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[SP/MP][COOP] Patrol Operations - Official Thread

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Looking forward to this long awaited release

Thanks for the continued efforts Roy

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I hope to be released and a version for Stratis :bounce3:

what he said! And for Altis!

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How do I make is so any one can use vehicles?

This is one thing I'm hoping gets implmented in PO 4. My group is often both too small and also not milspergy enough to want to stick to defined roles so we ended up customizing the mission for ourselves to get rid of the vehicle and weapon restrictions. A simple option to turn that off and at the same time make the squads 50/50 Engi and Medic with a UAV operator or two tossed in would rule.

Also, adding the Virtual Arsenal and Zeus really spices things up.

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This is one thing I'm hoping gets implmented in PO 4. My group is often both too small and also not milspergy enough to want to stick to defined roles so we ended up customizing the mission for ourselves to get rid of the vehicle and weapon restrictions. A simple option to turn that off and at the same time make the squads 50/50 Engi and Medic with a UAV operator or two tossed in would rule.

Also, adding the Virtual Arsenal and Zeus really spices things up.

I done some digging through the file found a work around. Edit the initialization section each player and add [this] call PO3_fnc_setAsPilot;[this] call PO3_fnc_setAsCrewman;. It will allow any to get in any vehicle.

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Hey I've been looking forward to Patrol Ops 4 for a while hope it gets released soon.

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Hey I've been looking forward to Patrol Ops 4 for a while hope it gets released soon.

me to :D

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This is one thing I'm hoping gets implmented in PO 4. My group is often both too small and also not milspergy enough to want to stick to defined roles so we ended up customizing the mission for ourselves to get rid of the vehicle and weapon restrictions. A simple option to turn that off and at the same time make the squads 50/50 Engi and Medic with a UAV operator or two tossed in would rule.

Also, adding the Virtual Arsenal and Zeus really spices things up.

Hi EvilJoven,

Vehicle Restrictions will be a mission param (Default:Off) and injury/repair are outsourced to scripts to get around the use of specialised units.

Custom version of Virtual Arsenal (aka. Armoury) will be included and Zeus + Headless Client are also included.

There are also a few perks around how groups are managed. I'll tease at a later date.

Hey I've been looking forward to Patrol Ops 4 for a while hope it gets released soon.

Soon is relative. My "soon" is sometime soon :p

We've being testing the alpha, it is going really well and I'm revising some aspects to ensure good performance and experience.


Edited by roy86

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Hi EvilJoven,

Vehicle Restrictions will be a mission param (Default:Off) and injury/repair are outsourced to scripts to get around the use of specialised units.

Custom version of Virtual Arsenal (aka. Armoury) will be included and Zeus + Headless Client are also included.

There are also a few perks around how groups are managed. I'll tease at a later date.

Soon is relative. My "soon" is sometime soon :p

We've being testing the alpha, it is going really well and I'm revising some aspects to ensure good performance and experience.


sounds good op3 is still nice to play cant wait for op4 and see what you guys came up with

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So pumped, ACE3 announced.

What was interesting was the wounding system featured in the teaser is visually similar to the new simple injury system in patrol ops 4. Main difference is PO4 is just click on body part to heal, no bandages etc... so I'll build support for ACE3 to give options around which system to use.

Edited by roy86

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Trying to get this to run as a default mission on a dedicated server at the moment but I'm completely unfamiliar with that process. Could someone check this code and tell me what's wrong?

From the server.cfg

// MISSIONS CYCLE (Remove // below this line to make active)

class Missions


class cox_patrol-ops-3-01-nato






Do I need to plug in the slot number in the actual map name like co20_patrol-ops-3-01-nato.altis? Not sure what I'm missing.

Edited by DrBo42

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the Name in the


should be the same name, as the PBO in the MPMissions directory without the PBO suffix

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I have a little probleme with the Patrol Ops 3.1 NATO.

All works good but i have a lag then IA spawn on the map, i think this is the about embush task.


I take a little bird and i go to the main task and on MCC i can see IA spawn on my way and that make lag.

I want to know if i can fix this probleme ? if yes How ?


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Sure is, currently in Alpha, almost complete (~90%), just focused on optimising, balancing and tweaking.

Moving soon to Beta and will be contacting those communities who have asked to be apart of that.

Final release once I'm happy with it.

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Sounds good! Looking forward to try it when it is released :)

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Good news indeed. roy86 are you taking applications for communities to help support the beta or hand picking them yourself?

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Good news indeed. roy86 are you taking applications for communities to help support the beta or hand picking them yourself?

Expressions of interest at this point. I'll go through the list for testing when PO4 goes to beta.

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Hi guys,

Roy, just want to say thanks for all your hard work - I'm enjoying Patrol Ops with a few friends online most evenings which is ace.

We want to actually remove the no fire safe zone, as it's only friends on my server anyway and I would like to include an outdoor armoury and range etc?

If you could provide any guidance it'd be much appreciated!


EDIT: Sorry just to confirm I'm only asking how to remove the no fire safety within the base. As I want to include a test range to an armoury within the base.

Edited by fivezerothree

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We want to actually remove the no fire safe zone, as it's only friends on my server anyway and I would like to include an outdoor armoury and range etc?

Hi FiveZeroThree,

Thanks for the positive feedback. To remove the Base Protection event handler, you'll find the executing code in fnc\eventhandlers\fn_setFiredEH.sqf (just delete the contents of the file)

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