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I use CSAT Fireteam this time and it happened as well.
I think related to distance, try 10 meter or something like that. I see katiba is not even used and pistol is prefered

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I use CSAT Fireteam this time and it happened as well.

I think related to distance, try 10 meter or something like that. I see katiba is not even used and pistol is prefered


Tried already, must be another mod you're using causing this. Pistols have lowest priority in this mod, you should only see them used when they're out of primary weapon ammo.

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hmm ok I will remove all mods try same case and will inform you
Thanks for your fast replies as always! :)

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Robalo I found the mod which causes it!
When I run the mission with cba, asrai3, rhs usaf and russia all fine. When I add ACE3 with its optional RHS pbos some AIs are using pistol when it is a close quarter combat.
I will post this by ACE thread now.


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Robalo I found the mod which causes it!

When I run the mission with cba, asrai3, rhs usaf and russia all fine. When I add ACE3 with its optional RHS pbos some AIs are using pistol when it is a close quarter combat.

I will post this by ACE thread now.



Strange, I don't thnk ACE changes the fire modes. I'd check if their main weapons have proper magazines loaded when that happens.

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Does ASR AI lets AI assemble backpack weapons? I would love to just spawn support squad and for them to set up a mortar and support allies.

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Does ASR AI lets AI assemble backpack weapons? I would love to just spawn support squad and for them to set up a mortar and support allies.


No but it's on my list of things I want to add.


There're some changes in ACE cook off AI.


Looks good, my change is compatible with theirs.

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is there any future plan to make the ground vehicles also smarter like you did for infantry?
Infantry is breaking waypoints to engage the enemies but the vehicles are just keeping driving in their cycled patrol routes although they are aware that enemy is nearby. I opened a thread in scripting related to that and thanks to grumpy I created a script for my mission to break waypoint and move to detected enemy. This one was just a newbie script from my side as it just deletes the waypoints and creates a new one with combat mode red next to closest known enemy so if it kills those enemies it stops there at the moment. I will try to improve it to let it keep looking around for enemies and attack them (and in case no enemy return to original waypoint list) but I am not profi in scripting business like you are. So maybe you can consider improvement of vehicles in future if you have time and desire? :(

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is there any future plan to make the ground vehicles also smarter like you did for infantry?

Infantry is breaking waypoints to engage the enemies but the vehicles are just keeping driving in their cycled patrol routes although they are aware that enemy is nearby. I opened a thread in scripting related to that and thanks to grumpy I created a script for my mission to break waypoint and move to detected enemy. This one was just a newbie script from my side as it just deletes the waypoints and creates a new one with combat mode red next to closest known enemy so if it kills those enemies it stops there at the moment. I will try to improve it to let it keep looking around for enemies and attack them (and in case no enemy return to original waypoint list) but I am not profi in scripting business like you are. So maybe you can consider improvement of vehicles in future if you have time and desire? :(



Breaking waypoints is not my thing. There is no single waypoint added or deleted in this mod. For moving to cover when in combat it's just like putting the current waypoint on pause, get to cover or to some house positions then resume waypoint.

I'm not a pro scripter either :) But I'll think about it. If I do anything it would be in the same manner, temporary divert then go back to what they were doing.

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I would like help you actually to improve my scripting skills so if you think I can help in any way please pm me

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Is there any way to confirm that ASR is actually working properly and making a difference?  Because when I load it on my server I cannot really tell any difference from the normal AI behavior.  It makes me think that it's just a placebo effect having the mod in place.

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Turn debugging on in the userconfig then look at the server rpt to see the entries after session with ASR enabled

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Yes, it's loaded.



I'd like to put that as a reminder. AI is still not using anything, that could stop a HMMWV when it's a LOP_AM. I'd even take any ideas for a better addon for Taliban that works better with ASR and ALiVE. 



I finally managed to make the AI a real threat. But the ROF is not high enough yet. We'd prefer to make them less accurate but increase the ROF. 


asr_ai3_config.sqf: http://dumptext.com/MPV3jH52


asr_ai3_settings_ss.sqf: http://dumptext.com/BiIdD6C5

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Hi Robalo,


First of all thanks for keeping this great mod updated! Been playing around with the latest 0.9.34 version and noticed a couple of things. First I could not get the "Gunshot hearing range"feature to work. Tried different ranges from 500 m to default but AI did not react and there was no debug entries indicating it was active (other debug info worked)? Only way to get a reaction was to fire close to their feet's but thats a standard A3 feature.


Don't know if I'm doing something wrong since I'm a bit confused about what the "Force" check boxes on the right side actually does? Do they override my custom settings with default values when enabled or the other way around? Couldn't find any info about them in the doc's.


Finally here are a few suggestions for what it's worth :)


1. Would be nice to be able to have much longer radio delays than max 60 sec so reinforcement may come much much later. Adds to the unknown :)


2. Most of the times fighting AI armour etc. they pinpoint and engage you within seconds. Would be great to have two additional options that disables all FLIR and all NVG equipment on all enemy vehicles. This to make AI "a bit more blind" and take longer time to sport/engage you. Don't know how much it will effect the AI ability to spot you but even if it's only a little it would be nice IMO.


Think it would be quite easy to implement using "disableTIEquipment" and "disableNVGEquipment"


Keep it up!



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Would it be possible to make it so that the AI shoots while moving? It doesnt have to happen everytime because obviously accuracy will suffer but it could make combat look more realistic (instead of a static firefight like how it is now) and it could be useful to have them suppress the enemy while say...moving to cover. 


Like imagine ambushing a patrol or something. Right now they either hit the deck or move somewhere and THEN they return fire. 


If this were to be implemented they could run to cover while at the same time shooting at where they think the enemy is. It would look more human like instead of AI like. Theoretically of course. 

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Robalo the settings for the aiming, spotting etc. are also used when unit is in vehicle?
The setup of pilot has low skills for spotting and aiming as on foot that is the case by him but what about when he is flying? Will those setups also affect how he will spot the enemies during piloting?
Same case for vehicle crew actually. When unit is in tank which skills will it use?

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I'm having a problem with group leaders going commando and leaving their squad behind when given a move waypoint in combat mode. The group leader keeps advancing at a fast pace, regardless of how far back his squad is.

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I'd like to put that as a reminder. AI is still not using anything, that could stop a HMMWV when it's a LOP_AM. I'd even take any ideas for a better addon for Taliban that works better with ASR and ALiVE. 



I finally managed to make the AI a real threat. But the ROF is not high enough yet. We'd prefer to make them less accurate but increase the ROF. 


asr_ai3_config.sqf: http://dumptext.com/MPV3jH52


asr_ai3_settings_ss.sqf: http://dumptext.com/BiIdD6C5


The ROF is defined in the weapon configs. I'll increase it a bit in future updates.


Hi Robalo,


First of all thanks for keeping this great mod updated! Been playing around with the latest 0.9.34 version and noticed a couple of things. First I could not get the "Gunshot hearing range"feature to work. Tried different ranges from 500 m to default but AI did not react and there was no debug entries indicating it was active (other debug info worked)? Only way to get a reaction was to fire close to their feet's but thats a standard A3 feature.


Don't know if I'm doing something wrong since I'm a bit confused about what the "Force" check boxes on the right side actually does? Do they override my custom settings with default values when enabled or the other way around? Couldn't find any info about them in the doc's.


Finally here are a few suggestions for what it's worth :)


1. Would be nice to be able to have much longer radio delays than max 60 sec so reinforcement may come much much later. Adds to the unknown :)


2. Most of the times fighting AI armour etc. they pinpoint and engage you within seconds. Would be great to have two additional options that disables all FLIR and all NVG equipment on all enemy vehicles. This to make AI "a bit more blind" and take longer time to sport/engage you. Don't know how much it will effect the AI ability to spot you but even if it's only a little it would be nice IMO.


Think it would be quite easy to implement using "disableTIEquipment" and "disableNVGEquipment"


Keep it up!




1. The delay is for how long it takes to share info to near groups. It doesn't mean that there will be any reinforcements (I haven't scripted anything for this). You'll be able to set a higher max for random added delay in next version to add to the unknown :)

2. I think that's doable, will see about adding those options.


Would it be possible to make it so that the AI shoots while moving? It doesnt have to happen everytime because obviously accuracy will suffer but it could make combat look more realistic (instead of a static firefight like how it is now) and it could be useful to have them suppress the enemy while say...moving to cover. 


Like imagine ambushing a patrol or something. Right now they either hit the deck or move somewhere and THEN they return fire. 


If this were to be implemented they could run to cover while at the same time shooting at where they think the enemy is. It would look more human like instead of AI like. Theoretically of course. 


I think it's very difficult to implement to get that right - AI shoot while moving. Perhaps I can tweak how long they stop to shoot while they're advancing to cover or split the team. Will need to experiment a bit.


Robalo the settings for the aiming, spotting etc. are also used when unit is in vehicle?

The setup of pilot has low skills for spotting and aiming as on foot that is the case by him but what about when he is flying? Will those setups also affect how he will spot the enemies during piloting?

Same case for vehicle crew actually. When unit is in tank which skills will it use?


The skills are applied the same regardless of being in a vehicle or not. Of course when in vehicles they benefit from extra sensors and the mounted weapons usually have higher accuracy.


I'm having a problem with group leaders going commando and leaving their squad behind when given a move waypoint in combat mode. The group leader keeps advancing at a fast pace, regardless of how far back his squad is.


I noticed that too and made adjustments. Should be improved in next version.

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oh yea credit is defiantly not on my end im just an embASSador.. i did add my self to the authors list. but all i have done is use the BIS optimization page to help with performance and try to keep it up to date with ASR_AI3. 


but yea ok here you go guys test it out let me know what you think ... im not seeing any errors in my tests but there were not super extensive... 


so with out further delay i give you @TPWCAS_A3 v 5.5.1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/5xreuxms0b25kjk/%40tpwcas_a3_5_5_1.7z




Changes version 5.5.1

- Update to ASR_AI classnames "asr_ai3_sysaiskill_fnc_setUnitSkill" is now "asr_ai3_main_fnc_setUnitSkill" should now work properly/ and in conjuction with ASR_AI3 again.

- Updated check for ASR_AI3 running. Using "asr_ai3_main" as "asr_ai3_danger" was removed from ASR_AI3. Again now tpwcas will now ASR_AI is running and work together appropriatly.

- Removed a few animations "Bunnyhop","L/R sideProne"

- ReWrote evasive manuver. Script check's to see the stance of the unit supressed, and the weapon (pistol / rifle), and weather or not its raised or lowerd. (If the unit is holding a pistol and has it lowered they will get a animation with a lowerd pistol for smooth animation interpolation)

- Removed One Behavior change, "Stealth" mode call was removed.

- Added Prone Roll if being supressed by multipule bullets And are already Prone And are in the open.. Hopefully AI will only roll when Line of Site is clear to the shooter (Out of Cover).

- Added check to see if unit is in cover before performing evasive manouver. (So they dont jump out from cover) 

- Updated Rabolo's object filter for cover positions.

- Added nearestTerrainObjects search based off of ASRAI3's filter, added a few perameters just to make sure they do not use bushes and a few other things that are not good for cover. ( when did they add this)

- Reintroduced CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler for single player. see how that goes?

- Minor code optimizations (replaced nearestObjects with nearEntities, reduced some probabilities)

- KNOWN ISSUES IN RPT: 1) DEBUG SPHERE HAS NO SOME MISSING CONFIG STUFF?? so just dont use debugging for your main missions and youll be ok! 

                       2) Sometimes when a AI dies or Person dies tpwcas throws a small error while it removes the entity from its list.. error goes away this happend before, as well, if i remember correctly.

      3) ??

Link: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/157270-tpwcas-for-a3-ai-suppression-system-suggestionscommentsideas-discussion/page-18

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:huh: is this an improved  ASR_AI3 (I mean providing all ASR_AI3 functionalities and some other functions on top) version from someonelse?


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Does ASR add any functionality to placed mortars? If I add a group will they engage enemies spotted within their range?

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"Nothing implemented" means it will use vanilla mortar AI behavior or that using ASR AI means manned mortars will never get fired no matter what?

Do vanilla AI even shoot manned mortars?

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