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DAC V3.1 (Dynamic-AI-Creator) released

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I think I may have found a bug with the camp group.

Place player named s1

Create a single DAC zone with one respawn camp at Stratis airfield

Place DAC_Intern logic

Put in DAC_Intern:

DAC_Com_Values = [1,2,3,1]; DAC_Marker = 4;

Start the mission and observe camp group spawn in.

Teleport > 1000m away to trigger reduce feature

Every 5-6 seconds the camp group will reduce, spawn, reduce, spawn

(you can see it on map with markers as well as sidechat spam)

If you teleport back within range group will stay spawned in.. teleport away again and problem persists

Seems to only happen with the camp group... 'regular' groups are not affected

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I had so much fun with this back in the OFP glory days. Great to see your work in Arma 3 Silola!

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nice work.

can I use 3rd party AI addon such as asr ai3 and bcombat with DAC addon/script?

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Please read the manual, all is there explained.

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Is there a way to add mod units to dac ?

Hey there in the Configs Folder you will see the DAC_Configs_Units.sqf. If you open up this file you will see the various Unit configs. you can copy and paste any of the unit configs and add a new case below it, give it a name and case number, delete all the units from the various categories: _Unit_Pool_S is for infantry: _Unit_Pool_V is for wheeled vehicles: _Unit_Pool_T is for tracked vehicles: _Unit_Pool_A is for Helicopters. Delete the units from these categories and add in your own custom mod units.

Do note that when filling in the infantry category you need to always start with crew(if crew exists) Helipilot(if exists) and then section or teamleader. Hope this helps a little.

   _Unit_Pool_S= [];
   _Unit_Pool_V = [];
   _Unit_Pool_T = []
   _Unit_Pool_A = [];

Just fill in the categories above with the appropriate units you need, if no vehicle/helicopter category exists just leave parameter blank.

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Hi and thanks :)

Did respawn work for players too, mean without loading savegame?

This does not work. You have either to implement your own respawn system, or install an already available respawn system in your mission.

can I use 3rd party AI addon such as asr ai3 and bcombat with DAC addon/script?

I have not tested the compatibility with other AI addons. So I can not make any statement to this topic. Try it by yourself.

Is there a way to add mod units to dac ?

You can use DAC with any other units addon.

The unit types must be entered in the "DAC_Config_Units" file.

There are a few rules that must be followed. For more information see readme file (page 39).

How do you use a custom "DAC_Config_Units" file in your mission, you can also refer to the readme (page 33),

or check out the demo mission "# E_28_DAC_intern_single_cfg.Altis".

I think I may have found a bug with the camp group.

That's really a bug :( Thx for the hint!

I have found the error and fixed the affected scripts.

I've packed and uploaded a new version:

Download DAC version 3.1b: https://de.owncube.com/public.php?service=files&t=301ec5b82111fd8af41b6c2c2c699a59



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Thanks for informing us of the update :cool:

Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Great work - A quick Question: do all clients need to run the Add-on as well or can i just run it all server side ?

Yes, all participating computers must have installed the addon.

Alternatively, you can use the script version. Then no addons are required.

But then it's important to disable the DAC sounds ...

Add a game logic to your mission and write this into the init field:

DAC_Activate_Sound = false


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What license is DAC released under? I think it would be important to establish some sort of license now if one has not been established already.

For example, I have ideas for a limited camp only respawn "module" for HAL (HETMAN Artificial Leader) and would love to emulate how DAC works, also "caching" would be very helpful for HAL. My goal is not to rerelease DAC but to use certian scripts, code snippets for a mission I am working on.

Would also be helpful for GL4/5 additions.


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Cool Beans!!!!!! Been waiting and hoping for Dac to come to Arma 3!!! Thanks Silola

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What license is DAC released under? I think it would be important to establish some sort of license now if one has not been established already.

For example, I have ideas for a limited camp only respawn "module" for HAL (HETMAN Artificial Leader) and would love to emulate how DAC works, also "caching" would be very helpful for HAL. My goal is not to rerelease DAC but to use certian scripts, code snippets for a mission I am working on.

Would also be helpful for GL4/5 additions.


I do not want that someone cut up the DAC, and then uses parts of it in other addons.

You can use the script version to adjust the DAC within your mission to your needs, so that the DAC remains coherent. That's ok.

What exactly du you mean with "...emulate how DAC works" ?


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Would it be possible to create a zone that:

-is initially occupied by resistance

-can be triggered by any east or west unit that is within a certain range (e.g 1.2km)

-can be cleared and captured by east and/or west

-spawns west units if taken by west and is triggered by east if any units are within said range

-spawns east units if taken by east and is triggered by west if any units are within said range

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Would it be possible to create a zone that:

-is initially occupied by resistance

-can be triggered by any east or west unit that is within a certain range (e.g 1.2km)

-can be cleared and captured by east and/or west

-spawns west units if taken by west and is triggered by east if any units are within said range

-spawns east units if taken by east and is triggered by west if any units are within said range

Short answer? Yes.

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:cc:Thank you so much Silola!

Now, ARMA 3 is no more Alfa!

Ready for WAR.

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I do not want that someone cut up the DAC, and then uses parts of it in other addons.

You can use the script version to adjust the DAC within your mission to your needs, so that the DAC remains coherent. That's ok.

What exactly du you mean with "...emulate how DAC works" ?


I appreciate the clarification. I'm attempting to use a DAC camp zone with 0 waypoints for use with HETMAN. I do not intend in any way to re-release or cut paste into other addons. Some devs get touchy about modifying scripts/etc for mission needs and just wanted to double check.


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I have a prob, i want a town occupied by opfor, so i make some changes on the behavoir only limted speed, only safe and so on.

All functions well but when Ki get near some houses or obstacles they are crouching around and it seems the have spotted an enemy without seeing anyone.

Anyone else have this prob and know some solution ?

And silola really nice tuturial, its really an high quality stuff you made.

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