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I added two more categories to the Feedback Tracker: Karts DLC and Content Licensing. Please use them when you encounter any problem regarding the content of the DLC or technical anomalies in content licensing.

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this game is far from realistic the amount of shots people take is insane seriously it's crazy. just re-installed the game earlier today since i played it back in alpha and a little bit after alpha and well i walked up behind an enemy emptied about 20 bullets into his back/neck area from about 70M away, i looked at him switched it to single for and poped off shot after shot into his back i see him twitching from the impact and blood coming out he turns around shoots 6 times and i die? now at first i thought it was lag on my end or server lag nope i had 50 ping he had about 70ish and the server was at 60ish frames are fine no lag happens ever really. i thought this game was supposed to have realism cmon now god forgive me for saying this but CoDs hardcore mode is 10X more realistic i haven't played CoD in years last one i actually enjoyed was modern warfare 1 all the others were pure let downs and a waste of 50-60$. now im not saying CoD is better (we know it's not or else we would be playing it :P) but seriously you call yourself a military sim???!! another example would be me following a guy into a building setting my gun to burst fire i shoot him in the back before he turns the corner notice he didn't flop so i took cover reloaded and went full out stormed in we unload both of our clips into each other i would say about half of it actually hit and neither of us died we both reload start to shoot again and we both die WTF. seriously bohemia you REALLY need to update the realism and ballistics on the weapons a helmet wont stop a bullet MAYBE a 9mm but a 556 or 762 yeah right. i will record some gameplay later on to back up my statement/rant on this issue, i dont know about everyone else in the game but i enjoy the shooters that say realism to be REALISTIC.

(sorry for the long post XD figured this would of been fixed in alpha -_-)

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this game is far from realistic the amount of shots people take is insane seriously it's crazy. just re-installed the game earlier today since i played it back in alpha and a little bit after alpha and well i walked up behind an enemy emptied about 20 bullets into his back/neck area from about 70M away, i looked at him switched it to single for and poped off shot after shot into his back i see him twitching from the impact and blood coming out he turns around shoots 6 times and i die? now at first i thought it was lag on my end or server lag nope i had 50 ping he had about 70ish and the server was at 60ish frames are fine no lag happens ever really. i thought this game was supposed to have realism cmon now god forgive me for saying this but CoDs hardcore mode is 10X more realistic i haven't played CoD in years last one i actually enjoyed was modern warfare 1 all the others were pure let downs and a waste of 50-60$. now im not saying CoD is better (we know it's not or else we would be playing it :P) but seriously you call yourself a military sim???!! another example would be me following a guy into a building setting my gun to burst fire i shoot him in the back before he turns the corner notice he didn't flop so i took cover reloaded and went full out stormed in we unload both of our clips into each other i would say about half of it actually hit and neither of us died we both reload start to shoot again and we both die WTF. seriously bohemia you REALLY need to update the realism and ballistics on the weapons a helmet wont stop a bullet MAYBE a 9mm but a 556 or 762 yeah right. i will record some gameplay later on to back up my statement/rant on this issue, i dont know about everyone else in the game but i enjoy the shooters that say realism to be REALISTIC.

(sorry for the long post XD figured this would of been fixed in alpha -_-)

1. No, this is not a thread for rants, this thread is about feedback tracker tickets, steam forums are better for people like you

3. No, this game is not called a realistic military sim

2. Space iranians have alien tech in their armored vests, they're the only ones that need a truck load of shots to kill, and that will probably get fixed, more likely if you start creating tickets for the devs if you like this game

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I know this thread is for valid tickets, but I thought that maybe it could be used for tidying up also.. do tell me if that's wrong.

I believe these two can be closed:

when firing a grenade with a suppressed rifle with a grenade launcher, the sound is suppressed


Add *click* sound for switching fire modes


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Any update on this 3 month old bug?

It's already assigned but there's been no dev input so far. Would be interested to hear where it stands just to try and quell the fuss.

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Any thoughts on this one. If it was fixed, the community could create fire from vehicle scripts. Thanks!

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@Robert Hammer

I was about to post that ticket too. :)

Here are some more from me:

An exploit that allows players to shortcut the repairing animation: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9439

"Tactical pace 3 sec" option is not working correctly: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9392

Repeatedly using raising/lowering weapon queues several seconds of forced movement: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17104 (not really old very annoying)

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Vehicle Optics - Stuck in full zoom


Helicopter gunner view zoom (since Arma 2)


Heli flares single flare mode isn't working


Accessing inventory while in a vehicle


The "setplayable unit" command doesn't work


Implement MagazineCoef for all weapons


Backpack item state not synced between players


Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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Why can't I view the attached files on tickets? I could have sworn they used to work? Now they're just text instead of links.

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Why can't I view the attached files on tickets? I could have sworn they used to work? Now they're just text instead of links.

I was wondering the same :D

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Why can't I view the attached files on tickets? I could have sworn they used to work? Now they're just text instead of links.

Only developers and uploader can download attached files. This was done because some of the atachments contain sensitive data which should not be accessible for everyone (ie. registry keys).

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Only developers and uploader can download attached files. This was done because some of the atachments contain sensitive data which should not be accessible for everyone (ie. registry keys).

Ok, that's a valid reason. But it does make additional feedback from regular users quite difficult.

Just today I tried to find out if there was already a ticket for a certain issue, but couldn't be sure if the tickets I found were what I was looking for. The descriptions were ambiguous and referred a lot to the attached jpg files.

Filter access rights by file type? Jpegs rarery contain sensitive data, right?

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Filter access rights by file type? Jpegs rarery contain sensitive data, right?

Hmm, maybe jpeg has bank data accidentally left on screen print/reg keys visible if regedit is open/personal info if email client or Facebook is on screen at time of screen dump. Individual should probably be more careful with their data but is best not to exacerbate situation.

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When needed, those reports should be made private by the FT moderators.

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;2706895']When needed' date=' those reports should be made private by the FT moderators.[/quote']

That is also a possibility. However, it would cause creating duplicated tickets (even more than now) and bring a mess to current system. Not all users posting on feedback tracker are technically skilled and this solution (hiding content of attachments) was made to protect them in the first place.

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Imho not a good idea. Why keep them secret, often the ticket is only understandable through its attachments. Also when debating tickets here, it is normal to ask people to test some attached mission or watch a ticket video to clarify if what you are seeing is the same. Love the new level of Attention to tickets but this is counterproductive imo

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