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Karts EBO files

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How do you extract the EBO files in the Karts DLC? I saw the new uniforms the Kart drivers had and I want to see what the textures look like.

Thanks in advance.

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as far as i know you cannot - its the encrypted pbo format from VBS

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I was just looking for the Pbo's now and found these .ebo files, Sad I wanted to look at the BIS made challenge missions for Karts.

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Surely, in time, we will get updated tool set for use with this new content.

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I would also like to know which PBO files the default karts missions are stored in. I'm dying to peak inside and look at the time trial scripting for use in my own missions.

has anybody found those missions in the PBO files yet? i've extracted every one that looked promising to me with no luck so far.

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unfortunately BI stashed away all DLC related content in the ebo files as far as i can tell

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;2702650']unfortunately BI stashed away all DLC related content in the ebo files as far as i can tell

Yup, they did.... And it kinda sucks :(

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;2702650']unfortunately BI stashed away all DLC related content in the ebo files as far as i can tell

So i take it there's no tools to peak inside ebo files?

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So i take it there's no tools to peak inside ebo files?

Nope, at least not publicly available. The whole point of using ebo files instead of regular pbo is to "protect" the content.

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Nope, at least not publicly available. The whole point of using ebo files instead of regular pbo is to "protect" the content.

And that's a problem for my mod, since I depend on beeing able to read the configs.

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And that's a problem for my mod, since I depend on beeing able to read the configs.

Is the EBO content not available in the config viewer ingame?

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Well configs you can get from the memory dump. Search for how "All in one" config is made.

They should at least make the scripting (except .sqm), or even the whole mission available to allow ppl to make further variants.

Campaigns/scenarios/story mission are a different matter of course.

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Is the EBO content not available in the config viewer ingame?

They are, but they are unsorted and full of other stuff.....

Would be a pain to extract what I need....

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Just check the community modding bible for the AIO config. :)

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Great, give us tools to make our mods in ebo format.

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Once you do that it could be reverse engineered and none of VBS would be safe from prying eyes!

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Any chance we can just get the mission files? I'd like to make my own Kart missions. Does that compromise data security?

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Any chance we can just get the mission files? I'd like to make my own Kart missions. Does that compromise data security?

Yes exactly! I feel for you guys trying to make mods and addons, however that's all over my head at this point. I'm just interested in the scripts for starting the races and the time clocks. I'm not quite up to part with writing scripts yet.

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Any chance we can just get the mission files? I'd like to make my own Kart missions. Does that compromise data security?

The thing is that free Kart drivers only get access to one of the challenge so releasing the mission would negate that restriction the free cart driver could just use the shared version from editor.

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...or they could just release the free one. Doesn't seem like rocket surgery.

BIS may decide to do that, but you will have to wait and see. The DLC was only just released :)

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so bis are now encrypting their dlc's so that we cant patch or modify?

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so bis are now encrypting their dlc's so that we cant patch or modify?

Well if its a paid DLC you can understand why they have chosen to go down that route.

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so bis are now encrypting their dlc's so that we cant patch or modify?

It was already the case in A2 IIRC.

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It was already the case in A2 IIRC.

Thats correct, PMC and ACR had locked files.

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