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[SP] Pilgrimage

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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 1:45 AM, a2012v said:
I have buried five thousand gold coins.
Waited an hour, nobody came but the money was gone.
I feel like cheated Pinocchio at the field of miracles.
Is it possible to? How?
Remove dependence of ff (fuel fund unit)
Add dependence on captives unit
The possibility of placing bait (decoy) to bind
to interrogated captives 1, 2, times
the constant radius 1500m.


Small copy of a great adventure.
I made the following changes
You are a doctor friend of yours engineer.
The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles.
The cost of repairs,
and purchase information above.
The corpse has a UAV terminal.
Perhaps buy loot from civilians.
Civilians are more aggressive, not kill them.
Tanks and other military vehicles blocked the use of the player.
Added setting the duration of the game is SMALL, AVERAGE, MUCH, OVERMUCH, ALL.
Added arsenal of ARMA (choice of menu).
Pilgrimage.Altis ®
Pilgrimage.Stratis ®
Pilgrimage.Tanoa ®


I just saw this post, and have started the Tanoa version.  Does anyone know of any major issues with this (older) version that would adversely affect gameplay?


IMO, I think that two of the ideas shown here are excellent, and worth adding to official Pilgrimage versions in the future, if any:

  • The corpse has a UAV terminal.*
  • Perhaps buy loot from civilians.

* This idea is important, as the (dead) brother would logically have a UAV terminal to control the ______, since he went to location specifically to get the _____ that his father hid.  In 5-6 playthroughs of official pilgrimage, I have never come across a BLUFOR terminal.  If the brother doesn't have a terminal, there should be a non-random way to get hold of one, such as a special stash (location of which is given in email from brother, or a note left by brother), or ???




Edit:  I finished the Tanoa mission, and having the terminal makes for a very dynamic, wild ending with more choices to be made (assuming that the ____ is still functional and nearby)!


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On 30-6-2017 at 7:25 PM, Rydygier said:

Try instead:


_dst = 20;
_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,0.75,5,0,false,_vh];

while {((count _pos2) < 2)} do
	_dst = _dst - 1;
	if (_dst < 10) exitWith {};
	_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,0.75,5,0,false,_vh]

If still not good, perhaps try to replace both 5s with lesser value and/or increase 0.75 up to 1 (according to BIKI 1 means tolerance for 45 degrees steepness).  if still not good, try to replace 10 with lesser number (how far from nearest static object around position), but it's not recommended IMO, last resort. Best practice would be attempting to unload the camp where you can find some promising empty space in 50 meters radius. 

I have tested it and it failed the only thing that works on Tanoa also to have the camp on hills is

_dst = -1;
_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh];

while {((count _pos2) < 2)} do
	_dst = _dst - 1;
	if (_dst < 10) exitWith {};
	_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh]
_pos = _pos2;

But than after setting camp the fireplace disappears, even on flat ground i've also in checked the RYD_JR_Sherwood but cant find anything in it nor does an error show up in .rtp and whatever, this does mean you can place the camp almost every where in Tanoa with enough space but than you can't pack it any more nor heal thyself.

Also noticed that the Camo-tents can't hold any inventory ( don't know if it was meant this way but it used to be)


EDIT: Grammatical errors 

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Sorry, it didn't worked. I'll add this to my todo and have to wait, till I'll have more time to do proper debugging and testing. Tents are decorational only, no cargo space intended for them. 


Not sure about reason of disappearing, one thing you may try:


_pos = _pos2;

_pos set [2,0.01];//(or _pos set [2,0];)


To ensure, position for spawn is set on the ground, not under nor above.

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It worked and its perfect Thanx now i can set camp almost anywhere in Tanoa as long as there is some free space.

Proof of camp on a nice hiding spot:



Here is the code for when 1 of you is going to update again

_dst = -1;
_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh];

while {((count _pos2) < 2)} do
	_dst = _dst - 1;
	if (_dst < 10) exitWith {};
	_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh]
_pos set [2,0.09];



EDIT; error fix on last line in script

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On 02/07/2017 at 7:09 PM, neofit said:

Did you add an extra airfield to the northern part of the island? It feels rather crowded,


I've just had two airfields within 300m of each other in the northern part. Perhaps one of them could be removed. Still, I shouldn't have any problems with gunships for the rest of the mission. I don't think I'll be able to sneak into these bases. I've run out of AT, and there are still 2 x Marids that I can see (after I've destroyed one) plus all the static weapons and infantry.


7E29096B7FD21BE52B2213ABCF733959C43EC696 (1920×1080)

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Pilgrimage_195D_SP_BETA4.Malden  uploaded. Removed one airfield.


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1 hour ago, major-stiffy said:

Don't ya want a tough fight? :grinning:


Sure I can remove it.


I thought about it, but no. No AT, short of ammo, nothing to engage at range, no NVGs (sold at start) and it's getting dark. It was quite funny though. I could hear the gunship taking off, but I was looking at a gunship which was not moving before I realised I was looking at two airfields together. That will be why there are two sets of stronghold co-ordinates that were almost identical.


1 hour ago, major-stiffy said:


Pilgrimage_195D_SP_BETA4.Malden  uploaded. Removed one airfield.



Thanks. I think that's the sensible thing to do.Here's a sunset.


2D73AF29624F2B4FC848BD76844E081DEC406192 (1920×1080)

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Hello Mr Rydster


I am piddling with a terrain that has very little open areas. We talked about the group of vehicles that spawn in a tight group earlier in this thread. My questions are

1) How big of an area is needed?

2) can this area be adjusted to smaller or bigger?

3) Does the small 50m trigger circle work with these vehicles and if so, how?


I looked all through this thread (quickly) but I can't find it now. There was a brief discussion about a large group of vehicles that are spawned into the game at start. They spawn in near the center of the terrain in a large open area. On my new terrain I spawned in, and I started to hear a lot of explosions. I was fairly close by so I ran as fast as I could before I lost sight of the smoke and came upon a group of assorted vehicles that had blown up. There may have been about 15 or so.(see question 1)

    That is my first question if you could explain how and why that works as it does.


   Secondly, you have 4 triggers. 3 are large squares that encompass the whole map and the 4th is a smaller one in near proximity (about 50m across?) What is this smaller trigger used for? (see question 2)


I talked to the creator of the terrain in question and after our conversation I came away with a somewhat different approach. My question may answer themselves,...hopefully. Time to get to work, again!


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Em, I can't recall that previous conversation (maybe because it's really late here :) ) and I'm not sure, to what refer these questions. It is about empty vehicles spawn? And... what trigger should do what with the vehicles? Anyway, time to bed, if you give some more detailed explanation of the issue, I'll try to think tommorow. 

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On 2.7.2017 at 10:28 PM, major-stiffy said:


Yes, there is a 3 player version. Actually there is 3 player + 1 that is not playable in the group and can't be killed. He is used just to follow the group leader and command him as you wish as a backup spawn point if any players dies and doesn't have a spawn point. U can play as 2 player also just disable the 3rd player in the role assignment menu prior to starting the mission. Don't forget to set your parameters in the upper right corner also.




Edit: The AI that's is not playable can not die.


Great, thanks a lot!

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You are not in the list of the visible followers of your Trivia thread, so I guess I'll ask here.


The RYD_BT add-on doesn't seem to work anymore, not at 100% anyway. I clearly remember it used to increase all stock vehicle's inventories. Now it only works on trucks.


I've tried tracing what was going on. So far I've only seen one hierarchy working:

Car, Car_F, Truck_F, Van_01_base_F.

as well as

Car, Car_F, Truck_F, Truck_01_base_F

that I have added for some RHS vehicles.


Any other hierarchy past Car_F, like "Car_F: Quadbike_01_base_F", "Car_F:MRAP_03_base_F", etc., none of them change anything in the vehicle loadouts. Tested in the editor and within missions.


I've tried following the paths on tikka.ws, but none seem to have changed. Any ideas?

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On 7.07.2017 at 9:56 PM, pvt. partz said:

Secondly, you have 4 triggers. 3 are large squares that encompass the whole map and the 4th is a smaller one in near proximity (about 50m across?) What is this smaller trigger used for? (see question 2)


Smaller trigger is supposed to end the scenario, if every boat is destroyed or vehicle carrying the body is destroyed. Now, when I'm looking at it in Eden, I see, type is no longer set to "end"/"Lose", as should be to work that way, only some music track is set to play. Weird. Anyway, the problem, you described is indeed bound with empty vehicles spawn, which however isn't anyhow connected nor using the triggers and rather no point to try use them here. 


So how it works?


In the basic Pilgrimage heart of this logic is placed in JRInit.sqf, lines starting from "progressLoadingScreen 0.4", that is line 2100, but especially this part:


		while {not (_isGood)} do
			_pos = [(_mapC select 0) - _rds + (random (2 * _rds)),(_mapC select 1) - _rds + (random (2 * _rds))];
			if not (surfaceIsWater _pos) then
				_pos set [2,0];
				_nR = _pos nearRoads 200;
				if not ((count _nR) < 1) then
					_roadS = _nR select (floor (random (count _nR)));
					_spawnPos = [(getPosATL _roadS),8,50,15,0,2,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
					_spawnPos set [2,0];
					if ((_mapDefPos distance _spawnPos) > 1) then
						if not (isOnRoad _spawnPos) then
							_isGood = true
			_ct = _ct + 1;
			if (_ct > 50) exitWith {}


This is a loop, that does up to 50 iterations per planned vehicle in hope of finding any "isGood" position. Manipulating with values and conditions here will impact, how this position is found. So first it takes complete random position across the whole map (_pos =...). Then check, if it is on the land. If so, it looks for near roads in 200 meters radius around this _pos. If found any, It takes at random on of the found near road segments, and uses findSafePos around it to pick best spawning position, that is not on the road and it is not _mapDefPos (_mapDefPos = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition");).  DefPos is or was used by findSafePos as returned position, if nothing else was found. "Pile of burning wrecks" issue was caused by many vehicles spawned at map's default pos, because code was for them unable to find any other position. But, which is weird, there's mentioned condition in place, that should prevent spawning vehicles there. So either this doesn't work for any reason, either findSafePos finds some other position, but same for many vehicles at once. Such thing tend to happen for maps with too little open, flat areas near roads. 


One thing to do is checking, which is the case here and if the first - to determine, why it spawns at defPos despite the condition to avoid that. If the latter - some additional scripting may be added store positions already taken and black list them from any further spawns similar way, default pos is blacklisted. Like this (not tested):


_takenEVpositions = [];

	for "_i" from 1 to _x do
		_isGood = false;
		_spawnPos = [];
		_ct = 1;
		while {not (_isGood)} do
			_pos = [(_mapC select 0) - _rds + (random (2 * _rds)),(_mapC select 1) - _rds + (random (2 * _rds))];
			if not (surfaceIsWater _pos) then
				_pos set [2,0];
				_nR = _pos nearRoads 200;
				if not ((count _nR) < 1) then
					_roadS = _nR select (floor (random (count _nR)));
					_spawnPos = [(getPosATL _roadS),8,50,15,0,2,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
					_spawnPos set [2,0];
					if (((_mapDefPos distance _spawnPos) > 1) and {(({((_x distance _spawnPos) < 10)} count _takenEVpositions) < 1)}) then
						if not (isOnRoad _spawnPos) then
							_isGood = true;
							_takenEVpositions pushBack _spawnPos
			_ct = _ct + 1;
			if (_ct > 50) exitWith {}

The last thing is tweaking findSafePos parameters to make searching function less picky. 


Here's description. As you can see, in default setting function looks for positions not closer, than 8 meters and not farther than 50 from the road segment. You may want to increase 50. Then there's minimal distance from closest object - 15 meters. Quite demanding. You may try to lower this value to, say, 8 or even less with some risk, bigger vehicles may land on some bush or collide with a tree, building and such. Next is 0, which should stay, as is. Next - 2, max gradient (description explains it). 2 seems to be pretty insanely tolerant already, not sure, if further increasing will do any good, perhaps set it just to 0 to disable this condition. Last 0 stays as is. Now, the next one, which I'm not using, you may find intersting, study the description about blacklistPos. Here you can use amongst other stuff also trigger area to black list it, or marker, or location, or an array with more complex definition of the area to blacklist. 

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28 minutes ago, neofit said:

Any ideas?


In the config inheritance hierarchy best is to change value as high, as possible (less classes to alter, because then each cover more child sub classes, that inherits values from this parent class). But if at any lower level same value is for some child class defined, it will overwrite for this class your change placed higher (such child class doesn't inherit this value from its parent class, but uses own value, that will be inherited by any sub classes of this class). So it may be this. Perhaps in the meantime BI added such definitions lower in the hierarchy for many classes. If that's the case one have to investigate, how low in the hierarchy looking from the top to down for given classes this value is set last time and alter them on the same or lower level.


 Or whole trunk capacity config system was altered somehow, don't know. No chance for official update for know. 

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I have a bit of a big problem. Guns dont shoot for some reason. In SP Showcase Markman works normally. Simply stopped shooting. Its like left button is not responding to "fire". 

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As you can see, in default setting function looks for positions not closer, than 8 meters and not farther than 50 from the road segment. You may want to increase 50. Then there's minimal distance from closest object - 15 meters. Quite demanding. You may try to lower this value to, say, 8 or even less with some risk, bigger vehicles may land on some bush or collide with a tree, building and such.

...This. I'll try to fiddle with this. Your description is really helpful !

    The terrain is sort of flat, at least where CP's are concerned. The few bare spots can be a bit hilly but I have seen quite steep hills where camps have spawned on other terrains just fine so I can probably leave that alone.

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14 hours ago, Mochito35 said:


I have a bit of a big problem. Guns dont shoot for some reason. In SP Showcase Markman works normally. Simply stopped shooting. Its like left button is not responding to "fire". 



Hi. And you think, it has something to do with Pilgrimage? No idea, what this could be frankly. For me guns shoot fine in the scenario (when loaded with ammo of course... :) ), also AFAIR there's no piece of code in the Pigrimage, that possibly could cause that. No one else reported such issue either (and they certainly would...) so it is most likely something on your end. Maybe some mod anyhow altering LMB function, if that's even possible in Arma? Tried without any mods?

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3 hours ago, Rydygier said:



Hi. And you think, it has something to do with Pilgrimage? No idea, what this could be frankly. For me guns shoot fine in the scenario (when loaded with ammo of course... :) ), also AFAIR there's no piece of code in the Pigrimage, that possibly could cause that. No one else reported such issue either (and they certainly would...) so it is most likely something on your end. Maybe some mod anyhow altering LMB function, if that's even possible in Arma? Tried without any mods?


Lets jump to another problem that I totally dont understand. When I install the pilgrimage from armaholic -> 7zip/winrar file -> Arma 3 -> Missions and there put the .pbo files like I should -> I start Arma 3 without any mods -> Go to scenarios -> Pilgrimage 1.94 -> I start playing -> intro video OK -> map OK -> customizations OK -> but then the loading time just stuck in the middle and the scenario didnt loads at all. Any Idea?

+ Also I have 16 GB of ram in my PC and when its loading it rises up to the whole 16 GB which is weird because I didnt have any problems so far with Arma 3 loading so long.

Edited by Mochito35
Additional information.

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4 minutes ago, Mochito35 said:


Lets jump to another problem that I totally dont understand. When I install the pilgrimage from armaholic -> 7zip/winrar file -> Arma 3 -> Missions and there put the .pbo files like I should -> I start Arma 3 without any mods -> Go to scenarios -> Pilgrimage 1.94 -> I start playing -> intro video OK -> map OK -> customizations OK -> but then the loading time just stuck in the middle and the scenario didnt loads at all. Any Idea?

Can you share your .rpt file, that may help identify issues.

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Just now, R0adki11 said:

Can you share your .rpt file, that may help identify issues.

Will do, but how... ?

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for .rtp use windows search and insert %Appdata% than go to local arma 3

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11 minutes ago, R0adki11 said:

Can you share your .rpt file, that may help identify issues.

17:52:00 DX11 - Initializing DX11 engine.
17:52:00 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0 (detected in config).
17:52:00 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0.
17:52:00     - adapter description : AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series
17:52:00     - adapter vendor ID : 4098
17:52:00     - adapter device ID : 26544
17:52:00     - adapter subsys ID : 3810793291
17:52:00     - adapter revision  : 128
17:52:00     - dedicated video memory : 4271341568
17:52:00     - dedicated system memory : 0
17:52:00     - shared system memory : 4258809856
17:52:00 InitSound ...
17:52:00 InitSound - complete
17:52:02 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
17:52:02 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
17:52:05 SimulWeather - Cloud Renderer - noise texture file is not specified!
17:52:08 Loading movesType CfgGesturesMale
17:52:08 Creating action map cache
17:52:08 MovesType CfgGesturesMale load time 105 ms
17:52:08 Loading movesType CfgMovesMaleSdr
17:52:08 Reading cached action map data
17:52:10 MovesType CfgMovesMaleSdr load time 1799 ms
17:52:10 Starting mission:
17:52:10  Mission file: tanoa_intro1
17:52:10  Mission world: tanoa
17:52:10  Mission directory: a3\map_tanoa_scenes_f\scenes\tanoa_intro1.tanoa\
17:52:12 No more slot to add connection at 015030 (1523.6,3012.8)
17:52:23 Strange convex component70 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:52:23 Strange convex component75 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:52:23 Strange convex component76 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:52:23 Strange convex component77 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:52:23 Strange convex component78 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:52:26 Weather was forced to change
17:52:32 Loading movesType CfgMovesBird
17:52:32 Reading cached action map data
17:52:53 Starting mission:
17:52:53  Mission file: pilgrimage (__cur_sp)
17:52:53  Mission world: altis
17:52:53  Mission directory: missions\__cur_sp.altis\
17:53:00 Strange convex component202 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\d_house_small_01_v1_f.p3d:geometryView
17:53:00 Strange convex component203 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\d_house_small_01_v1_f.p3d:geometryView
17:53:00 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
17:53:00 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
17:53:00 Strange convex component65 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallh.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component06 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component18 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component30 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component31 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component32 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component42 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component43 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component44 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component46 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component58 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component64 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component76 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component98 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component100 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component132 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component145 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component149 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component151 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component167 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component198 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component244 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component304 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component310 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component337 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component353 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component378 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_monolith.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component05 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component74 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component202 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:02 Strange convex component391 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_spike.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component01 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component02 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component13 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component32 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component33 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component35 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component37 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component40 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component45 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component53 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component61 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component71 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component91 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component92 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component93 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component103 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component111 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component129 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component131 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component135 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component141 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component160 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component204 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component217 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component254 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component260 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component295 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component309 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component315 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_wallv.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component116 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_apart.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component117 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_apart.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component118 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_apart.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:04 Strange convex component119 in a3\rocks_f\sharp\sharprock_apart.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:18 Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0
17:53:19 Warning Message: Environmental sound WindMedium not found
17:53:19 Warning Message: Environmental sound WindMedium not found
17:53:19 Loading movesType CfgMovesButterfly
17:53:19 Reading cached action map data
17:53:19 MovesType CfgMovesButterfly load time 393 ms
17:53:22 Loading movesType CfgMovesRabbit_F
17:53:22 Reading cached action map data
17:53:22 Loading movesType CfgMovesSnakes_F
17:53:22 Reading cached action map data
17:53:23 Loading movesType CfgMovesFishes_F
17:53:23 Reading cached action map data
17:53:26 Starting mission:
17:53:26  Mission file: pilgrimage (__cur_sp)
17:53:26  Mission world: altis
17:53:26  Mission directory: missions\__cur_sp.altis\
17:53:26 EPE manager release (59|257|0)
17:53:26 Number of actors in scene after release: 59
17:53:26 EPE manager release (0|59|0)
17:53:29 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\ui\uimap.cpp DisplayGetReady::Destroy:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
17:53:29 EPE manager release (0|2|0)
17:53:30 Starting mission:
17:53:30  Mission file: introExp
17:53:30  Mission world: Altis
17:53:30  Mission directory: a3\map_altis_scenes_f\scenes\introExp.Altis\
17:53:32 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:32 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
17:53:34 Fresnel n must be >0, given n=0,k=10
17:53:35 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
17:53:35 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
17:53:35 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
17:53:35 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
17:53:35 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
17:53:35 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
17:53:36 Weather was forced to change
17:53:39 Starting mission:
17:53:39  Mission file: pilgrimage (__cur_sp)
17:53:39  Mission world: altis
17:53:39  Mission directory: missions\__cur_sp.altis\
17:53:42 Warning Message: Environmental sound WindMedium not found
17:53:44 Warning Message: Environmental sound WindMedium not found
17:53:52 Starting mission:
17:53:52  Mission file: pilgrimage (__cur_sp)
17:53:52  Mission world: altis
17:53:52  Mission directory: missions\__cur_sp.altis\
17:53:52 EPE manager release (32|187|0)
17:53:52 Number of actors in scene after release: 32
17:53:52 EPE manager release (0|32|0)
17:53:55 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\ui\uimap.cpp DisplayGetReady::Destroy:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
17:53:55  Mission id: ba828631cfdd47949d3f943b63935ad3109553a3
17:53:56 Loading movesType CfgMovesSharks_F
17:53:56 Creating action map cache
17:53:56 MovesType CfgMovesSharks_F load time 15 ms
17:54:00 a3\structures_f_heli\vr\helpers\sign_sphere100cm_f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
17:54:00 a3\structures_f_heli\vr\helpers\sign_sphere100cm_f.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
17:54:01 O_LSV_02_armed_F: Unarmed_Main_Turret_hide - unknown animation source turrethide
17:54:01 O_LSV_02_armed_F: Unarmed_Doors_Hide - unknown animation source doorshide
17:54:01 O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F: Unarmed_Main_Turret_hide - unknown animation source turrethide
17:54:01 O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F: Unarmed_Doors_Hide - unknown animation source doorshide
17:54:01 O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainturret
17:54:01 O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F: MainGun - unknown animation source maingun
17:54:01 B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainturret
17:54:01 B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F: MainGun - unknown animation source maingun
17:54:01 B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F: CodRiverTurret - unknown animation source codriverturret
17:54:01 B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F: CodRiverGun - unknown animation source codrivergun
17:54:02 B_LSV_01_unarmed_F: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainturret
17:54:02 B_LSV_01_unarmed_F: MainGun - unknown animation source maingun
17:54:02 B_LSV_01_unarmed_F: CodRiverTurret - unknown animation source codriverturret
17:54:02 B_LSV_01_unarmed_F: CodRiverGun - unknown animation source codrivergun
17:54:07 soldier[I_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
.... similiar sentence as the last one over and over again.

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Very game cache through Steam. And you should be using Pilgrimage_1_95_beta1 posted in the 1st post of this thread.

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6 minutes ago, major-stiffy said:




Very game cache through Steam. And you should be using Pilgrimage_1_95_beta1 posted in the 1st post of this thread.

Dude, it works. F*ck. Why the hell is the BETA one recommended more then the stable one? Jeez. Well thanks everyone for help. I will come if any other annoying problem will come up. Thanks a bunch. Gotta go play some Pilgrimage...

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Yes, lately it was a little mess with versions. Armaholic was informed through my usual channel about 1.94 hotfix release, where hotfix exactly was fixing issue, you experienced, at least for most of the players, but apparently that channel wasn't valid any longer and Armaholic was left with outdated, not working 1.94 (since certain A3 version, which broke it). So 1.94 hotfix was the newest. Second act of the drama was Steam Workshop, that simply don't allow me to update Pilgrimge entry and I was forced to add new one, called Pilgrimage 1.94. But Workshop versions aren't recommended by me anyway due to some issues with lost saved games. Meanwhile I started working on 1.95, changes was rather safe and despite beta status this version is probably best now, especially, in the meantime it appeared, 1.94 loading out of memeory crash issue was still appearing for few people for hotfix version, while it was OK for 1.95 beta, for unknown reason, I would add. And that's the act third of the drama. 


Solution to all this should be simple: to finish work on 1.95, release it everywhere as the final, offical version and that's it. Well, except coop wip that is. But as some know, for few years I have very little time for Arma projects, so 1.95 release is so far delayed for uknown time. Tadam. 

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