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About arttem

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    Gunnery Sergeant


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    Arma 2 / Arma 3 / Day Z / VBS 2

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  1. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Lol. Who reported me? So intolerance is not permitted? I wanna to see any intolerance in my post. I've said - No problem. I can leave you with anything you like.... BBC, Eurogayvision (guy with beard is not a gay?) Have a nice day.... And who was that genius who reported me? Ok. Double standards and only one side opinion. I understand. To mr. Incognito which reported my post to moderator. Read carefully each simple letter, slow and twice: G O T O F U C K I N G H E L L with your tolerance. :) Have a nice day. :) __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Slavyansk. Thing wich i don't like. (why? i think we will know in near future) GF start to use Mi-24 with UN paint scheme and markings.
  2. arttem

    Ukraine General

    No problem. I can leave you with BBC, VICE and RT and stupid pictures about Putin and bearded creatures from Eurogayvision. And you will be speaking in comfortable atmosphere. Have a nice day.
  3. arttem

    Ukraine General

    We are very scared. Brrrrrrr. :)
  4. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Ofcourse not the all people. But as i see. It's a majority in each city. Aren't you tired of repeating the same things? I remember about annexation. If you want to save the world from evil, stop torture keyboard, go and get us. What's the problem? :)
  5. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Small town Chernomorskoe (Crimea) population 11 039 Simferopol (Crimea) population 362 366 http://youtu.be/o-Mn4OF5LgU Village Perovo (Crimea) population 3880 http://youtu.be/lEvWjMmfNzU For people from the West. 70-80% of red flags it's a replica of units combat flag (from WW2) and mainly the replica of the flag wich was placed on Reichstag. But ofcourse i see some groups from communist party with usual USSR flag. Djankoy (Crimea) population 35 700 Cocktebel (Crimea) population 2 833 Sudak (Crimea) population 15 368 Armyansk (Crimea) population 22 468 So according to videos from local peoples which i found. That towns and villages give us a 1 153 007 of people supporting Russia and celebrating a "Victory day". The population of all Crimea is 1 957 801 (Ukraine government data on 1 january of 2014). I think, i need to wait when people upload more videos from another towns and villages. That will be more helpful to see the real picture in Crimea. NOTE. According to Misty notice. Of course it's not the whole population in each city. But according to what i see, the majority of people from cities support and celebrate. So 1 153 007 some theoretical number.
  6. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Vice loosing the quality of product. It's so hard to find real alcoholics for comments? Or it was so hard to speak with young and normal people? Or with many people's on the street? Vice is not interesting anymore for me. Now it's a product of propaganda with good directing and great attention to things in the camera frame, like RT and many other channels from both sides. High quality product, but no for me. I'm using youtube and google to find videos from regular people, from different cities and places of Crimea in 9 of may. And try to understand situation without any help of West friends (mean Vice now). Kerch (Crimea) population 144 600 http://youtu.be/VbdDGIBIHc4 Sevastopol (Crimea) population 344 479 Feodosia (Crimea) population 69 786 Interesting video from Crimean Tatars Mejlis (theirs channel). Simferopol (Crimea) 9 may 2014 According to videos from Mejlis, heads and active Tatar officials was awarded by medals "For returning the Crimea". Very powerfull speech from old Tatar man. Few statements from him: - i don't like victory day; - on 18 of may we was departed from our motherland; - why we must love that day?; - the long speech about Stalin crimes; - i remember the eyes of NKVD sergeant and the barrel of a gun looking on me; - but, i wanna to say to our young generation please learn our history, please compare carefull, we see difference, we must say thank you to Moscow; - we realy hope that on 18 of may Putin and Moscow will do many things for us, real things; - all Tatars will stand on knees to Putin if he make a full rehabilitation for us. They have many videos on their channel from that day. I think they was recording each officail from Tatars Mejlis. Saki (Crimea) population 23 400 Uzun-Syrt mountain, near Cocktebel (Crimea) Village Krasnokamenka (Kizil-Tash) (Crimea) population 1192 Very small town Gurzuf (Crimea) population 9056 Evpatoria (Crimea) population 106 840
  7. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Rada should pass the law on local referendum, - Yatsenyuk. 11.04.2014 (UNIAN) http://www.unian.net/politics/906669-rada-doljna-prinyat-zakon-o-mestnom-referendume-yatsenyuk.html But i think it's too late to do anything with the law of Ukraine now. All bad things happened already. __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Slavyansk 12.05.2014 20:15 Local time. __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Another official speak in Verhovna Rada. 12.05.2014 http://youtu.be/Gy0Pg1ZJP5E P.S. Misty for both video from Verhovna Rada you can ask your wife to translate. They speak Russian on video. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (UNIAN) In the Zhitomir region two hundred soldiers fled from their units.
  8. arttem

    Ukraine General

    People in Slavyansk (local city), Donetsk (local city), Lugansk (local city) - simply terrorists by law. And that's all. And your law don't know any referendum for regions. BTW. The word regional self-government administrative-territorial units in Ukraine is using once or twice (and in point 6 too). You have only all-Ukraine referendum law. Local is aborted. Ukrainian legislation does not provide for holding regional referendum's, it was controlled by local referendum's law. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you. No need to worry. We feel our self's not so bad standing on knees. Although you've already stand up, stand up that the whole country collapsed.
  9. arttem

    Ukraine General

    No problem. I know about that. But can't do anything. Putin stay behind me and control me. Sry.
  10. arttem

    Ukraine General

    I'm speaking with the wall? I'm not interested in part of document about Crimea. Repeat it specialy for you: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0035359-14
  11. arttem

    Ukraine General

    You kidding? How RT and your archive connected? Read carefull what you read. Ofcourse it written about regional poll according to regional referendums law! It was advisory. And i'm speaking about regions Lugansk and Donetsk. To enhance your knowledges: So about that newspaper is talking. Mechanically it's a full referendum. With a ballots and votes. Which was maded under "About all-Ukrainian and local referendums." 03.07.91 N 1287-XII Law. And please show me information from my post on RT.
  12. arttem

    Ukraine General

    I don't wanna to repeat how our West friends understand the problem. Deep or not too deep. I just post some facts which is not a secret. Let's look in to Ukraine government archive. http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1286-12 THE LAW OF UKRAINE. About all-Ukrainian and local referendums. 03.07.91 N 1287-XII (supplemented to 6/11/2012 â„– 5475-VI "About all-Ukrainian and local referendums") <....To ensure democracy and direct participation citizens in the management of state and local Affairs in Ukraine, referendum can be held. The referendum is a way adoption by citizens of Ukraine by voting for laws of Ukraine, other solutions on important issues of national and of local importance...> <...Solutions, adopted by local referendum have supreme legal force the decisions of the Councils of people's deputies in the territory of which it is held...> <.... Laws, other decisions adopted by referendum, don't need any approval of the state bodies and can be cancelled or changed only in the order stipulated by the present Law. Ok. Nice law. In april of 1994 Lugansk and Donetsk region held a referendum. We have a scans of Donbas region newspaper with results. http://dosie.com.ua/uploads/posts/2014-03/1395966406_donbass-gazeta-full.jpg (114 kB) What is written in newspaper?: So, people just use that law. And what? And nothing. In 1994 there was not any mass internet. So referendum was simply ignored. Aha. Everybody forget about that little fact. But not the government of Ukraine. They remember who and how voted in 1994 at East. And they don't need any referendums, because they know the result. For that, they did simple thing: RESOLUTION from 6 March 2014 â„– 35 "On some issues relating to compliance with Ukrainian legislation and referendums" http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0035359-14 <...But today the law, which shall determine the organization and procedure for conducting a local referendum is missing, since the Law of Ukraine "On all-Ukrainian and local referendums" according to paragraph 4 of section XIII "Final provisions" of the law of Ukraine "On national referendum" on November 6, 2012 No. 5475-VI abrogated...> Bravo!!!! No law for referendum's - no problems. Everybody now terrorist and separatist. Amazing! You can invite OSCE, NATO, US, Finland as observers and referendum will be illegitimate anyhow. No law... Sry guys. P.S. Referendum in 1994 according to newspaper was advisory. Regions was trying to speak with Kiev peaceful. P.S.S. Ukrainian legislation does not provide for holding regional referendum's, it was controlled by local referendum's law.
  13. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Reasons and consequence of the reasons.
  14. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Today in Verhovna Rada. About Mariupol, Donetsk. http://youtu.be/_dRLy0d2jPM I don't have a time to translate. In few words: - TV is lying; - Government is lying; - Turchinov is lying; - We lost Crimea because of your politic; - Economic ruined (national currency, salary's, agriculture); - Two new regions can go out from Ukraine, if government will be doing things that way; - Nobody did any investigations about Maidan, Odessa etc.; - Mr. Turchinov tell us why BMP killed all family in kitchen of their house?; - Your drove us to situation when 7 million of people who live in regions which produces 30% of GDP, deny you and Ukraine; - We need to stop that bloody massacre in East; - We need a federalization to save our country; - We need to work on constitution.. Mr. Turchinov face shows something like i need to make a call. 6:04 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It's a bit scary that smdy play with events timeline as he want.
  15. arttem

    Ukraine General

    Muzichko was killed in march. Do you realize that after any events many journalist continue make articles, post photos and write investigations? No? Ok. Sorry.