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Flying bodies Physics Mod

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this mod is awesome and has enormous potential! tyl3r99, In reguards to the larger explosions. Most living beings are made of a large amount of fluid. These bodies of fluid and bone, do not catch air and fly when a ultra fast and ultra strong shock wave pass over them. They SPLAT. Thanks OS for posting this up. I just played a quickie where in: I was sourrounded. In a building in Sofia (NE sector of Altis). I had just ran in after taking cover from enemy fire. Opfor was close, Within 5-10m. They were stacked up and about to breech(not exaggerating). A blackfoot places a few well placed rounds around the building... it was very loud and intense for about 5-8 seconds. Everything quieted down. I waited and looked outside, and all i saw were guns laying around. no bodies. just guns.. about 6 of them. :)


Edited by Lordprimate

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is there anyway of toning down the amount of force they fly away at? if it was halfed it would be quite realistic ;)

Actually I did, and it's a success ! not too much fly from explosion and the bodies react to gunfire ! :)

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Actually I did, and it's a success ! not too much fly from explosion and the bodies react to gunfire ! :)

How? I cant unpbo the file.

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How? I cant unpbo the file.

unpacking a mod without permission should not be done, please ask for permission.

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unpacking a mod without permission should not be done, please ask for permission.

OS said it would be fine to make any changes as he won't be working any longer on it.

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unpacking a mod without permission should not be done, please ask for permission.
Feel free to make any changes you like as i will no longer be working on it. Have fun :D

:D 5char

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That video would have been better in the daytime :)

There is a daylight demo at the end. It was actually quite light ingame but Vegas rendered it quite dark. At least I know how to fix that now :)

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ok back to topic - what values need to be changed to lower the force of throwing bodies, and at the same time enabling bullet impact affect and enable ragdols?

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The bullets already impact ragdolls, only with current settings it is way too much.

What I did is to half some settings as suggested by tyl3r99 :)

class PhysXParams {

epeImpulseDamageCoef = 1500.0;

impulseForceRagdollCoef = 7;

impulseTorqueRagdollCoef = 1;

maxRagdollImpulseForceMagnitude = 2500;

maxRagdollImpulseTorqueMagnitude = 200;

ragdollUnderwaterBuoyancyCoef = 9.7;

ragdollUnderwaterResistanceCoef = 0.005;

ragdollOnCollideSpeedLimit = "2500.0f";

ragdollOnCollideMassLimit = "0.0f";

ragdollOnCollideForceCoef = "20.0f";

ragdollOnCollideMaxForce = "25.0f";

ragdollOnCollideMaxOffset = "2.0f";

ragdollOnCollideMaxOffsetSpeed = "50.0f";

ragdollOnCollideVehicleImpulseCoef = "0.5f";

ragdollUnconsciousSleepCoef = "0f";

ragdollHitTime = "10f";

ragdollHitForceCoef = "800.0f";

ragdollHitDmgLimit = "10000f";

ragdollVehicleCollision = 1;


And the tool, cpbo


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I'm pretty sure OS did, back in the first post and in post #20.

nsnipe, what are you using to unpbo? I've been using Eliteness lately, and it works fine.

My apologies i didn't see this post.

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The bullets already impact ragdolls, only with current settings it is way too much.

What I did is to half some settings as suggested by tyl3r99 :)

And the tool, cpbo


can you upload a video so we can see if it needs lower values or higher :)

we can all work on this together and 1 person can do the editing ;)

its another community project :P

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What can I do is to upload the pbo for you to play with, with Optical Snare blessing and utmost respect of his work :)

But I recommend to take simple step to learn editing, because every taste are in the nature, and my settings can not please everyone.

I would like to know how to set up a userconfig, if someone could do that, it would be very nice...

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The impulse is also connected with the hit amount in the CfgAmmo class. And as that is a bit bonked, it sometimes makes the physics a bit strange ive found. What woulda been good is if there was a impulse setting in the actual ammo class.

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Wow! Nice! Thanks to you both, Opticalsnare and NikoTeen! Just downloaded and eager to try :)

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The mod itself is funny but I'm kinda disappointed because it mess with the 'soldier protection' simulation.

The rare time a bot survive a bullet wound to the knee it is as if he had received no impact, therefore there is no protection simulation at all.

I'm not sure if the mod is fully compatible with Refined Vehicles but it looked like bodies were flying further while using both mods.

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As promised, guys :


Edit : Link updated with new settings

It says it has reached its download limit. Any other option for DL this? Thanks! You guys are awesome

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It says it has reached its download limit. Any other option for DL this? Thanks! You guys are awesome

Mediafire Link


Edit :

Armaholic Mirror

Thanks Foxhound :)

Edited by NikoTeen

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why is it so hard to just have proper ragdoll physx when it comes to explosions! The new version is nice thanks for that! Might need to be tweaked lower. right now even a grenade with make the AI go flying lol.

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right now even a grenade with make the AI go flying lol.

Haha.. That is the actual title of the mod :cool:

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Haha.. That is the actual title of the mod :cool:

haha true but I would love to see this mod get close to proper flying bodies is all :) Im going to mess with the current settings and see what i can come up with.

Anyone care to explain the values a bit more?

Edited by TG_bigboss

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