Dedmen 2727 Posted October 10, 2016 Hey guys, I posted my question a month or so ago but, I'd like to know if anyone has knowledge on how the Terrain Interception Coefficient in the Enforce Usage module works exactly? Also, is it possible to have a LR radio with zero terrain interference or have one that is pretty much limitless on distance? Example would be for Command to reach their guys out in the battle with clarity even if those guys are more than 40KM out. Anyone's help/input would be very much appreciated :) you can use player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator",2.0]; to give him twice the normal receiving distance. or even higher numbers. I don't really understand the terrain interception coefficient so i can't really tell you much about that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted October 11, 2016 If I can chip in here, if my unit needs extra long range or clearer comms between units you can- A) Climb a really big hill and yell louder than normal, B ) get a longer range radio pack/ longer antennas or C) Set up a satcom antenna ( with this mod, as doubles the range of a nearby radio if you place it and then stand next to it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EllaElectro 15 Posted October 11, 2016 Can we expect a feature which prevents other players to transmit on frequency A while another one is already transmitting on it? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted October 11, 2016 Can we expect a feature which prevents other players to transmit on frequency A while another one is already transmitting on it? Im pretty sure the feature is more the fact that u can talk on the same frequency at the same time, because this was not possible in earlier versions of the mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted October 12, 2016 Can we expect a feature which prevents other players to transmit on frequency A while another one is already transmitting on it? Im pretty sure the feature is more the fact that u can talk on the same frequency at the same time, because this was not possible in earlier versions of the mod. 1.0 Adds the possibility to disable Full-Duplex mode and use Half-Duplex only instead. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcarma 19 Posted October 12, 2016 I installed this radio and only the SW radio works, the LW radio does not show. Any ideas what could be wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoyodef 12 Posted October 12, 2016 Hello, Good work on the mod been using it for quite a while now ! Is there a intercom function for vehicle's crew to talk without to have to push-and-talk ? And while I'm at asking things, does anyone know if there is a script to jam TFAR radio ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EllaElectro 15 Posted October 12, 2016 1.0 Adds the possibility to disable Full-Duplex mode and use Half-Duplex only instead. Will this be implemented in the main mod or will it be available seperatly? Thank you for your work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon_chilD 200 Posted October 12, 2016 Hey guys, I have a question. With 1.0 being worked on atm, are there any plans to make enemy AI react to talking? That's still something I'm really missing! :3Many GreetingsMoony 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted October 13, 2016 Will this be implemented in the main mod or will it be available seperatly? Thank you for your work! It already is Implemented in the main Mod version 1.0. But I don't know when the 1.0 release will be. Hello, Good work on the mod been using it for quite a while now ! Is there a intercom function for vehicle's crew to talk without to have to push-and-talk ? And while I'm at asking things, does anyone know if there is a script to jam TFAR radio ? Intercom is highly requested and planned for an upcoming release. But I am not sure if it will make it into 1.0. You could change the radio range via script which is effectively jamming if you set the range to 0. player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator",0.0]; Sets the effective receiving distance to 0. Meaning player can't receive anything. Not sure about sending. You could also change the players encryption code that way nobody will hear him when transmitting. Join discord for more help. Hey guys, I have a question. With 1.0 being worked on atm, are there any plans to make enemy AI react to talking? That's still something I'm really missing! :3 Many Greetings Moony There are plans to implement this post 1.0. You can check progress here I installed this radio and only the SW radio works, the LW radio does not show. Any ideas what could be wrong? Please join our discord at to get live support ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted October 13, 2016 effn stoke that this mod is gettin some development love again. we have got a minor issue, hoping it can be resolved. A few versions back we would be able to talk on LR, stop talking and then immediately switch to SW and talk. Now we must wait 3 seconds to switch between radios otherwise the TFR dialog in bottom right sais we are transmitting on SW but the voice is acutaly transmitting on LR still. Very frustrating, any ideas? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twakkie 57 Posted October 13, 2016 Same, very glad to see you guys are back! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted October 13, 2016 effn stoke that this mod is gettin some development love again. we have got a minor issue, hoping it can be resolved. A few versions back we would be able to talk on LR, stop talking and then immediately switch to SW and talk. Now we must wait 3 seconds to switch between radios otherwise the TFR dialog in bottom right sais we are transmitting on SW but the voice is acutaly transmitting on LR still. Very frustrating, any ideas? Can you define "A few versions back" in more detail? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alwarren 2767 Posted October 14, 2016 Can you define "A few versions back" in more detail? I have a similar problem, at least up to 0.9.10. If I use certain keybindings for radios that do not contain qualifier keys, then I get something like this: Press SW key -> Normal short range radio talk Release SW key Press LR key -> Beep and everything sounds like LR, but the transmission goes to the local channel Release LR key Press LR key -> Correctly goes to the long range channel I have no idea how to reproduce this problem, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I think it depends on what kind of keybinding you are using. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted October 14, 2016 Can you define "A few versions back" in more detail? Sorry for being vague, but it was during the version that did not change for about a year, which raises the point that i dont think it was a version change that instigated the problem. I remember being forced to set the SW additional channel because of a specific mission setup, and it probably sounds wierd but after i did that i started noticing some strange behaviour like what i posted before. I got rid of the additional channel key but the problem persisted. Maybe it was an arma patch that changed things? BTW while youre taking requests, the only thing ACRE does better than TFR is let you hear players talking in the 3d space when you are spectating them. any plans for that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twakkie 57 Posted October 14, 2016 I can also attest to this specific bug. Like Azza, we use additional channels and switching too fast between these two channels has caused it. Not game breaking by any means, we are just now more attend on waiting a couple of seconds before barking orders :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted October 14, 2016 My workaround to this problem is that I push the transmit button twice everytime. People hear me coming. :D But I suppose it's around since at least 0.9.7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serjames 357 Posted October 14, 2016 Hi :-) I've noticed that all our pre-configured radio frequencies have been broken with the last TFAR update. Currently our code in the Init looks like: // Task Force Radio Settings #include "\task_force_radio\functions\common.sqf"; _settingsSwWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateSwSettings; _settingsSwWest set [2, ["31.1","31.2","31.3","32.1","32.2","32.3","33.1","33.2"]]; tf_freq_west = _settingsSwWest; _settingsLrWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateLrSettings; _settingsLrWest set [2, ["31","32","33","40","50","51"]]; tf_freq_west_lr = _settingsLrWest; Could anyone kindly tell me what it should be now with the new version ? Cheers SJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lecter 66 Posted October 14, 2016 I followed instructions for installing this mod, yet I dont have radio on/off effect sound when pressing Caps Lock. It says Transmitting alright, but I dont have those radio sounds despite having plugins copied into my TS. I tried Steam Workshop version of the mod as well, but it doesnt produce those sounds either. What could be the problem? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted October 14, 2016 I have a similar problem, at least up to 0.9.10. If I use certain keybindings for radios that do not contain qualifier keys, then I get something like this: Press SW key -> Normal short range radio talk Release SW key Press LR key -> Beep and everything sounds like LR, but the transmission goes to the local channel Release LR key Press LR key -> Correctly goes to the long range channel I have no idea how to reproduce this problem, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I think it depends on what kind of keybinding you are using. That is a known problem when using keys without modifiers for LR radios. Someone already made a supposed solution for that but it brought other problems that made that fix not that good. We are definitely aiming to fix that. Our keyHandling functions all end with "hack" so you can imagine how wonky our implementation is. Sorry for being vague, but it was during the version that did not change for about a year, which raises the point that i dont think it was a version change that instigated the problem. I remember being forced to set the SW additional channel because of a specific mission setup, and it probably sounds wierd but after i did that i started noticing some strange behaviour like what i posted before. I got rid of the additional channel key but the problem persisted. Maybe it was an arma patch that changed things? BTW while youre taking requests, the only thing ACRE does better than TFR is let you hear players talking in the 3d space when you are spectating them. any plans for that? Fixing spectator is planned. We just got a request from another player two days ago about that. For progress check I followed instructions for installing this mod, yet I dont have radio on/off effect sound when pressing Caps Lock. It says Transmitting alright, but I dont have those radio sounds despite having plugins copied into my TS. I tried Steam Workshop version of the mod as well, but it doesnt produce those sounds either. What could be the problem? Thanks. Its not enough to copy the plugins you also have to copy the radio-sounds folder. If you are using the workshop version just run the plugin installer and it should handle everything. Hi :-) I've noticed that all our pre-configured radio frequencies have been broken with the last TFAR update. Currently our code in the Init looks like: // Task Force Radio Settings#include "\task_force_radio\functions\common.sqf"; _settingsSwWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateSwSettings; _settingsSwWest set [2, ["31.1","31.2","31.3","32.1","32.2","32.3","33.1","33.2"]]; tf_freq_west = _settingsSwWest; _settingsLrWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateLrSettings; _settingsLrWest set [2, ["31","32","33","40","50","51"]]; tf_freq_west_lr = _settingsLrWest; Could anyone kindly tell me what it should be now with the new version ? Cheers SJ tf_freq_west_lr are only generated when the serverSide variable doesn't exist. Meaning if you code runs client-side only, the server will overwrite your setting. So as long as you place it in init.sqf instead of initPlayerLocal.sqf it should be fine. Also dont use "#include" there. That will break your mission when 1.0 comes out. Use "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" which will error out on 1.0 but not kill your arma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serjames 357 Posted October 14, 2016 tf_freq_west_lr are only generated when the serverSide variable doesn't exist. Meaning if you code runs client-side only, the server will overwrite your setting. So as long as you place it in init.sqf instead of initPlayerLocal.sqf it should be fine. Also dont use "#include" there. That will break your mission when 1.0 comes out. Use "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" which will error out on 1.0 but not kill your arma. Hi Dedmen, sorry just to be clear that code is already in the init.sqf... ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted October 15, 2016 Hi Dedmen, sorry just to be clear that code is already in the init.sqf... ? Okey good to know. We already have a report about that here But that guy didn't reply. Would be nice if you could join our Discord and provide a test mission for us so we can reproduce the Problem. It's already on my todo list for the next few days but you could make my work easier ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serjames 357 Posted October 15, 2016 The mission is complex with over 40 mods. Not something you want to be testing with. I will try and port it to something more simple. Bear with me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sputnik monroe 102 Posted October 17, 2016 I am making a mission where I don't want the squad leader to have a long range radio. You use to be able to put "tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true;" in your mission init file to prevent the squad leaders having their backpack replaced and spawned with a LR radio. However it doesn't seem to work anymore. Has it changed, am I doing anything wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2727 Posted October 17, 2016 I am making a mission where I don't want the squad leader to have a long range radio. You use to be able to put "tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true;" in your mission init file to prevent the squad leaders having their backpack replaced and spawned with a LR radio. However it doesn't seem to work anymore. Has it changed, am I doing anything wrong? We didn't change anything on that variable. It only moved to CBA Settings which is set before init.sqf but can be overwritten in init.sqf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites