roshnak 41 Posted February 15, 2014 I know this is the pet peeves thread, but you guys could at least be honest and set an actually usable sensitivity for these "spinning too fast" videos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TSAndrey 1 Posted February 15, 2014 Seeing the AI just do their "ugh!" animation 4 times as you hit it 4 times and then keep running to then turn and pop you with 1 shot is getting old. Especially when you see clearly you hit them in the side with a machinegun from 40 meters away. Hope BIS ever get to grips with this. Would be nice. This, this, this, this a million times this. Don't work on anything else until you fix this! Ok, I'm overreacting, but it should be fixed ASAP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx 10 Posted February 15, 2014 Seeing the AI just do their "ugh!" animation 4 times as you hit it 4 times and then keep running to then turn and pop you with 1 shot is getting old. Especially when you see clearly you hit them in the side with a machinegun from 40 meters away. Hope BIS ever get to grips with this. Would be nice. Yes, I'm really surprised it was released with this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgtsev3n 12 Posted February 16, 2014 these bulletholes and that since arma combat operations.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foffy 58 Posted February 16, 2014 Man, I thought the shadow thing was fixed for ArmA III. This thread is a reminder that it hasn't. :P My peeves really are mostly solved by mods, but I would wish that they would be added into the game, and surely as options (if they seem like an option to have). I have put far more time into ArmA II than III, so if I am saying anything that has been addressed, feel free to prod me. - AI doesn't take initiative in human-controlled vehicles. What I meant by this is if you have a machine gunner in a tank that you are driving or commanding, the AI will not go out of its way to engage the enemy, even under the engage at will initiative. It's very, very frustrating to clearly visible see an enemy while driving, knowing the gunner can see him too, but the gunner is somehow asleep in the presence of human players. This has been an issue with every single game released in this engine. - Not having an option to tamper with the peripheral vision features. I wouldn't like any distracting colored circles on my screen, and this is locked entirely to difficulty. You can toggle it off to a degree, but the only way it is totally gone is if you play on the hardest setting, locking you out of toggable features and limiting your scope of difficulty tweaking. - Customizable fov when aiming. What we have right now, unless using TrackIR (I'm guessing here) is either you zoom in all of the way, none of the way, or strangely backwards. I wish I had an option that if I aim my weapon, the game will zoom in the fov between 0 (where it starts) to 100 (where it goes). I've removed zooming while holding breath to the same key as this becomes irritating to try and look a little further ahead, but only to run out of breath, gasp, and start swaying the gun. It's a poor compromise. - The action menu is legit garbage. So many factors are all placed on a singular menu, and it's been well documented with the absurdity of door opening, weapon switching, and explosive setting all tied to the same menu that it leads to a headache. You are better off, more often than not, not trying to mingle with the menu too much during firefights. That is how much of a headache it can become. - The audio engine needs to be redone. Too often voices are quiet despite being in direct contact with the other person, primarily with dialog. I often have to look at subtitles to even understand what's being said, even if it is in English, my native language. - Group AI being a chore to handle. In some instances it works okay, but in others the AI just seems absolutely lost and uncooperative with what I suggest for them to do. I should not have to reissue the same request 2 or more times to get the AI to do something, primarily during combat. The trend with many issues I find with the game is the basic framework of the game falls right apart when combat starts. Some of these could be argued as complaining about 'missing' features, but I do feel some need work. The action menu especially. Make a separate menu function like ACE does for the more complicated/dangerous things like setting up explosives. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted February 16, 2014 these bulletholes and that since arma combat operations.. With you on this one, why the details are left out in the game, they are what bake the cake. is either you zoom in all of the way, none of the way, or strangely backwards. I wish I had an option that if I aim my weapon, the game will zoom in the fov between 0 (where it starts) to 100 (where it goes). theres a addon in the list there for automatic zoom, when you go to iron sites for pistols and your primary weapon it will zoom to the max automatically. The action menu is legit garbage. So many factors are all placed on a singular menu, and it's been well documented with the absurdity of door opening, weapon switching, and explosive setting all tied to the same menu that it leads to a headache. You are better off, more often than not, not trying to mingle with the menu too much during firefights. That is how much of a headache it can become. I hear you, the action menu has become a pain for me as well, same for the new controls and trying to allocate them to how I like to play, but I found a mod that fixes all that, even organizes the controls, check it out: Keys - Enhanced Interaction System Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foffy 58 Posted February 17, 2014 theres a addon in the list there for automatic zoom, when you go to iron sites for pistols and your primary weapon it will zoom to the max automatically. I hear you, the action menu has become a pain for me as well, same for the new controls and trying to allocate them to how I like to play, but I found a mod that fixes all that, even organizes the controls, check it out: Keys - Enhanced Interaction System My man. How are you doing, friend? <3 Thanks for the information. I wouldn't have considered the first link a solution, as it's called "Lao Fei Mao Third Person". Thank you! <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HorbeySpector 164 Posted February 17, 2014 -Arma 3's 'black' color, wich isn't really 'black' more like dark grey. -The fact that the black assault back pack is way darker than any other black thing in game. -Lots of different textures in A3's .pbo's that aren't used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neodammerung 8 Posted February 18, 2014 (edited) Dat feeling I'm playing Halo 4 when I'm in vehicles Because everyone knows that military manufacturers design their optics to blind the shooter and that head casts no shadows (yes it's a sunglare and I'm trying to shoot at an ennemy) And the sea is so beautiful, it bursts through the fence I know this is the pet peeves thread, but you guys could at least be honest and set an actually usable sensitivity for these "spinning too fast" videos.It's working flawlessly in Arma 2, why is it so problematic with Arma 3 ? Edited February 18, 2014 by Neodammerung Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chops 111 Posted February 19, 2014 Shooting an enemy only alerts them to your presence, at which point they head shot you even as your own rounds slam into them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babylonjoke 22 Posted February 21, 2014 - The audio engine needs to be redone. Too often voices are quiet despite being in direct contact with the other person, primarily with dialog. I often have to look at subtitles to even understand what's being said, even if it is in English, my native language. BI & sound engine are two words that can't be putted togheter. I'm wondering if their sound engineers / programmers do feel embarassed for what disgusting sound engine they have built up. The funny thing is that they aint even changing it! Even after a thousands of complains (starting back from A2)! Most of the missing features / bugs are "still" acceptable in A3. But on that topic there are no excuses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BogatyrVoss 1 Posted February 21, 2014 The AAF uniform's gloves clip through your right hand. It makes me go insane (sometimes, the small things matter the most). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Westonsammy 1 Posted February 25, 2014 Changing fire modes with a thermal/nv scope in thermal/nv, and having the scope automatically go back to normal mode Lack of extremely stylish clothes Placing a explosive at the salt lake can be heard in Kavala Oh and people who still have not re-bound their grenade key Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xendance 3 Posted February 26, 2014 BI & sound engine are two words that can't be putted togheter. I'm wondering if their sound engineers / programmers do feel embarassed for what disgusting sound engine they have built up. The funny thing is that they aint even changing it! Even after a thousands of complains (starting back from A2)! Most of the missing features / bugs are "still" acceptable in A3. But on that topic there are no excuses. It's probably not an engineering problem, more of an managerial problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BL1P 35 Posted February 26, 2014 Not being able to find servers with 3rd off using filters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted February 26, 2014 (edited) Reading this threat just makes me realize that ArmA 3 seems to be an old turd in a new shiny box. I didn't buy ArmA 3. The main reason for it is steam, the second I believe that there are things in ArmA that will never get fixed, some are dating back 12 years now from old OFP times. Everyone who played from the beginning knows what I'm talking about. Sure a lot of improvements have been made but there are things that makes it more difficult to me to accept it. I had big hopes when ArmA 2 was released but for being honest it was disappointing for me to see the same old flaws being ported over from one game to another. ArmA 3 is no exception. Even I never played ArmA 3 I'm reading extensively in the ArmA 3 section and I see history repeating itself it's just taking a slightly different shape. I stay with ArmA CO until I get bored I ain't got no problem with that. Just my 2 cents. :D Edited February 27, 2014 by nettrucker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babylonjoke 22 Posted February 26, 2014 (edited) Reading this threat just makes me realize that ArmA 3 seems to be an old turd in a new shiny box. I didn't buy ArmA 3. The main reason for it is steam, the second I believe that there are things in ArmA that will never get fixed, some are dating back 12 years now from old OFP times. Everyone who played from the beginning knows what I'm talking about. Sure a lot of improvements have been made but there are things that makes it more difficult to me to accept it. I had big hopes when ArmA 2 was released but for being honest it was disappointing for me to see the same old flaws being ported over from one game to another. ArmA 3 is no exception. Even I never played ArmA 3 I'm reading extensively in the ArmA 3 section and I see history repeating itself it's just taking a slightly different shape. I stay with ArmA CO until I get bored I ain't got no problem with that. Just 2 cents. :D Even if you are bloody right you gotta think that if there's a remote chance of improvments it's for sure are going to happen on Arma 3 and not on Arma 2...Itself for me it's already a big step forward in terms of gameplay from A2, shame that I can't say the same for the "frustation" factor... so maybe get on the A3 train when they will lower the price... Edit: About steam, yeah. I perfectly understand your points of view. But we gotta face the truth which is that nowadays games are going to be redistribuited just with digital copies. We gotta deal with that unfortunately.. Edited February 26, 2014 by Babylonjoke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcai 1 Posted February 27, 2014 I didn't buy ArmA 3. The main reason for it is steam, Whilst I don't want to derail the thread as it's actually going surprisingly pleasantly, I never really got why people were up in arms about Steam use. It's not like its dangerous, bloatware or even high in its RAM use. It allows mod and mission sharing, dev branch updates daily, a built-in server hub and a wider market for BIS, all of which are *massive* boons to both BIS and the Arma title. The only real downside is if you take a stance against Valve's business or, as mentioned above, want to go against the grain of 'the times' and refuse to use the most popular distrubition method for PC games for some reason. I mean when I first started using it at 15 I was grudging of it, but once I got over my own unwarranted misgivings I've found its become a part of my daily life which has got me a lot more active in the gaming community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted February 27, 2014 (edited) Whilst I don't want to derail the thread as it's actually going surprisingly pleasantly, I never really got why people were up in arms about Steam use. It's not like its dangerous, bloatware or even high in its RAM use. It allows mod and mission sharing, dev branch updates daily, a built-in server hub and a wider market for BIS, all of which are *massive* boons to both BIS and the Arma title. The only real downside is if you take a stance against Valve's business or, as mentioned above, want to go against the grain of 'the times' and refuse to use the most popular distrubition method for PC games for some reason. I mean when I first started using it at 15 I was grudging of it, but once I got over my own unwarranted misgivings I've found its become a part of my daily life which has got me a lot more active in the gaming community. I didn't mean either. I would have bought ArmA 3 as I bought all previous games but Steam is not acceptable to me. Their license agreement is not acceptable to me. Reading this thread just reminded me on all game releases I witnessed so far. Nothing has changed apart from it's shape. Therefore I used the expression "old turd in a new shiny box". All I ever wished was that the long standing flaws would be solved one day. I gave up hope. Sorry for derailing I leave you guys discussing your ArmA 3 pet peeves and enjoy your game. cheers :) Edit: Hello Babylonjoke About steam, yeah. I perfectly understand your points of view. But we gotta face the truth which is that nowadays games are going to be redistribuited just with digital copies. We gotta deal with that unfortunately.. I have some 30 digital games, they are all no Steam. Edited February 28, 2014 by nettrucker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dav 22 Posted February 28, 2014 I dont like the way the zoom function is implemented when switching in and out of third person mode, the gun sights only stay zoomed in when the secondary optics mode is selected. It is really painful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chops 111 Posted March 1, 2014 Well said nettrucker. I bought Arma, wasn't that impressed but held out hope for patches, then along came Arma II (instead of repairing Arma), so I just went back to good old OFP. For a game that's been around in different iterations now for 12 years, it's annoying to suffer through the same bugs and limitations. In some ways Arma III has gone backwards past OFP. The ragdoll effect is nice when soldiers are killed outright, but I'd prefer a set range of animations for wounding than the awful twitching that goes on when you shoot ememies. It looks terrible. Also the mid-range terrain textures are basically the same as OFP, but the overall effect is worse as soldiers sink/clip into the ground as BIS's way of pretending they're partly concealed. And then there's the crappy vehicle damage model, the damn action menu, the poor optimisation... But I'm still here :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sneakson 1 Posted March 2, 2014 Whilst I don't want to derail the thread as it's actually going surprisingly pleasantly, I never really got why people were up in arms about Steam use. It's not like its dangerous, bloatware or even high in its RAM use. It allows mod and mission sharing, dev branch updates daily, a built-in server hub and a wider market for BIS, all of which are *massive* boons to both BIS and the Arma title. The only real downside is if you take a stance against Valve's business or, as mentioned above, want to go against the grain of 'the times' and refuse to use the most popular distrubition method for PC games for some reason. I mean when I first started using it at 15 I was grudging of it, but once I got over my own unwarranted misgivings I've found its become a part of my daily life which has got me a lot more active in the gaming community. Steam is a DRM service. At best it makes people pay for all sorts of junk they will never play or would otherwise download for free. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcai 1 Posted March 2, 2014 Steam is a DRM service. At best it makes people pay for all sorts of junk they will never play or would otherwise download for free. If I may correct your "at best": -At best it sits there tempting someone to buy content that someone took time and money to develop, which supports the industry whilst also clamping down on piracy in one convenient marketplace. -At worst it's a vehicle to prod weak willed people to pay for all sorts of junk they will never play. It doesn't force anyone to do anything, it's not mind control, nor is itthe sole vehicle for DLC and microtransactions- far from it. On top of this, I hardly see how getting people paying for content whilst also advertising to the target audience of gamers is a bad thing, especially when many comapnies -including BIS- still release free patches and DLC through the service. Of course, we clearly have differing opinions that likely won't change via a quick back-and-forth on a forum, ce la vie. I've used steam for years and, as I've mentioned above, I've not got a bad word to say about it. It introduced me to Arma in the first place as well as many other games I'd never have even heard of which turned into some of my favourites (Arma being a pretty key example), it patches my games, it has regular sales, has a chat service which allows me to invite players. Generally, it does a lot more for positive for me personally than maybe £2 I spend on DLC I forget about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dnk 13 Posted March 2, 2014 Steam means I can't lose a game. It also is a very nice and easy service for keeping games up to date and maintaining data file integrity (which I can f with on occasion, and it helps being able to one-click fix an installation whereas before it was a full uninstall/reininstall hassle). I don't love it, but I use it for most everything now, and just accept the online requirements as they come since it doesn't cause me issues 99% of the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sneakson 1 Posted March 2, 2014 If I may correct your "at best": -At best it sits there tempting someone to buy content that someone took time and money to develop, which supports the industry whilst also clamping down on piracy in one convenient marketplace. -At worst it's a vehicle to prod weak willed people to pay for all sorts of junk they will never play. It doesn't force anyone to do anything, it's not mind control, nor is itthe sole vehicle for DLC and microtransactions- far from it. On top of this, I hardly see how getting people paying for content whilst also advertising to the target audience of gamers is a bad thing, especially when many comapnies -including BIS- still release free patches and DLC through the service. Of course, we clearly have differing opinions that likely won't change via a quick back-and-forth on a forum, ce la vie. I've used steam for years and, as I've mentioned above, I've not got a bad word to say about it. It introduced me to Arma in the first place as well as many other games I'd never have even heard of which turned into some of my favourites (Arma being a pretty key example), it patches my games, it has regular sales, has a chat service which allows me to invite players. Generally, it does a lot more for positive for me personally than maybe £2 I spend on DLC I forget about. "Doesn't mind control" - except that’s by definition what they do. Steam has all sorts of achievements, statistics tracking and trading cards (what the hell!) designed to keep players using their service while bombarding them with sales, check this article out and you may share my cynicism: Steams sneaky attempts at worsening the consumer conditions and creating a market where none is needed isn’t what I dislike the most about Steam though. What’s worse is that for the last 10 years you’ve been able to walk into a store, buy a physical game and unless you download Steam, install Steam, start Steam, make a Steam account, log-in to Steam, memorize your Steam account details, update Steam, click through the mess of Steam windows that you need to in order to start something and then have Steam on in the background at all times while maintaining an internet connection* there is absolutely nothing you can do with the physical game you just bought. * There’s an offline mode… which you have to be online to activate. Back when Steam started it was the optional service where we wouldn’t need our CD/DVDs anymore and could download our games if we wanted. Cool, however since then they have taken a monopoly on computer gaming and today WE NEED the service to play. Travel back 20 years in time and ask any consumer if they would want to need an extra service to even be able to play their games and what would their answer be? That’s the sort of questions that consumers should be asking themselves. Why do I need Steam? If I could suddenly start ARMA3 completely without needing any Steam, what would I have lost? Nearly nothing, while I would have gained all sorts of convenience. Being able to download games again if you throw away the CD and automatic updates are about the only conveniences with Steam, I think. On a different topic: my biggest pet-peeve of ARMA3 is how damn slow and inaccurate the AI is with missile launchers. I always end up shooting the missile specialists on my team and taking their launchers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites