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What MP game-mode do you play the most?

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Simple question, what mission do you look for when searching for a server?

Edited by JamieG

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Only CTF,DM/TDM and C&H

But ArmA now it's only Wasteland, DayZ, Life and other sh...t

Where ECL, CCL, AL, TNT, APL League? like good old times

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When searching for a server I look at difficulty settings.

Atm though the browser is not fully functional and difficulty settings are not true to what you get.

That being said I would look for a server not running any settings detrimental to immersive game play,I would want, no 3rd - no map showing enemy's - no shift click etcetc.

Then I would look for CTI or Domi or a Coop. If we had MSO or Patrol Ops I would be looking for them :)

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If BI would create some good multiplayer p vs p gametypes..with good solid coding it would sure be a plus for the game and generate a lot more enthusiasm. As it is we are luck if the user create missions are coded well enough to be playable..and they always seem to be works in progress.

Couple this with the poor multiplayer performance of the initial release and the demands of a map the size of Altis and there isn't a lot thats playable yet.

Lets not for get the new multiplayer multiboot/crashes that infect the game since the last patch.

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Team made coop-mission designed to match our specific realism approach.

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I'm pretty new to A3, but so far I like King of the Hill servers the best. I don't really like the player vs. bot servers. Wastelands seems pretty fun when you have a team.

I got the game one day prior to the patch that causes the physx crash so I don't have a lot of experience with the other game types.

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I like Domination when I have multiple people, but insurgency when its just me and someone else

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how many of you would like to see a "Crash and retrieval" game mode? I'm working on something that's involve UFOs, Aliens and hazmat suit. pvp.

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I mostly look for King of Hill and Life, so me and a friend of mine can play tactically together.

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Warfare, warfront 2035 c&h, killzone sector control, DTAS... and I always like to simply throw down some units in the editor for a quick coop / sp scenario.

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DM only so far... waiting on fixes so that AI won't be ultra accurate and deadly in coop. So far we're stopped playing coop (our fav) altogether and returned to A2 to enjoy that.

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While difficulty settings are (I suppose still) bugged for AI precision, you can still set AI precision and other skills with a script, which achieves the same.

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I personally like Command and Control it's a TvT sector control with a XP/rank system.

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Simple question, what mission do you look for when searching for a server?

PvP, TvT.

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CTF, DM, and very small amount of coop at the end of the evening.

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Im buying Arma3 today, I used to play a lot of Arma1 online...do they still do those large scale co-op maps where you have to take out towns and radio towers to stop the enemy from re-enforcing? (Cant remember what its called)

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Im buying Arma3 today, I used to play a lot of Arma1 online...do they still do those large scale co-op maps where you have to take out towns and radio towers to stop the enemy from re-enforcing? (Cant remember what its called)

Yes Domi still exists, theres also the similar Invade and Annex

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