white list StackedEHkeysWhiteList then it will not be removed. This CBA key that is already in the list is more of an example or just future proofing compatibility.

    Even if the CBA added stacked eventhandler is removed the activated CBA mod will auto reactivate this Stacked Event Handler by my experience.

    I just had a look through enhance movement mod scripts and did not find any added stacked event handlers though I could have over looked it.

    At any rate I cannot test because my gamming rig is down.

    You can try to find an added or existing BIS_stackedEventHandler by executing this in debug with your mod loaded and in a clean empty mission:

    _data = missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_stackedEventhandlers_oneachframe"; indexVarX = _data select count _data - 1;    
    //and monitor/watch variable indexVarX within debug to get a key return.
    //Example to detect a different type of BIS_stackedEventhandler:
    _data = missionNameSpace getVariable "BIS_stackedEventhandlers_onpreloadstarted"; indexVarX = _data select count _data - 1;

    Enhanced movement has still not been updated to 1.54 so there may be other problems.

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I commented the entire player event handler  thing and now TFAR and Enhanced movement works. Do you foresee this messing up the mission in any way?

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Advise if you remove the "stacked eventhandler remover" then maybe also disable Toxic gas grenade parameter if you get any errors related to it. 

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Well this mission out of the box already does have some control over that through lobby parameter "Enemy Armor Probability". Choose "0 % chance Heavy Armor + Rewards disabled".

Any vehicle that is visible in the editor and does not have a name can be deleted aswell.

To disable friendly jet asset that spawns on base through script

in INS_definitions.sqf


Airfield_opt = true;


Airfield_opt = false;

To rid the grids of any light armed vehicles which in my opinion increases immersion thus no parameter option, in eos\UnitPools.sqf change variable array _ArmPool to only contain non armed vehicle classes.

The days of me supporting/offering different variants of this mission with exception of Island variants are over. Its to much work and no pay so edit as you see fit.

Thanks for the reply..I have edited some of the vehicles out and have actually moved the base..my only issue is after moving the base is with side mission 6 delivering the cargo box..the box still spawns in the same spot at the old base location..is there a way to change that so it spawns near where the chopper is at the new location? Absolutely love the missions...your hard work and help is appreciated!

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DieselTech, The location where the delivery box appears when delivery objective starts is unique for each island and is defined by variable Del_box_Pos in INS_Definitions.sqf

What I do is stand about 5 or so meters aways from MHQ_3 open debug console and watch position player. Position player will return a position array. Copy that array to variable Del_box_Pos value.

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DieselTech, The location where the delivery box appears when delivery objective starts is unique for each island and is defined by variable Del_box_Pos in INS_Definitions.sqf
What I do is stand about 5 or so meters aways from MHQ_3 open debug console and watch position player. Position player will return a position array. Copy that array to variable Del_box_Pos value.


Thanks for the help..greatly appreciated!

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I have tried to port the Takistan mission to the new map "Community Upgrade Project - Terrains Complete"




It seems it work fine.


Just replace in the mission.sqm  (of course you need to disable AIA mod and enable CUP Terrain):






Less floating rocks, FPS gains, ... !


The other missions should portable using the same process.

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Hands down the best Insurgency Ive played...another quick question..is their any way to remove the CAS option to force infantry to move in on foot instead of always using the CAS?

Been playing this on Bornholm and love it!



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Thanks Diesel.


An edit in 2 scripts is required.

In Init.sqf remove following line.

execVM "JWC_CASFS\initCAS.sqf";


And in INSfncs\client_fncs.sqf


JIG_p_actions_resp = {




//Remove line below.

if (_playertype in INS_W_PlayerJTAC) then {null = [player, 500, true, 3] execVM "JWC_CASFS\addAction.sqf";};

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Thanks Diesel.
An edit in 2 scripts is required.
In Init.sqf remove following line.
execVM "JWC_CASFS\initCAS.sqf";
And in INSfncs\client_fncs.sqf
JIG_p_actions_resp = {
//Remove line below.
if (_playertype in INS_W_PlayerJTAC) then {null = [player, 500, true, 3] execVM "JWC_CASFS\addAction.sqf";};


Sweet! Thanks for the response!

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Got a question regarding the Takistan mission.

I've been trying to load it with the Islamic State of Takistan. I've got the RHS mods and Leights Opfor mod loaded on server and client. As well as AiA terrain pack and CBA. We've got access to all the weapons, vehicles, etc. Enemy seems to be loading correctly (IS ground troops, Soviet era armor).


We've noticed a few bugs tho from our first use of it. We chose an F-22A as a reward, spawned just fine. Went to try and get in it and keeps tossing me and anyone else right back out. Tried to bump with another vehicle (has worked before), wouldn't even budge, almost like a structure. I also noticed the air units are the same, not sure if that's intentional or something else. I also for some reason see a lot of enemy vehicles traveling below the terrain, didn't have this before using CSAT.


Any suggestions to help me troubleshoot are greatly appreciated. I am admittedly a bit of a amateur when it comes to setting up modded servers.


p.s. Many kudos to jigsor for this mission. This has been a staple for me and a few friends who LAN this often.

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I don't have a definite plan for an australia version anymore. Maybe in future if there is enough interest.



Thank You.

1. "I've been trying to load it with the Islamic State of Takistan. I've got the RHS mods and Leights Opfor mod loaded on server and client. As well as AiA terrain pack and CBA. We've got access to all the weapons, vehicles, etc. Enemy seems to be loading correctly (IS ground troops, Soviet era armor)."

Ok, great so I take it that mods are not missing from client or server?

I reccomend trying with only required mods plus terrain. There could be config issues If there are other mods that depend on these and cause config overwrites or modifications.

Note if you are a player machine and missing mod(s) from the chosen mod combination parameter then you should get generic message about missing mods at the end of the intro.

If machine is dedicated or headless client and missing mod(s) this message is loged into .rpt

You can test vehicle spawner (add vehicle reward action to player) by hitting escape, then in debug console execute code below locally.

player spawn INS_Vehicle_Reward;

2. "We've noticed a few bugs tho from our first use of it. We chose an F-22A as a reward, spawned just fine. Went to try and get in it and keeps tossing me and anyone else right back out. Tried to bump with another vehicle (has worked before), wouldn't even budge, almost like a structure."

By default there is no restriction on who can pilot. To enforce restriction in INS_definitions.sqf INS_PlayerPilot = [] must be filled with player class types who are not restricted.

Are the vanilla aircraft placed in editor kicking you out as well? Does it kick when entering a gunner or passenger seat?


"I also noticed the air units are the same, not sure if that's intentional or something else."

Not exactually sure what you mean by this. Enemy air patrol aircraft? The empty aircraft parked at base? Intended restriction can only be enabled by adding classes to empty array INS_PlayerPilot.


3. "I also for some reason see a lot of enemy vehicles traveling below the terrain, didn't have this before using CSAT."

How are you witnessing this. Are you peeking under the terrain some how or are only the bottom portions of vehicles (wheels etc.) stuck under ground?

Terrain anomalies can be caused by terrain version differences between client and server.

Are you seeing vehicles with AI driving under ground or are they abandoned?


I recommend trying chosen the mod combination on altis or statis versions first to check if there are consitent anomalities with takistan version.

Also recommend trying only "RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Requirements :: @rhs_afrf3" and in addition optional @rhs_usf3 without leight's opfor mod enabled client and server side and check for problems then enable leight's mod on both sides.


If you are not using keys on your server to make sure everyone runs the same mods and versions, ( Even this is not fool proof because some mod makers do not update their keys after they have updated their mod.)

then I recommend you start the game with no other players in the lobby. Check for anomololies and then ask a JIP player if they experience the same.

If you have logs enabled and could paste the portion of client and server .rpt listing all definitively enabled mods this could be helpful.

The mission scripting and spawning methods are the same for all versions and does not have specific instructions for a certain modded faction.

Only the class pools will change within mission dynamically on start depending on "Opposing Army/Mod Initialization" parameter.

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"Ok, great so I take it that mods are not missing from client or server?"


No, I don't believe so. The client and server have matching mods. I basically installed them back to back.


"I recommend trying with only required mods plus terrain."


Ok. But which ones should I be removing? CBA? Better question, what do you propose I should load? I haven't noticed any messages at startup. Unfortunately I don't have logs enabled. Will have to switch that on.


"Are the vanilla aircraft placed in editor kicking you out as well? Does it kick when entering a gunner or passenger seat?"


No. So far, I've only seen this on the F-22A. The Vanilla vehicles all work fine. Its not giving any message or anything when it dumps me out. It just does lol.


"Not exactly sure what you mean by this. Enemy air patrol aircraft?"

Yes. The Patrol craft. I didn't know if they were supposed to change with the enemy preset or not.


"How are you witnessing this."


I've seen this a lot. Usually from range. The vehicles will be moving and you'll only see the top half. This is manned.


"I recommend trying chosen the mod combination on altis or statis versions first to check if there are consitent anomalities with takistan version.
Also recommend trying only "RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Requirements :: @rhs_afrf3" in additional to optiontional @rhs_usf3 without leight's opfor mod enabled client and server side and check for problems then enable leight's mod on both sides."
I will give this a try and see if it yields different results.

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The Enemy air patrol aircraft will not use moded content. There is some unused code in the mission I experimented with that is blocked from being used which would handle some moded airpatrol, but chose to leave it as A3 content only because of to many problems when AI use modded aircraft. Sometimes they crash more frequently, do not use all weapon systems and many other quirks that may be unique to each type.
I do not know which mods you need to remove, add or update. I would have a better clue if you could provide logs.
In addition to these mod combos add CBA and terrain mod(s) ahead of one of these combos.
For mod order its not usually important but a good practice to start with CBA, terrain, terrain dependencies, unit mod, unit dependencies (these may include 3rd party weapon and vehicle mods or be all inclusive), optional ASR AI3.
If you use ASR AI it only needs to run on server and also headless client if using HC. On dedicated, Server.cfg. allowedFilePatching=2 and -filePatching launch parameter will be required to use ASR AI since patch A3 1.54
An alternative to some terrain troubles would be to try flyingcoyotus's suggestion in post #348 and edit mission to use Cup terrains.
Setting up the mods can be a huge pain but so satisfying once you do get it set up. I still recommend trying RHS with no other mods on altis then add leights on Altis then add a terrain. Basically add mods + dependencies one at a time. 

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How do I remove NVG's from enemy AI?

Just remove these two lines from eos\functions\setSkill.sqf
_unit linkItem "NVGoggles_INDEP";
_unit linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";

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The Enemy air patrol aircraft will not use moded content. There is some unused code in the mission I experimented with that is blocked from being used which would handle some moded airpatrol, but chose to leave it as A3 content only because of to many problems when AI use modded aircraft. Sometimes they crash more frequently, do not use all weapon systems and many other quirks that may be unique to each type.
I do not know which mods you need to remove, add or update. I would have a better clue if you could provide logs.
In addition to these mod combos add CBA and terrain mod(s) ahead of one of these combos.
For mod order its not usually important but a good practice to start with CBA, terrain, terrain dependencies, unit mod, unit dependencies (these may include 3rd party weapon and vehicle mods or be all inclusive), optional ASR AI3.
If you use ASR AI it only needs to run on server and also headless client if using HC. On dedicated, Server.cfg. allowedFilePatching=2 and -filePatching launch parameter will be required to use ASR AI since patch A3 1.54
An alternative to some terrain troubles would be to try flyingcoyotus's suggestion in post #348 and edit mission to use Cup terrains.
Setting up the mods can be a huge pain but so satisfying once you do get it set up. I still recommend trying RHS with no other mods on altis then add leights on Altis then add a terrain. Basically add mods + dependencies one at a time. 


I'm about to PM you the log text with that preset and my original mod load. Also, going to try what you've recommended.

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