vilas 478 Posted April 2, 2014 they done it with agreement to guarantee their administrative integrity which was broken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) I wanna to see how you will be trying to buy alcohol after 10 p.m. or without documents proving your age. ;) If smdy seen that you give an alcohol to children, they can call a police. P.S. Ofcourse you can find illegal alcohol, but.... it smells and looks, mmmm, only full idiot will be drink. Well the main problem here in Finland is alcoholism, a majority of the population above 30 have some kind of problems related to alcohol. And yeah, here some people never drink water ( "that thing is to have showers and clean" ). It's such a problem that even alcohol itself has been banned from time to time ( but the smugglers and own-manufactured alcohol were considered worst ). But its the same, you can only buy strong alcohol in Alko ( a govern owned chain of shops ); only in certain times, showing your id, etc. ( with the exception of the Ferry Ships... ) BTW I do tried what you could call illegal alcohol, it's the best to clean your stomach ( you go to toilet in less than 3 min, true story ). IMO alcohol consumption doesn't make a country more aggressive, you can check whatever study you want and look for the Finland's position. I would point more on the past history and culture, specially of the Russian leadership. One of my Russian mates was crying when watching a movie about the winter war, were a Russian soldier killed a woman... Edited April 2, 2014 by MistyRonin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arttem 1 Posted April 2, 2014 they done it with agreement to guarantee their administrative integrity which was broken According to the memorandum, Russia, the U.S., and the UK confirmed, in recognition of Ukraine becoming party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and in effect abandoning its nuclear arsenal to Russia, that they would: - Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders. - Refrain from the threat or use of force against Ukraine. - Refrain from using economic pressure on Ukraine in order to influence its politics. -Seek United Nations Security Council action if nuclear weapons are used against Ukraine. - Refrain from the use of nuclear arms against Ukraine. - Consult with one another if questions arise regarding these commitments. Official answer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Russia at the OSCE summit in Budapest in 1994 and in the course of events on the margins of this summit was not taking responsibility for enforcing the part of Ukraine to remain in it against the will of the local population, and the provisions of the Budapest Memorandum shall not apply in circumstances resulting from actions of the internal political or social-economic factors.As it's known, 97 percent of the voters in the Crimea during the referendum on March 16 of this year held under the supervision of international observers were in favour of entry into the Russian Federation. Thus, the loss of Ukraine's territorial integrity was the result of complex internal processes to which Russia and it's obligations under the Budapest Memorandum have no relationship. The Russian Federation is strictly abided by and complies with the stipulated in the Budapest Memorandum obligation to respect sovereignty of Ukraine, including during the many months of political infighting in Kiev, which is not the policy of Western countries, which during the events on the Maidan» this sovereignty openly neglected. Recall also that fact, that in Budapest, simultaneously with the Memorandum adopted a joint statement by the leaders of Russia, UK, USA and Ukraine, which, among other things, confirmed the importance of the commitments within the OSCE framework, meant to combat the growth of aggressive nationalism and chauvinism. It is obvious that the Ukrainian side, these obligations are not fulfilled, and for many years acquiesced to the growth of aggressive nationalism, which ultimately led to the determination of the population of Crimea by joining the Russian Federation. As for the claims that Russia with its actions allegedly demonstrates the unreliability of the concept of «negative guarantees of security of non-nuclear States and thereby «destroys» the nuclear nonproliferation regime, it should be stressed that the common element of the Budapest Memorandum and the concept of «negative guarantees» in its classical interpretation is only an obligation not to use or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear States. This obligation of Russia to Ukraine in no way infringed. The memorandum doesn't contain anything about administrative integrity. Ukraine is still sovereign and independent state in their borders. ---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 ---------- a Russian soldier killed a woman... Yes i know Lotta Svärd. Anyway it's a war. And people is people. They are all different. In my infantry company there was a couple of the guys, I was holding them on the note, that if smthng would begin, i need to watch over them. You wanna to say you don't know such guys in another armies from the world? Ofcourse it's not funny and nice. War always attracts dirt and reveals the hidden feelings in man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) Anyway it's a war. And people is people. They are all different. In my infantry company there was a couple of the guys, I was holding them on the note, that if smthng would begin, i need to watch over them. You wanna to say you don't know such guys in another armies from the world? Ofcourse it's not funny and nice. War always attracts dirt and reveals the hidden feelings in man. Yeah of course. When I was in the army, we had a lot of crazy guys In the shooting range my Sargt. had always to point a gun in the head of one of my section mates because he was so mad that could attack us... Just to say that he was always "joking" about throwing a grenade inside a party... Wars always take the best and the worst of people ( everywhere ). My point was that the normal Russian is not agressive ( at least the once I've meet ), that some are so sensitive that even cry in that kind of scenes ( if someone wants aggressivity should go to the South of Europe ). Another thing are they present and former leaders ( Nikolai II, Stalin, etc. ), but blame the Russian population as a whole for their leaders crimes IMO is just wrong. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The "party" is getting better and better... xD ( RT ) Crimea leaving Ukraine a tragedy - ousted president Yanukovich Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich has said that if he had had such an opportunity, he would never have allowed the Crimea referendum and the region’s subsequent separation from Ukraine.In an interview with the media on Wednesday, he called the events in Crimea a painful tragedy which was “very difficult to agree with today.†Edited April 2, 2014 by MistyRonin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arttem 1 Posted April 2, 2014 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The "party" is getting better and better... xD ( RT ) Crimea leaving Ukraine a tragedy - ousted president Yanukovich Can you imagine ousted president Yanukovich seating in KGB cellars and saying such words. Thats why i'm saying to people to stop compare RUS and USSR. He is speaking what he think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted April 2, 2014 one must not forget the Wars against Finland were camouflaged as 'police action' and city bombing was described by propaganda as "food drops" etc. soviet forces used outlawed ammunition like dum-dum projectiles on quite some times etc. while the Crimea incident is sad, for now it went w/o major bloodshed ... rest is up to Russia leadership, if the want go further and take more land then one day it ends in river of blood as that's what history teach us Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arttem 1 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) one must not forget ....outlawed ammunition like dum-dum projectiles on quite some times.... Speak with Vietnam camrades they can tell you many things about Napalm and Orange. Speak with Japan ninja they can tell you smthng about Atom bomb. Speak with people in Kosovo they know what means dust from the uranium core. Speak with Russians they know what means "bathrooms" with Zarine. Talk about Mustard gas with Frenchmen. We can speak with the Iraq people about cluster bombs. Should i continue? Edited April 2, 2014 by ArtTem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted April 2, 2014 sigh, you sometimes sound like paid propaganda agent ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arttem 1 Posted April 2, 2014 sigh, you sometimes sound like paid propaganda agent ... So if my point of view differ from yours i'm a paid agent? No problem. Okay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted April 2, 2014 So if my point of view differ from yours i'm a paid agent? No problem. Okay. It is not that. You are completely immune to any opinion that differs from your own. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted April 2, 2014 Speak with Vietnam camrades they can tell you many things about Napalm and Orange. Speak with Japan ninja they can tell you smthng about Atom bomb. Speak with people in Kosovo they know what means dust from the uranium core. Speak with Russians they know what means "bathrooms" with Zarine. Talk about Mustard gas with Frenchmen. We can speak with the Iraq people about cluster bombs. Should i continue? IMO you may continue as long, as you wish. But not sure, how such list, even if very long, could change this: one must not forget ....outlawed ammunition like dum-dum projectiles on quite some times.... So do not know, why you are doing all this listing as answer to above. It seems notorious in this thread. Some, rather than respond to the allegation, ignore it or accept, prefer to change topic, make some distraction and pretend, so another allegation removes previous allegation. Like if someone did wrong things, then another can do wrong things too and it is fully OK. But it is not true. Russia accuses NATO that incorporating into force suspension of cooperation with the Kremlin because of the seizure of the Crimea, "returns to the language of the Cold War." - This decision gives the impression of deja vu - he said on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich. Nothing strange in that. If Russia pushes world back into Cold War era by own actions and policy, then Cold War era language seems most appriopriate to communicate with Russia. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scrim 1 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) Yeah, the nation of alcoholics, drug-addicted and whatelse won last Olympic Games with crushing score. Yeah, because we all know that Olympic athletes are all bluecollar Joe Regular's, right? Also, remember the last time anyone refered to the Olympics as an indication of the collective health of an entire nation? I mean, it's like you're actually trying. ---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:09 ---------- Speak with Vietnam camrades they can tell you many things about Napalm and Orange. Speak with Japan ninja they can tell you smthng about Atom bomb. Speak with people in Kosovo they know what means dust from the uranium core. Speak with Russians they know what means "bathrooms" with Zarine. Talk about Mustard gas with Frenchmen. We can speak with the Iraq people about cluster bombs. Should i continue? And that gives Russia the right to commit worse, or even just equally bad crimes because? Logic, your kryptonite. Not to mention that half your examples are greatly exaggareted and/or distorted, and the rest are complete and utter lies. And Russia has actually done many of those things itself, in considerably worse, and more extensive ways than anyone else. Edited April 2, 2014 by scrim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) I want the title of this Cold War propaganda movie, with that plot, could be interesting... ( RIA Novosti ) OPINION: EU Capitulates On Their Ukrainian Politics The European Union and leading EU countries have essential capitulated on their Ukraine politics and the connected hostility towards Russia, says Jon Hellevig, Managing Partner of the Moscow-based Awara Group company and a longtime observer of Russia's development."They have been defeated on all fronts and have had to admit their miscalculations," Hellevig told RIA Novosti, adding that the EU was wrong from the very beginning in its operation to bring about regime change in Ukraine. "USA had the lead in the operation to topple Yanukovich through the violent street riots by use of radical, even neo-Nazi, storm troops, but the EU leadership and especially some of their countries where also strongly involved in this (Germany, Poland, Sweden)," Hellevig said. - - - - - The possible reason of Putin's lately aggressively behavior: ( Reuters ) Putin officially divorces his wife Lyudmila: Kremlin Was the invasion of Crimea a way of to deal with his low self-esteem after the divorce paperwork? ( just joking ) Edited April 3, 2014 by MistyRonin adding corrections Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted April 3, 2014 "Russia ready for blitzkrieg" Within two weeks remains to be seen how large units of alliance will be transferred to the Poland. Commander of NATO forces in Europe, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove said Wednesday in an interview with Reuters and the " Wall Street Journal " that the April 15 -country alliance leaders will present various options to strengthen the countries located in the eastern part and join them my recommendation . but now he left no doubt what his opinion on the matter.- We are working on strengthening the forces in the air , on land and at sea across the width of our flank : the north, middle and south. We need to adjust the strength of the alliance to the new paradigm , a new system of forces. We need to rethink the potential , readiness , supply our forces - said the general. On Tuesday, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski asked for serious deployment of NATO troops on Polish territory. Even suggested that it could be two armored brigades . Answer of the Pact may be granted even faster than two weeks. Vladimir Putin not only did not withdraw troops from the border with Ukraine , as he promised on Monday to Chancellor Angela Merkel, but put them on full alert . - These are very serious and very effective forces that can achieve their goals within three to five days. We are extremely worried - said Breedlove. In his opinion, the Russians are considering several potential directions of impact: the southern Ukraine and Crimea connection to the mainland, reaching up to Odessa, and even Transnistria and blow from the north in order to cut off the eastern Ukraine from the rest of the country.The situation is so difficult that not only in the United States, but also in some European countries up to now advocating a compromise with Moscow option to strengthen the Polish and Baltic countries is seriously taken into account. Ukraine with growing concern takes the lack of a strong response from the West to the threat of further Russian aggression . - In 1994, the United States and Great Britain agreed to guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We hope that now this will fulfill - says to "Rzeczpospolita " Anna Wąchocka a spokeswoman for the president Oleksandr Turczynov. Concerns have also Mykola Kniażycki , deputy of the ruling party Batkivshchyna and founder of the independent portal Espresso TV . - Americans have entered talks with the Russians on the federalization of Ukraine. This is a problem because no decisions about Ukrainians should not be passed without the Ukrainians. Our society will never accept such a possibility does not - it says to "Rzeczpospolita" Ukrainian politician . During Tuesday's meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels, NATO promised to send instructors to help train the Ukrainian army. This, however, disproportionate assistance to the threat faced by Ukraine: at the border of the country, at least 40 thousand Russian soldiers is at any time ready to strike. - Ukrainians undergo an accelerated lesson in international politics. Maidan it was a holiday, now is a return to the harsh reality. West does not relieve the Ukraine to build credible military forces, the break after giving moral problems without fighting Crimea. Only when the Ukrainians themselves will build a strong and reliable state will be able to expect support from the European Union and the United States - says to "Rzeczpospolita" Olaf Osica, director of the Centre for Eastern Studies. And notes, that even after the fall of communism, Poland had not received security guarantees or a new Marshall Plan. Only when it became clear that was built a strong economy and the state, was admitted to the structures of the West. Situation in Ukraine is, however, now much worse . ---------- Post added at 09:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 ----------,nId,1402916 In Ukraine, arrested nine members of the special forces Berkut militia suspected of involvement in the killing of peaceful demonstrators on February 20 at the Kiev Maidan. This information gave TV 5 Channel, relying on the Attorney General of Ukraine Oleh Machnickiego. Detained a number of representatives of special forces Berkut. This so-called "black company" of Berkut, which served to special operations - said Machnicki reporters. He added that the "black company" was issued weapons, including sniper rifles. Their task was - so they say, but we do not really believe - responding with fire to attacks of the demonstrators and to enable basic forces Berkut, who were unarmed, the withdrawal (...) - he said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted April 3, 2014 (edited) Here a source in English: ( Reuters ) Russia could achieve Ukraine incursion in 3-5 days Russia has massed all the forces it needs on Ukraine's border if it were to decide to carry out an "incursion" into the country, and it could achieve its objective in three to five days, NATO's top military commander said on Wednesday.Calling the situation "incredibly concerning", NATO's supreme allied commander in Europe, U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove, said NATO had spotted signs of movement by a very small part of the Russian force overnight but had no indication that this was part of a withdrawal to barracks. ( New York Times ) NATO Commander Says He Sees Potent Threat From Russia Discussing the Russian intervention in Crimea, General Breedlove said Russia had used a military exercise to mask its preparations. Once its intervention was underway, he said, Russian forces moved swiftly to cut telephone cables, jam communications and engage in cyberwarfare to isolate the Ukrainian military on the peninsula. Edited April 3, 2014 by MistyRonin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted April 3, 2014,donald-tusk-w-die-zeit-obecnosc-nato-w-polsce-lepsza-od-papierowych-gwarancji.html Russia has not yet said the last word on Ukraine - said Prime Minister Donald Tusk to German media. Therefore calls on the world to solidarity towards Moscow. He bitterly adds that does not believe in safety guarantees, and only in the physical presence of NATO troops in Poland.Prime Minister Donald Tusk believes the Russian invasion of the east and south of Ukraine as real. The head of government said this in an interview with the German weekly "Die Zeit". Premier also urges Europe to greater solidarity. Premier warns that no one knows if it comes to the invasion of Ukraine. But since the world is regarded as a possible Russian attack, and may even already be accustomed to the idea, it shows how dramatically changed the situation. The question is what else the world will get used and what steps of Russia will continue to be accepted. ---------- Post added at 11:34 ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 ----------,polska-chce-wojsk-nato-rosja-domaga-sie-wyjasnien.html Polish politicians speak louder that the country would need to have a NATO base. Russia demands explanation from the pact because believes that this violates previous agreements with the alliance.Russia demands explanation from NATO on the Alliance's activities in Eastern Europe. The head of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow sent questions on this issue. We expect not only answers, but the answers that come up toward the rules to which we agreed - said Lavrov. At the same time warned that his country has the right to dislocation of its troops within its territory. He assured that the troops standing at the border with Ukraine, will return to their bases as soon as the end exercise. ---------- Post added at 12:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 ---------- "The Russians were involved in the planning of pacification action on Maidan"Head of the Security Service Valentyn Nalywajczenko said that in the action also took part subordinate officers of the institution's special forces Alpha. According to him, the Ukrainians were trained at Kiev by agents of the Federal Security Service, who also took part in the planning of action. Valentine Nalywajczenko even suggests that the then head of the Security Service of Ukraine Oleksandr Jakymenko acted as subordinate to Russians. From the Russian Federation also brought 5,100 kilograms of explosives and weapons that were to be used for the brutal suppression of Maidan. Aircrafts landing at two airports: in the Hostomel near Kiev and Zulian in the capital. According to the SBU, the part of the officers of the Berkut and Alfa hiding out in the Crimea. Just after Yanukovych escaped, there was observed unknown Russian planes fleeing away from Kiev's airfields... Current Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Awakow also announced that the Ministry of Interior in cooperation with representatives of organized crime has created a group that dealt with the persecution of activists of Maidan in Kiev, including killings and kidnappings. The activities of hooligans, and thugs was coordinated with law enforcement. Mediator was criminal engaged in production of counterfeit alcohol and cigarettes, which was protected by the Interior Ministry and the revenue from this drew, among others, the so-called "Family", which is the immediate environment of Viktor Yanukovych. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted April 3, 2014 03.04. Kiev (PAP) - The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) arrested in Lviv Oblast two citizens of Russia, who intended to capture a number of Ukrainian citizens, including one of the presidential candidates - announced on Thursday, the press office of the SBU.According to the SBU during the examination of a car belonging to one of the detainees found a 200-gram TNT stick, a metal cylinder with attached cable (probably detonator), 16 missiles, as well as a notebook with a list of cars which are used by the said presidential candidate and his traveling schedule. In addition to this laptop found with photographs of the candidate, as well as deputies of the council of Lviv peripheral and of their homes. SBU did not disclose the name of the candidate for president who were interested in the Russians. (PAP) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted April 3, 2014 (edited) ( The Guardian ) Ukrainian officials hint at Russian involvement in deaths of protesters Arsen Avakov, Ukraine's interim interior minister, claimed his predecessor Vitali Zakharchenko, who is currently on the run, was directly involved in giving orders to shoot at protesters, along with the SBU security services.Valentyn Nalivaichenko, the new head of the SBU, added that a number of officers from Russia's FSB had been consulting with the SBU in Kiev in December and January, and that Russian citizens were present at SBU headquarters. He also claimed that explosives and weapons were delivered to Ukraine from Russia during the protests. Well most of the hints were pointing that direction from day 1. - - - - - - - - - - - From a source in English: ( Kyiv Post ) SBU detains a Russian saboteur in Donetsk Edited April 3, 2014 by MistyRonin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted April 3, 2014 NATO denied on Thursday allegedly violated an agreement with Russia planning to increase the size of its forces in Eastern Europe. Alliance noted that Moscow "violated all the rules and international commitments", occupying the Crimea belongs to Ukraine. "Russia at the outset of the NATO-Russia pledged to respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of the other (countries). Now in flagrant violates these obligations" - Rasmussen wrote on Twitter.He stressed that Russia "has undermined all the rules of the relationship (NATO), so you can not pretend that nothing happened." "The main task of NATO is to defend allies" - he added. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted April 3, 2014,byla-minister-obrony-japonii-sugeruje-referendum-na-kurylach-kuryle-oderwa-sie-od-rosji.html?utm_source=nextclick&utm_medium=nextclick&utm_campaign=nextclick 60 percent of the inhabitants of the island Iturup, the largest in the archipelago of the Kurile, the Ukrainians. So if - following the example of the Kremlin - to carry out a referendum on secession from Russia, Vladimir Putin, with the same ease would consider its results? - Asks was the Japanese defense minister, Yuriko Koike.Yuriko Koike actions of Russia in the Crimea evaluates as a rogue, and adds that in doing so, Moscow returns to reckless imperial ambitions. Therefore, Japan should revise the statements uttered by Vladimir Putin in connection with the Russo-Japanese talks on the Kurile. It is the existence of a territorial dispute makes the case annexation of the Crimea worries Tokyo more than many other countries.,rosyjska-propaganda-na-ukrainie-plotki-o-zolnierzach-mutantach-z-usa.html On the one hand, standing at the borders of the Ukrainian army, the other - oozing from media propaganda. Moscow does what it can to present occupation of the Crimea as an intervention necessary for the defense of Russian citizens. But it seems that it is prepared the ground for action in the region are still Ukrainian Donetsk. television commentators talked about the rumors circulating among the citizens of Donetsk. Seriously they fear the imminent arrival of genetically modified U.S. Army soldiers who will win the Russian army. They go also rumors that mobilized Ukrainian soldiers in the barracks can be drinking tea with drugs. Rumors about drugs are already proven grip. Similar rumors being spread in 2004 during the Orange Revolution. Then the protesters on Kiev's Maidan handed out oranges. Propaganda, however, warned that they are impregnated with drugs. Also, a month ago it was said on narcotics, under the influence of which had to be fought on the Maidan "mercenaries, including the Polish". Statement by young Russian, which was broadcast aired on the channel state Rossija24, received wide coverage in Poland. This is what is happening in the state media, in particular television, this is action without precedent, even in the post-Soviet space - commented in an interview with Bloomberg News Tatiana Worożejkina Levada Center. In her opinion, no one no longer even trying to pretend that such messages are simply propaganda. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted April 4, 2014 (edited),nId,1403501 In the Internet appeared phone call of Russian ambassador to Malawi and Zimbabwe Sergei Bachariov and ambassador to Eritrea Igor Czubarov. Politicians talk about what other areas will annex Russia."With the European Union diplomats talk only in one way. Crimea took, but it has not yet evening. Ahead of us taking your Catalonia, Venice, and Scotland from Alaska and then to calm down" - says Ambassador Igor Czubarow. "At the first stage, calm down" - corresponds to the Ambassador Sergey Bachariow. Then we will consider these two border regions Latvia, Estonia and other Europeans. Romanians and Bulgarians also kick out where it should be - "jokes" Czubarov while often using vulgarities. Russian elite apparently in very playful mood due to recent events. Good to know. Edited April 4, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amra 10 Posted April 4, 2014,nId,1403501Russian elite apparently in very playful mood due to recent events. Good to know. Here it is: Whole dialog made me laugh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mistyronin 1181 Posted April 4, 2014 Whole dialog made me laugh. IMO it shouldn't matter much what two Russian ambassadors stupidly chitchat on a private phone conversation. I'm sure diplomatics from all over the world say all kinds of silly things on the phone. Have you ever heard surgeons in their private conversations? They tend to joke about the patients and their parts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites