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Authentic Gameplay Modification

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Im having one problem. Whenever I use this mod after the last update,all in game speech (in SP at least) does not work. Meaning every other sound works but no voice. Has anyone else had this issue?

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Im having one problem. Whenever I use this mod after the last update,all in game speech (in SP at least) does not work. Meaning every other sound works but no voice. Has anyone else had this issue?

It's not an issue: AGM mute the players radio callouts (but not the AI) for better immersion. Try deleting agm_noradio.pbo. Probably it's that.

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commy2;2842959']Thank you.

Is the issue reproducable when only @CBA_A3 and @AGM are enabled for the server and all clients?

Yes. We have just tested with client and server only running CBA and AGM and the issue remained. We tested this on a basic mission made with only AGM modules and Zeus

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Can I somehow configure checking of required mods without placing the module itself? Maybe by configuring one of the addons?

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Hey all,

Sorry if this has already been asked. I searched the thread but couldn't find what I'm looking for.

I'm trying to use the Spotter App to snipe targets from afar. A feature I love by the way, making sniping an actual skill rather than just pot firing.

An issue I am running into is that when I use the Kestrel to find the angle and it gives me say 240. I try and input that into the app but on the Angle it can't go any further than 45.

Am I reading the Angle wrong?

I assume it's something really silly that I'm not doing or haven't realised.


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An issue I am running into is that when I use the Kestrel to find the angle and it gives me say 240. I try and input that into the app but on the Angle it can't go any further than 45.

Am I reading the Angle wrong?

I assume it's something really silly that I'm not doing or haven't realised.

Yup. The angle in the spotter app is actually the inclination and not the azimuth. You can ignore the cardinal direction.

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hey, still no asnwer: how can I get it work to have AI use fastrope or to have the pilote of the chopper (AI) hover over a point so that the player can fastrope?

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Seems like agm is buggin even if there is no agm medical, after people down or in unconcious status, the animation remain as unoncious status.

we are using Xmed 1


This is what i'm talking about :( [check at 1:30]

We eventually rollback to former version though we can't use facinating fast rope feature, hope you dev people fix this soon :(

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It's not an issue: AGM mute the players radio callouts (but not the AI) for better immersion. Try deleting agm_noradio.pbo. Probably it's that.

Thanks a lot!!!

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:23 ----------


Customize your Agm, review the wiki, each pbo file in the mod does something, on the wiki all files are listed and have

information on what they do:


Thanks for the help.

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New update messed up medical on servers? Do i need new modules or? anything special to do because wright now whenever somebody is unconcious i cant treat him except diagnose

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How do i auto put ear buds if player has them in invenotory

if (player hasweapon "AGM_EarBuds") then 
[] execVM "\agm_hearing\functions\fn_putInEarplugs.sqf"; 

Code above is not working. No script errors either

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Probably because they are items. Try:

if ("AGM_EarBuds" in items player) then

Thanks, i've added it:

if ("AGM_EarBuds" in items player) then   {   [] execVM "\agm_hearing\functions\fn_putInEarplugs.sqf";   };

It shows the text: Ear Buds in, but also giving me script error, and doesn't put in ear buds:

Undefined variable in expression _player fn_putinearplugs.sqf line 19

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You have to tell the function who actually puts the ear plugs in.

if ("AGM_EarBuds" in items player) then {
 [player] call AGM_Hearing_fnc_putInEarPlugs;

---------- Post added at 22:07 ---------- Previous post was at 22:01 ----------


This might work again after we release the hotfix. Not entirely sure though, because this isn't pure AGM.

---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ----------

New update messed up medical on servers? Do i need new modules or? anything special to do because wright now whenever somebody is unconcious i cant treat him except diagnose

Known and fixed in the git build.


Please wait for the hotfix.

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I´m very interessted in your AGM_Headless - as far i can understand it will relocate all AI automatic to the HC with all Waypoints and stuff? Do i understand it correctly? Sounds mind crashing bad ass feature! Hope it will work out mate ;-) Please Bohemia, let it work :P

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I´m very interessted in your AGM_Headless - as far i can understand it will relocate all AI automatic to the HC with all Waypoints and stuff? Do i understand it correctly? Sounds mind crashing bad ass feature! Hope it will work out mate ;-) Please Bohemia, let it work :P

Headless is basically just a function you can run in the editor that exports a spawn script of all editor placed units / vehicles of a specified side and their waypoints / loadouts etc. to the RPT file. It's a tool we plan to use in our community. I never got around to finish it though. We simply forgot to remove the PBO.

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I´m very interessted in your AGM_Headless - as far i can understand it will relocate all AI automatic to the HC with all Waypoints and stuff? Do i understand it correctly? Sounds mind crashing bad ass feature! Hope it will work out mate ;-) Please Bohemia, let it work :P

This might be something interesting for you then: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170539-AI-Caching-and-Distribution-System ;)

No need for any spawn script, it will simply off-load AI automatically if Headless Client is present (or so it says in the Features list).

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Is AGM medical settings supposed to apply to ai in players squad?The settings i have are to make units invunreable during unconcious state,yet they still can die when down.Also sometimes they dont go into revive state atall.

I changed the settings to apperently allow for this but its not working.Am i understanding it correctly?

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Wall of text in 3, 2, 1...

Just tried healing in vehicles(in both modded and BIS vehicles) and it didn't work(when i would try to bandage myself in a hurt area "action cancelled" would pop up on the screen). Is there a module or something I need to add?

Already reported here:


Awesome update! Although, I'm not a fan of the bigger inventory UI. Maybe make it optional in the AGM Settings menu?

Remove AGM_Inventory.pbo.

I'm curious about what the deal is with helicopter pilots going "red" . . . it's absolutely ridiculous. . . you're about 5G's off from the threshold of the possibility of that type of reaction, and to not have a way to recover, even if it was time based? It just cumulatively counts the points til your screen is completely red and you have to relog. . . .

Why does this make sense in the slightest for a video game? The fuzz out, ok. . . a red tinge during a higher threshold G maneuver or radical decent. . . but a simple J hook turn around at 150kph. . . wow?

Please advise if this is a known issue, the reason behind the apparent lunacy that created that type of "gaming model" and if, short of dumping AGM there is a way to nix it or . . . . .

If you have suggestions for the g-force effect, please comment here:


Also, I would like to know how does the MEDEVAC work? Thanks again!

When the MEDEVAC option is activated, you can only use epipens in triggers synchronized to the medical module or in a 10 metre radius around vehicles synchronized to the medical module. For this to make sense, you should probably also set "Automatic Wakeup" to No, otherwise the patient will have woken up by himself before you get him to the designated area.

Am I reading that correctly that there is a new armor system for vehicles? I'm about to test it but I assuming its something like the Real armor mod and the RHS mod to armor?

AGM's armour system changes the following:

  • Increased damage done to crew by AT weapons, making it possible to have armoured vehicles "dead in the water" without actually being destroyed
  • Replaced explosions with simple fires for unarmed (non-explosive weaponry) cars
  • Prevented complete destruction of cars unless the ammunition used is explosive
  • Prevented complete destruction of tanks unless a cook-off is triggered (this can happen either by a direct hit to the ammo storage or a high-damage hit to anywhere else - there's some randomness involved though)

Im not clear on the update to AI "healing"

Does the AI now revive,other ai AND player?

AI treat themselves and others in their group, both AI and players.

is there a way to force the use of the normal pain effects? It seems sort of like a cheat now, considering it does not impair you the same way.

No, but I can make the alternative one stronger if that is an issue.

I really love the climbing animation. It works flawlessly, but it doesn't recognize always "climbable surfaces": I tried climbing on a wall, and it worked perfectly. Did the same on an obstacle even less tall and it says it can't be climbed !
Climbing seems very limited are their any plans for expansion so we can climb the usual larger fences and wall?. Another nice idea would be the ability to have another player help so you can aim over or climb higher objects.
I found that I can even climb through windows!!!:jump_clap: On the other hand I found that I can only climb a wall much more than about 4' or less. Most of the walls in Arma are around 6' high. Is there a way to modify this mod to accommodate the ability to do this?

Thanks for the hard work!

I just thought of something,.....Is there a way to animate the player to get on all fours to allow the team mate to boost himself up and over?

There were already some improvements on climbing done and there are plans for more. There are, however, no plans to introduce "buddy-boosting" and the like.

The first thing we played with was the fast-roping - looks pretty good, although there may be some bugs to be ironed out.

Here is a quick summary without detailed further testing:

- multiple players can deploy multiple ropes from the same chopper causing a mess, and the pilot doesn't get options to cut more than one set

- fast roping from a gunner position results in the player roping in the gun animation pose

- ropes cut and left trailing over buildings can destroy the building

- the fast rope animation can remain glitched for some players; ie. a pilot exciting the heli will see me in a fast rope animation pose ("clutching a teddy bear"), while others already on the ground see me in a normal weapon pose.

In order:

  • Can't reproduce that, please create an issue on GitHub if the issue persists
  • same.
  • Can't fix that unfortunately.
  • same as 1&2.


Quick question... Is there a way to disable some of the features through script rather than deleting PBOs?

I'd like to temporarily disable the hearing and no radio functionality (perhaps medical as well) and would love to be able to do that via script instead of having everyone remove the PBOs each release.

Thanks in advance

That would be possible for some of them, but all the ones you listed rely on config changes, so it's not possible to disable them at runtime.

Hey folks,

two suggestions(requests)

- add the weapon safety to the AGM menu

- add the option to fire multiple explosives at once

Adding safety to the interaction menu is not planned ATM, there's already enough options in there IMO. Detonating multiple explosives is planned:


Is it possible to deactivate the AGM AI-Scripts for specific units?

Not at the moment, no.

Is there any chance of a complete list of exact functions for each pbo? The wiki is great but I think there must be some things in various pbos that aren't included on there.

For example: Players with a UAV terminal no longer have access to a GPS but this isn't listed in the changelog or wiki.

Otherwise great work on the update.

I don't recall changing anything there. Are you sure that isn't vanilla behaviour?

How can i make ai to fastrope? D:
How to use fastrope with AI?

For example, get a chopper move to a location and then deploy rope so that AI or player can fastrope?

All the fast roping functions work fine with AI, so you can write some simple scripts to make AI fast rope. As an example, this waits until the heli's ropes are deployed and then makes all AI passengers fast rope out:


Is there a way to disable the medical system for AI?

Sometimes when controlling AI with Zeus and getting shot, you'll be stuck in the downed position waiting to bleed out.

That's odd; You should always be able to "Zeus out" when unconscious. If the issue persists, please create a ticket on GitHub.

Has anyone else had issues with fast roping just randomly wobbling and then you falling to your death/critically injured? Or do you need to actually stabilize yourselves on the ropes? Because for whatever reason when i leave a helo i start to wobble/tumble and fall to my death. Mainly using the feature with ALiVE insertion feature under combat support.



Awesome update, just one problem I've noticed

When enemies are hurt, the scream sounds like it's right next to you. This is really loud and annoying. It might have to do with JSRS but I don't know. I hope I'm not the only one with this problem and that there's a way around it

can anyone address the extremely loud screams when you hit enemies? it's really annoying

Caused by a BIS bug on some machines:


Is AGM medical settings supposed to apply to ai in players squad?The settings i have are to make units invunreable during unconcious state,yet they still can die when down.Also sometimes they dont go into revive state atall.

I changed the settings to apperently allow for this but its not working.Am i understanding it correctly?

The AI has a 50/50 chance to die when players would fall unconscious to prevent tons of unconscious units littering the ground after a firefight. To disable that, set the object variable "AGM_allowUnconscious" to True for all AI units.

---------- Post added at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:32 ----------

As you might expect, it's easy to miss something in here, so please - if you have found a bug that wasn't reported before - create a ticket on GitHub. I know it requires signing up, but it also makes it impossible for us to not notice it and allows you to track our progress.

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Thanks for reply

however i have "allow unconcious chance set to true" for all units.AI still die sometimes,thats my issue.

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